

The car ride to school was quiet and yet wonderful. Martin's car was a beautiful Jeep Cherokee 1997 clean, tuned, and roared to life when he turned it on. I didn't have many cloths from last night, Martin had washed my jeans and I wore one of his shirts and sweater both way to big for me, but the comfortable kind of fit. The whole car ride he held my hand, the embrace was soft and warm, his hand was bigger then mine making me feel small. But I couldn't help but think his hand wasn't Rowan's, course and rough from labor or training, when we briefly touched.


"Hmm?" Lifting my head to Martin I hadn't notice I had zoned out looking at our hands. His bright eyes full of icy worry contained by his glasses, we had stopped moving and the cars engine was off, so I quickly glanced around and saw we were now at school.

"Dallas? If you don't want me to hold your hand it's ok" he leaned forward his other hand touched my cheek softly.

I leaned into it smiling, he was so sweet and genital, it tingles where he touched me. Was this what having a mate was suppose to be like? I couldn't help but wonder if I had been with my true mate would it have been like this. "No," I mumbled closing my eyes as I nuzzled his hand with my cheek, "I like the warmth of you hand, and the comfort it brings." When I slowly opened my eyes Martin's face was now inches from mine, his glasses slipped down his nose a bit exposing his beautiful clear blue eyes. I felt my cheeks redden as I smiled while he leaned forward kissing my nose which took me by surprise.

"I don't want to push you." He explained as I watched him a bit confused. He was so sweet....his true mate would be lucky to have him. Thinking about it made my chest hurt a bit, which Martin felt himself because he looked down on me a little sad. "Dont think things like that ok." Lifting his hand with mine, he kissed the back of my palm lovingly. Before letting go to get out of the car. I sat thinking for a brief moment, things would be different...I had a "mate" so to say. I bet it would be nothing like this if I was with Rowan.

Just then Martin opened up the door for me as I stepped out, he was being a total gentleman. He had my bag in hand, while his was over his shoulder. Turning to face the school, first thing I noticed was Johnny running full speed at us, he had a slight panic look.

"What did you do!!?!" Johnny rushed breathing deeply as he stopped just in front of me. I gave him my best confused look as he shock his head. He breath deeply once more, a bit dramatic if I may add, before he spoke again. I notice the presence next to me as his arm snaked it's way around my waist.

"Jackie saw you!" He pointed his finger at me, just as his face turned from concern to shock then defeat. He quickly turned to Martin and poked his chest, quickly turning the subject around leaving me confused. What did he mean Jackie saw? Saw what?

"You! She isn't yours! You mister, have a death wish, this is no way to-."

Martin glared at Johnny before taking a step forward almost as if challenging him. "Do you know what she looked like when I found her? We could have lost her, I could have lost her!" His voice now raised as Johnny stood his ground looking defiant. "He left her broken! And she would have died!" Martins voice started to rise. I tugged Martin's arm a tad to pull him back a bit, people were starting to turn their head in our direction.

"She isn't yours Martin! Plus Jackie saw everything! She left Rowan because she didn't want to stand in their way. You need to step back and do the same."

"He left her broken, she was slipping!"

"And I'm not defending hi-" Johnny was cut off by Martin as he got in his face, angry courses through every fiber of his body as he shook trying to keep his composure.

"It sure as hell seems like it!"

Johnny was now red in the face he took a step forward trying to make himself as intimidating as possible. "You Listen here, you want me as your right hand man to help you make decisions-"

"I don't need your help when it comes to this I know what I'm doing, and what I want and I want her." Martin stood in front of me almost blocking me from view of Johnny. But not only were they arguing in a parking lot but now we had started to gather a crowd.

"But does she want you!"

It fell silent for a moment as a different voice popped into the conversation. This voice would have had me weak kneed before, now it had no effect on me. His scent was strong but not over powering as it had once been. It was almost relieving that everything about him no longer crippled me like it once had.

Rowan walked into the circle of now gathered people around us. He wore nothing but a black shirt, jeans and Nike's, his arms crossed over his chest as his muscles bulged under his fair olive skin.

Martin had now turned and faced Rowan, they both were the same height, yet each built different, Rowan was all muscle and Martin was toned. Martin smiled smugly draping his arm over my shoulder pulling me close to his side. "What does it matter to you? She's no longer your Mate."

Rowan snorted and shook his head, "She will always be mine no matter what you do to her," he was no longer looking at Martin but at me, his eyes piercing almost as if they were looking down at the deepest parts of myself. "She will always belong to me." He spoke those words softly like a prayer, and on que my legs felt like jello. His words making me feel weak as a small pressure built in my stomach.

Martin must have felt it through the bond because he quickly moved his arm from my shoulders to my waist to hold me steady. This whole time my eyes were locked with Rowan.

Johnny's voice cut in like a knife to butter. "Guys were making a scene someone's gonna come, and if they do we're dead let's go."

Befor my eyes left Rowan, he whispered softly only loud enough so I could hear him. "Later Mate."


Martin had kissed my forehead softly before leaving me at my first class. He ordered Johnny to follow me where ever I went. At first I was happy Johnny and I had almost the same classes, but after it became upsetting. I got up to use the restroom, and just as I got up, so did Johnny. He watched me and I watched him, my bottom lip jetted out with a pout.


"Seriously I need to pee."

Johnny's face turned bright red "well you heard Martin."

"Look I can fend for myself. I need to pee for Christ sake."

Johnny thought about it for a minute before sitting back down. "Ok but if your not back in 15 minutes I'll go looking for you."

"Yea yea, watch dog I got chu." I quickly collected my things and ran off.

Shutting the door to the independent study hall I sighed with relief. Having Johnny around was nice, to an extent, he was like an unwanted shadow half the time.

Walking slowly to the restroom that was about half a mile from where I was, I didn't mind the silence in the halls. It was quiet, people were either in class or out in the field training. I rounded the corner for the last few feet before I was yanked by the back of my shirt.

My first instinct...counter back. I quickly turned grabbing the hand on my shirt, pinching the wrist palm down. But before I could slide my leg to knock the person down, my arm was pinched releasing its wrist, pinching my elbow as I was twisted and pushed against a cold wall.

Exhaling deeply and inhaling I finally caught the scent. His scent fresh shower,woods pine.

His face was close cuz his breath fanned the back of my neck and cheek. It was slightly intoxicating, then I remember the connection, and I tried to calm myself remembering that Martin could feel what I felt.

"Hello kitten." He whispered in my ear, his lips brushing my earlobe causing an involuntary shiver down my body as my heart started to race. "Tell me kitten," his voice was husky with alpha authority making my knees weak. "Now I know little Martin marked you...I can smell him all over you," his voice was a growl then, "which means we have only 10 minutes before he comes barging in, interrupting us." He twisted my body with out me prossesing what he was doing, my arms were above my head held in one of his hand the other on my hip.

"So tell me Kitten, what are you doing with Martin?" His face was in the crock of my neck sniffing the mark left my Martin.

"You left, you rejected me," my voice was just as harsh as his as I growled out "you left me broken...." I held my breath then, his scent was heavy and thick making it hard to breath and think. "Martin...He cares for me....unlike you."

He lifted my chin with his nose as he skimmed my jawline. Rowan used his body to pin me between the wall and him.

"I will have you kitten, you are mine not his." Suddenly he was back at my mark again, his lips close to the sensitive spot. "You are mine." he growled and with those words bit me, over lapping Martin's mark.

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