
Chapter 10

Jihye woke up due to the sun hitting her face, she forgot to close the curtains as she groaned. She put her arms to cover the sunlight but she remembered what happened last night. She instantly looked at the other side of the bed and felt relief that everything wasn't a dream.

She smiled, her woman is sleeping in her chest, fully naked and their legs are tangled together. They finally had shown their soul and saw everything, the imperfections, the flaws, and the soul. The night was so full of intimacy and passion. Remembering the moans, grunts, and whimpers coming from her wife's mouth is driving her insane.

Jihye traced the hickeys that she made to her wife's neck, it was a lot but for her, it look good on her wife. Jihye kissed the top of her head and play with Lauren's hair. She heard her wife snoring and she smiled.

"Poor baby, I'm so sorry If I tire you out last night," Jihye said whispering in her hair.

They went on last night, they can't get enough of each other. They already knew what they did and if the time comes that one day Lauren will feel something different she wouldn't be surprised at all. She wants this, she wants her only her.

Jihye was just looking at the view, it was a Good Morning. She looked at her watch and it was already eleven in the morning. She has been awake for thirty minutes just admiring her wife and playing with her. She doesn't want to wake her up since she tire her out last night. So, she waited patiently for her to wake up.

After a good fifteen minutes finally, Lauren is slowly opening her eyes. Jihye was nervous about what will she react, she doesn't know if Lauren likes or wanted it because she was so turned on to her wife wearing a bathrobe. Even though she knew she did that "thing" with her wife and she just confessed her feelings yesterday there are chances that she might regret this.

Lauren was slowly opening her eyes, groaning when the sun hit her face, she rub it using her right hand and stretched. She realized that she was naked, she opened her eyes fully welcome by Jihye's worried expression. She instantly remembered what happened last night.

She already saw me, the real me, my imperfections, flaws. I showed her my whole soul. 

The intense touches and sound that was coming out from our mouths is something that I wanted to hear from her again.

It happened. It finally happened.

Lauren came back to her thoughts when Jihye rub her cheeks. Lauren smiled and gave her a peck on the lips and smiled "Good morning, my charmer" Lauren said biting her lip.

Jihye was taken by surprise, Lauren seems so happy so her eyes brightened, and gave her a peck "Good Morning to you too, Gorgeous." Jihye said kissing her neck "I'm so sorry if this was so sudden I--" Lauren just cut her off by kissing her while Jihye just kissed her back.

Lauren pulled out and cup Jihye's cheek "I don't regret it," Lauren said giving her a reassuring look "It was my best night, my best night with you for the first time. I know everything seems so quick but I also wanted that to happen. I want to do it with you only you J" The CEO said tracing Jihye's hickeys.

Jihye smiled and hugged her tightly, she was relieved that her wife didn't regret it so it means she was already hers. Well, she's already hers in the first place, right?

"You are the one Lauren" The CEO smiled when Jihye kissed her forehead "I will take care of you and never leave you. You have my word"

Lauren just grinned and kiss her chin "Thank you, can we stay here for a while? I want to admire the view" Jihye nodded and kissed her cheek. Lauren face the big window wherein she could see the view. Jihye was hugging her from behind resting her chin on her wife's shoulder.

Laurene's heart was delighted, not because she was in the place where her Mom and Dad earned memories but also she was with her wife. She never felt something like this before but she knew this is something that she wants to continue, never end her life and marriage with Jihye.

Jihye and Lauren were currently roaming around Boulevard Saint - Germain. It was already three in the afternoon. They decided to buy some souvenirs and clothes for their own family. Lauren was clinging to Jihye while she was holding all the bags that her wife bought.

"Babe, can we stop buy at Hugo Boss?" Jihye asked as Lauren nodded she got confused since it was full of for boy's perfume.

Jihye was looking around while her hands were intertwined with her wife not letting her go. She was also asking for some advice on the perfumes that she was smelling. Jihye ended up buying four of them.

"Hon, are you gonna use it?" Lauren asked taking out her card to hand it to the cashier

"I'm gonna use one of it. I like the smell of it and it doesn't fade away quickly. I'm gonna give one for my Dad, Dohyun, and Dowon" Lauren looked at her

"I didn't know you're close with Dohyun and Dowon" Jihye smiled knowing they have been talking about the private property and the design of the house.

