

"I can feel the humans are waiting for us, it looks like the human are an idiot, jijijiji," Said the Violet skinned greater demon as he smiled wickedly

"What can you expect to a Human? I can finally drink some blood from a human. Kekeke, they are all delicious, slurp…" The other violet-skinned greater demon replied as he licked his saliva.

They are now in the forest, after a while of walking they can finally see the Humans on another side of the bridge.

"Look! It looks like they want to fight us with only a few of them. Kakakaka!" said the other Violet Skinned greater Demon laugh loudly

"Alright! You Idiots! Start the killing! Kill all those damn Humans and collect their soul for our majesty!" Commanded by the Violet Skinned greater Demon


Within the forest traversed by the demons, there are lots of Grand Mage Humans hiding using invisible formation. They are hiding and just patiently waiting for the command.

"Old Grand is it really fine to let those demons pass us?" asked the middle-aged man holding a staff

"Yes, it is also part of the plan by the young master. Just wait a little longer you will understand soon." Said by the one who called Old Grand

Though he said that, he still can't believe that, the Grand Mages that are supposed to be in the last defensive line, will be the ones who will launch a decisive attack from the start. But as he recalled that young man with full of determination as he planned and commanded the whole thing, he can't say anything rather than became amazed and even wanted to become that young man's protector until he grows up.

Flashed back In the meeting room--

"I want all of the Grand Mage to wait in the forest and let those demons to passed you and wait for my signal. I want you all to attack in your full strength from the beginning, just wait for my signal." Shinichi said in a commanding tone

"What? We are Grand Mages we are supposed to be in the last defensive line how come we are going to attack at the beginning and with our full strength at that, do you understand that if we deplete our mana only the Arch Mages will be left behind?" asked by the Old Grand

"You are right, but we are not going to defend we are going to attack," Shinichi replied as he put his two elbows on the table he clasped his two hands and smiled confidently.

"What? we only have ten thousand troops if we don't defend and attacked them instead, our mana won't last long, we are just going to throw our lives away." Reiji retorted.

"Young man you are still a child so you still don't know how the battlefield works. So, I can understand the recklessness of youth so think carefully." said the Middle age man

Shinichi got irritated by these words by the middle-aged man so he replied. "You are already old so you don't be able to see what we youngsters can see, you are also right about that because you experience a lot more than us but, it doesn't mean that it was impossible for you, it was also impossible to others. There are lots of people who can do the impossible things that you think it was not possible at all.

"If we only defend, can you really think we can hold until the empire reinforcement comes with those 50000 demons?" asked Shinichi as he raised his voice looked angered

"We don't have the power to hold the port if we only defend, so instead of defending like a fool, just attacked them first and deliver a decisive blow to their side.

"The reason I wanted all the Grand Mage to attack from the start is to create chaos in the enemy's side. You all are Grand Mage's so your power should be enough to kill dozens of Greater Demons if you used all your full strength. If we kill all the Greater Demons in one fell swoop or even half of them it will create chaos to the lower demons because no one is commanding them. Did you understand now?" asked Shinichi as he looked at Old Grand, that middle-aged man, and Reiji

If they have at least had half of the numbers with those demons it was possible to defend only, but with only ten thousand of them, that was impossible, though it was a different story if they have a Lord Mage, but there is none. The only way to turn the table against them is by destroying their formation.

The lesser demons are just like a beast if they don't receive a command, they will just kill whoever they see. Lesser demons are like magical beasts that didn't think just their instincts, to devour the weak even they are their kind. So, killing those greater demons will create chaos in the lesser demons who lost command.

Present time In the commanding platform-

Shinichi, Reina, and Esri are still standing there, looking at the demons on the other side of the bridge. The Guild Leader, City Lord, and Jane are still in the back of Shinichi looking at the demons too. Lisa is now in the Archers-Long Range Magic Team and Fiona in the Healing team.

"Shin-chan, is it fine to join them? I want to fight too." Esri asked Shinichi

"Don't rush Esri, you will have your turn soon," Shinichi replied as he patted her head

"Mhm" Esri nodded

"So, that was demons huh" Shinichi murmured

In front of them are the lesser demons, their eyes are red and A goat-headed humanoid with two to four arms. While the greater demons had the same features but have a wing with 1 horn on their four head. As Shinichi looks at the Demons and sizes them up. A devilish voice was suddenly heard by all of them.

"Alright! You Idiots! Start the killing! Kill all those damn Humans and collect their soul for our majesty!"


A heaven-shaking roar was heard and thousands of demons rushed towards the bridge as they salivate looking at the humans. When lots of the demons are already on the bridge a loud explosion suddenly resounded.

"It's time" Shinichi smirked as he snapped his finger.


KABOOOOOOOMMM!! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lots of explosion magic suddenly activated and the thousand of Demons that are on the bridge were all caught in the explosions and killed.

"Stop! It's a trap!" shouted by the greater demons

The greater demons suddenly commanded but it was too late thousands of them are already killed. the bridge collapsed as those demons who survive the explosions fell to the clip but there are still thousands of lesser demons crossing the bridge.

"Did you do that Shin-kun? When you said you want to see the bridge earlier?" Reina asked.

"Yes, I did" Shinichi replied as he smirked.

"How did you do it? is that the technique that you learned earlier?" Esri asked

"Yes, it is here," Shinichi replied as he passed a piece of paper

"What is this? A paper?" Esri asked

"Look at the back of the paper," Shinichi said

"Hmm? Magic Circle?" Esri asked in a confused look

"Yes, it is magic Circle, that is called Formation Magic Circle. That formation can stock 1 magic in each magic formation so I created tons of it, I stocked my fire magic explosion in that piece of paper and spread it out in the bridge.

"So, with this, the number of demons will be reduced and the 7000 Arch Mages will be able to fight equally no, they can overpower the thousand lesser demons who survived and crossed the bridge" Explained Shinichi

"You also know how to create Magic Circle?" The Guild Master asked dumbfounded

"Well, kind of" Shinichi replied

'Though it was Hestia who created that magic circle'

Shinichi suddenly put the jade crystal that he was holding near his lips and Commanded

"Hidden Team Commence attack!

"Melee Team kill those demons who survived, Long Range Team Support the melee team, Earth Mage! buried those damn demons who fell in the clip."

"YES!" All of them roared with full of fighting spirit as they heard the command of their great leader

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