
Chapter Sixteen: All Might's Final Battle and The War To Come

"It's About time I started putting things into action" All for One said as he began to walk over to Best Jeanist "Starting with you, i can't have someone like you running around and trying to ruin any of my plans"  All for One said as he charged an air blast in his hand as he shot it into Best Jeanist's stomach blowing a hole in it "Tomura, have Kurogiri release all of the nomus,we need to keep the heroes at bay while I kill All Might" All for One said as he began to  fly to the spot where he would fight All Might "Yes sir,Kurogiri release the nomus" Shigakari said as Kurogiri created portals all over the city releasing hundreds of nomus all at one. "What's going on, All Might what's going on,Do you copy" Aizawa said as he was running around trying to restrain all the nomus running around in his area "I'll handle it Aizawa,just focus on your post, All for One isn't going to stop killing innocent people unless I show up,So i'll give him what he's been begging for,and when I do it will be the last you ever here from him" All Might says as he goes into his buff form and leaps to find All for One. "Took you long enough to show up here All Might" All for One says to All Might as he lands "I'm done with your games All for One, Were going to finish what we started and i'll make sure you never come back" All Might says with a furious look on his face as he began to run at him at full speed.  "Just as Naive as always aren't you All Might" All for One says to All Might as he charges another air blast,he then launches All Might into a nearby building with it. "You've peaked, in terms of power you were stronger back when we first fought ,but now it doesn't even look like you'll be worth fighting,maybe your lacking motivation" All for One says as he looks for a civilian or hero he can kill "Ah,there we go" All for one says loudly as he spots Mt. Lady "Got you" Mt. Lady yells as she turns giant and tries to trap All for One in her hands,All Might knowing what All for One is about to do Leaps over there as fast as he can "Did you really think you could restrain me" All for one says as his fingertips turn black and extends impaling Mt.Lady's hands forcing her to let go "Now for the motivation" All for one says as he retracts them and charges an air cannon in his arm and shoots it at Mt.Lady "NO" All Might yells as he's trying to stop All for one from killing her. Mt.Lady gets sent flying as All for one turns around to face All Might "I didn't kill her but if you don't stop holding back i'll kill every single person in japan,do you see what's at stake here number one,so you better bring your A-game" All for one says as he starts laughing hysterically. We then cut to Aizawa as he's trying his best to round up and take down all the nomus in his area "There's no end to these things"  Aizawa says as he gets hit in the back by one "S-shit,this might be it for me" Aizawa says as all the nomus are looking down at him "Need some help Shota" A man says as he sends the nomus surrounding him flying "Fitz?" Aizawa says confused as he's helped up. As Fitz was helping Aizawa up, waves of energy came and cut down numerous nomus. "Looks like you need help" Reaper says as he appears. "Reaper!" Aizawa says as he tries to use his quirk on Reaper. "Haha, I have gotten strong enough to completely resist your quirk. Anyway I'm here to help not fight. But I will be right back, it looks like my plans are being pushed forward" Reaper says as he uses a Particle Reactor to get an insane amount of energy and Reaper stops time for everyone except him and All Might. "Thanks Reaper, now I can kill All for One!" All Might says as he was about to kill All for One. "You can't, we can't interact with anything frozen in time. I only stopped time to give you a second chance. I can heal you and give you your strength back but at a cost. You will owe me a favor" Reaper says as he fixes All Might and Gives him the strength of One for All though he can not increase it like Izuku can. Time starts to turn back on as the Reaper disappears. We then cut back to All Might as he's infuriated as he rushes at All for One as All for One charges at All Might and they begin to trade blows back and forth "This is what i want to see! Yes,Come at me like you want me dead" All for One screams as he begins putting more power into his punches "If you say so!, Let's take this up a notch" All Might says as he jumps back and yells "California Smash" as he lunges forwards at All for One uppercutting him "How was that you sick freak" All Might says as All for One's mask falls off revealing his disfigured face as he spits out blood "My turn All Might" as he uses one of the stolen quirks he has to pull All Might to him "All for One: Tokyo Smash" All for One yells as he punches All Might in the stomach making him cough up blood "Good ,good,your still breathing,you said to take it up a notch so lets do just that" All for One whispers in All Mights ear as he then yells "Maryland Smash" as he knees All Might in the chest knocking him back and partially out of his muscle form. "Ladies and gentlemen we are broadcasting our Number one hero fight All for One right now and it seems like" The news reporter says as the smoke clears revealing a half transformed All Might with his costume ripped up "Ladies and gentlemen I hate to inform you but our hero is being beaten right now,if he can't beat this menace then i fear for what comes" The news reporter says as they focus back on the fight. The Reaper appears with an aura of death. "All for One, I suggest you stop this show and leave." Reaper said. "And what are you going to do to me Reaper? I can beat All Might and I can beat You!" All for One said as he was starting to charge at Reaper but suddenly stopped. 'What is happening!" All for One screamed. "A little trick other versions of me taught me. I can control anyone who takes my blood to awaken. I won't kill you because "They" told me not to but you need to leave!" Reaper said. "So you were the kid back then, hahaha! I will go for now but mark my words Reaper, since I can't kill you. One day I will kill everyone close to you" All for One said as the remaining villains and nomus went through the portal and left. Reaper left as well. "How did he even get that strong,no amount of quirks should allow you to overpower One for All" All Might thinks to himself as he stands up and points at the camera in the sky and puts a fist in the air and goes back into his muscle form "Our number one hero just made All for One flee!" The news reporter says as all the people watching from the big screen yell and cheer for All Might as he then points at the camera and says something under his breath "Your next" Izuku and Bakugou look at the screen and swear to themselves that they'd beat All for one.

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