
Train Ride , Sorting And Hermione

Ethan had looked out and saw through the door that Hermione Granger was outside the cabin. Now he had already taken Emma Watson from the Marvel world. But it isn't quite like the original if you meet her. She is just an actor. But Hermione is the heart and soul of the trio.

Ethan had decided to be a part of the saviour trio. He didn't plan on including Ron in it.

"Yes, Please come in " . Ethan said to her.

She opened the door much like the whole world should celebrate her knowledge . She had that bookish charm that some women have. Now Ethan knew that her haughtiness would go away once Ron made fun of her. So Ethan didn't bother.

"The compartment that i was in i didn't get any proper reading time. They were much like children always laughing . So i decided to change the cabin. Can I come here."

Ethan thought that the trio would meet somehow. Now that he replaced Ron and Neville didn't losse the toad since Ethan replaced him. He pretty much just smiled and welcomed her.

"Yes , please do come in. I am Ethan, This is Harry . You won't have a problem with us since we both are sitting and reading something"

She heard it and she also tuned out some words.

From all the books that she read she had read in multiple books about Harry Potter. So it isn't surprising that she was gobsmacked. It is like meeting a fictional character in real life. Much like with Ethan. Now Hermione had already considered what are written in History books and Fairy Tales in the Magical world to be almost true.

In the books available most of them make harry into a dragon slaying kind of wizard . Who is almost like Dumbledore. But they don't know anything. They just write it for profit.

"Are you really. Because i have read books about you. Almost all the history books mention you. "

Harry just smiled embarrassed

"Oh really. I just think most of them just hype up what is written about me from the truth."

Hermione was surprised by what harry said

" Oh so you still have the scar"

" No, not really . It just healed with time ".

Then after the initial curiosity she left him and concentrated on Ethan. He was reading a popular book from England. She thought that wizards don't read this types of books .

"It's a good book. I have read it Earlier you know. Are you also from non Magical parents like me.

I was very surprised when professor McGonagall came to me and said that I am a witch. You know i always suspected something was different about me . I was very curious of what the magical world is like . I have read all the course books and some other books that I could find. I have cast some spells. But most of them worked for me . So how about you ? "

Ethan just smiled at her intro. She was like a nonstop chatter box. But Ethan really liked that about her.

"No, my parents are Magical. I come from the Ancient Most Noble House Of Longbottom.

I am next in line to be Heir. But that doesn't really mean anything now. Harry also comes from the potter house. But I think he is officially Lord Potter now."

Harry just smiled wryly thinking he is the only one left in his family.

"Yah, unfortunately I am the only one left. But i don't officially have the title yet. I can have that at 18. Now i only have the heir ring. But you are right . It's just a bunch of ancient custom. They were created to differentiate from muggle born wizards during the Catholic Churches Witch Hunt. But now it has become more of a tool for Discrimination."

Hermione just thought they were discussing normal topics and suddenly it got very serious.

She vowed to her self that when she becomes big and stong enough she will try to change it.

"Why do you say discrimination. Does it happen now too ".

Ethan looked at her and seriously said " Now it has become lower . After Voldemorts fall the Death Eaters who were fanatical about him went to azkaban. But those who are rich and powerful went unpunished . Slytherin house will discriminate heavily against Half bloods and Muggle borns or as they call it 'Mud Bloods'.

Now that has become very taboo. And witches and wizards can't use that term in public. But you have to understand. The wizarding governing body ,most of them consists of these pure blooded wizards. And much less or next to nothing are the numbers of muggle born wizards in the wizegometh."

"I will change that " Hermione said with determination. Ethan respected her very much. So Ethan gave Emma all the powers he gave his girlfriend's regularly .plus what he gave harry like Elder wand replica with her wand shape bonded to her. Full library of all the magic in this world past present and future. He also gave her a mind Palace and also gave her knowledge and magic comprehension of Dumbledore , the four founders and The current harry instantly. She didn't feel anything and thought this was all her natural power. Shielding , Deadpool Logan Regeneration, pain nullification, DNA lock, soul protection and regeneration,All Martial Arts and weapons Mastry.

Mind Palace plus . Tony's knowledge and Iq was also given to her. Plus gave her (Love Ethan) just in case. She also had VAU combo skeleton.she was also given [ Magic Immunity] . Now no magic will affect her. She was also given infinite magic and

Immortality. Ethan also stopped time went to the pet shop and found crookshanks . He then gave it his pet deal. That he gives to all his pets . And made it bond with Hermione. To always protect her. He won't interfere with anything in this world but he will protect Hermione. It has the same magic immunity, vau skull plus teeth. Regeneration, shielding, DNA lock,soul protection and regeneration and he has Eternal magekill sharingan plus rennegan , tennsengun combo. But it looks like regular cat eye's. He also gave both of them Ethan Locator for extra protection.

Then Ethan resumed time and made everyone think that the cat was always there and was Hermiones pet. Now Hermione was sitting next to Ethan and leaning on his arm. Ethan made everyone think it as normal. Since he also gave her Super soldier Serum ,Gamers mind and body no one can do anything to her.

