
Chapter 43 ─ Flipped Letters

After much planning, the day finally came.

It was getting dark and today there is a mass at the main church in the country.

Sig was talking to Emma about what they needed.

She was wearing a latex-like garment, but made of slime.

The reason for this clothing besides marking Emma's curves was to reduce noise by almost 100% as well as to serve as a chameleon for concealment.

Emma's flexible and athletic body made her the best candidate for the job.

After giving her instructions, Sig said.

"Good luck, if the worst happens, say my name."

"No need Your Highness, my family got me in for this. If the worst happens I will simply die... or so the old me thought."

Emma touched her chest.

"Now that the princess considers me an important person to her, I want to spend more time by her side. Therefore, I will fulfill this mission successfully."

"Thank you."

After saying that, Sig ran off into the forest, Emma waited for the moment when a knight from the temple came out and picked up some barrels filled with water to purify them.

Emma got into one which was sealed on one side, leaving a space for her to get in and out without problems.

The knight entered the barrel where Emma was.

"Good, the operation has begun. Al, now we..."


Sig looked at his friend who was unfocused.

A look of anger was reflected in his gaze.

Al remembered what happened in the afternoon.


Right after Al went to visit his father who was a palace official.

In one of the corridors he met Ulrich.

Their eyes met, Al showed his greeting and respect to one of the ministers.

Before he continued on his way, Ulrich stopped him with an insult.

"Must be nice to be a royal family dog, huh?"

Stopping, Al shot back.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but, if you're implying that my family is a royal family dog you're wrong. Everyone in this country is devoted to the royal family."

Ulrich without turning to look at him replied in the same tone, but with a big smile.

"I know, but there's a difference between being devoted and being a lap dog, you Bacon's aren't exactly intimate with the royal family are you?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if the princess's fiancé was you and not that duke."

"Since... wouldn't it be more beneficial for you guys to have a strong relationship with the royal family?"

Al couldn't stand that mocking against his family and grabbed Ulrich by the neck of his shirt.

"Take that back!"

"My family is not vermin like yours!"

At that moment, Al realized what he did.

Everyone was looking at him.

You mean he was looking for this, to ridicule him and make him look bad.

Ulrich is an intelligent young man, but his personality is very twisted.

To those who appear or prove to have intelligence comparable to his or that is superior.

He will look for ways to ruin them.

A simple rumor spread by several people is enough for someone to be criticized for a long time.

Al fell prey to Ulrich's manipulation.

Just as Heinrich sought to ridicule Oliver and Isaac for the simple fact that he could.

Both brothers were different but similar.

They were rotten.

That was what angered Al who looked at the floor angrily.

(I fell into that obvious trap.)

(My father scolded me after that and now he went to apologize to that wretch.)

(It makes me nauseous just remembering it.)

"Al, answer Al."

Al reacted to Sig's words.

"I-I'm sorry. I was lost in thought."

Sig knew why he was like that, he heard that through a maid. He didn't say anything to put his friend at ease.

"Never mind. Concentrate, from now on─"

Suddenly, Sig became quiet and his mouth gaped at what he saw.

"W-W-W-W-What's going on here!"

We were about to leave.

It took three days to get the horses, food, and the group needed to go toward Gabino.

We could use a simpler method to do it right.

But Rei doesn't know Gabino so he would be lost.

He is taking Sasha's words very seriously.

So much so that he went to Harold to ask for a letter of recommendation.

Harold had negotiated with Gabino in the past so he was trusted, he handed a letter to Rei with a name of an acquaintance of his.

Even if Rei is not known to the man in the letter, it is all written down so there will be no problems.

To get to the border we will go by carriages, then we will ride a horse there.

Sasha had two changes of clothes, both were for the hot desert climate, so her simple clothes are to wear here and before she arrives to change.

Sasha ignored Rei, it seems she doesn't think Rei is able to make it.

I asked him.

"What will you do Rei?"

"Do you really think you can accomplish all that?"

Rei very seriously answered.

"Of course I do. I'll prove to that girl that I'm a man of my word."

"I'm more than ready Kuro."

I sighed.

"Your enthusiasm related to a woman is amazing. I wish you'd bring that enthusiasm into your studies."

"Shut up."

After boarding the carriage, it would take us two days to reach the border without a break.

We said goodbye to Eli who had a stomach ache from eating too much.

Well, we're off to Gabino.


Inside the carriage, Dominic asked his daughter.

"Sasha, are you okay with this?"

She looked out the window.

"I am. If he can't accomplish what I asked, then I won't let him make me his wife."

"Even if he can accomplish the first and second, if he can't accomplish the latter then he really isn't a man worth wanting to be by his side."

Despite the fact that it seems like Sasha wants to push Rei away.

She was actually acting like that because she was analyzing him.

She wanted to see if this man was the right one for her or not.

In her mind she thought.

(If you fail this test, forget about me forever.)


At the academy, Eli was yawning with boredom.

She looked like a balloon deflating.

Her head was lying on the table in the room they use for tea.

Nadine who was standing next to her asked him.

"Is something wrong princess?"

Eli didn't answer until after nearly choking on her own saliva.


