
Chapter 2: This Girl Got Plot Armor

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Chapter 2: This Girl Got Plot Armor

20 minutes later*

Zen let out a frustrated sigh as he glanced at the person lying on his lovely comfortable couch. Then, sigh even more because this person shouldn't be in this world, or himself for that matter, but that doesn't change the fact that this person is a sign that his life will become more complicated and troublesome.

Lying on his couch is Medaka Kurokami. The female protagonist of the series Medaka Box.

Zen has already used his cheat to create a technomagical device to scan her history to find out if she belongs to an AU of Medaka Box or from canon somehow, along with finding out how in the world she ended up in RWBY.

The results caused some mixed feelings for Zen.

For one thing, this Medaka accidentally sent herself out of her world by trying to learn something she wasn't supposed to, leading to many problems. Funny enough, this is the Medaka before canon started by just a day short of it. Plus, she is wearing the school uniform, and to his surprise, upon finding out that she doesn't have friends. Not even a childhood friend of Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, who is her love interest in the series. This Medaka is less friendly and won't go out of her way to help others. Unlike canon, Medaka does her best to help others.

Anyway, one thing leads to another. Medaka still has her godlike luck, aka plot armor, to help her survive through traveling between realities and arriving injured instead of dead. One of the main reasons why Zen found her near dead with fatal injuries that would lead to her death if not taken care of, which was easy for Zen to do so in a matter of seconds.

And as to why Zen has mixed feelings about this whole thing. Well, her Abnormality: The End has somewhat mutated with the price of Medaka losing some of her memory, most of which are about her family. No idea why that's a thing, but that is what he got from the scan.

Sure, he could find out further details about this, but he has a big headache as it is. Maybe later.

He has to deal with what is mostly a Mary Stu. As well as having to deal with trying to help her understand she is no longer from her world and among other things. Of course, he could easily toss her back into her world or in a parallel version of Medaka Box. But, he knew many problems would occur if he did such a thing. Plus, he is curious about what would happen if he allows Medaka to stay in the world of RWBY.

A wry smile appeared on Zen's face, for he knew this would bite him in the ass in the future. Nevertheless, he will try his best to make sure if anything Medaka might cause him problems somehow, then off she goes back to her home world or gives her enough money to survive on in this world.

The next day*

It's a good thing; Zen created a technomagical device that prevents Medaka from learning the Imaginative Technomagic. Otherwise, she would be stupidly more overpowered than her canon near the end of the series.

Zen watches Medaka flipping through many books, memorizing the contents in seconds.

"You know I will not kick you out, so take your time." Zen sweatdrop when Medaka gave him a look before returning to speed reading almost every book in the building. "Honestly, if I didn't know any better. I would say you've got an addict to reading or something."

"Knowledge is power." Medaka replied as she picked up the next book to read after the one she had finished reading about aura and semblance. "And if what you've told me before is correct. I should learn more about this world and acquire more knowledge to improve myself."

"So you're not going to consider the option of returning to your world?" Zen asks Medaka while reclining on the counter and watching Medaka this entire time. Also, Medaka is a candy eye with a better figure than most females in this world.

"Go back and become some savior? I think not." Medaka snort at this. "Unlike my canon counterpart. I have no desire to help others. Especially how I never met this Zenkichi, and as for Misogi; well, I made sure to make an example out of him for trying to mess with me in the past."

Zen didn't know how to deal with this different Medaka. Not only did Medaka not fall entirely under the influence of Misogi's words as a child. She became more distant at the end by escaping many times throughout her life and doing whatever caught her interest. Of course, she knew better not to cause too many problems for her alone won't be able to face the world.

"I see. So, after you're done reading all my books-"

"I'm sticking around." Medaka cut Zen off before he could finish. "After all, it would be foolish of me to live the rest of my life in this world when I know for a fact that as long I stay near you. There's a high chance of visiting other worlds; rather, you do so now or later."

Zen raises an eyebrow at this and continues watching Medaka finish five books just now.

"What makes you think I would leave this world for another?" Zen asks out of curiosity, mainly since he knew he would leave RWBY.

"Because you're not from this world and have no attachment to it. Therefore, within a given time and for an unknown reason. You'll leave this world, and I'll be sure to be there when the time comes." Medaka answers Zen's question in a blank tone.

"What makes you think I would take you with me?" Zen didn't deny Medaka's words.

