
Chapter 21

After that torture-like treatment, Einar did not feel any pain in his muscles anymore. He felt like he was in top shape again, and he might even feel a little stronger than he did before.

Right now Einar had made his way out to the training field again. The classes had ended for that day, but he still wanted to do some training.

Einar also just remembered he had a training plan made with Ada on the day he got himself into a bad state. 'I need to apologize to Ada!' He thought to himself.

Just as he thought so, he heard a feminine voice coming from behind him. "I knew I could find you here!" She said as she giggled. It was a beautiful laugh.

"Oh hey Ada, I am sorry I didn't come for training yesterday!" Einar said as he made a small apologetic bow.

"D-Don't worry about it ... My cousin told me what happened!" She said as she got a little flustered. "Are you okay?" She asked with a worried tone.

"I am fit as a fiddle Haha! Look!" Einar said as he began moving the body flexibly. "Your cousin really helped!" Einar cemented.

"I am glad you are okay!" She said with a small smile, as she looked at Einar. "How about we do the training now?" Ada asked as she wanted to learn what Einar had been training.

"Sure! I was just about to start!" Einar said. "You wanted to learn how to move like this ..." He said as he started running around with great speed. "... Right?"

"Yes! Please teach me!" She said as she made a polite bow. She was really excited that she could learn a new skill, another part of it was because it was with Einar.

"Okay, you need two things for this! You need to know 'Mana Manipulation' and the spell of swiftness!" Einar said as he looked at Ada. "Though, if you have a better movement spell, you can also use that one for better effects!" Einar commented to his own words.

"I know 'Mana Manipulation' but I only have one speed spell, which is called 'Angels Speed'!" Ada said as she was getting more excited.

'That sounds like a high-end speed spell, maybe she will be faster than me!' Einar was looking forward to this moment.

"Okay good! what I do is actually very simple, It just needs a lot of mana and practice for one to be able to do it!" Einar said as he started to explain.

"First, I cast my speed spell on my feet, to get faster! When I then start to run, I push my legs forward faster with my mana! Simple but hard!" Einar said.

"Is that really all?" Ada asked as this seemed to be too simple.

"Okay look, pay attention to the mana at my legs!" Einar said as he started to sprint around.

He had extraordinary speed, something that most people his age would not be able to achieve. He was even forming a small smokescreen wherever he ran.

Ada was paying attention to the mana around Einars legs, which surprised her. It really was as simple as Einar said it was, but she could also see how much mana he was burning as he ran around.

Einar had run for around 5 seconds when he stopped, He thought that he had shown enough, as he walked over to Ada. "Do you think you can do it?" Einar said like he was her teacher.

"I-I don't know ... I-I will try!" Ada answered back, as she did not know what to say. It was amazing, but at the same time, it looked exhausting.

"Okay good, start practicing then, I have a new move I have to try!" Einar said as he did not need to look at her train all day. She could probably find out about how to do it herself, now that he showed how it was done.

"O-Okay!" She said as she went to the side, to practice the new move she learned.

Einar went out to the other side, where he had seen there was a big rock with lots of small sword marks on it. It looked like a stone that swordsmen used to train with.

He looked to his sword and made ready to draw it. The first draw was just to see what the basic damage was, then he would try to apply different spell patterns to it.

As he was about to draw, the small hue of black 'Aura' started to form around Einar. He felt his body was near its peak, and as he hit the pick, all his muscles flexed, as he drew the sword at great speed.

The sword's strike hit the stone, with a small *Shing* sound, as it just got reflected by the stone. His sword strike only made a small mark on the stone, barely touching it.

As he looked at the other sword strikes, he could see some of them were 5 cm deep. This made him astonished, he thought his sword strike was strong. His competitive side was lit now, all he wanted now, was to cut deeper than the 5 cm.

He stood in the ready stance once again, this time he enchanted his swords with the spell of swiftness to make it faster.

As he went into the stance, the 'Aura' came out one more time. As he flexed his muscles and swung the sword.


A small explosion happened as the sword hit the stone. Einar was surprised at the power he could make with the sword, with only one spell. This time the sword had cut 2 cm into the stone.

This was a massive boost, and this was only a normal spell. What could he do if he got some of the stronger ones, which could boost the sword even more?

Einar was getting excited, the road he was going down right now, might not be so bad.

'What would happen if I also used 'Mana Manipulation'??' Einar thought, as he readied himself again.

He did all the steps as he did before, this time he used mana to help move the sword even faster.


This time, the explosion was big enough to send a small tremble through the ground, and even alarm some of the higher-ups of the school.

The power of this sword was truly amazing. There was something wrong though, if it explodes like this, is it then more of a smash or a cut?

As far as Einar knew, a sword should be quick and cut clean. He did not want his sword to explode things, he wanted it to cut them in half with no sound and as clean as possible. He wanted a simple yet ruthless sword.

'How do I train that though? I need more finesse, less power!' Einar was thinking to himself. His face showed that he was dissatisfied.

Ada had seen all that happened. She was truly amazed at what Einar had just done, that power could rival some of the strongest students in the academy. She saw his disappointed gaze though, which made her wonder why he was dissatisfied.

"What's going on!?" As Einar was thinking of what to do, he heard a voice coming from behind him. This voice belonged to Zarug.

"I was training my sword, cutting this stone ..." Einar said, with a disappointed look.

"That was some amazing power, how come you look so disappointed?" Zarug was truly amazed by the power Einar had made but was also confused why Einar was not happy.

"I want my sword to be more ... clean! I don't want it to be explosive!" Einar said as he looked at Zarug. "This is too powerful!" Einar said. He was caught in his own thoughts.

"Oh!" Zarug understood what Einar said. He did not agree with Einar though, as he liked more explosive power, rather than what Einar wanted.

He saw that Einar was in deep thought right now, so he did not want to disturb him anymore. He turned around and saw that Ada was also standing there.

"Hey, take care of him ... In this state, he can not be disturbed!" Zarug said to her, as he warned.

At the moment, Einar was in something like enlightenment. He had found out about what he truly wanted with the sword he is wielding. So he is doing a lot of thinking, finding the best way to use his sword.

"Mhm!" She nodded with a serious expression. She knew who Zarug was, as everyone in the academy knew the principal. She would of course take his words very seriously.

After an hour of being in the state he was in, Einar finally snapped out of it. "I got it!" He yelled out, as he went into his drawing stand.

He did not use the same stance as he usually did, it had changed a little. He was leaning more forward as he was about to charge.

He did all the steps as usual without the magic and when the time came to attack. He charged in and drew his sword as he ran by the stone.


This was not the sound of reflection this time, it was the sound of a clean cut. The sword made a cut alongside the stone, and the whole cut was around 10 cm deep. He succeded in what he had wanted to do.

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