"She's been like this for almost an hour. There's definitely something wrong with her."

Eli looked across before answering.

"It's been almost a week since my prince and Sasha-chan left."

"Even onii-sama, Al and Emma are going around doing secret things."

"I can't ask Zoey to spend time with me since she's helping her father."

"Rose is resting at home."

"The only company I have left is you and you won't even move from there, you're a boring person."

"B-Boring you say!"

Nadine was shocked to be called like that.

Eli looked out the window.

"I know!"

Suddenly her mood improved and she stood up.

She headed for the door and Nadine stopped her.

"Where are you going princess?"

"To the center of the capital."

"What are you going to do downtown?"

Nadine asked, Eli smiled at her and said.

"I remembered that Rose and my prince's child will be a mix between two races, that means it will be half human as well as half elf."

"Th-That's true."

"Not only that Nadine. There is a lot of discrimination in this country even though it is forbidden."

"So what do you plan to do?"

Eli's smile was just as big as her prominent breasts.

"I'm going to destroy that prejudice, I'm going to go protest against discrimination and then the child of both of us like all other children born to semi-humans or semi-humans and humans won't grow up with malicious looks."

"I'm a genius, yeah!"

Eli ran out of the room.

Nadine was left processing what the princess said.

After a while she reacted and said.

"Hold on please princeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess!"


After arriving downtown, Nadine asked some knights on patrol to form a perimeter.

They sent escorts to different buildings to look for anyone attempting an attempt on the princess's life.

A butcher lent a platform that he used to place the meat there freshly arrived.

After cleaning it a little Eli climbed on.

Before coming to this place she brought with her the megaphone that Rei gave her some time ago.

She used it to play with and annoy her brother who developed anxiety to them.

Her mouth cleared and after doing several mouth exercises, she turned on the device and...

"Good afternoon everyone, citizens of our beautiful nation."

"I am your princess, Elicia von Brune."

At the utterance of her name, the surrounding people piled in.

Nadine and several knights acted as a wall to protect Eli.

Commoners wandering the streets crowded in, it was rare to see the princess in these parts.

Even some nobles were approaching to curry favor with the princess.

Eli continued to speak despite the shouts of the crowd.

"I too am glad to see you are well, but I did not come here today to socialize. I came to talk to you about something very serious affecting our nation."

The crowd quieted when they heard that there was danger.

"The danger that plagues our beautiful nation is a horrendous monster known as discrimination."


Someone said.

"That's right. Discrimination is a horrendous monster that makes sure to make unhappy as well as torment innocent people."

"That's why I want your help!"

"Please help me to eliminate discrimination against semi-humans!"

Hearing that word, the crowd's motivation went down.

They even put on a complicated expression before making excuses and slowly leaving.

In less than a minute, Eli was left alone with the knights guarding her.

"Emm, princess, I─"


Eli shouted skyward with her fists clenched.

"Those fools dared to leave at such a serious moment! Unforgivable! I'll make sure they listen to me whatever it takes!"

Eli didn't lose her motivation, it only increased as she was ignored.

Her desire to make others happy was her charm as the main heroine of the game.

She did not give up.

She went back to the academy, ate a dessert, went to sleep, and the next morning she came back to report to the center and give her message.


A week has passed since Eli went to the center.

It was Friday afternoon, the people around were uncomfortable by the perseverance of Eli.

So much so, that an official anonymously reported the princess to the church for harassment of the masses.

After a while a man in priest's robes approached her smiling.

Nadine and the other knights stood at attention, the priest bowed and introduced himself.

"I am sorry to disturb you Your Highness Princess Elicia, but I came on behalf of the church."

Nadine answered in Eli's place.

"Why would a member of the church come to see the princess?"

"I am addressing the princess, Miss Knight."

"Never mind."

Eli defended Nadine.

"Please priest, answer my escort's question."


"You see, we received a report that people in the surrounding area are beginning to feel uncomfortable with your presence."

"Rather, your words make them uncomfortable."

"My words you say?"

Eli turned to look at the crowd, everyone turning their face from her gaze.

The priest with his foxy grin was still talking.

"Why am I a nuisance?"

"Why do I speak the truth?"

"Discrimination in this country is a serious thing, are you going to deny it Mr. Priest?"

Suddenly the priest was involved with her, he wanted nothing to do with Eli's thoughts so he said arbitrary things.

"Well, that's because semi-humans are not human, from the name you get you can tell that, even a child knows that."

When the priest said those words, he condemned his ruin.

"I see. So you are saying that as long as he is a semi-human, he can receive harassment and bullying, right?"

"That's right─ No!"

The priest corrected his mistake, it would be wrong for them to think he is a discriminator even if everyone is, appearances are important whether it is the world or the time or in whatever country you are in.

Eli continued to hammer nails into the priest's grave.

"Why are you backing out? Didn't you say semi-humans are not human right? By that logic then they shouldn't even have rights is what you say."

At that moment, the people who were circulating stopped, the semi-humans to be exact.

They stood listening to Eli's words which were heavier than the murmurs from the surroundings.

"P-Princess, I ask you not to put words I never said."

