
Deputy Commander

Han deadpanned as many soldiers came to surround him and he heard the scientist curse while looking towards his wife/girlfriend, or whatever the fuck she was! Women! You can't help but love them, but sometimes the urge to kill them overrides that love so much that you just feel like grabbing their necks and twisting! Sigh~ Han took a deep breath to calm himself. It wasn't like he didn't expect it anyways.

But Han didn't want to be seen because he didn't give a fuck about what they were doing here! He wanted to just come in, do what he wanted and then get out! He didn't like it when people took his hospitality and spat it back at him!

[Frigid Tundra] has been activated.

An icicle lance suddenly grew in Han's hand and Han turned and stabbed it through the shoulder of the scientist. Another one grew and stabbed the female scientist in the shoulder as well! The man screamed and grabbed his shoulder with bloody hands. What the fuck!? Why did you stab me too!?

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