
A Story (Awan)

A Story Full of Meaning



Call Sekar suddenly.

But Awan didn't turn around when Sekar called out to him.

"Is Awan all right?"

Gilbert asked Albert.

"Shhhh you shut up, surely Awan is fine!" said Albert.

"Awan!" the second call came back from Sekar.

And again Awan also hasn't turned around at all.


The other spirits were immediately shocked when Sekar called out to Awan with a very loud shout.

Awan immediately turned to look at us.

"Ah yes, what's wrong? Who called me!"

Awan answered while concluding his lips making a typical Awan-like smile.

It didn't take long for Sekar to run and hug Awan tightly.

"I thought I was going to lose you!" whispered Sekar to Awan. 

"Hey, calm down I'm here!" said Awan casually.

The other Spirits also finally came in the direction where Awan was standing now.


"Hey, Albert!"

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