
Two Alphas, One Omega (6)


If he did so, perhaps he might never have to be embarrassed like this. Sure, he'll probably get hurt by her a couple times but at least it beat being in the dumps like this. Yeah, that's probably what the universe wants too. He remembered his parents saying that, if he did good things in this life, in the next, he would be blessed with a good life.

He must have been a demon lord in his previous life. But it's okay. He'll suffer for this life, just like God wanted him to. His only request was that, perhaps in the next life, he would be able to meet with Paragon again, even if she didn't remember him.

His heart clenched at the thought of never seeing Paragon and her bright smiles again.

'Take deep breaths' Skylar told himself. With a few breaths, he felt his pain alleviate, even if it was only for a second.

Good things will come to good people.


Skylar's ears flicked around as he brought his face out of his knees. Did someone just say something to him? He shook his head and sighed before he felt the next wave of ugly crying approaching.

But before he could however, suddenly, he heard a couple taps on the window. He ignored it the first few times, thinking that it must have been the crows but then a couple more taps resounded throughout the glass. Then a thought arose in his mind. Did crows really fly this low in altitude?

He looked up from his knees and his mouth immediately fell open, gaping wide enough for a whole apple to fit inside. Shock wasn't enough to describe the turmoil of emotions rising up inside him again.

As he looked at who was behind the mirror, he felt his world brighten up in colors again. Red, green, yellow and blue, his world was renewed. All he could do was stare at the big 'P' etched in her wide chest.


And there, she was. Paragon, the first ever recorded superhero, hailed as the strongest and oldest Cape that has, had and will come to be in the history of Earth. Yet, such a Cape was floating nonchalantly behind his window pane, her cape flapping about before waving at him with a bright smile. She then waved her arms around, signaling to something but Skylar was still too stunned to realize what she wanted him to do.

Seeing that, Paragon decided to take matters into her own hands. With but a thought, she activated one of her abilities - Phasing, as she passed through the window pane, floating forward to the distraught Omega kneeling in a room that looked like a volcano had erupted.

"Are you okay?" Paragon smiled at him. "Do you want my help cleaning this place?"

"Whabala. . ," Skylar was still dumb-brained from how close and real Paragon was right now.

Hearing that, Paragon scratched her cheeks. From what she saw on the incident a week ago, she'd thought that he was used to seeing superheroes by now. Looking at the stars in his red eyes as he looked at him like she was God, she found him even more adorable than she thought. A warm feeling spread through her stomach. She hadn't been wrong. There was just something that clicked with this Omega from the moment she saw him stand against Tartarus's goon.

She floated towards him to the point that they were face to face. Looking closely, she could see the aftermath of what she deduced as a deep cry. It must have something to do with why his room was scorched black like this.

Paragon decided to apologize first for what she was about to do. "Sorry about this." Holding back to the point of a teenage Omega, she brought her fingers to his forehead. . .and flicked it.

"Ow!" Skylar hissed in pain as he caressed his forehead that must have surely been throbbing red. It was then that the fact that he was in the same room as Paragon finally settled in his mind.



Before Skylar could scream, Paragon quickly zipped him up by pressing one of her fingers to his lips, silently marveling at how soft they were. Since he couldn't yell, his body decided to settle for a blush that was redder than a tomato.

"Before you say anything," Paragon smiled dazzlingly again as she turned around. "Shall we fix this place up first?"

As her finger moved away, Skylar held back a whine and blushed even further before nodding. He could already hear the cackling of Sam in his mind and so he coughed a couple times before playing it cool. "Yeah, so what's the plan, chief?" He internally cringed at how awkward he sounded but luckily Paragon didn't seem to mind.

Paragon looked around her for a few seconds, turning back and seemed intent on something outside his room? "Ah, five seconds please."

Then, right before Skylar's eyes, she turned into a blur, disappearing to somewhere at speeds that might as well be in the domain of teleportation but he knew it was just her superspeed. It was still shocking to see it with his own two eyes though. And like she promised, just before the five second mark was passed, she appeared before him, holding paint, brush and other utilities that could help rebuild his room.

She placed the big can of white down and said, "I hope you like your room baby blue. It's a favorite color of mine. If you don't like it, I ca-"

"No!" Skylar yelled, cutting her off. He blushed again before continuing, "Blue will be fine. It's my favorite color, also."

"Really?" One of Paragon's eyebrows raised. "Well, that's one thing we have in common."

Skylar just stood there, dazed at what she said before he snapped out of it, seeing that Paragon was taking out the brush. He got up to help but she stopped him with a wave.

"Five. . . No, four seconds this time," Paragon said.

"What do yo-"

And, just before his eyes, Paragon again disappeared into a blur as his mouth dropped again from the stunning, almost magical sight before him. During the four, brief seconds, he watched closely as everywhere there was a blur, there was something being fixed. One blur, and his entire room had been fixed and colored baby blue as she'd promised. Another blur and his floor was refurbished and a new, fuzzy carpet was laid out under him. How she managed to carpet or fix the floor while he was sitting was beyond him but he just attributed it to Paragon's otherworldly skills.

Colors painted across his view like a rainbow. Holes were mended, and cracks fixed. Black turned to blue as everything was renewed.

"Finished," Paragon whooshed into view, not even a drop of sweat or paint on her. "How is it?"

"What?" Skylar snapped out of his reverie and finally saw the entirely new and improved room of his. "Oh my god. . ."

"Pretty good for a second's work, eh?" Paragon teased. She took her own spot at the new bed, something that was far softer and definitely more expensive than his original one.

Then, it hit him. The money. "H-How much does this whole thing cost? I don't think I'll be able to pay for it but if you just give me a cou-"

"Please. You don't have to pay a penny," Paragon said. "I was supposed to buy you a gift for our date anyway. So. . .do you like it?"

Skylar felt tears coming up from how blessed he felt right now. Paragon stood up worried and immediately went to him to check up on him.

"I-Is it that bad?" Paragon asked in worry.

Skylar choked on a sob but managed to get his words through. "N-no, it's just that *sniff* I've been having a terrible day. And you *sniff* just did this and-"

Paragon took a sniff and like she thought, the entire room had been soaked in the fragile scent of Omega sadness that tugged at her heart. As an Alpha, she felt the instincts to protect him, to hold him tight and whisper sweet nothings to him so that he could feel secure in her presence which in totality, made her confused.

All of these feelings running amok in her head - worry, anxiety, mild panic and the others she couldn't identify - served to prove her theory about Skylar right again. Everything she was feeling right now gave her a sense of elation and freedom, helping her believe that with him, she could be and feel like the ordinary citizens she protected.

I'm finally free from semester hell. With that, I will have more time to write therefore, I have updated the limits of my *******. It now looks something like this:

$2: 2 chapters

$5: 5 chapters

$9: 10 chapters

whereas previously, it was $2 = 1 chapter, $4 = 4 chapters and $9 = 8 chapters

Have fun with the new tiers------> https://www.*******.com/Norobo

Norobocreators' thoughts
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