
Inheriting Memories

'Is she dead?' Allen couldn't believe what had passed in front of him. He felt his arm forcibly been pulled, swinging his sword and cutting Columbina's head. Even now, he could feel and intense pain all over his arm, being forced to a greater strength than what is used to.

"The Purge has ended" The Tsaritsa descended from her throne and approached Columbina's body.

*Shaf* With her hand, the Tsaritsa pierced Columbina's heart, taking from it a colorless gemstone.

"Your loss will be forever recorded, Kagome." Suddenly, the ground turned transparent as if it was glass, revealing the truth. Under their feet laid hundreds of ice coffins with frozen corpses inside them.

*Shaf* an ice pillar rose from the ground, swallowing Columbina's body and head before returning to the ground, now showing a new ice coffin in its insides.

"Always change to become stronger" The Tsaritsa turned over Allen who was completely frozen seeing it all, his eyes fixed on her.

'What's all of this?'

"Show us your potential, Allen." The Tsaritsa pinned the gemstone over Allen's chest. "Grow stronger" Just as it touched Allen, the gemstone produces a blinding light, forcing Allen to close his eyes.

As the light dispersed, Allen found himself alone surrounded by darkness with only a little girl in front of him.

"Ayaka?" Allen said confused looking at the little girl who was smiling brightly. The girl was very similar to a 7-year-old Ayaka with her blue-white hair and light silver blue eyes and her inazuman yukata.

Suddenly, Allen felt a powerful force, being dragged and swallowed by the little girl. When he opened his eyes, his surrounding had changed again, now inside a room.

Looking over the windows, it was clear that he was at the Kamisato State, but he did not recognize the room that was decorated clearly for a young lady but wasn't Ayaka's room.

Seeing a mirror, Allen approached it and found the image of the little girl similar to Ayaka reflected on it.

"Kagome" Allen heard someone calling from him and time started accelerating, everything happening at a tremendous speed.

The people surrounding her with compliments and smiles, the Kamisato's greatest genius praised by everyone as the future of the Kamisato, the bright future ahead.

Etiquette, tea ceremony, calligraphy, sword techniques... it did not matter, she was the best at anything, not needing more than three times to learn it all, showing that the word genius was made for people like her.

"I know that you will make everyone proud as the next lady" At the early age of 12 years, her father passed the family azure blade Soul Sword, the wavespike Hasui Geppaku Futsu, to Kagome, showing how much he trusted her as the one accepted by it and bonded with it would be recognized as the head of the Kamisato Clan.

Kagome took the sword, instantly bonding with it and showing it to everyone between cheers. 'As expected' She became the youngest head of the clan.

'Now I understand. I am reliving her memories.' Allen could experience the memories as if they were his, he being in the little girl's body and feeling her emotions. The happiness for her loving parents and family, the thrill of mastering something new, and that immense Pride in her own talent, feeling herself better than everyone that only grew as her body grew older and her strength increased.

'Why should I stop here?' Kagome realized as she swung her sword with a perfect Kamisato Art stance 'I can improve it. I can go further.'

And that was what she did, going further, changing stance not only in swordsmanship but also in dance and art, changing its foundation creating something new 'Something better.'

'As expected!' That was the time when her Hydro Vision appeared in front of her 'Even the gods want for me to go further.'

"That's not the Kamisato Art!" The smiles around her disappeared and became frowns as they glared and pointed derogatorily at her, shouting and trying to force to continue as before.

'No!' Kagome thought 'I'm not wrong. I'm better than that! I'll show it to everyone in a way that they won't be able to negate it."

"Stop!" Kagome's father interposed in her decision "Kagome, what you are trying to do is dangerous. I know that you are special but don't try to rush it or you will lose it all." He said full of worry for his daughter.

'No. He is like everyone else, false worry to force me to do as they desire.' Kagome's thoughts resounded all over Allen 'Because they are too weak for anything else.'

Kagome invoked Hasui 'I'm much more than a simple Kamisato' She threw it away, discarding her position as clan head and drawing a normal sword, pointing at her father. Seeing her acts, her decision was clear, her father withdrawing his sword with a pained expression.

The 14 years old young girl against the grand warrior in his late 30, overpowering her in strength and experience. The result of the fight was obvious.

