
Chapter 298 : I’m on my way

The most prominent bar in the capital, the golden goose, was one not just anyone was allowed to enter. It was restricted to only the most prominent nobles, sons and daughters of lords, members of the royal council, and every once in a while, their high society mistresses.

When the three men arrived at the entry of the bar, the door was closed, and in all honesty the place looked a little abandoned. 

"Is this where we plan on drinking?" Maxim asked the two men who were walking ahead of him. "It looks a little too quiet to he a bar."

"I know you have not been in Gavaria long," Zhelimir responded when he stopped in front of the closed door. "So you may not know of this place. It's fairly new, owned by the king and my father." The blonde knocked on the door, and immediately after, someone slid open the peep hole, revealing a pair of heavily hooded dark eyes.

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