When they go to the hat to get sorted he will just make the hat think the canon thoughts and say everything normally. He won't be able to tell anything.

The train was almost nearing to Hogwarts so it was time for change. Ethan and Harry had bought lots of candies in between and were eating them with Hermione. She now also found that she really liked Ethan. Ethan liked her too.

So when the train was drawing near Ethan just waved his hand and he and Hermione changed into there uniforms.

Ethan already replaced all her dress and items with top grade silk with all the magical charms like self cleaning , heat regulating and self adjust and also auto repair. He also replaced all her crucible and her books with limited editions. He also made her trunk into a small room and garden in which crookshank now lives. He h also gave her infinite inventory to keep her trunk. With no restrictions of living things unlike Harry.

Ethan also had Hermione become the sensible woman that she became at the end of the seventh movie to now. She just had the emotional maturity not the actual knowledge. Harry also had that maturity.

Now They all got off at the station. Hagrid was waiting for them at the station.

"First Yrs comeon down. This way don't push eath other. Come with me "

He was very tall and fat. Now the other kids all were a little scared seeing him. But harry had already seen him and knew that he was a gentle giant. So he came over and said hi.

" Oh hey Hagrid , how are you"

Hagrid was also happy when he saw Harry. So he gave him a cheerful welcome.

" Hey Harry. Didn't see you there . How was the ride"

"It was all good Hagrid . I a made some Friends"

Hagrid now saw Ethan and Hermione . He smiled very high and said " why ofcourse you did Harry. You know your dad was also very popular in his house. He also had lots of friends."

Harry was really happy too and he Hagrid and the rest of the First year students went down the muddy road towards the boats . Now only the first years come on boats. Each one carring four people . It symbolises the four founders when they arrived at Hogwarts. So now they were moving towards the castle. Ethan looked into the sea that was shining like a pearl. So Ehan looked inside and saw the giant squid inside. It has always been there.

Eventhough it looks like a mence it is actually a very good creature. Who always protect the students of Hogwarts.

When they came under the bridge Hagrid said

"Heads Down" and bowed his head. But only he had to do that since the boat had enough space to pass through.so they all passed and saw the magnificent castle in all its glory.

Now they all arrived at the shore and they all claimed and went inside.At the top of the stairs McGonagall was waiting.

Then Hagrid said to her "Professor First Years "

"First years this is Professor McGonagall who is your Transfiguration professor and she is the deputy Headmistress. She will be taking you now"

McGonagall just smiled politely and then said

"Thank you Hagrid. Now you all will be sorted out into four houses based on the test now. They are Grifindor , Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Each house has its Nobel and long history. Your Triumphs will earn you points and any sort of rule breaking and you will loose them. Each house will compete for the house cup and it is very prestigious. I hope you win your house the cup.

Now get ready and straighten yourself. You all will come inside when i call in a short moment.".

They were all in awe. They were seeing this for the first time. Now people were discussing how they will get sorted. Now Ron was saying to someone

"I heard we have to fight trolls. My brother's told me that"

"I don't think so i heard we had to battle dragons".

"Oh my Merlins Beard"

Now everyone was scared. But Ethan just looked at them and smiled. Harry and Hermione were fine because of there maturity and Magical prowess.

" Do you know how we get sorted Ethan. I haven't read it in any books."

Now this was kept as a great secret to scare the little ones of the first year every time . So no one said that .

" Oh i don't think it's dragons or anything. We are first years we wouldn't even know any magic to do so. So my guess is some sort of artefact that judges our character and sorts us to different houses."

" Oh i guess you are right." Hermione said. Eventhough she was smart she liked Ethan very much so she asked him.

Harry who was next to them also nodded. Eventhough he could battle a dragon it wasn't necessary according to him.

At this time Draco came towards harry and said

" I heard that Harry Potter was on the train. So the Rumers are true. I think Hier potter should associate with someone of his own stature. I am Draco.... Draco Malfoy"

He looked at Ethan and Hermione and said that.He had extended his hand but Harry didn't shale it.

"I think i know which company to keep. Thank you"

Draco was really angry and embarrassed at this and took his hand back. At this time the Ghosts came and were looking and soliciting the students to come to their house. After some time The door opened and McGonagall lead them inside.

Hermione was next to Ethan and said

"See the candles that are floating i read about them in Hogwarts a history"

Eventhough she was mature she just couldn't hold back. Ethan just smiled at her and they all went to the top.

Now all the students and professors were looking at them. Everyone was looking at Harry so they kind of blended into the background.

" Now when i call your name please come up".said McGonagall.

"Hannah Abbott" she went up and the hat showted

" Hufflepuff" Hannah was relieved and went there.

And just like in the canon they were all sorted until

the professor called "Hermione Granger"

Hermione just came in and sat down. She did not have any anxiety because of [Gamers Mind].

