
Wood elementals 3

Jay was checking out the adventurers in the other nearby fields.

In the other field was Stephen. While he had a limp, it seemed that he maintained some leadership ability within himself - and now without being a dick about it either.

The limp seemed to benefit him more than it hurt him; it made him wake up and realise he needed people - despite having turrets to defend himself.

His formation was a little different to Jay’s.

Three rock turrets slowly turned left and right, as if scanning for threats. They were evenly spaced in a line facing the forest.

Stephen’s team consisted of eight melee users with one ranger. He simply had the turrets interlaced between a wall of melee troops, while the ranger stood behind them with himself.

He casually glanced back across to Jay’s field, but had no expression on his face while doing so - it was like he was studying Jay.

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