

Two years passed. Vania still often met Hadi when she accompanied Lia at school. However, she did choose not to greet Hadi. Hadi did not even dare to greet her. 

"Miss Vania, may I speak for a moment?" said one of the teachers in Lia's class. 

Vania nodded her head. She followed the teacher's steps towards the teacher's room. 

Vania sat in front of the teacher. She looked at the teacher who was giving an explanation about Lia's development. 

"You have been here for one year and we know your sincerity in accompanying Lia," said the teacher. 

"Is Lia's development still stuck at a certain level?" Vania replied. She tried to guess because the teacher in front of her looked doubtful. 

The teacher nodded her head. She explained the possibility that Lia had dyslexia in a more severe stage than before. 

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