
Chapter 28: Where to Next…

~Tatsumi POV~

"Thank you very much young man for helping my daughter in her time of need!"

Currently, I'm talking to the parents of the girl I saved from Champ to her parents belonging to a noble family here in the Eastern Region of the Empire. When I brought her home their guards were extremely hostile before I let myself be captured.

The parents checked their daughter as she woke up and came to my defense explaining the situation from her perspective as I revealed the [Big Leaguer] to show proof that the fat man is dead.

But that didn't convince them until they sent their guards to check out the body and when they returned, they nodded in agreement but were disturbed by what I did to that filthy animal of a monster.

Right now, though I was just leaving the building for thanking their hospitality as they also gave me a gift even and that was to get me an Imperial Halberd weapon. The reason they got me this is because they were trying to find a way to thank me for rescuing the girl as well as the other two kids' graves from their friends.

The other kid's parents grieved what happened but once they heard the news about what happened but also saw the corpse, they took Champ's corpse as they watched it being burned then feed it to a tamed Danger Beast his remains and watched it shit it out.

Honestly, that was weird and freaky but they were satisfied with their form of revenge and they respected me for cleaning the two kids' bodies before burying them.

Because of that, they wanted to gift me rewards for killing their serial killer with an Imperial Halberd since those things are really good in equipment wear as well as very durable than my old sword.

The halberd itself looked like a two-handed polearm weapon consisting of an ax portion, a spike mounted to be used similar to a spear, and a blade to the side similar to a scythe.

Frankly, though my old short sword was just about to become useless to me for a few more rounds of fighting. Those Fishman skin and durability made my poor old gal to be used up and dull even when I sharpen it the sword is still dull in some places.

Even with my blacksmith skills, there is a limit on how much my short sword could take as the battles we had finally came back to take their toll.

Still, though it's best I get used to this new halberd now since from what the noble family said it was made using the Danger Beast cores of an Earth Dragon, the exoskeleton of a Giant Centipede, and finally small scale of a baby Death Tagool. And those Death Tagool as a full baby is the size as fucking Godzilla and that's only a baby.

The reason why the Death Tagool is a Super Class is that their size can grow to terrifying levels and usually sleep underground but even one energy beam could change a continent but there are even others that are more terrifying than it.

But that is for another time as I got paid in gold as well for avenging their kids from that pedophile but for now though as I was about to leave, I see the girl I saved earlier look at me from the side her home.

Grinning at her I spoke to her hoping she grows up better in the future as I spoke, "Hey kid if you ever don't what happened to you in the past then train to become the strongest. Use anything you can to get stronger or else!"

That seems to set the parents off, but I can see that the kid nodded but maybe she did it to look cool or maybe she did life has a way to find out.

Right now though I have two teigu's in my possession but so far, the public knowledge of me killing Champ is bound to bring attention to anyone who wants these weapons. These Teigu's are sacred treasures of the Empire.

So, I might have to expect a heavy fight soon.

Now then that leaves an important question of what to do next since I have the free time. Maybe I should focus more on training my Spearmanship but also where to next?


Considering that the Southern Region is still at war with the Empire I should be able to use the Ban's Tribe as a distraction to get the Teigu [Incursio] from Bulat but the cons to that one I'll raise too much attention to myself.

As for the Central Region of the Empire that's completely random for me but most certainly bringing me trouble along the way.

Then there is the Northern Region of Empire to consider as far as I know it's hostile at first in the anime and manga. But currently, they haven't instigated their foolish revolt yet so they are only gathering info about it.

Hmm… Ok, then I'll check up with the Barmaid first to figure out about which chapter I'm inside the manga or anime of this world and that's to check out if The Sabatini Show.

The Sabatini Show is a group of the Revolutionary Army's spies. They used their disguise as a traveling circus to collect information around the Empire. They were targeted and eliminated by the Elite Seven.

If I know that they are alive then that means they haven't been killed yet and if they are then they must be already at the surprise attack. Finding out where Kurome and her group are at is near impossible to find out.

Unless I use the system which I can do but I don't have a backing to change much about their fates even I have limits of what I can and can't do.

First how about I pay a visit to the Black Market first for info…

Right now, I met up with the Barmaid again as I paid her the usual as she grins up as she asked me her go-to response, "Well ain't my favorite customer kid? So, what ya need this time more info about the clown?"

Shaking my head I began to reply to what I wanted from her with a calm and casual voice, "Nope. Finally caught the bastard. No, what I need to know is a few things as such where are the whereabouts of the Sabatini Show? I heard it's a pretty good show."

That made the Barmaid raise her eyebrow as she began to reply to my question in an off tone as she talked, "The show troupe that has been going around the Empire? Yeah, I heard of them from what I hear over the grapevine is that the show troupe is currently on their way to the Northern Region of the Empire? Why is there something special about them or something?"

Shaking my head I just lied of just wanting to see the show that means Akame and Tsukushi members of the Elite Four. Now that is a very tricky situation to be in but the weapons, they have are pretty good.

The Elite Seven is one of several squads of killers who were recruited as children.

The Empire began to form these elite squads when rebellions began to rise due to the Empire's corruption, and the need to quell these rebellions became vital to the Empire's survival.

The Empire acquired an estimated 100 children to take part in a cruel exam in which the participants were dropped into a forest full of Danger Beasts and challenged to survive. The first 7 survivors were then recruited into a group and the remaining survivors into another group.

The Elite Seven is led and coached by Gozuki, who took the strongest seven of the survivors of the forest exam as his proteges and trained them in the assassin's trade, having them refer to him as "father" and considering them his children in return, but will discard them should they fail him.

Still, though the weapons they have are good more specifically the Shingu's are useful to have like Akame's sword at the time but there is the chance to take Murasame…


Choices to make here are worthwhile and the war in the Southern Region isn't stopping anytime soon but an issue that is becoming apparent now is that I'm sort of lacking something to hold my stuff.

By that I mean I need to get myself an inventory soon and the only Teigu I know that can do that is Dimensional Formation: Shambhala for its space uses.

Leaving the bar, I went away but not before thanking the Barmaid for the info maybe I should take my time to search for Syura. Syura returned to the Capital after traveling for a while so that means he should be outside the safety of the Empire.

I can't exactly go out asking for the info about Syura because of his status being the Prime Minister Honest son but even then, most public people don't even know about his existence as it was revealed in the anime.

So only important people are aware of his existence but with his Teigu it's simple for him to teleport back so maybe I should ask about finding a man that has the same scars, but I'll miss my chance to see Akame and the Elite Seven.

The opportunity is just waiting but so little time for the chance to rob the Elite Seven blind is too tempting. But that Gozuki guy pretty much guarantees that I get in trouble unless I take his blade out of the equation I will be at a disadvantage.


I need more time to think about this more clearly before I make my move…

Which direction should Tatsumi go to next?

The Central, Northern, or the Southern Regions of the Empire?

Jovami6729creators' thoughts
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