
Chapter 26 - Starting again

After a few days, Lauren and Jihye are already on their way home. Their anniversary celebration went well, they traveled and roam around at Jeju, they went shopping for souvenirs and spend most of their time in the rest house.

Jihye was beyond nervous since this is the day that she will bring Lauren into their house. The help was so useful and she will forever thank her new friend. The dancer was sitting uncomfortable on her seat, she was fiddling with her fingers. Lauren was confused but she didn't mind it in the first place, she was reading some papers but it distracts her and wanted to know why her wife is nervous.

"Honey?" Jihye looked at her as Lauren folded the paper that she was reading "Why are you nervous?" Jihye gulped and found an excuse on what to say. She doesn't want to blurt everything out because she wanted everything to be a surprise.

"U-uh nothing. I-I just, uhm" Lauren raised her left brow, the dancer gulp "Just wondering if Jayden is doing okay. Y-you know, we are gone for a good one week and I miss him so much" she excused

Lauren hummed and rub her arm "I miss him too, but for sure he's okay. Mommy and Dad are taking good care of them. You don't have to worry okay?" Jihye nodded and her wife lean into her kissing her cheek. The dancer grinned and intertwined their hands. There's nothing to be worried about now that the surprise that she will be showing is their future home.

The ride was almost two hours, a good thing there was no traffic around Seoul. Lauren was confused why they were in a different direction but Jihye is telling her that she needs to show something important. She texted Jisung that they are already near.

After fifteen minutes they finally arrived at the entrance of the house. Jihye was already shaking inside but she was looking at her wife looking at the window of the car.

The house has an entrance that Lauren likes, the automatic gates instantly opened when they saw the car. William stopped in the entranceway and he went outside to open the door for the married couple.

"Hon? Where are we? What is this?" She asked

"Come on, we don't wanna be late" the dancer mumbled coming out from the car, she was excited. She offered her hand to Lauren and the girl looked at her quizzically but she nodded and smiled. Lauren took her wife's hand and went out in the car.

"What is all this?" She inquired curiously, the house was familiar.

Jihye opened the door revealing the luxurious and modern interior, the CEO gasped in surprise and she mumbled a 'Wow'.

"You remember the time when we get married?" Lauren hummed looking around, Jihye hugged her from behind and kiss her neck. The CEO sighed and lean in to hear more.

"What about it?" Her other half implored, intertwining their fingers

"When you were in Los Angeles, I visit your Mother and she told me the house that you like in the time comes that we have our own family" Lauren breath hitched "Your Mom gave me a paper, and turns out it was the house you drew and that was your dream house. I decided to build it in a private property with the help of Dad and Dohyun"

Lauren let out a tear "Babe, you didn't"

"I did, Hon. I did. Look, were stepping on it right now, we're already inside"

"How c-could y-you?" She sobbed instantly hugging her wife tightly, Jihye smiled and rub her back she knew the tears that her wife was showing were a joy and that's what she likes "I-I didn't even expect that you will build this all alone. Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you with the finances, You know I want to be part of it and I want also to use the money that I have for you, for us, and Jayden"

"It doesn't matter, I'm always telling you that I will do everything for you and the things that you need I will give it to you. Not because I want it but I want to be part of it, I want to be there whenever you had a decision in your life. Well, if you'll let me. But, Hon. This was my biggest achievement for me because this house" Jihye looked around and gazed back at her wife "This is where we will restart our own life, with Jayden and our future kids. This was my surprise for you, my gift for you"

Lauren was out of words. But, all she could do was kiss her passionately and part their lips just to say thank you. Lauren pulled out the kiss and rub her wife's cheek while looking straight into her eyes.

"I love you so much. I don't know how to say thank you, Honey. But you have to remember now that we have this house we should share everything from now on. Especially, the needs for the two of us and Jayden. I don't want you to spend money on your own, I want us to spend it together my love" Jihye nodded and peck her wife's lips

"Well, we'll spend your money tomorrow since we're gonna buy some furniture" Lauren giggled but nodded.

