
Ice And Love II (R15) (2022 Xmas)

Everyone clapped their hands loudly, cheering for Testarossa who just sang a beautiful song. The song was already beautiful, but it got even prettier after being sang by such a divine voice.

The celebration lasted for a good hour until a weird event took place. While everything seemed to be going normal, the world they were in suddenly froze up. Everyone found themselves paralyzed in a frozen world devoid of all colors except gray.

Apart from Akira, everyone was paralyzed. He got confused for a second, not knowing what all this was about. "How can something be interfering with my own domain..." He thought.

Suddenly, an inter-dimensional rift formed in the sky of this Icy level. The first thing to mone out of that rift were tentacles, tens of tentacles invading the domain and announcing the arrival of something very big.

"AAAKIRAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This loud voice appeared out of nowhere without restriction, it was so loud the girls would have became permanently deaf if it wasn't for Akira's protection, not only that but this reality was about to explode if he didn't react quickly.

Only one being was this loud and powerful... Akira looked at the sky with a sweat on his face, then saw the fearful Outer Goddess transcending to his reality then coming quickly at him.

"Ny-Nyarlatho—" Akira mumbled, but before he could continue, Nyarlathotep caught his shoulders then inserted her claws deep inside his flesh while laughing maniacally.

Her eyes were bloodshot red, a wide small drawn on her face and saliva drooling, and her teeth becoming sharper, her stare was that of a predator attacking prey.

"Wh-What are you doing outside of the Outer Universe!" He asked, trying to pull her hands off his shoulders.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I'VE COME TO SEE YOU THAT'S WHYYY!!!! NO TIME TO CHAT, LET'S GO!!!!" Nyar shouted, she picked him up then teleported him with herself outside of this dimension.


The two appeared in what seemed to be another dimension. Nyarlathotep looked around very happily, while Akira slowly opened his eyes.

"...!!" After slight analysis, the first thing that he could see, was a gigantic mistletoe, and it didn't take him long to realize that the entire dimension was made up of just mistletoes. A dimension, of mistletoes.

"What is this place?!" He asked, but then he looked at Nyarlathotep, who slowly pulled her claws from his shoulders.

She was panting heavily, her face was entirely red of blushes and her eyes trembling. "NOW NOW NOW AKIRAA~ IT'S NOT GOOD TO LEAVE A HELPLESS GIRL ALONE WHEN YOU'RE UNDER A 'MISTLETOE' !!!!!!!!" She yelled.

Nyarlathotep brutally caught his cheeks then continued, "TIME FOR THE MASSACRE!!!!!!!"

Almost immediately, she shoved her mouth inside his then tangled her tongue around his. Startled, he couldn't deny that an Outer Goddess's kiss was undescribably good, but then he started feeling even more tongues touching his, even tentacles inside her mouth !

Akira resisted it then broke the kiss as fast as possible. Nyarlathotep didn't mind, she was too busy fantasizing about this very lewd kiss she just had with her loved one, "KYAAAAAAH~ I JUST HAD A KISS~!!!!!! I JUST HAD A KIIIISSS~!!!!" She fantasized.

Akira took the opportunity to leave this dimension and get as far as possible from this sloppy blowjob goddess, for now.






Returning back to his <Infinite Castle>, Akira noticed that quite some time has passed in this dimension compared to the one minute in the mistletoe dimension, atleast a few hours.

He went back to his girls' location and explained to them what happened in a discrete way. "Hey 'Kira, Alice left ya a present under that long ass tree there" Carrera said, pouting her finger towards the Christmas tree just a few meters away, with a big gift stored underneath it. It was huge, enough to contain a whole human being !

With a bit of surprise, he walked towards the gift and looked at it a few seconds before unwrapping it.

It was almost his height, which made him even more eager to see what it was.

Akira had already everything that could be imagined, 'Let's see what this is all about Alice' He thought as he unwrapped the gift.

With only the cardboard left, the gift suddenly exploded. Akira got startled for a second and hundreds of confettis sprout in the environment. A jumped out of the gift and giggled, "Hehe~ Merry christmas, Akira~!"

"Since you already have everything, I'm offering myself to you~! Hehe~ Not like I wasn't yours in the first place~!" She spoke cutely. Her attire was a female christmas dress and a christmas hat. She was very cute but also very gorgeous as that dress had a cleavage that showed her enormous melon tits.