"But you said it Mr. Priest."

"Semi-humans are not human."

"Under that same logic we can deal with other cases of discrimination in the country, which are casually caused by nobles."

"Immigrants, different ethnicities and culture, poor people, commoners, all of them suffer discrimination by nobles, even those nobles belong to the church."

"You are a noble right? Your way of thinking is based on the way you were raised by your parents, every member of the church has relatives who were raised by that way of thinking, which means that the church promotes all that doctrine of classism and racism, or am I wrong?"

Nadine turned around, she was shocked to see how suddenly the people who were ignoring Eli stayed to listen, some of them who were noble were perplexed.

At that moment, Nadine saw Eli's smile, it was the same dark smile she showed the day she manipulated her parents into committing her to Rei.

Nadine's thoughts focused on the fresh-faced Eli who looked like a goddess to the less favored.

(I-I can't believe it.)

(The princess accomplished all this on her own.)

(Wait a moment I. Hadn't His Highness the crown prince said something about this?)

(Yes, it was in case the princess stares blankly for several minutes at something specific, she used it as a child to get her parents to compare various horses to her, even her brother would give in to her with a few words.)

(Did the princess know this was going to happen and that's why she came every day until someone from the church arrived?)

(If so, the princess's intellect is so high that she herself could rule the country if she proposed to be queen.)

Nadine's thoughts were not wrong.

From the moment Eli stared out the window that day, she didn't see the center of the capital, she saw the church.

She thought of a plan to accomplish her task of helping Rose be happy.

She could have done it years ago, but she didn't think about it since her mind wanders so much, but when she concentrates.

The princess's IQ gets her to plan even anticipatory moves of what the other person would say.

Eli had already researched the closest church member to the capital beforehand, this man was.

She researched his family, the way he walked, the way he talked, all the while she was showing the people her interest.

Not only did she get people to listen to her, not only did she get the church to question its credibility, she is also helping to advance the minority revolution that would erupt decades from now because of mistreatment, harassment and bullying.

Eli was a rarity called a genius and she accomplished that just for the welfare of her friend.

The crowd was shouting at the nobles and the priest.

The nobles were mongrels, they were sinking on their own as they responded.

"Please calm down everyone!"

Eli asked the crowd to be quiet.

"I understand your discomfort, your frustration, your contempt you feel, but I ask you to calm down. The royal family since my grandfather's generation has been trying to solve these problems."

"It can't change unless we manage to solve the problem and that is by educating our children."

"If our children grow up seeing us discriminate against others, they will think it is normal to do so."

"If they see us mistreating others, they will take it as an example."

"We must teach them that it doesn't matter if you are semi-human or human, Caucasian or dark-skinned, we must all respect the person next to us, no matter who they are."

"Don't you agree?"

Unlike that time, Eli managed to make people's hearts, be they semi-human or human, beastmen, nobles even elves, cry seeing her mistake.

She managed to touch their hearts.

This was the power of the Saint Princess.

But it would not end there.

Eli wanted Rose's son to grow up in a healthy environment.

She would have only months to do so, she decided to attack the source of the problem.

"For that reason, we must go to the one who promotes peace and love for all to support us. We will go to the pope's main headquarters and ask him to support us."

"Please follow me everyone!"

Eli stepped off the platform and walked toward the castle-like church outside the capital.

She did not go alone. The people behind her increased as she walked.

Nadine's mouth dropped open in disbelief.

(The princess is terrifying.)

The priest who was with them broke out in a cold sweat.

(This is bad Your Sanctity.)

(If he meets this princess as an ornament, it will certainly be bad for us.)


Going back to a few minutes before Sig started the infiltration operation, he was explaining to Emma how she would escape.

"Once you have the documents we need, we will start a fight outside, we will pretend to be drunks who came to mass."

"Everyone will come to stop the fight, you will use that opportunity to escape."

"Understood Your Highness."

That's how it all had to be.

Until Sig and the others watched as under the starry sky, Eli and a huge crowd of people approached the main venue of the church.

"What the hell are you doing here Eli!"

The boys shouted.

Because they were starting the voices inside to fizzle out because of what happened outside. Emma came out, she had a map she got from a former church member who had been bribed to get it.

On that map it indicated where they kept important information.

She reached the big door that was locked, using a wire improvised with her hair, just as her father taught her, she managed to open the door.

"They can have all the power and influence they want, but their security and structure is so antiquated that it would be embarrassing for an assassin to have such an easy job to infiltrate this place."

Turning on the light, she found hundreds of scrolls in storage, this job would be impossible for the time she was given.

But she was also prepared.

"Father also taught me how to identify important documents, a mountain of papers like this is nothing with the life and death dangers he put me through as a child."

Emma set about touching, inspecting, sniffing, and looking in detail at every scroll in the place.

A couple of minutes later.

"Here it is."

She found what she came for.


I will make meme when I finish the volume, so let's go with fanservice of the princess: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/32282097

Sorry for the delay again dear readers, but you see the week we are in.

You will love this new chapter as it again focuses on development.

Without a doubt without dropping spoilers, Elicia is the best of my heroines.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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