They toured around, Jayden has his room and there were spare rooms for their future child that weren't painted yet so the house look so huge. There were also three guests rooms and there were bathrooms in every room, there were two offices, a huge living room, and a kitchen. There's also a garden, a swimming pool, and a playground.

They reached the kitchen and Lauren was surprised to see all their families and friends were there. The little family that they met was there also. Lauren instantly hugged every one of them so is Jihye while they hugged Jayden tightly since they miss them so much. They stayed outside the garden and Jihye was talking with Dowon and Beom Suk. While Lauren is talking with Leslie and Chahee while Jayden was with Daeun and Dohyun talking with the little family together with their friends

"So, how was the vacation? It's a big surprise right after when you come home huh?" Leslie muttered while Lauren nodded and drink her tea.

"Well, it went well. Especially, we met some new kind people that helped me forget what happened back here. But, yeah this was a huge surprise and it's just so new that someone would do this for me"

"You know how Jihye loves you" Lauren smiled "she has been so busy building this and always talking to her father about this" Chahee said while Lauren chuckled

"Yes, she's good at keeping some secrets. I didn't even notice that she was hiding this from me. She was so calm and seems like nothing is going on" Lauren muttered in amusement.

"She has been always calling us" they pointed their selves "trying to get her guts together. But, she was nervous about how will you react. Especially, she was the one who decided to decide to build this without you knowing" Chahee poured some wine now in the wine glass while she drink it.

"I just really can't believe it. But...hey Mommy?"

"Yes?" The adult answered

"Do you have any news about Ara and Jieun?" She asked hesitantly. She forget about it but she doesn't know why she still has the guts to ask it but she was worried about Jieun, the baby that she was carrying, and Lester.

"Well" Chahee looked at Leslie and she nodded "Ara was in Jail, of course, guilt is killing her and she doesn't know how to clean her profile. Her parents were calling us and trying to talk to us personally but I told them I need time"

"I'm really worried about Jieun, she's carrying a baby and Lester is with her. She wanted to talk to me but I shut her down telling her that I need space but guilt and worry is killing me. She has two children" The CEO said while it was visible that she has a worried voice.

"Sweetie, I know how close you are with Jieun maybe you can talk to her. Besides, she doesn't even know that Ara has dark plans. But, I guess you need to check her out but make sure that your wife is with you" Lauren knew her Mother and her mother in law was right. She can't deny that she was also worried about Jieun when she was in Jeju.

The day continued and Lauren didn't forget to thank the little family, her friends, and her wife's friends. They were on their way to the penthouse. Jihye was the one driving the car, William and the rest of the bodyguards were just following behind their car. Jayden was fast asleep in her Mom's chest while Jihye's left hand was in the steering wheel while her right hand was intertwined with her wife's hands.

"What are you thinking?" Her wife asked while looking at her wife for a second and gazing back at the road. Lauren sigh and rub her son's back

"Mommy, Mom, and I talked about Jieun a while ago. They also mentioned to me that Ara was in Jail and suffering from regret" Jihye hummed "I was worried about Jieun. Knowing her family came back to Canada and she's now alone with Lester and she's carrying a child. I don't know how she was doing. She wasn't involved in this, I wanted to check her out. When we were in Jeju, I couldn't stop thinking about her" The CEO mumbled, she was nervous about how her wife would react she knew how she get so protective.

"I know babe, Megan, Yujin and I talk about it a while ago. But, Yujin visited her yesterday and she was doing okay but Jieun wanted to see you. She was so stressed and she doesn't know how to start everything again" Lauren sigh, she should have talkedededed to her before she leaves. 

"Can we visit her tomorrow after we finished shopping for the furniture?" The CEO asked curiously

"As long as you're with me, baby. We'll visit her tomorrow okay?" Lauren smiled and kissed her wife's hand. She will forever cherish her, she has been doing everything for her and she promised herself that she will give the things that she likes and she wants. She will never have a second thought of it.

