
Chapter 114 - Seed of Courage

Chapter 114 - Seed of Courage


<POV: 3rd Person>

Within the designated Admin building, two girls were seeing off the other members before they went back to their own work.

Upon seeing closely, the tall purple haired beauty was working diligently, while the other one, a red haired girl with certain 'big assets' kept on sneaking glances at the purple haired girl, as if wanting to break the ice and talk about something.

At last, unable to help it anymore, she put down the documents and spoke to the other girl in a grumbling tone,

"Hey, Sneha~~! How long will it take for us to finish all of this~? Everyone else is having so much fun and... we are just... doing boring work."

The purple haired girl touched the bridge of her nose, raising the glasses on her face higher as she addressed the almost routine complaints of her co-worker.

"Not everyone is qualified to handle these. They are more physical work oriented, so it can't be helped."

The red haired girl sighed with a melancholic look in her eyes. She pouted again as she spoke to her friend,

"Even President is not here... Is she still busy with those false tracks?"

As if greatly irritated, the purple haired girl slammed her fist on the table and spoke in a voice laced with anguish,

"I told you that we should try something else! I don't like to deceive her like this. W-What difference would there be between those nasty guys and us if we betray our President too?"

The red haired girl didn't seem to take any offense at the sudden outburst of her friend and calmly replied,

"Rather than seeing her fall into some strange trap, it's better to actually do something about it. I had thought that she would give up soon, but..."

The purple haired girl stood up and walked to the hidden cupboards underneath the Presidents desk. Opening it, she fetched some soft drinks and passed one to the red haired girl as she spoke,

"Let's urge her to stop already. The problems are already solved, although I don't know how that happened. The troublesome group has already nearly disbanded with half of the guys dropping out for some reason and the others applying for transfer from the College. Other than a few obstinate ones who continue to persist like that, they don't have much power or influence anymore."

The red haired girl nodded as she gulped down half the drink as she turned to look at her friend gulping down one bottle after the other endlessly, as she asked,

"Hey, do you think it has anything to with the President? After all, that Nihara girl was rescued thanks to her efforts. Maybe the others are too scared to do those things anymore?"

The purple haired girl paused in contemplation for a few seconds, before she shook her head as she responded,

"I... don't know. They aren't so cowardly that just one person would scare them. Something else must have happened. Well, the problem is nearly solved anyways. Let's just focus on our studies like everyone should and not mind these crazy affairs anymore. We also have to persuade the President to do so too, understood?"

The red haired girl jumped in excitement as she pumped her fist in the air energetically and exclaimed,

"Ohh!! Let's do it! Happy days ahead for all of us! Hurray~~!!"

The purple haired girl shook her head bemusedly at her friend's energetic response, but she didn't disagree with her words as she smilingly looked outside the window.


After catching a hint of some vicious plan against her dear friend Carene, Nihara sat down at the place usually taken by Carene and began to wait for the deceptive letter.

After a while, an unknown girl rushed into the hall before the next lecture began and called out to those around her,

"Um, who amongst you is Carene? I have something to give to her."

Nihara's gaze went to the girl immediately, as she stood up and went near the girl. Looking deeply into her eyes, the girl didn't show any cautious or strange response, as if she knew nothing about what's happening.

Concluding that the girl was innocent, Nihara wordlessly extended her hands and took the letter from the girl's hand.

The girl looked at Nihara curiously before she went away from the hall.

Ignoring the ones gossiping around her, Nihara opened the letter at her sitting place.

'Just like I thought. So you guys... won't even leave her alone?'

Her hands automatically crumpled the letter before she tried to restore it again to know the designated meeting place.

'It's great that Miss Carene isn't here today. But, I can't wait for her to be attacked. I... must go there in her stead. Even if they do something to me, I could endure it. Yeah! I won't let them touch Miss Carene!'

Strengthening her resolve, Nihara made her way out of the hall and walked towards the place designated for the fake confession.

With eyes almost spewing fire, she wasn't the helpless and heartbroken young girl anymore. To protect someone dear to her, Nihara became a lot stronger than she had ever imagined before.


As she stood at the place, the rooftop of the Arts Exhibition Building, Nihara hid her hair and face under a cap and arranged her dress like Carene used to wear.

If nobody closely observed her face or hadn't known Carene too well, they wouldn't be able to spot the difference.

"Ah? Y-You came here after all!"

Nihara turned back to look at the boy calling out to her. He was neither of the two duo who had planned the whole thing.

As Nihara looked around any other hiding spots, she soon found someone as they tried to glimpse her way from two separate locations.

'So this is how they would do it, huh? Blindfolding me forcefully before taking me away to some abandoned place... to feed me drugs and to...'

'No matter. It won't be happening to Miss Carene at least. I-I can still bear with it.'

Nihara's body tensed unnaturally, recalling all the pain that she went through in the past. The abyss that she had walked out of with so much difficulty, was the same place where she would fall to again.

It was no exaggeration to say that she was extremely unwilling to suffer all that again. But, to give her friend a chance, to let these guys spare her and take her away instead, Nihara resolved herself and calmly stood there without running away.

The boy in front of her walked closer to her and spoke,

"Actually, I saw you with my friends yesterday. And, I have been thinking a lot about you since then. Umm... would you be-"

He didn't need to continue reading the script as the other two had already approached the girl from behind her.

Being done with his task, the boy walked away from Nihara, hoping to receive the promised money soon.

Before the two could blindfold Nihara, she herself turned around and took off her cap as she stared right into the eyes of the two assaulters.

Having her emotions in a highly strung state, Nihara didn't notice their wildly swaying eyes or their rapidly paling faces, as she screamed at them,

"Why? Why do you want to do this to her?! What wrong things has she done to you two??"

"I-If you really want to do those things to anyone... then d-do them to me! Come on! I'm right here! Do it!"

Nihara couldn't understand what was happening now. Her mouth and body were functioning on her instincts, letting her face her oppressors without any fear.

As Nihara stood there with her opened arms, willing to sacrifice herself for her friend, what happened next was completely out of her expectations.

"N-Ni-Niharaaa?!! W-What is she doing here?!!"

"H-How am I supposed to know that?!"

"Run!! Run away quickly!!"

"W-Wait for me, you fatty!! Joeeeyyy!!"

Nihara's eyes almost turned blank upon observing what happened just earlier. With her arms spread wide open, she felt really awkward as she looked at the two running away, as if escaping for their lives.

With her mind filled with question marks, Nihara kept standing there for a few more minutes before she finally went back down.

Her emotions were such a tangled mess that she herself couldn't tell what she was feeling.

In a daze, she went through the day absentmindedly before she took her family's car and went back home while escorted by a team of bodyguards.

Unknown to her, a group of girls had been observing her from a while ago, feeling astonished and amazed. None of them had imagined that the weak looking outcast Nihara could cast such fear into the hearts of their oppressors.

"S-So strong..."

"So mighty!"

"So hot~~!"

After witnessing Nihara's courageous and invincible stance today, something very amazing ignited within the heart of the group of beauties and their previously damned destinies changed forever.


A/N: Thanks for all your kind words.

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