
A Dazzling Masterpiece

“You heard what Norgim said. As soon as the clouds clear of resonance fractures, it’s pretty much a green light.” Lara said with a smile, patting Lannister on the back.

Lannister sighed, “Jay could have moved on by then. We might as well wait for the next report from William. This was a waste of time.” He said, pointing at the elaborate manaweaves, hexagrams and other parts of the portal that were ready to send them near the savage lands dungeon, through an unanchored portal.

Lara smiled slyly, “You don’t understand. When the sky clears, it’s ‘pretty much’ a green light.” She said, winking.

Lannister raised a brow and looked at her. Seeing her mischevious smile for a moment, he smiled right back.

“Yeah… that’s basically what he said.”

Lara shrugged, “Basically.”


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