
Chapter Six: Part Ten; Jirou & Izuku V.s Endeavor

We move onto Izuku and Jirou who are walking down a path in what seems to be a water treatment plant on their assigned battleground. They walked around and found a mysterious door leading down to a tunnel. The door was locked so Jirou plugged her earphone jack into the door and pulled out a lock pick kit so as to not attract attention to themselves with a loud bang of the door. Jirou unlocked the door and they walked down the stairs cautiously. It was dark down there so Izuku activated his quirk which made the lightning on his body illuminate the tunnel. They get down to the end of the tunnel and find that there is someone standing there. A flame goes up from their body and they see that it's Endeavor. The two of them quickly turn back around and Izuku looks at a camera and says "Sorry Jeff, this will only happen once," and picks up Jirou. Just as he does that he activates 60% of One For All and Disappears from Endeavor's view down the tunnel. Endeavor gives chase and just as he gets up the stairs, the door slams onto his face making him fall backwards down the stairs. Izuku and Jirou then run into the water treatment plant and come up with a plan. "We need to find a way to put him out!" exclaimed Izuku while running. "Yeah! But how!?" replied Jirou. As they are running, Izuku stops and sees a fire extinguisher and gets an idea. "Jirou, I'll find as many fire extinguishers as I can. I need you to go to the control room and lock the doors. They are extremely fireproof because of the massive engines that are near it." explained Izuku. "Alright!" replied Jirou while running in that direction. Izuku then Activates 15% and dashes around gathering the fire extinguishers. Once he had them all collected he met up with Jirou who had just made it into the control room and locked the vault like door. They were fixing the fire extinguishers onto the wall surrounding the door so when the door opens all of them will coat him with the monoammonium phosphate-(the stuff that looks like whipped cream that comes out of the fire extinguisher)-. They also set a few that would get punctured and take flight. They heard banging and explosions on the other side of the door so they had to hurry. Even though the door was fire resistant it won't hold long against a fire trying so hard to get in like Endeavor's hell flame. When they got all of it hooked up they slowly tried to open the door but Endeavor forcefully opened the door, causing all of the fire extinguishers to go off and some fly off. They did put out his flame but he was still able to fight. "It looks like your plan failed! But I'm glad you did your best!" said Endeavor. "I wouldn't be so sure about that..'' said Izuku as he smirks. Endeavor then turns around and before he can even react. -Insert Taco Bell Sound- Endeavor gets KO'd by the bottom of a flying fire extinguisher. They took him to RG and he had a huge bump on his head. They left him and Xero handed Izuku and Jirou a paper slip. "This is for you to enter the final part of the exam" Xero said as he was tired at this point of people asking what the slip is for when it says it on the slip. 

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