
Slaying A Leviathan

Finally, finally, finally!


It's finally happening!

And before you ask, no I have not gone insane. I am just so ecstatic right now since the civil war is about to come to an end.

Why you ask?

Because we've finally been able to corner those fucking Maou children like animals in a cage.

The civil war has entered into its sixth month, but like I said that doesn't matter. That's because the only forces left on the Maou faction side are the armies being led by the three Maou children, and one army composed of the remaining forces of the Six Houses of Lucifer. All of which are spread fairly thing doing everything they can to keep their blockade lines in place to keep us from taking their last remaining strongholds.

But it's a futile effort.

We've finally reached the endgame.

And what a joy it is.


Standing on a cliff, Angelica by my side I look out at the terrain in front of me.

Dry open plains, filled with nothing by monster bones and corpses.

It is all that remains of the former territory of the Guison clan.

This is where Tsufamme Leviathan and her army have been hiding out. Well not any longer.

Once we discovered their location through our spies and scouts a week ago, the combined Belial and Phenex armies marched to meet up with the Astaroth army led by Ajuka to launch this final assault that is about to take place.

But man this is really ironic considering during canon Tsufamme also fell in Guison territory. I guess some things are just destined to happen.

"Asterius, we should get back." Angelica spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Yes, you are right." I said.

The two of us then spread our wings and headed back to the forward base camp.

Once we arrived we immediately headed into the command tent, all eyes turning to us the moment we did.

"Ah Asterius, good timing." Ajuka told me. "We were just about to begin a discussion about how best to draw out Tsufamme Leviathan to the front lines so that we may end her life, thus bringing this war one step closer to ending." He explained.

"Understood." I said. "And on that note, let me take care of it." I said.

Which shocked everyone in the tent.

"Are you insane big brother?" Diehauser asked me. "I know you are strong, but facing down the elites under Tsufamme Levithan and then the Leviathan herself, have you gone insane?" He asked me.

I shook my head." No, not at all." I said. "It's just I've been itching to try out this technique all throughout the war but a chance has never come up. However this looks like the perfect opportunity for me to put it into action. And before anyone asks I guarantee it will turn the enemies into dust. Hand to God." I said, showing a feral and crazy smile after I did so.

Everyone looked at me with shock and awe.

Ajuka even looked surprised. Which is a rarity in and of itself.

"I understand Asterius." Ajuka said." I will let you take the lead on this. Does anyone object to commander Asterius's proposal?" He asked.




I heard imaginary crickets sounds as the seconds passed, no one voicing any concerns.

"Then it is decided. We will allow Commander Asterius to initiate his plan, and be there to assist him if it should fail." Ajuka spoke.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

I really appreciated that.

But this technique won't fail.

No in fact, this technique is going to cement my power and status across the entire supernatural world.

So that everyone knows not to fuck with me.

Time to slay a Leviathan.


Whistling Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town from Jojo I strolled across the battlefield, a skip in my step completely and utterly alone.

My destination, the army of about 30,000 elite Leviathan soldiers standing in front of me.

I took my time and reached a few meters away from them in a short while. Once I did I waved at them. "Yo."

"Asterius Belial, are you so arrogant to think that you can defeat us all alone?!" A general shouted angrily. "Where is your army?!"

"They got lost on the road to life." I said.

That only made the Leviathan generals face turn a deep shade of blue.

"Fuck this, kill him!" A Leviathan officer said. He then activated the Leviathan clan trait and sent several sea snakes toward me, a cocky grin on his face.

Yawning I formed a magic circle and sent out a wave of demonic power infused with [Worthless] stopping his attack in his tracks. "Nice try, but too bad for you I have a great power on my side." I said.

"And what power is that?!" A Leviathan soldier asked.

"The power of youth!" I shouted, doing Guys smiling pose from Naruto.

All the members of the Leviathan army looked at me like I was bat-shirt crazy after I did. They are right, I am. But that's neither here nor there at the moment.

Now that I have fucked with them, it's time to destroy them. I just wanted them to have one more good life before I send them to wherever devils go when they die.

I am nice like that.

Moving on, I quite doing Guy's signature pose after five minutes. I then slammed by hands together Hashirama style, a smirk on my face as I did so.

A moment after I did this the ground all around us broke apart as massive trees began growing, their roots slamming into the ground with such force it made the Leviathan army bounce into the air.

Before long the entire area was filled with a sea of trees.

Or to be more precise I just used Nativity of a World of Trees from Naruto. However mine is exceptionally special. Mainly because all the trees I just created are dark grey in color and coated in energy.

Seeing my power the Leviathan army was at a loss for words. But seeing as I already had my fun with them I paid them no mind at all.

Snapping my fingers the roots of the trees around them started coming to live and slaughtering them like pigs.

Stabbing them through their hearts, lobbing off their heads, entangling their limbs and ripping them off, leaving them to die of blood loss. It all happened.

As for me as soon as it did I leaned back, trees roots coming up from the ground to form a throne for me to sit back and relax on as the show took place in front of me.