'As expected.' Kagome thought as she looked down at the unconscious body of her father who did not last even a minute against her 'I'm not in the wrong.'

Kagome left her home leaving a trail of unconscious bodies, all of them falling against her power. Then, Kagome walked over Inazuma City, reaching Tenshukaku where she gazed at the Raiden Shogun in the Throne Room.

'I'll defeat the Shogun, showing all Inazuma my greatness, showing everyone how wrong they are trying to change me, showing that I am the best. My way is the correct one!'

"I challenge you!"

Kagome fought against the Shogun, the clash between both destroying half of Tenshukaku, but in the end, the Shogun was stronger, with her strength and Electro element pushed Kagome to the end, forcing her to her knees over the cliff that their combat had moved.

"You were strong and could have been useful. But..." The Raiden walked as she prepared her technique a purple halo appearing behind her and charging it with Electro "I do not forgive treason."

'Musou no Hitotachi' The Shogun slashed at Kagome who was unable to react against it, however, the ground under her broke down, causing her body to fall and for the Shogun's attack to not slash her completely, but nevertheless, slashing all over her chest, causing a mortal wound if not treated quickly.

Kagome fell down the cliff, being swallowed by the ocean, her body falling without her being able to do anything. 'Was I wrong?' She thought as she felt her consciousness waver.

'No!' 'I'm not wrong!' 'All of them are!' 'I'll show everyone!' 'I'll show everyone that I'm the best!'

Following her strong feelings, something reacted from the profundity of the ocean, darkness appearing around her, completely swallowing her as her hair turned black.


The surroundings quickly changed, new memories shooting at a tremendous speed.

Blood, death, carnage... All sorts of monstrous acts passing at great speed making it difficult to discern even if it was past or future, but nevertheless integrating the emotions over Allen's mind. Rage, anger, superiority, disgust, indifference, but over everything Pride.


"It seems that he is reaching his limit. He is breaking" Dottore commented seeing Allen who was laying on the ground, convulsing with wild spasms while blood leaked from every one of his orifices. "He was too young and weak in the end. It seemed that she had chosen it wrongly."

However, suddenly Allen's convulsions became even worst as his body bulged and his hair started turning white.



"Hahaha!" Allen started laughing madly before the torrent of memories and emotions, being swallowed by them as he started losing his will in it.

Finally, the fast pace memories stopped as a young woman appeared in front of him. She was about 20 years, tall with blond hair and deep azure eyes that looked with great determination at him as she pointed her rapier at Allen.

'As expected.' A piano appeared next to Allen as he sat to play it, preparing for the fight.

"IT'S ENOUGH!" Allen felt his body being pushed away from his body, finding himself again surrounded by darkness. This time, in front of him, stood Columbina exactly the same as he had fought against her.

"You are not ready for more. It is not the time yet and your body might crumble" Columbina said calmly.

"What's the meaning of this? What was all this?!" Allen asked as he clenched his head, confused as a piercing pain was still lingering in his mind, the trace of those memories.

"You will know when the time comes" Darkness started appearing around Columbina "Until then, grow stronger or you be swallowed by it" She said before the darkness completely swallowed her, only leaving behind the same short girl as before, however, this time older, about 18 years old.


"Kagome" Allen mumbled as he opened his eyes finding an unfamiliar ceiling over him, him laying over a strange bed.

"You finally woke up"

"Pantalone" Allen turned to see Pantalone who was peeling an apple. "Where I am? What happened?" Allen had difficulties remembering, his head still pained after the blurred memories that still affected him.

"You are still at the Zapolyarny Palace, resting after your combat with Kagome" Pantalone said leaving a plate with the peeled apple over the bed table. "And about what happened?" Pantalone hummed "Look at your chest."

Allen lowered his gaze, his eyes going wide. Pinned over his clothes was a deep indigo gemstone with a symbol of a wing, it was his new Delusion. However, that wasn't what shocked him the most. The thing most surprising was the two new peaks over his chest, breasts!

Allen turned demanding an answer from Pantalone who smiled and signaled a mirror.

Allen stood up looking himself at in the mirror. Paler and longer clear blue hair, fair and pale skin with paler eyes that shined with confidence. In all a peerless beauty that resembled Kagome rather than himself.

"What the fuck?!" Allen shouted shocked.

"Congratulations on becoming the new 11th Harbinger. Columbina, the Colleen."

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