
Tanned thighs

We spent about half an hour just eating in silence, well silence if you don't count those disgusting moans, I can't even throw their food out because they're royalty…

There was no table manners, no etiquette, just food to mouth action, munchies would do that to you.

We finished a few rounds of food from the feast and we all just gathered in the lounge room with protruding belly's, we just kinda half lay, half sit there.

Man I could use a nap, but I'm guessing the king wants to talk about what ever he came for.

Maximus " that was fantastic..... I have no words for it.....even the royal chefs cannot compare…"

Gideon " yep, it's good stuff.... So so do we want to get to talking about what ever it is you came to talk about?"

Kane is already in his own little world off to the side, I'd say probably ganna borrow a guest room for a nap again, Leo probably the same

Suddenly the king sits upright with a serious look... belly still extended, stretching his clothes.....

Maximus " right, I wanted to congratulate you on defeating my son, I wanted to let you know the gold will be delivered here tomorrow…..also.... No never mind, again congratulations on the win"

Gideon "yeah cool thanks, but he was your son? And 100,000 gold isn't chump change, how are you so calm about it? I half expected you to try and make a deal"

Maximus " no no, while is a prince of Sinnoh, he should also show humility, in victory or defeat, and I was hoping his defeat would teach him how to handle himself better, and while the gold is quite a sum, a deal is a deal and he must honour it, although I did expect him to try and borrow some stronger Pokémon to guarantee his victory, I did it expect the aura guardians to lend such a strong lucario..."

Gideon " fair enough, but yeah, speaking of lucario I have come into....possession of a couple lucario eggs, is the aura guardian karate dog only a firm law, or is there some wiggle room?, I wanted a couple of my guys to raise em"

Maximus " while it isn't illegal to own a lucario, the guardians frown upon it if you aren't a part of their organisation, so they would usually bring them into the guardians or….less savoury methods…"

Gideon " yeah speaking of, what's their deal?they're super fucking sus, and no one calls them out on their bullshit? What's the go with that?"

Maximus seems to slump at but at that with a sigh

Maximus " *sigh* yes, it's all about power and benefit…. The guardians, I'm sure were once what they claim to be, a force for balance in this world, but it has become corrupt at some point, and while being corrupt they bribed nobles and merchants alike into their "fold" to where they started maintaining an iron grip on certain trade and financial resources, and no one calls them out because they are either on their payroll or will be targeted when they try….. even the royal family is helpless"

Major evil church vibes, just doing shady shit all over the place, I'll have to spend some time pumping up mine and my goons Pokémon, maybe kinda bit off my than I can chew...…fuck it, go hard or go home right?

Gideon " alrighty that answers that, did you have more to speak about?"

Maximus " I did have a few things to ask such as, how you tamed the monster of a gyarados, how you could have so many champion Pokémon being so young,where you got a metagross and even how you evolved your Rhydon into Rhyperior, I know those secrets are worth more than gold, and I wanted to see if you would negotiate some of these mystery's for...other benefits"

Hmmm a pause, raised eyebrow into a mysterious knowing smile, if he was a chick I'd say he would be offering to bang me... he's not right?....I don't like that look in his eye..... oh god he wants to bang me!?, it's the Roo shorts I've been sporting lately isn't it!?.....my god.... I only wanted tanned thighs....and it's led to this... maybe I should start a #metoo movement?…..no that would never work.... there's no HR department for the royalty, you just get banged or put in a dungeon.....think Gideon think!!!!

Gideon " while I'm flattered you have taken such an interest in me personally your majesty, I do not partake in the art of sword fighting, I am a muff diver till the day I die….so I'm going to have to reject your advances…."

I am terrible with innuendos…..

Maximus " are you sure I can be quite....persuasive"

Fucking chill out bro, how do I shake this horn dog off without committing treason?..... I have to get out of this and burn all my short shorts... I'll just have to live with pasty thighs, it's worth the sacrifice… I think I gotta just be straight with this guy or he's going to keep coming at me with all these innuendos.

Gideon " listen your majesty, while I don't mind selling some of the secrets if the price is right.... But the right price isn't having sex with you...."

Maximus "...…what...."

Gideon "...…what?...…"

Maximus "...….WHAAAT!?!?...."

Hmmm I think I have missed something somewhere, possibly misread this whole situation.....on the plus side, I can keep my roo shorts which means nice breezes and tanned thighs in nice weather...…the down side is I may have just accused the king of Sinnoh of being a male prostitute…..I heard prison cells don't have nice breezes or a lot of sunlight to tan your thighs....

Gideon " so...…I'm going try and pull ahead of this and apologise now, I don't know what you were getting at, but now from your reaction I'm going to assume you weren't offering me th....you know what….. why don't you just talk first...."

The king sat there with a look of horror on his face for a good minute while I could see Kane was up watching this train wreck of a conversation with great amusement, Leo was still in a food coma..

Maximus " *ahem* what I WAS offering was a possible increase in noble rank for yourself and separation from the storm tittle as I know you had no intention to try and contest for it.....NOT what ever it is YOU were thinking..."

Gideon " well that sounds good...…but the information that your after can't really help you much... I can give you info on Rhyperior for that separation and rank bump, maybe even some of my training methods, but It would only be part of it...you know family secrets and all that..."

Maximus " I'm sure we can come to some arrangement...no we can make a deal....."

I think we are both going to be haunted by the conversation for a while to come...well going to try and switch gears now..... most of the info he wants really IS useless to him, what do I tell him?, raise a magikarp with love? Sweep the ocean for magic treasure chests with pseudo legendary eggs?, what I CAN give him is food recipies, and ointments for gyarados, that MIGHT help, some basic training methods outside battling, nothing to fancy

And for that I would be able to go solo properly, I was planning on finding my territory while still being connected to the storm name, while which ever brother inherits the storm lands COULD make trouble for me being the family "leader" it would be minimal…

But this opens up a whole new vl game for me, I get to start my own noble house which is dope.

Me and the king push past our horrific conversation misunderstanding and discuss the topic of exchange, I promised him decent training guides, food recipies for Pokémon, ones that are suuuper health for certain types, a little info about how to raise a magikarp that I "knew" and some lotions to help with irritation, he told me it would be a royal family secret

I'd like to make fun of them for having fuck all knowledge on training and Pokémon diets but I'd be fucked without the wished for info, you see those fanfics with people who go ' oh this would definitely work!!' While being weebs in their old life….. how the fuck does that work…..

Anyways, I'm getting to become an independent viscount when I finish the academy, no more family ties to those fucking psychos, except pops, I won't say I love the guy, but I respect him, but it seemed this little random royal visit worked out pretty good for me...….except for calling the king a Mae gigolo, but we can lock that somewhere deep in our mind…

Which means some bullshit is right around the corner, always is....

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