"We need to get out of there!" A Leviathan general shouted. He then spread his wings and tried to fly out and above my sea of trees.

To bad he was caught by the branches and ripped in half before he could even make it half way. Besides, he doesn't have the speed to escape my forest. Since all the trees in it are 250 meters (820.21 feet) tall.

Blood died the ground red as all the soldiers died.

Well those that didn't have the common sense to thrown down their weapons and surrender after all. Those that did were simply wrapped in cocoons made of branches until the battle came to an end.

I'm not a fucking sociopath after all. I have a heart.

As the killing field continued I suddenly felt a powerful demonic power enter into the forest, heading straight for me.

I smirked when this happened. 'So the bitch has finally come out to play.' I thought.


In no time at all I was looking at an angry Tsufamme Leviathan looking at me, hovering in the air thanks to her wings.

"You fucking little bastard!" Tsufamme roared at me at the top of her lungs.

"Yes, are you talking to me?" I asked, fucking with her.

"Hehe, get ready you little fucking upstart." Tsufamme told me with a confident grin on her face. "Once I get done with you you will be licking my feet begging me for mercy and forgiveness."

"Woah, woah, woah, " I spoke with my hands raised. "Lady let's get something clear. I am a sadist, not a masochist. Even if you used your stocking cover foot to stomp on my dick and jack me off to completion I still would not be happy. Well, actually it depends entirely on the situation. For instance if the woman allowed me to ravish her body after she had her fun then I might be open to it." I told Tsufamme.

Her eye twitched her demonic power increasing as it did. "Die!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. She then tried to use her clan trait.




Only for nothing at all to happen.

"Duh?" Tsufamme said, pulling a Homer Simpson.

She look at her hand in confusion, before looking at me.

I nodded at my head at she did. "I understand. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Performance anxiety happens to a lot of people. Although thankfully I've never had that problem before."

"Agh!" Tsufamme shouted. She kept trying to use her clan trait over and over again, but nothing was happening for her.

Of course it wouldn't be since if she bothered to take a moment and think she would have noticed it.

All the trees in my forest are infused with my clan trait [Worthless].

Which basically makes this forest a dead zone for special abilities of any kind. No matter who you might be.

I have named this ultimate broken technique as such.

[Forest of Nihility]

"Fuck!" Tsufamme shouted. She then looked at me.

"If you keep staring at me that hard I'll assume you want to fuck, but like I told you I am not a masochist unless I can enjoy myself as well." I told her. "Anyone, it's time to wrap this up."

"Wrap this up? Ha!" Tsufamme laughed loudly. "You think just because you negated my clan powers that I will lose? You have no idea who you are fucking with boy! I am the daughter of thee original Leviathan! His blood courses though my veins. I am a god, your ruler, and your master. You will obey me you sw-"

Having heard enough I waved my hand, and before Tsufamme could blink her entire body was wrapped and secured in branches, her struggling and failing to break free.

Using a mental command I had Tsufamme slammed into the ground a couple of times, before having the branches bring her before me and place her in a doggy-style position, face first at my feet. I also had her mouth unsealed.

"You fu-"

"Shut your mouth." I said in a commanding tone, releasing the full extent of my power.

Tsufamme stopped talking. Although she still glared at her, I could see her body trembling and the fear in her eyes.

I smirked at this.

I then put a cold expression on my face and placed my boot near Tsufamme's face. "Lick it." I commanded her.

"What?" She questioned.

"Don't talk back." I told her, placing my heel on her face. I then began rubbing it against it. "You are nothing in this situation. I am in charge. You have no power, no allies, and not even your precious Leviathan name and blood mean anything. All you are is a woman with nothing but her body. Now you are a mongrel. My mongrel. I heard rumors that you make anyone who slights you lick your shoe and beg for forgiveness, so here is a taste of your own medicine. Lick the shoe mongrel. Now!" I commanded, pouring bloodlust over Tsufamme.

Scared stiff she started licking my boot without any hesitation.

Such a shameless bitch.

"Good job." I told her. "Now die." I said. I then kicked her right in the face, breaking her nose and knocking out several of her teeth in the process.

I then commanded the roots to burrow into her skin.

"Agh! Stop! It hurts, please forgive me!" Tsufamme cried as I could see the roots appear under her skin, destroying her from the inside out.

Ignoring her screams I started commanding the trees to mentally take care of any stragglers.

However I allowed one to escape.

Right after Tsufamme died.

That's because I want the rest of the Maou faction to know.

Do not fuck with Asterius Belial or else this will happen to you.

My wraith.


(3rd Person: POV)

Looking at the giant forest Asterius created from a safe distance, his allies couldn't believe it.

It was at this moment that Asterius would gain a life-long moniker for his actions at the battle of Guison territory during the civil war. His single-handed killing of the remaining Leviathan elite forces and of Tsufamme Tereaku Levithan herself being spoken about in the history books for the rest of devil kind history.

On this day Asterius Belial gained the moniker: Lord of Nature.

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