
Chapter 12: An Old Flame


My cell is empty of my roommates, if one can call anyone who wants to kill you anything remotely like a roommate. I stumble inside and don't stop until I reach the rear of the room near the basin sink and toilet. It's tucked in a small alcove which provides some cover from anyone outside the cell. Those of us inside don't share such liberties.

The new uniform tucked under my arm slips from my grip and they fall to the ground by my feet.

Eyes as blue as the heavens, they haunt my thoughts, they float in my head. My arms are trembling, and I stumble toward the sink, my hands gripping the sides. I look up into the mirror, something I haven't done much of since arriving here. I didn't want to look at myself, to see the judgment in my eyes, to acknowledge that maybe I am the god killer everyone calls me.

I splash cold water over my face, trying to clear my head, to stop the frantic beating of my heart.

What is Nelos doing in this prison? Why here?

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