They arrived at their penthouse, they decided to let Jayden sleep in their room because they miss him so much. They slept peacefully and their body was filled with energy for tomorrow.

It was already eleven in the morning and they were almost done shopping for the furniture, Lauren was the one who pick all of it but she was asking what her wife like and some opinions but Jihye being the whipped girl she is she was telling to her wife that everything looks so good and she will accept the things that she likes.

The furniture will be delivered tomorrow and Jihye decided to hire an interior designer, at least for now she has her wife to check everything out. They were currently on their way to Jieun's penthouse in Gangnam. They also bought Jayden with them. Jihye's friends were also with them but they were just following the married couple's car.

They finally arrived, Jihye parked the car and she got out instantly opening the car door of her wife. Lauren couldn't help but chuckle since her wife is doing this for a year now, Jihye instead pecks her lips and took Jayden. The CEO cling to her and kissed her wife's cheek and instantly made their way to Jieun's penthouse.

Lauren was indeed nervous but she just hoped that Jieun was doing okay, the baby is healthy and Lester was fine. Lauren sigh and she knocked on the door, there was a minute of silence until she heard some footsteps. The door opened revealing a 21 weeks old pregnant woman. Lauren's breath hitched when she saw Jieun, it was indeed visible that she hasn't slept for like two days, she seems so stressed and the pregnant woman instantly hugged the CEO and she was crying again. Lauren sigh in relief and hugged her tightly while looking at Lester behind her mother who was hugging her legs.

Right now, they were inside the penthouse, they were in the living room. Megan and Yujin just arrived with some packed lunch since Jihye texted her to bring some. Lauren was sitting beside her wife and she was leaning into her while Jihye was looking after Jayden and Lester who was playing beside her.

Jieun was sitting across the "How are you?" Lauren asked softly, but worried.

"I'm not okay, Lauren. I feel bad about what Ara did to you. The guilt was right into me and I feel so ashamed. Ara was my other half and I feel like fifty percent of my life was also with her. I'm so sorry, I am" Jieun stood up and kneel in front of Lauren while the CEO doesn't know what to do. Jieun was just saying sorry and The CEO couldn't help but just hug her tightly telling her that it was okay. Lauren let Jieun calm down in her arms, she knew it was bad for the baby and she's trying her best to calm her down.

It took a few minutes before she calmed down, Lauren was rubbing her back and resting her chin at the crown of her head "It's okay, I know you weren't there to save me and you don't know what Ara's plans are because you were too busy with your work and at the top of that you were in overseas. You should say sorry to me because of your wife's action but don't be sorry because your wife did it to me. She was the one who should apologize for that. At least I know you weren't in any of Ara's plans. I can trust you. Everything is okay, we're okay. Past is passed we should move on and start all over again" Jieun sobbed again, while Lauren was trying her best to calm her down.

Jihye was rubbing her back while Yujin and Megan were tearing up already, Jieun didn't forget to say sorry to Jihye. Jieun was so thankful because the married couple was so helpful and very understanding. After the drama, Lauren and Jihye's friend ask about the babies. Jieun told her that she will have a check-up next week, Yujin and Megan decided to go with her. They knew Jieun needed help and they were happy to oblige and give everything to her and take care of her.

After three hours of staying, Lauren promised that she and Jihye will come back after their check-up. She could also visit the house tomorrow to also check around and ask for also her opinion. She also reminded me that she is always welcome in their home. The married couple left with their son with a happy heart and peaceful mind at least they were ready to start their happy life again while Jieun was already calmed and she knew her friends were also there to help to clear her name and be back to her work. She will cherish her new friends.

It was already ten in the morning, Jihye and Lauren were already in their new build house while checking out the workers who were currently designing the interior of the house. Jihye was talking to the agent while Lauren was looking out after Jayden who was walking around. He could already talk and he was already babbling around and saying some unusual words which the married couple were so surprised. He could say "Baby" "Wow" and "Dada" but not that straight.

