
Chapter 14

That night, both Yrena and Yona had snuck into Alexander's room, even using the force to evade the droids that were guarding his room.

They were hiding their presence with the force, so Alexander didn't even feel them sneak into his room.

While they were doing this, Alexander was fast asleep dreaming about his future plans that he had planned for building his Empire. The first thing that he was planning on doing was building a fleet, then the second was to start expanding more into the unknown regions since there are lots of resources that he could exploit from those systems and possibly new planets to conquer.

But all of this was years away, since right now he doesn't have much of an army.

Seeing that he was sleeping, both Yrena and Yona climbed into his bed and got under the cover's.

(WARNING slight R-18 ahead)

Yona had taken the initiative and pulled his Cock out. Yrena had looked at it since it was laying down facing upwards "Why is so soft" said Yrena as she started tapping causing it to stand up.

"Woahhh so big" Said Yrena as it had got bigger and harder

"Yrena remember this is called an erection" Said Yona

Yrena nodded since she remembers.

"Now we grab it with our hands like this" Said Yona as she placed her hand around his cock

Yrena did the same, copying what Yona did.

Alexander right now was wide awake, feeling and hearing everything that was going on, and he wasn't going to stop them since what they were doing started to feel good.

Both Yrena and Yona started moving their hands up and down, stroking his Cock with both of their hands.

It felt so good since he has been holding himself back for months. And when he thought it couldn't get any better, Yona had inserted his cock into her mouth, causing him to remove the cover.

"Jesus Christ" Said Alexander out loud since what she was doing felt too good. Thought he doesn't know why he said Jesus name since he is in another galaxy which Jesus doesn't even exist in.

Yona stopped sucking his cock and looked at him, "Did that feel good, Master"

"Yes it did" Answered Alexander

"Then allow me to continue" Said Yona who was also joined by Yrena.

They both started licking all around his cock, giving him double the pleasure.

After a few minutes, Alexander couldn't take it anymore and released his cum all over both Yrena and Yona's face.

But it didn't end there, as for the rest of the night the three of them pleasured each other messing up the bed completely as the atmosphere in the room was filled with pleasure.

Alexander had become a beast that night completely dominating both Yrena and Yona making them cum countless times. Luckily nobody was in the Palace besides them since Yrena and Yona voices were too loud.


The next morning Alexander opened his eyes and looked down seeing both Yrena and Yona laying on his chest with a satisfied expression on their face.

He slowly and gently moved them off of him and left to go take a shower.

While in the shower he was thinking about what happened last night, and he must say he was surprised that both Yrena and Yona would even do something naughty like that, but he wasn't complaining or anything just surprised.

While he was thinking about the things that happened last night both Yrena and Yona had came and joined him in the shower causing him to shower for an extra hour before getting out.

After drying off he put on his clothes which was a just a Star Forge Robe and headed outside the room.

Once he left the room a droid was waiting on him "Sir there is a message from TB he is waiting in the communication's room he says that it is urgent"

"Okay thank you, Ill head there now" Said Alexander as he walked down the hallway and turned inside a room which was empty except for a table in the middle.

He walked to the table and seen a button flashing, and he pushed it. In front of him was a Holographic image of TB

"Master sorry to disturb you, but I have to report that the star Forge station has been repaired and is now at 100% operation efficiency, but there is something else" Said TB

"Okay what is it, it's not anything bad is it" said Alexander hoping that it was nothing bad.

"Not bad Master but it is something that might hinder your plans so let me just say it" said TB

"After reaching 100% operation efficiency, the station unlocked more knowledge and information about the Galaxy that I can access and while looking through this information I have found out that the station has a limit on what it can produce in a year" Said TB

"A Limit?" Asked Alexander since he was a little confused since he thought that station could produce an unlimited amount of ships and war droids

"Yes this year the station can only produce 20 ships and 1 million droids, 3 of the 20 ship slots have already been used and 200k droids of the 1 million allowed has also already been produced and every year that amount will increase by a set amount of 20 ships and an additional 1 million droids" Explained TB

"I see, so basically we are limited to the amount of droids and ships we can make what other War materials" Asked Alexander

"There is no limit for those the only limit is placed on the ships and the droids" Said TB

'I see' Said Alexander as he thought to himself

He figured that the Goddess who gave him the station put restriction's on the station so that he won't just conquer the Galaxy with the first year.

While he was a little mad by the fact that the station was restricted he actually didn't care that much since with the droids he could just use them to build ships and having 1 million droids he could do lots of things.

So this limit won't really affect him that much, but it will also require more time to prepare for his expansion into the Galaxy.

"I see, thank you, TB, for informing me about this" Said Alexander

"No problem Master that is my job as your servant and also regarding the knowledge and information I received most of that knowledge is about the unknown regions of that Galaxy and the different races and Empire's that live in it and I have received knowledge which will help me in developing the A.I which will now take 1 month" Said TB

Alexander's raised his eyebrow since he was interested in the knowledge about the unknown regions since he could potentially start expanding into these regions.

"Send all the information over to my personal data pad, so I can look at it"

"I Already did Master and I have already marked potential target's that we could conquer"

"Good I'm going to go look at that information but in the meantime I want you to use the Star Forge to build more droids and start expanding into the System also I want to start scavenging these ship wrecks that are around the planet and on the planet so that we can use those materials for ship building and other construction projects" Said Alexander

"I will start preparations immediately Master" said TB as he ended the transmission

Alexander walked back to his room and started looking over all the information that was on the Data Pad.

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