
143. Isla awakes....

That night, none of them left the hospital. Joan continued taking turns watching Damon and Isla. Some hours she was with Damon, and the next, she was watching over Isla. She knew the lady had no one to look after her like a mother would, so she decided to be the mother for both of them that night. 

Sometimes, even though she didn't know who the third person was, she'd go into Ivan's room and check on him too. She just couldn't bring herself to close her eyes when her son was not yet awake.


"it's already past twelve, and I still can't get through to Isla..." Jerry wondered, going up and down the house. "is he making her work overnight again? I mean he was the one who took her to the hospital, so he knows she's not too strong yet. Shouldn't he send her home early today?"

He fumed, as he'd concluded that the one keeping her was none other than her evil boss.

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