The married couple didn't hear it personally for the first time but they were thankful that Jayden is smart like her parents.

"Mrs. Jeung, the bedroom is done. You wanna check it?" One of the workers asked Jihye

"We'll be there" she answered while Jihye called out her wife. Her wife nodded and called out her son who was instantly running towards her parents giggling at Jihye. She instantly carried her and kiss his cheeks while she also snaked her arms to her wife's waist. They check the bedroom and it was the position that Jihye and Lauren like so they agreed on it.

Jayden's bathroom was all blue. Every part of the house was almost finished because the agent that Jihye hired was a lot and it could be finished in one day. The pool was being finished by the workers while the garden was also almost done.

They decided to come home for dinner. Jayden was hugging Jihye while he was babbling while Lauren was cooking their dinner. Jihye was looking at her wife from afar clearly so thankful that she came into her life and everything just keeps getting better and better. There were a lot of ups and downs but even though that happened they still managed to find a way to fix and save each other.

Jayden was too focus on her legos and he was babbling. Lei and Liz were beside him checking on him while Kum was near in her wife's legs probably checking on her also. Jihye felt complete, her wife, her son, and her animals were with her. This is what she likes and she can't wait for another more and have their future kids.

After thirty minutes, Lauren was done cooking and she called out to her wife. She cooked some chicken and potato salad that Jihye likes. Jayden doesn't eat that baby food that much because he doesn't like it. Lauren just gives him a soft food that he can chew and swallow. He has some teeth already and he's usually biting Jihye whenever he was wearing some sports bra whenever she's working something on the penthouse.

They were currently eating dinner and Lauren was laughing because Jihye was doing some airplane sound on Jayden and he was giggling about it. His baby teeth are showing already and his voice is a mixture of them but manly.

Jihye looked at him in disbelief when he was pointing the chicken again it means he loves it.

"Buddy," Jihye said in surprise "Enough, you've had enough. We don't want you to have a bad dream" It seems like Jayden can understand everything his face was upset and his eyebrows are furrowed

"Okay, last one alright?" Her Mother mumbled getting a bit more of the chicken breast and taking him for the last bite. He was happy and Jayden opened his arms for Lauren to carry him "Now Jayden, who should wash the dishes? Mommy or Dada?"

"You know he'll choose me because he likes me to suffer" Jihye half-joked while Lauren laugh. Indeed he pointed out on Jihye and she couldn't help but groan but her wife knew it was a joke.

"We'll see you upstairs, Honey" Jihye hummed while Lauren peck her wife's lips and made their way into their shared bedroom while the dog was following from behind. She could hear Jayden giggles because it seems like the dogs were chasing him. Jihye couldn't help but smile.

Lauren was now sitting at the edge of the bed of Jayden and he was already fast asleep, she didn't forget to clean his body and brush his teeth using a cloth for it to clean. Lauren was reading some bedtime stories for him and she couldn't help but wonder how in the world he could understand all that but she was thankful that he was coping up.

Lauren rub her son's cheek and kiss the top of his head, he was so cute, his dumpling cheeks like Jihye were already showing, and his cat eyes. She was already thinking how will her future child will look like. By just the thought of it, she couldn't wait for that time.

Just then, Jihye knocks on Jayden's wall to get her wife's attention. She smiled and went closer to kiss her son's head.

"He's getting bigger," She said looking at her wife and smiled

"I know, He's turning two soon" her wife mumbled sadly and rested her head on her wife's shoulder. Jihye smiled and kiss the top of her head

"Don't be sad, we have three more children to make" Lauren giggled and pinch her wife's child earning a chuckle on her. They stayed there for a good thirty minutes, talking about the house. It wasn't something special.

When they came out, Jihye closed the door looking at her wife and roaming around her eyes to her body. Lauren raised her right brow and Jihye whistled playfully and smirked.

