
Chapter 37 - Leave


It was early in the morning and I was in the office finding some papers so I could work on them in the hospital while Lauren is doing her therapy. My Dad told me that they will have a business trip in three days and I need to sign some papers because it was important.

"Meril, have you seen the files that Mr. Wang gave you?" I asked my secretary who was standing behind me

"I didn't sir but as far as I remember you bought it home with you" I instantly facepalm in my mind and I saw it thirty minutes before I left the house.

"O-okay, so what brings you here? You need to say something?" I asked her while gathering up some more papers

"This is the recorded meeting yesterday with the Choi's and the receptionist told me that Ms. Ara was waiting for you in the lobby" I frowned. Ara and I don't have any communication when my wife woke up, I've been busy with her and Jayden. I didn't have the time to check my phone because I wanted to spend my time with my wife.

"Uh, do you know the reason why she's here?" I asked

"No, I don't" I nodded

"Okay, tell the receptionist that I'll go downstairs to meet her" The secretary bowed and instantly went to her table to call the receptionist while I put all the files and the flash drive in my bag. Curiosity is getting through me, I don't know what she needs right now but I'm praying to God it won't be something that will kill me and take her revenge on me. I still don't trust her intentions, I instantly had ust issues when that incident happened especially it happened to my wife but I need to face her and I need to be strong because never in a million years that I won't let her touch me me me m, my wife.

I sigh and looked at my office, waving to all the workers and telling them that they can leave early if they want to and they can work overtime if they need to. I went to the elevator pressing the ground floor and waited impatiently to reach it. It was just seven in the morning and Lauren's therapy is at ten. I still have the time to pick up Jayden at Mom and Dad's house because he wanted to see her mother already.

I instantly saw Ara waiting for me in the chair, she was wearing a bottom-up sleeve and fitted pants. I bowed at her and she did the same while I told her we could talk in the coffee shop. Two of my bodyguards are following in case something happens.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked her while looking at her. The waiter served the coffee and the sandwich that I ordered for us.

"I uh need to tell you something" I nodded and stir my coffee "I'm going back to Thailand together with my family"

"Oh..." Is all I could say. Why do I feel sad about it? I know Ara did some inappropriate things but the word back is something that scares me. I feel like she wasn't coming back anymore and Ara is also my best friend. She was also like a sister to me but it just ended when the incident happen.

But now...memories are flooding back in my mind, all the things that we did together with Megan and Yujin are something that I wouldn't forget especially when we are still trainees, performing to the crowd and practicing our dances. I still couldn't forget the time when she teaches Dohyun the choreography of his dance in his competition, I'm looking at her eyes wanting to know if this seemed kind of a joke or not but to my surprise it wasn't. She's looking at me seriously and I know I needed to believe her at this point.

"W-will you come back?" I asked while looking at her, she smiled at me and nodded. I sigh in relief and smiled at her a bit.

"Jieun and I are doing okay, she was still in the process of trusting me so is my son and the twins but I don't want it to do it here, I don't want them to remember that nightmare that I did to your wife and whenever I saw her building regrets and guilt is flashing to my mind. I want to fix myself somewhere wherein I could also fix my relationship with my family, somewhere I feel home and comfortable and that's in Thailand. It was my hometown, that's where I grew up and learned everything and I want to do it again. I want to fix myself again and come back here when everything is fine but then again...before I leave. I want to say sorry, I know it's not enough but I'm sincere and I want you to know that even though this thing happened did to both of us and it's entirely my fault. You're still the best we've ever had and your the best person I've ever met" I nodded and I couldn't help but smile

"As bad as I want to stay and fix everything with you I can't because my top priority is my family and my parents and I know you are are busy with Lauren and your son. I want to fix everything between us if Lauren healed and if we are both happy and contented"

"Y-yeah, sure. There's no problem with that. Just please take your time, there's no rush whenever you're fixing a serious problem with your family and wanting to trust you again. I want you to remember that even though we aren't doing fine the three of us will always be here for you" I remind her while she smiled and nodded. We stood up and shake our hands together. We walked together outside the cafeteria and I was telling her about Lauren when we finally reached her car. I looked at it and I could see that Jieun and the kids were there.

Ever before  Ara came out from Jail, Lauren talked to Gabbie about it. He said that he was just trying to help out Jieun to fix everything with her because she has three kids and also he was talking to Ara about their updates to her own family. Lauren found it sweet, even though Ara did some inappropriate things to my wife he still has the guts to visit that person.

"So..Megan and Yujin know about this right?" I asked while putting both of my hands in my pocket and looking at her

"Yes, they visit a while ago and we celebrated a bit before Megan and Suzy came to the hospital. We were supposed to call you but I knew that you were busy" I nodded

"It's fine, the important thing is you came here to visit me and say goodbye" Ara smiled and nodded the window of the car slid down. I saw Jieun and the two twins smiling at us. Lester was looking at the building in amused.

"Hey.." she said

"Hello, Goodluck and have fun in Thailand," I say while patting the twin's head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't visit Lauren when she woke up but please tell her that I'll come back soon and we'll visit her if everything is okay already"

"No problem, she's still in the process of healing but I'll mention it to her" Jieun opened the car door and the three kids instantly went to me giving me the hugs, I giggled and kneel to be on their level. They look so cute.