"He also became close with Ara," Jihye said handing the money to the cashier "You know I need to become close with them since they'll kick my ass when I hurt you" Lauren chuckled "But you know that's never in my plan because you're my precious and small baby" Lauren blushed as Jihye chuckled and hug her waiting for the cashier to put everything in the paper bag.

Lauren felt love and she was already complete. Her heart is complete. She just hopes Jihye will never change her attitude towards her and never find someone else even though her wife is always assuring her. As they left the store. They already decided to have dinner at a luxurious restaurant that Lauren requested of course Jihye being the whipped one she agreed to eat in that place.

"So, you're telling me that it was all hard for you before you become a CEO and Dancer?" Lauren asks cutting the steak that she ordered. They were again talking about Jihye's debut.

"Yes, YG is a strict leader to be honest I really don't want him. Even though you see him as calm and a quiet person he has an attitude that you wouldn't like. When I was in my trainee days and training to dance my friends and I couldn't talk with the other trainees because it was in his rule." The idol said drinking her wine

"I see, I searched about everything on the internet when I was in Los Angeles. It was very different and much more stricter than I expected " The CEO said

"Well, there are companies that doesn't put any strict rules on trainees but you know I really admired him since I learned a lot, become the famous dancer, professional CEO" Lauren smiled

"Well that's so good, I'm proud of you " Jennie smiled knowing she also felt that way when she knew about that "but good thing YG allowed you to be married"

"It's been so long since we you know started the show, we don't tend to do the restricted rules. We want to have our freedom and you know love all the people that we want. It's been so hard being on restriction, you can't do anything that you like more on like you can't eat anything that you like because were a trainee dancer" Lauren just felt a sadness, she realized that her sister was also being handled in that entertainment.

"Do you think Daeun will be alright?" Laurenn asked in a worried manner. Even though that Daeun was just her step-sister she completely cares for the girl, they still had the same blood and she knew she also needs to look after her.

Jihye sigh "I believe well it depends. I'm sure that she is already having a hard time she just doesn't show it. But, don't worry I will be there to look after her. Besides, you'll be staying there for long because of the Auditions and I'll protect her even though she's higher than me because she's an idol" Laurene sighed in relief

"You're right, thank you. Where should we go after this?" Lauren asked wiping her mouth

"Anywhere you like, I'll just go with you wherever you want you to know I'll enjoy" Jihye winked while Lauren just shook her head, she has been thinking of already showing Jihye the place wherein her Mom and Dad went.

Lauren was already tugging her wife, she was so excited since she missed this place. It has been one year since she visits that. She even left the flower where she and Ben took a picture together.

"Baby, slow down. We might trip" Jihye said giggling while Laurene just shake her head. They finally arrived in Château de Fontainebleau "Woah" Jihye said looking around, Lauren was just looking at her while smiling "Babe, what is this place?"

"You've been to Paris many times and you haven't visited this?" Lauren ask

"No, I didn't get the chance to roam around because I'm always here to work" Lauren nodded and came close to her wife

"This place is called Château De Fontainebleau. This is the Palace of Fontainebleau, also known as Château De Fontainebleau this has been home to French aristocracy and kings from Louis VII to Napoleon III, and its enormous grounds and spectacular fountain are well worth the thirty four-mile journey to see" Jihye hummed

"But what's so special to this place?" Jihye asked looking at her wife

"This is where Daddy proposed to Mommy. They also spend their time here whenever they finished planning the wedding or after work. They stayed here for seven months because Daddy was fixing something in the company. He decided to take Mommy with her because he planned to propose to her" Jihye hummed "I decided to take you here since this was so special to me. Daddy and I stay here whenever he needs some time and space he will usually take me out with him and tell me some stories. This was also the last place he visit before his last breath" Lauren said looking at the river. Jihye sigh and hug her from behind.

"You know since they made memories in here we can also," Jihye said while Lauren looked at her straight in the eyes

"Really?" The CEO asked

"Yes, I know everything is still hard on you. I wanted you to feel your dad's presence whenever we visit here. I want you to remember all the things and memories that you both made until it became so easy on you and you're in peace because you soon will realize that you have one person that will be here for you and that's me. My love" Lauren smiled while Jihye turned her around to look at her "I wanted to do all the things that you and your Dad do, the place that was so special to you, and let's spend the rest of our lives traveling in the whole world just you and I"

"You're too perfect, We can but you're still an idol love," Lauren said looking at the river again and Jihye hugged her again from behind

"Our contract will end in months, I've already made up my sanity," Jihye said kissing her wife's shoulder

"Really? what is it?" Lauren asked curiously, she wants Jihye to continue being an idol not because she's making a ton of money but she was thinking of her fans. Lauren realized that a lot of her fans wanted them to renew their contract.