"Who else to keep trouble away from you, if not me?" Medaka places the book down, then looks at Zen with an eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip. "Not to mention, you've already told me how you wanted to have a relaxing lifestyle, which means doing nothing."

Zen opens his mouth to argue before closing it. Then shrugging his shoulders, "Alright. You're right about that."

"Of course, I am." Medaka resumes her quest to read all the books in this store before doing anything else. "By the way, some people have been wandering around the area for the past 2 hours."

"It's fine. If they don't do anything to my shop, they can do whatever they want around the area." Zen didn't care about the shady people outside.

Suppose he didn't know the chaos upon leaving Medaka alone yesterday. He would have thrown anyone else outside his place, no matter what. He is no saint; hell, even saving Medaka is mainly out of curiosity, and he may or may not be interested in being in a relationship with Medaka.

"I see..." Medaka frowned at this. "This world is more open than compared to my world."

Zen snorted at this, "Oh, trust me. This is nothing." Then, he begins to summarize what he knows about Salem and Ozma, including the God of Light and the God of Darkness of this world. "Honestly, the shadow war between a divorced couple is just plain annoying. Since they're just getting others involved when they can deal with on their own private space."

"Quick question, but are they honestly divorced, or are they just fighting each other to release their grief for their dead children?" Medaka asks Zen while at the same time continuing to speed reading.

"No idea." Zen replied. Of course, he could easily find the answer through Imaginative Technomagic. But, honestly, would it even matter if he knew or not? Not at all. "Well, I'm going to take a nap. If a customer comes in, please ring them up or whatever."


Zen closes his eyes for a moment and reclines in his chair. He is trying his best to ignore what's going on around him.

A few minutes later*

Opening his eyes, Zen checks the time and finds it hasn't been that long since he closed his eyes. As to why he opened his eyes so early.

In the middle of his store, Zen can see Medaka stepping on some random stranger's head, preventing them from getting up.

Zen debated getting up and seeing who Medaka was stepping on, then decided to stay sitting and wait to see what was about to happen.

"I'm tempted just to end your life here and now." Medaka said to the person she was stepping on currently.

"We don't have a place to bury the corpse if you do." Zen spoke up, not to spare the person's life, but he rather not deal with the body.

"You can easily get rid of the body without burying it." Medaka continued to apply pressure on the person's head and slowly increase the strength in her left foot, taking her time crushing the person's head.

Upon hearing Medaka's cruel words, the person begins screaming at the top of their lungs for help, hoping that the people outside would listen to their desperate cries for any hope of saving from having their head crushed.

"Just letting you know, the walls are soundproof." Medaka said casually. As if she is talking about the weather.

"So, I kinda doze off, but what the guy did to make you need to stop their head?" Zen asks Medaka and now taking a sip from the soda he created with his cheat, where the can of the soda itself would refill itself to near complete whenever there is less than 10% in the can. Any flavors are possible, making this something he likes to recreate more than once.

"He asked if I was single, and I'm not, then he tried to be more forceful in making me break up with my boyfriend to be with him instead. Even tried to be touchy." Medaka said calmly, but her action said the opposite as the man underneath her left foot had leaked blood from the seven orifices long by now.

"You have a boyfriend?" Zen asks with a hint of surprise, finally leading to the guy dying under Medaka's feet. No longer any scream, staining Medaka's shoes with blood. Mainly the bottom. "That will leave a stain for most people." He said dryly, then recreated the handheld push button switch he created yesterday and pressed the button, instantly cleaning the bloodstain, and even the corpse faded from existence.

"Technically, I don't. But I'll have one in the future." Medaka walks to the nearest books and grabs a random one, going back to speed reading like she didn't just kill someone.

Zen sweatdrop at this. She reminded him again that she is entirely different from canon Medaka. She is more cold-hearted, which is somewhat flawed in a way, but at the same time, Zen didn't have to be concerned about Medaka trying to influence others to become a 'better person'. Like her canon counterpart has done with many people throughout the series.

Shaking his head, Zen returns to taking a nap and wants the day to end. Even though he should be keeping an eye on Medaka if she tried to do anything to him or just outright cause problems for him in more than one way.

But, there's no need, for he had already prepared this yesterday when finding out its Medaka that appeared in his bookstore/home and knew immediately. What could happen if he didn't prepare against a godlike being like Medaka? Be it her early canon, end canon, or before canon. She has plot armor on her side and no idea if she still does in this world.