"So..we have been taking care of Jayden and he was always getting your attention from me and I oblige because I love him but I think it's already my time for my attention" She smirked playfully pinning her wife on the wall. Lauren rolled her eyes playfully but chuckled

"You want sex don't you?" She asked playfully while Jihye think of it, her hands moving on her chin and pretending that she was thinking causing Lauren to laugh "Come on Horndog. If you get in bed naked, we'll have a party" Jihye's eyes lit up instantly running in their shared bedroom and Lauren couldn't help but chuckle at how cute her wife is.

The night was filled with a filthy sound that the married couple likes.

The house was now already complete and they celebrated it. Their whole family was there and also their friends. Jieun couldn't make it because she has a meeting with some important people regarding the company that she was running in Indonesia but she promised that she will visit the house later on.

It didn't take long before the celebration ended, it was already nine in the evening and Jieun arrived. She has some gifts and Lester was sleeping on the couch.

"Here, eat some foods" Lauren handed the plate full of foods

"Finally, after a lot of meetings" Lauren smiled, Jihye was drinking some beer with her friends and Gabbie.

"So? How was the check-up?" She asked softly while playing Lester's hair

"It was fine..." She said hesitantly. The baby was healthy don't get her wrong but she doesn't know what will her friend react.

Lauren furrowed her brows "Why do you seem so nervous? Is everything okay?" She asked confusedly drinking the wine. She was heck worried when she hear her friend's voice. Lauren is really like this all time, she cares for her close friends a lot. Now that everyone is starting to build their family she wanted to be there for them and pay them back for things that they did for her when she was pregnant with Jayden.

"Well..don't get me wrong the baby is healthy" Lauren sigh in relief and told her to continue, she was drinking her wine and also poured some for Gia who was already on her way here "Well, I'm having twins" Lauren choked on her wine and looked at her in disbelief. She widened her eyes, gulping how in the world would she handle that now that she's alone?

"Woah..you're having twins?" The pregnant girl nodded and showed her the ultrasound, it was indeed that she was having some twins. Two girls to be exact. Lauren smiled happily when she heard that the baby is healthy and they were doing okay but Jieun's worried voice caught her attention.

"Is everything okay?" She asked curiously while giving back her ultrasound picture.

"I am but it got me worried when I knew that I'm having twins," Lauren told her to continue when the door opened revealing Gia who was holding her purse and doctor's coat. She smiled at Lauren and congratulate her for giving her some flowers and she kissed Jieun's cheek and Lester's head as she said beside her best friend.

"I don't know how to handle two kids now that Ara was in Jail. I don't know how will I start everything now that I'm all alone. I know my parents would be here but I'm worried for my children what if one day they found out that their "father" was in jail and for sure if they were in the right-thinking they would be mad" Lauren sigh, her friend was right.

"Well, for now, don't focus on that. You need to think of your pregnancy right now and you know be happy for the moment. I know everything is hard on you right now but you have to remember it was not just your parents beside you but...also us" Gia agreed while Jayden ran to her and told her to carry him.

"We know we wouldn't leave you, now that we're here for you. We're a lot Jieun" Lauren mumbled and looked at her in joy. Jieun smiled and nodded

"I will keep that in mind"

"We're here for you every step of the way. Don't worry too much okay?" Gia said while she hugged Jieun tightly.

Just then, the drunk drinks came inside and Jihye instantly ran to her wife mumbling some incoherent words, Lauren couldn't help but giggle and peck her wife's lips again and again. She was mumbling some cute words and telling her she loves her so much. Jayden was playing with her Dada's fingers and biting them whenever he wants to.

Lauren couldn't but smile, she has her friends with her. They are complete and this is what she likes. A happy and complete life and that will forever for sure continue now that her Daddy was happy and she will always thank him.

Well, then again. She's wrong.

I am so sorry If I'm updating late, I was fixing our thesisbpaper. how are you guys?

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