
You Still Love Me

"So you brought a man to make me jealous?" asked Declan with a goofy grin on his face that Anne cursed under her breath.

Why was her luck so bad! She had been a good woman, did charities, prayed to god and even helped everyone but yet!

It took her a second to get a hold of herself when she turned to look at him and stared back into his eyes with a mocking look.

"Ha! It is just to keep a pest away. Do you think that the insects are important when we try to shoo them away?" but no matter what she said the goofy smile did not wipe off his face.

He nodded his head like an obedient child but she could see in his eyes that he was not paying attention to a single word that irked her.

She wanted to slap him to remove that goofy smile off his face but knew that it would not work out.

Rolling her eyes she started walking again when she heard the footsteps behind her and sighed.

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