Lauren started using the media and usually, she searched about Jihye's interviews. It was just all about her life, model, being a dancer and CEO, and her plans. She still hadn't searched thoroughly since she is spending her time with her wife.

"Well, the girls don't want to renew their contract to the entertainment that we're signed in right now. Well, Ara will stay there because she wants to continue of her being a teacher , while Megan is planning to sign in to your entertainment when she realized you had a professional staff while Yujin already planned about the Dance academy and my plan is I wanted to take a break for a moment, I want to spend my time with you and my family but maybe after seven months I will be managing my Mom and Dad's other company" Jihye said

Lauren doesn't want to protest, it was her Wife's life and idea. At least, she will still be in the media since their company and agency are also famous.

"I see, you know I'll support you with it" Jihye smiled and kissed her wife's cheek "Shall we walk around?"

"of course" Jihye offered her hand and Lauren gladly took it and intertwined it with her. It was a cold and beautiful and peaceful night. There weren't any people around so they have their privacy.

"By the way, you seem uneasy when we met Jieun. Is everything okay?" Lauren asked looking at her wife

Jihye chuckled "Jieun was Ara's ex" Lauren looked at her confused "They have been together for four years but ended up breaking up because of Ara's tight schedule. Ara still loves her she tried to contact her but Jieun wasn't replying. So, she just moved on"

"How's Ara? Is she okay?" Lauren asked while Jihye pulled her close to snaked her hands to her wife's waist.

"Megan told me last night that Jieun stayed in Canada for one year. Ara has been fine, you know she never talks about Jieun that much which is a good sign because she was so whipped for her but now that she's back we don't know what to say or expect. Megan also told me that Jieun also told her that she's looking forward to meeting with Ara because they have an important thing to talk about" Lauren hummed while she just hugged Jihye walking around.

Their topic was mostly about her members since Lauren wanted to know more about them, their attitudes, and likes. Jihye also told her about their training experiences and how they all become close.

The full week occurred by just having an intense night, dates, and cuddling. They also met with Lauren's friends because they decided to follow on a vacation and Jihye doesn't mind at all since she knew Lauren also missed them. Jihye ended up becoming close with every one of them especially to Gabbie because they constantly have beers every night while Lauren was talking with her friends. They ended up going back together to Korea.

It has been three months now since that vacation. Jihye was already planning to take Lauren to Greece. She was in her Mom's company to sign some contracts and talk to her about their vacation in Paris and how Lauren confessed before they left.

Lauren on the other hand was in her Mom's house, she finished everything on the company and decided to drop by at her Mom's house.

"Mommy, I don't know but I've been feeling sick since last week," Lauren said eating some mangoes while looking at Leslie who's busy cooking

"Have you visited the doctor? Perhaps you are just catching a cold" Leslie while looking at the jokbal that was boiling.

Before Lauren went to her Mom's she told her to cook Jokbal because she was craving for it and when she saw the mangoes she instantly took them and ate them.

Leslie already knew what happened between them she has a feeling that something is growing inside her daughter's tummy. She doesn't want to overthink and expect about it but she was so excited about it.

Leslie served the jokbal and Lauren instantly dove in. Leslie was looking at her thinking that something is going on. Dowon came inside the kitchen.

"Hey, Lauren. Didn't know you're here to visit" Dowon said sitting beside Leslie

"Hey, yeah. Jihye will be home at seven because she has a meeting with Mom" Lauren and Jihye visit Chahee and Beom Suk in their house. She also had the chance to talk to Junwa that Jihye adored so much.

"You still want more mangoes Noona?" Dohyun asked showing the unripe mangoes. Just then Lauren's eyes sparkle. She instantly nodded while Dohyun slice it for her.

Leslie and Dowon looked at each other they are trying not to smile. They are really expecting that Lauren is already carrying a little Jeung inside her tummy.

After a few hours of staying in her Mom's house. She decided to go home since it was already five in the afternoon. Right after, she went to the bedroom she instantly felt a bit sick. Just then, her tummy is spinning she knew she needs to rush into the bathroom.