Akira came closer to her and held her hands, "That's a nice gift, just what I wanted" He said, smiling.

Alice got so happy she jumped on him and hugged him tightly, jiggling as she hugged him while he held her back.

Nyarlathotep's kisses from earlier were certainly 'weird' but they were extremely arousing. And Alice's show was very romantic.

"Woah~!" Alice was grabbed in a princess carry by Akira. Looking at his face, she held his cheeks then kissed him, they kissed on the mouth passionately for a whole minute, their tongues tangling on each other's.

Akira enjoyed a passionate 'normal' kiss from Alice, whom he saw as the ideal wife. His main girl and most importantly the first within his new life.

If marriage required papers then that paperwork had been filled by the numerous days they had spent together, the vows they sealed and the innombrable love confessions they made to each other.

Akira and Alice found themselves teleported in the main bedroom of Akira's infinity castle. He gently put her on his bed while sitting next to her. Alice leaned herself on Akira's shoulder then started caressing her head against him.

"Before going any deeper, Alice. I have something to offer you" Akira announced. Alice raised a brow in surprise, her mouth was 'o' shaped and her expression filled with anticipation.

Akira reached for a small portal to his imaginary space then pulled out a small warped gift, very small, just enough to fit in a box.

Alice held the gift in her hands for a few seconds, analyzing it and its structure to try and determine what it was. But Akira had done a great job hiding the content. Alice immediately started opening it.

"A small box?" Alice said. After unwrapping the small gift, she found a small box. A pitch black small box with 'For Alice' written on the surface. The font was fancy and the color was very white, color of souls.

And when she opened the small box, her mouth subconsciously left a small cry of surprise. Inside the box, was an alliance. A goldeqn ring with a spectral pearl encraved in the middle.

"A-A-Akira..... Th—This i-is....." She mumbled with a shaky and very low tone, doubt and surprise filling her mind.

"It's an alliance, a token to remind you that you're my first beloved and most precious one. That pearl contains the souls of all gods we killed along the way" He said, sadistically at the end.

Alice slowly pulled the ring from the box and looked at it with teary eyes, she started crying and sniffing soon after. Hugging her, Akira calmed the emotionally unstable girl before taking the ring and putting in it on her index finger.

"Theeeere" He said, as she put the ring in Alice's index, her hands shook uncontrollably. This was a moment she was not expecting, something she would just fantasize about. An impossible scenario she never thought would happen.

But now, that Akira is claiming her officially, her mind was filled by happiness. Alice was in an euphoric state that could not be described, she was extremely happy to say the least.

"THANK YOU AKIRA~!! THIS IS EVERYTHING I COULD HAVE WISHED FOR~!! WE— WE BELONG TO EACH NOW RIGHT?! WE FORM ONE RIGHT?!!" She asked, impatient while crying and looking at him defeated.

Akira grasped her then spoke behind her head, "Yes we do dear" He kissed her on the mouth and gave her the sloppiest and most passionate kiss she could think one. Their mouths melted as Akira was going all out in that kiss, Alice's body temperature rose up alot.

"Does thish anshwer you?" He said while kissing her and making it even more lewd, removing his clothes and hers while still kissing her and glueing his face to hers.

"Ish thish enough of an anshwer to you??" Akira said, drowning in lust while removing Alice's Christmas dress and fondling her breasts passionately.

He broke the kiss then asked her, "Tell me is this a good enough fucking answer Alice?!" Akira asked impatiently, blushing slightly while removing the entirety of his and her clothes.

"FUCK YEAH IT DOES!!" Alice shouted in reply. Jumping on his body and kissing him once again. Not just his tongue but she licked is lips, gave his clear a face a few licks then bite his neck, her vampire canines piercing his neck while she enjoyed his taste.

The two had become so lustful they were set for a love making session that would last alot.


Thanks for the lecture! I hope that you enjoyed this new set of seasonal side stories, I'm probably going to make more in the future.

Hope you enjoyed the lecture! Check out my pa.treon, got up to 20 advanced chapters there! As well as extra free chapters and unedited stuff.

pa.treon.com/skyfall12 (Thank youuu <3)

Also be sure to add my other novel to your Library! "A Hentai Bonding System in DxD" more chapters very soon.

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