
Chapter 71: Something I Had To Do Myself.

Ayane steps forward with curiosity, "Sha—Shadrown? Like, the mythical creature in the book of Old?"

I nod. It feels so great to finally say something to satisfy her curiosity. "The living shadow."

There was silent for a while.

Bigger suspicion draws over her face. She put her bone finger on the lips, "But… if you say is true, then why would a Shadrown helped you?"

"It didn't, intentionally at least. I think. From what I heard the werewolf called her ugly and that sparks a bit of fight among them."

"Are you saying, Sensei is just a bystander? Is that it?"

"More or less." I'd like to tell her more about last night but I doubt I can speak of them so much. In hope of being vague Ayane would have more interest on finding why I'm being like this. This much I can do instead of lying to her.

"Is that so?" She's much more curious now.

"Basically, that's it."

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