Nevertheless, he thought long and hard last night about dealing with someone like Medaka, let alone other potential people/beings he may or may not have to deal with. Whether he likes it or not.

Hours later*

"You know, I envy your ability to make anything with just a thought and not require any materials." Medaka comments on Zen's Imaginative Technomagic.

Currently, both Zen and Medaka are eating a nice luxurious meal created by the former through the Food Magic Wand. It allows the wielder to use Magic related to preparing and conjuring food from the finest or most repugnant ingredients. Able one to make material that was previously thought to be inedible edible or meager portions into rations suitable and large enough for a group.

"There are some limits." Zen replied, enjoying having a meal with Medaka. A meal with a lovely lady would always make the meal much nicer. Of course, if the said lovely lady has a decent personality, and otherwise, it would just make the food awful. Therefore, it's good that Medaka's personality wasn't terrible and will hopefully stay as such.

Although, it might not be that awful if the food is made with the Food Magic Wand.

"Honestly, I find that difficult to believe." Medaka looked at Zen with a frown. "By the way, how strong are you currently?"

"Why you ask?" Zen didn't answer Medaka's question. Although, he earnestly hoped it wasn't because Medaka was eager to fight him to see how she would fare against him if she went all out.

"Mostly curious to find out if you're strong enough to face the gods if they show up at our doorstep." Medaka answered.

"That's... oddly specific." Zen frowns at this, then narrows his eyes at Medaka. "Are they at our doorstep right now?"

This makes Zen question whether it's possible to stay away from trouble or not. Because honestly, he has already had the means to kill the gods themselves if needed. Mainly because he already guessed that the God of Light and God of Darkness would at some point return to this planet at some point due to his existence.

"No." Medaka replied, causing Zen to sigh in relief, "But, if they were. Would you be able to kill them or manage to prevent them from manipulating you to do their bidding?" She resumes eating her food, waiting for Zen's answer.

"90% chance of killing. 10% of unknown factors that I don't know." Zen answered, thinking about all kinds of weapons that can kill gods and even original made-up ones he could think of that should do the trick.

"That's kinda high, don't you think?" Medaka's eyes widen in disbelief that the chance of Zen being able to kill a god would be that high in successfully doing it.

"Honestly, it would have been lower if I didn't have Imaginative Technomagic." Zen knew his chance of killing a god would be very low if he had a different cheat. Well, depending on what other cheat he would be given instead.

"I would be lying if I said I wish I had your ability." Medaka said with envy, even going far as to pout at Zen.

Zen sweatdrop seeing this side of Medaka. Then again, it's only the first day speaking with her.

"I'm pretty sure many would love to have you instead, Medaka." Zen knew how godly the Abnormality: The End could be. Especially if Medaka were to be placed in particular worlds, allowing her to learn the impossible abilities of others, that shouldn't be possible. And even go far as being better than them by 120%.

"They would, but if there isn't anything abnormal in the world, then my Abornmality wouldn't be that useful other than speeding up learning other things in a short period." Medaka accepted the idea of others wanting her Abnormality.

"Well, this is a good dinner." Zen wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Are you going back to reading? I'm sure you got a couple more books to read before you're done reading all the books available in the building." He is still unsure how to feel about having Medaka read those books, mainly those related to being a Huntsman.

"Quite." Medaka placed her fork and knife down, then picked up the napkin on the side to clean her mouth. "And I'm going to work out a bit before taking a shower and going to bed for the night."

"I'll make your bed before you finish your workout." Zen didn't have any reason NOT to use his cheat to make a simple bed for Medaka.

"Not a fan of having a girl sleeping in the same bed as you?" Medaka let a small smile appear on her face.

"I'm not a fan of having my spine broken by said girl, who has incredible strength." Zen said dryly, recalling the severe damage she could cause, even before the canon started, and this is a different version of that canon Medaka. Superhuman strength is just the bare minimum of what Medaka could do.

"What makes you think I would break your spine?" Medaka raises an eyebrow.

"Many reasons. Reasons I don't feel like naming. Anyway, do you know what kind of bed you want?" Zen didn't feel like arguing with Medaka when he knew she would easily influence him to see it her way. Canon or not, Medaka has plot armor on her side. This is why he didn't go out of his way to prevent her from killing that guy from before.

Zen can already see many troublesome things that could be drawn to Medaka instead of him—freeing him from getting too involved with something he rather not deal with.

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