"Honey, I'm home" Jihye shouted while her Mom and Dad are behind her. Jihye furrowed her brows since Lauren wasn't coming down from the stairs usually whenever she hears the door open she will quickly rush downstairs to give her wife the biggest hug but now she wasn't around.

"That's weird, her car was in the garage," Jihye said "Maybe she's asleep," Jiyong said while they sat on the couch just then Lei, Liz, and Kum rush down to the stairs tugging at Jihye's pants.

"Dogs stop" Lei was already barking and Kuma was already rushing up the stairs. Jihye knew this sign she remembered that Lauren's dog was trained and she knew that there's something wrong if the canines have this attitude. So, she quickly ran upstairs to their room.

She heard that Lauren was throwing up in the bathroom so she quickly rush to her side and rub her back.

"Let it out baby, I'm here" Jihye encouraged scrunching her nose. She doesn't know but Lauren has been telling her that she has been sick since last week. She told her that she will take her to the doctor but Laurene told her that she will be alright.

Lauren sigh and flushed the toilet. Just then, Chahee went to see them she got so worried because they were taking too long.

"Jihye, is everything okay? Oh no, Honey what happened?" she quickly kneels and rubs Lauren's back

"Mom, we need to take her to the hospital" Chahee nodded and Jihye carried her wife, she was so out of energy and couldn't stand up. Jihye and Chahee were coming out from the stairs. When Beom Suk instantly asked what was going on. Chahee just told him to drive and go straight to the hospital.

Jihye was beside Lauren holding her hands telling her that everything will be alright. She was already awake but she still feel that she was out of energy. Just then, the doctor came inside.

"Mrs. Jeung," The Doctor said sitting down

"What's going on? Is she doing alright? Everything is okay right?" Jihye asked worriedly, she will lose her mind if something was wrong with her wife.

The Doctor smiled "Well, the reason why your wife has been throwing and always feeling dizzy"

"What is it?" Lauren asked gripping her wife's hands

"Well, Lauren is four weeks pregnant. That's why she has a lot of cravings, exhaustion, frequent urination, and nausea" The Doctor said while Lauren doesn't know what to say.

Jihye was in awe, she knew this was coming since she hadn't seen Lauren drinking some pills. Nothing is wrong with that like Ara and Lauren's friend say they are getting older and they have their life to decide on their own.

The doctor said some information while Lauren's mind was flying. She was happy about the pregnancy but she was thinking of Jihye, she was still an idol, she doesn't know how she was still an idol and had a lot of things to do. Once, the doctor left Jihye instantly looked at Lauren.

"Babe? Is everything okay?" Jihye said rubbing her wife's cheek, Lauren tear is coming out from her eyes Jihye instantly catches it using her thumb "Babe, Aren't you happy? We're gonna have a little family, we're gonna have a little Jeung running around the house. Don't you want that?"

"I'm happy, I'm so happy. I just don't know if you're ready for this especially we got married in just months. Aren't you too surprised by this?" Lauren said while looking at Jihye straight in the eyes.

"Baby, No. Don't think of that, I'm married to you, this is my life, You're my life and that human that was growing inside you. I can do whatever I like. I want this I do. I want to start a family with you ever since then." Jihye said wiping her wife's cheek

"But you're still a Dancer and running a lot of things for the survival show for your Dance and I know you had a lot of things to do and I don't want to bother you that much" Lauren muttered looking down

Jihye held her chin up and peck her lips "I don't care, You're more important. I can handle both, I'm so inspired because of you, I need to work because of us but now that we have a little Jeung coming it inspires me to work harder, to have more motivation because I know soon enough we will have a baby soon" Jihye kissed her wife's forehead and Lauren rested her head on her chest

"Are you sure?" Lauren looked at Jihye while the idol nodded. Lauren sighed in relief and kiss her passionately she doesn't know how lucky she was to have Jihye in her life. She was so perfect and very loving

"Everything is all about you. You both are my top priority" Lauren nodded and hugged her tightly. She was so happy, she's finally having a baby with the person that she likes for so long.

While Lauren finally fulfilled her dreams, the baby that she's been wanting in the right person has occurred. She knew Jihye will be there for her, she loves her so much already and there's no way she'll let her go.