"We will go to the Zoo?" Ashley one of the twins asked while I looked at Ara and Jieun who was sighing sadly "Where is Aunt Lauren?" This time Lester asked.

When Ara was in Jail, we have been spending time with them. We always went to the Zoo since the kids were bragging about it and the three of us couldn't say no. We are like the second parent of them knowing Jieun was raising them alone since Ara was still in Jail.

"Lester and twinnies. I'm so sorry but Aunt Lauren is in the process of healing and we're not gonna go to the zoo because you are going on an adventure with your family" I said looking straightiintooton their eyes, Lester's eyes fell and I could some sadness in it 

"She'll be okay?" He asked while I hugged him tightly not wanting him to cry

"Yes, she'll be okay but I have a promise" I pulled out the hug and let the twins lean into me "when the three of you came back, Aunt Lauren and I will visit you together with Jayden. How's that sound?" His eyes lit up and smiled "And...we'll go to the zoo together with your parents. How's that sound?"

"Yes! We will love it" I laugh and pat his head "Now, Go on. You might not catch your flight" I kissed their head and giggled as they gave me a last hug and went inside the car. While I stood up and hugged Jieun and I patted Ara's back "See you soon and Goodluck"

"Thank you, See you soon" I nodded and Ara went inside her car stepping aside. Ara honk the car and I waved my hand to them for the last time.

I sigh, it's been chaos. If this is the start of something different and nice, if this is the start of the beautiful life of me and Lauren then I hope it continues. In the past few days, I realized that slowly everything is going back into place, everything is doing exactly what I expected and there arere no signs and troubles that will harm my family. The only problem right now, I need to see Ben. To assure thatatthatthing is okay already but I need to take time, I need to be patient. As of bo ant towantcus on my wife.

I smiled and looked at my guards who were waiting for me.

"Where are we going now, Mrs. Jeung?" William asked

"To the house, I need to pick up Jayden and we're going straight to the hospital" they nodded and we walk to my car. Opening the door for me. As I came in they closed the door and I couldn't help but smile. It seems like everything is going to be okay withtwwithths that will be coming by.

"Dada!" Jayden shouted leaving his toys behind and running towards me while I chuckled and opened my arms so I can carry him, I kissed his head multiple times and looked at me "We're going to Mommy?" He asked curiously

"Yes," He grinned "did you take a bath? For sure, Mommy will hug you tightly because she missed you so much" His eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly "That's good" I put him down and took out some clothes for him "clean up your toys so we could leave in any minute" he nodded and excitedly clean up his toys.

"Jihye" I look up and it was mom

"Hey" I smiled and gave her a hug "I'm sorry, I talked with Ara today at the company"

"Oh, that's odd..what did she say?" My Mom asked while helping me put some clothes on Jayden's backpack

"Well..she's going to Thailand to fix herself and fix her relationship with her family" She hummed

"That's good, at least we know that she's fixing herself and ready for a change and your mind will finally have peace since you're sure that she won't be bothering Lauren again" I agreed while sighing

"I know but I feel sad, I didn't even have the chance to spend time with her even before she leaves" My Mom rubbed my back as I sat down in Jayden's bed

"Sweetie, she understands that. You're busy with your wife and she knows that. She knows how you love Lauren and she's your top priority every day. You know, that's life. We all know that we have to love ourselves first but I realized that when you get married and you are certainly in love with your spouse you will learn how to love them together with yourself and always think to do them first especially you have a kid. Secondly, our friends. That's when you need to know that Ara also needs to fix herself first before she fixes the relationship for the both of you. It's okay if you didn't spend time with her, as long as she's fixing herself. You will also help Lauren heal and finally go back to herself again" I smiled at my Mom's advice.

Mom's are the best, they give the best advice and it was helpful. Ever since I was a kid she always gave me the things to do in the right way. Gave me advice whenever I fall and she will always be there for me to help. That's also the reason why I became a mommy's girl. When I was growing up Dad was always busy with work but he also managed to spend time with us and then when I got married to Lauren and have a kid, I realized that I wasn't just a mixture of their features. But I'm also a mixture of their attitudes and actions.

I hugged my Mom tightly and she sigh while rubbing my back "You have to remember that you aren't just a best friend but you are the best wife and father at the same time Darling. I'm so proud of you" she smiled at me and I kissed her head

"Thank you so much, Mom. It helped me a lot" I pulled out the hug and looked at her

"Anything for my baby"

"Dada, I'm ready to go," Jayden said excitedly while I and my Mom chuckled "Grandma, come with us" he looked at Mom

"Well baby, Grandma needs to help Grandma Leslie in the company but we will drop by later on at night hopefully" His eyes lit up and she kissed my Mom's cheek

"You don't want us to drop you in the office?" I asked while opening the front door using my left hand since I'm carrying Jayden.

"I will do some paper works in here if you don't mind. Leslie will be here any minute together with Dohyun"

"Alright" I kissed her cheek so did Jayden "call me if something came up" She hummed and waved goodbye to the both of us. She gave us a flying kiss and I waved her goodbye.

I sigh, if this is the sign. Please continue everything Ben. No words can describe how good it is. This is the life that I've been wanting, no troubles, no warnings, and no toxic people in my life. I have the person that I love and I have the kid that I love. They are my life and nothing's gonna change that.

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