
Chapter 356 Half a Wogan

So Aria Grant just rolled her eyes, "Got it, can't take you too seriously!"

Whether to take it seriously or not, Juliet didn't think it mattered. After all, some things, if taken too seriously, would scare people away.

"Alright, let's get back to your situation. I was thinking, if there's a vacancy by your side now, I could introduce you to some friends! What I mean is male friends, that is if you're willing!"

Aria didn't rush to reply when she heard this because it's not like she didn't have anyone by her side before. There was someone who had even encouraged her to follow her heart.

But what about later? It all fizzled out, didn't it? So Aria had realized quite early on that those words from those people just couldn't be relied on. Moreover, if even George Flack couldn't be trusted, who else was left to trust?

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