"Mrs. Jeung, Elle magazines have been telling us that you will be the next cover of the year, they wanted to know and show in the media what was going on with your existence, they also wanted you to have an interview with them," Suzy said looking at Lauren who's in her chair checking some papers

This is what Lauren was waiting for, she knew Elle magazine will get her as the model of the year. But, she is pregnant and she has a wife that was an idol and their relationship is very private for now. She doesn't know what to say to her wife.

"Can you tell them that I need to talk to my wife before I accepted the offer? You know our relationship is still private" Lauren said eating some chips "I look fat"

Suzy rolled her eyes playfully "No, you don't. Your body stays the same but this is very important since your fans are already finding you and wanted to know what's going with your life but you know you can't just lie to the media since someday soon people will know that you are married and we don't want them to know their selves"

"You know, I still need to consider my wife's decisions. Especially, she's getting more famous" Lauren took Suzy's sandwich "her fans might hate me if they knew Jihye will be having a baby soon and has a wife"

"Don't you know how much her fans like you? Jeez boss they have been tagging you for a year now" Lauren's eyes furrowed and looked at her secretary while Suzy connected her phone to the television. Lauren sat properly and watched it. It was Jihye's interview she realized that it was two years ago.

When Jihye was asked the question who was her long-time crush and who she likes Lauren instantly smiled when Jihye said her name. She doesn't know and it surprised her that Jennie has been crushing on her for three years already.

"You were also trending not just because of your photoshoots because Jihye just confessed that she has a crush on you. Her fans are trying to reach you out but you weren't answering them because you were busy working" Suzy said while looking at Lauren she was just smiling from ear to ear not listening to Suzy. The Secretary shake her head "At least you already know" Lauren hummed and smiled.

Jihye was with Dohyun and her Dad looking at the private property, they already started the house without her wife knowing she wanted to surprise her and she adds the nursery room.

"Do you think it will be a boy?" Dohyun asked Jihye. He was so excited when he knew that Lauren and her sister in law will have a baby soon.

Her wife's family and her family were in awe, they were so happy. While her members are excited because they will be an Aunt soon, while Lauren's friends knew that this will happen but still they were so happy.

"I don't mind what the gender is as long as our baby is healthy and my wife is doing fine," Jihye said checking the surroundings Dohyun smiled and agreed "By the way, have you met Kai? He's my cousin and but I also consider him as my brother" Jihye asked

"Not yet Noona," Dohyun said gathering all the rocks

"Well, he likes to meet you because he also wanted to help you with the dance" Dohyun smiled and nodded "and Junwa will be happy because he met some new people"

"Oh, Unnie has been talking to me about it" Jihye nodded while Dohyun

They fixed the rocks while Jihye and Beom Suk talk about parts and the budget that they need. Jihye doesn't have any problems knowing she has a lot of money to pay for everything, sure Lauren will kick her ass but she promises she will let Lauren buy the furniture and she will just add some money if her wife will let her.

Jihye was on the way home, Lauren texted her to not forget her subway. Jihye instantly chuckled and ordered some subway. She will surely give everything knowing her wife will be grumpy if she didn't.

After a thirty-minute drive, she finally arrived and was opening the door but instantly Lauren came to her arms, and Jihye giggled kissing her wife on the lips.

"Did you miss me?" Jihye asked her wife

"I do" Laurene pout "My subway?" Lauren asked causing Jihye to giggle and give it. Lauren quickly sat on the chair and ate it. Jihye sat across her and the dogs instantly went to her side as Kum was in her lap.

Lauren was already glowing and she looks even more beautiful "By the way Babe, Elle magazine already contacted us and they wanted me to be the model of the year. They wanted to know what's going in my life"

Jihye smiled and nodded, Lauren looked at her confused "Babe, you know that our relationship will be in the public and for sure your face will also be at the magazine"

"love, I'm ready. I don't want my fans to know by themselves. I want to confirm by ourselves. My fans love you"

"I know that" Lauren smirked and went to sit on her wife's lap "You have been crushing me for three years huh" Jihye blushed and Lauren giggled "I didn't know that was 'that' long" Jihye buried her face in her wife's neck and whined

"Babyyyypleaseeee" Lauren laugh kiss the top of her head "But seriously? are you sure?" Lauren asked

"Yea, I'm sure very sure. This is my life, you're my life" Jihye holds her tummy "And our future little Jeung" Jihye kneels and kissed her tummy

Laurene smiled, Jihye is so perfect.

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