
2-hours Sleep

Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

Theo was recording the last instrumental track of the last song of his album.

He was playing the drums with skilled hands.

Before Theo started recording the songs for his album, he took some time to learn some instruments.

And the drums were one of these instruments.

When finished learning it, his skills in it could be compared to a professional player.

But after playing drums for almost one month during the recording of his album, Theo noticed that became better and better at it.

Actually, in every other instrument that he learned also showed the same improvement.

Guitar, bass, drums, acoustic guitar, and so on.

It was a nice surprise for Theo when he realized that.

Now he could say with certainty that he was a knowledgeable person about music.

He knew the theory and the practice.

Chương tiếp theo