
Dear Adam : Let Me Sleep

Two weeks after Khadijah and Rumi's return to Jakarta from Istanbul Turkey. Immediately the sad news enveloped their family again.

Khadijah looked so shocked when she heard the news of her father's sudden death. She rushed to immediately meet her biological father.

"This is impossible!" Khadijah said trying to brush off the bad news. "Father is still alive and he is unlikely to leave so soon. It must be just a hallucination if Dad is gone. "

"You have to be patient dear. This is a test that Allah has prepared for you and our family late. You must be able to accept a destiny that has been prepared since birth. No one knows that death will come. So you must be patient in facing a destiny which is full of sorrow." Rumi tried to give a speech entitled very soft while hugging Khadijah who was crying hysterically.

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