
5.43 He Can Hear Us?!

When Lu Yizhou and Terra emerged from the isolation room with a newly formed bond and fresh outfits, it was already late into the evening. Lu Yizhou glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned. It's six past twenty. Had they really spent such a long time locked inside the room? Judging from the blush rising on Terra's face, his lover seemed to be mulling over the same thing.

"Oh God." He buried his face into his palms. "Did we really spend 14 hours fucking?"

Lu Yizhou gave him an amused look. "You were sleeping soundly for four full hours."

"Ten hours then!" Terra threw him a scathing glare as if daring him to deny his claim once more. Lu Yizhou compliantly kept his mouth shut. "Ugh, what would Doctor Wyatt think we were doing in there?"

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