
Chapter 203 : Meeting.

Carol was nervous as she watched Melissa strip out of her dress and into a pair of slacks and a shirt.

"The uniform please Carol.."

The maid hesitantly walked towards her queen and gave her the Merian uniform. What was the queen thinking joining the men in war, not only was it not right for a woman to involve herself in affairs of this manner, but she was pregnant as well. This was dangerous, what if something happened to her?! Forget the ongoing war, if anything happened to Melissa and that baby, Elric would lay ruin to the kingdom of Meria himself.

After putting on the uniform, Melissa picked up armor and tightly fastened it around her body. She thanks whatever gods were out there that she hadn't slacked in training in this life as well, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to move in this heavy armor.

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