Ethan made only the cannon Hermione head knowledge to the hat . And it shouted



They were all clapping and even Ethan. After that it was Harry Potter . He also had cannon harry knowledge to hat and it finally gave him to

"Griffindor !!!!!!! " And the whole school burst into applause.

Then just like in the canon Draco and others went to Slytherin and Ron went to Griffindor.

Now it was finally Ethan's turn. But after Harry Everyone else wasn't as enthusiastic about the rest of them.

" Ethan Longbottom " McGonagall called.

Ethan then went down and sat on the stool. Ethan showed the hat the cannon Neville head and it after much deliberation put him into


After some moderate polite claps . Ethan came and sat down next to Hermione. He was also congratulated by Harry and the now prefect Percy Weasley.

Ethan then just sat down and talked to Hermione.

Dumbledore just said

" Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

'Thank you! "

After that he waved his hand and then all the food appeared. Ethan liked it. It was very luxurious.

He also now wanted a house elf servant . So he stopped time.he decided to have them create at least 50 inside his trunk world so he waved his hand and did that. He created them and they bonded with him instantly. He also gave them institutions to look after all the animals inside it.

The tunk had all the magical animals, All the lost and current herbs in the world. It also has mountains of Gallons , diamonds etc .

It also had all the food of the outside world like rice and all the vegitables. They grow and auto harvest into different sections. They just grow within one day . Any food he need grows within one day .

He also had all the livestock like chicken ,goat, cow, buffalo, deer, rabbit. And also some rare and tasty birds too. He had a whole ecosystem that lived in perfect harmony. If he needed they will kill one and next day a baby animal grows and takes the previous ones place .

It was just his own inner world inside it. He also transferred all his women and his pet dog inside there too.

It won't be visible even to God and no one but him can get in.

Still he kept it in his inventory. If needed the women can roam the world. But they can't come outside.

Any way if Ethan needs he will go directly through his inventory. It also had all the books in the Omniverse in different sections like an omega Library.

Only Ethan and those he gave permission can go there.

He had already given all the elves all the rules inside . Also all the animals too.

He also gave the elves [ God level cooking skill] and Perfect animal and plant care.

Now they had all the recipes in the Omniverse inside there head. He had already made all the elves and animals inside loyal only to himself.

Ethan now back and resumed time.

Now they were all enjoying and eating. After that they all went into there own houses by there prefect. Harry and him were in one room. Hermione Also had a room . Ethan just went into his own trunk world. He then took Hermione in too.

He made the people outside not think of where him and Hermione sleep. They just assume they were there . So Ethan went inside and Hermione with him. She also took out her trunk and crookshanks out.

Ethan then created a house much like his Marvel one . But with infinite energy and an artificial Intelligence inside Friday.

It controls all the functions of the house. He also took out all the video games and all his cars and stuff out and made it just like in Marvel.

After that he and Hermione went to bed. His other girlfriends were in the twin towers now.

Ethan just hugged Hermione. He thought about wether or not to fuck her. But then he thought any way she had a mature mind so he started to slowly kiss her. He also changed her to be 18 years old body. She didn't know anything and kissed back.when they go out every one will think she is 11. But now she is actually 18.

And tey started to have fun with each other until eathen removed her panties. It was a very small vagina. It didn't even have any hair growing. So Ethan started kissing there and twisting her nipples . Her juices were now coming out. Ethen slowly drank it all. And when she came multiple times. Ethan got up . He took off all his clothes. He made mature body for himself. Then. He started to tease her with his big cock. It wasn't big enough to receive such a monster. But Ethan didn't care. He started to push it in really hard. He also erased her pain nullification temperorly.

He pushed his cock all the way in. And it stared bleeding. Ethan had already cancelled regeneration too.

"Ahhhhhhh ahhhh ahhh" Hermione was really crying from all the sudden pain.

Ethan didn't care and started to go hard. Hardee and harder. He tore the hymen and it was bleeding. He didn't care and pushed it deep inside harder and harder. She pleaded with him to stop but he didn't.

He fucked her for five days. He stopped time outside. He also gave her all the energy and food needed automatically.

He also healed her to have hymen every hour. And like that she was bleeding 24 times a day for five days.

He really enjoyed her having been in pain. After all that he came inside her. It was non stop. It was accumulated for five days. He didn't came even once. But now he just pushed all that inside her. After some time he took and scooped it up and told her to drink it.ahe didn't want that. But Ethan clawed her mouth open and made her drink it all.

After all that he Erased all his semen inside her. Then he restored her pain nullification and regeneration and also restored her hymen.

He liked the virgin fuck . So he did that. Now he just took her into his arms erased all the her fatigue and now they were both sleeping.

After about they both woke up after Eight hours and Ethan resumed time. They both bathed together and then took there books and came outside from opposite directions . Like nothing happened. Harmione also came down. Now it was 7 am and the time table was in the board. They made a copy and went to eat breakfast.

Hermione didn't like what Ethan did but she accepted it and loved him. She was really intoxicated by this feeling and truly become his.