
Chapter 43

After a long day of work unearthing the massive metal ant nest, I finally collapsed into the tub full of hot water I created with a series of different magics even with my migraine after using magic all day that was also under a thick stone tent to block out any wind.

"Do you think god is punishing us for pouring molten metal down large ant nests by making us desperate to mine out the metal nests these ants naturally form?" I asked tiredly as 9S gently slipped into my tub behind me and started massaging my shoulders and wrapped her soft legs around my waist.

9S is maybe lacking in the chest department, but she makes up for it in her svelte figure and well-proportioned thighs and bottom.

"Humans used to waste metal pouring it down ant nest colonies?" 9S asked incredulously and I could feel her body moving as she shook her head in wry confusion.

"Well, it was supposed to be something of a natural art piece as after they dug up the metal casted nest, they would power wash any dirt off and use it as a chandelier or something." Honestly, I like the idea of that more than using several dozen sets of elk and deer horns as a chandelier though both would be equally deadly should the chandelier collapse somehow.

9S just hummed in thought and I could feel her relax as she moved her hands from my shoulders and she pressed her entire front body against my back, her hands gently threaded across my chest and pressed against my stomach as she pulled me flush against her and I could feel her little nipples pressing on my back as she laid her chin on my shoulder and sighed in comfort at how close we were.

"Hey, Jake." 9S gently whispered into my ear though sadly I couldn't feel her breath coming with her voice due to her android nature.

My thoughts were thrown aside as 9S gently bit the lobe of my ear and giggled with her arms tightening against me. "I love you, Jake." 9S murmured softly.

I nodded took her hands within my own and sighed in comfort as the hot water soothed the aches of the day's overuse of magic.


A few minutes later as I was dozing off in the lukewarm water, I saw 2B slowly walk into the little stone tent I created and paused seeing us snuggling together...

"A2, 6E, and I have been standing guard and killing approaching entities without fail for the entire day..." 2B's face twitched as several thoughts passed by but she visibly deflated losing her tension. "I am going to tell the others to join lest they commit mutiny by being left out." 2B said dryly but I could see the repressed smile 9S audibly sighed in relief at not being scolded.

Sadly, the other girls weren't able to fit within the tub I made and I didn't want to use any more magic, so they just helped me wash my back while 9S was left out as 2B had the 'honor' of washing my hair and A2 a 6E washed my front and back respectively.

Apparently, androids saw washing my hair as a badge of honor and more depressingly it was a sign of my aging body which was a deep worry of theirs.

Like what will they do when I die or get decrepit...

I shook my head feeling 2B's fingers gently scraping themselves across my scalp as and just enjoyed the moment and the intimacy.

Finally, a couple of buckets of water were poured over my head to get rid of any leftover soap and I asked 2B a question that had been on my mind. "So when are the mutated creatures going to reach the area my bunker is at."

Like that metal nest was freaking huge... And YoRHa would have taken massive casualties in clearing it should they try to kill all the ants within with their swords and such, but thankfully the Androids are smart enough to use large quantities of liquid Nitrogen to freeze and asphyxiate the ants within the colonies.

So if another colony this size formed around my bunker and around the YoRHa station that is being built here on Earth, I may just need to flee the general area altogether honestly.

I am however very attached to my bunker and the reminders of the old Earth I grew up in and I would be very distressed at the loss of the last things I had tying myself to my old world.

"Statistics state that mutated lifeforms will migrate to that area within the next two months and the refined Maso being emitted from the sun will reach a semi-critical state and begin mutating the unenhanced lifeforms untouched by the old Maso within the next eight days." 2B explained in a monotone as she obviously was reading from a memory file.

"Well, we got the shit unburied so let's just get the hell out of here so we can fortify our position back at Jake's bunker," A2 spoke brusquely and I was inclined to agree as even with how I was focused on unearthing the nest I still was able to hear the crashes and explosions from the combat models killing the wildlife that came too close to our dig site.

"Jake how is your progress?" 6E asked quietly and I explained how A2 was right about how I unburied everything and cut the nest a few times into smaller sections which was the most exhausting part with how durable the materials were.

"So, we should be clear to go home, right?" A2 asked as she stood back and started putting her clothes back on as I did the same.

"Yes. I am already tired of being terrified of a supersonic diving bird attempting to eat me..." I said in a deadpan at the wildlife's extreme evolutions to killing their prey, First time I saw my POD shooting several birds out of the skin which the POD said the birds were carrying poisons or something I put a metal umbrella made up of the ant nest's metal over my head in case of any accidents.

Not even five minutes later a large dent is made in the metal umbrella as a bird dove straight down at my shiny umbrella, at more than two hundred miles an hour ramming its metal-like beak into the umbrella, and I then mentally swore not to stand out in the open at all.

Christopher has commisoned five chapters which will be written in the next couple days.

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