
Chapter 188

Maxi paced around the waiting room and fervently prayed for a miracle. Judging by the occasional shouts that filtered through, it did not seem they would be answered.

Anxiously gnawing her lip, she imagined her father using absurd sophistry to frame Riftan. It set her nerves on edge just thinking about it.

She cracked the door open and peeked down the dark corridor. They were in the furthest room. Since King Reuben had prohibited third parties from participating in the mediation, there was no way of knowing how it was progressing. Maxi continued stewing in anxiety and pacing the length of the room when Ursuline spoke. Until then, the knight had been quietly leaning against the wall.

"I don't think they will be calling you for further testimony, my lady. Why don't you return to your chambers to rest?"

Ruth jerked his head up from where he had been dozing before the fireplace. "Yes. Let us return to our rooms. Sitting here won't help anyone."

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