
Chapter 49: Vampires, Assemble.

Ayane throws herself into her soft couch. She stares at the ceiling as if she's watching something. She is, her future. A time where she'd spent a lot of time with Sensei. Just like the old times.

"Just like back then."

And to be honest, she only wants to make him proud. After all, she's his only student. Of course, she wouldn't tell him that, instead she told him something cheesy.

Her tongue has been itching since then.

She shakes her head. 'What am I thinking? This is not a time to fantasize about something.'

She gets up and looks out the window.

Somewhere out there, a dangerous hell creature is hiding among the humans. And it is around where she and sensei live. She will find it.

But it wouldn't be easy. First, the Exorcists, which they should already be moving to deal with the case now, wouldn't let her stick her nose here. Ever. Because of stupid rules. So Ayane has to keep it discreet.

And she will deal with this case quicker than the exorcist.

She looks up the sky again.

Remembering something.

The sky paints her memory:

The waves of fire.

The burning eyes of an exorcist.


He'd never asked the Order what to do. Back then Sensei always did what he thought were right and before anyone knew about it, he'd always come back successfully.

Ayane's stomach twists.

She wonders….

Why Sensei left the exorcists' world?


Nelia is sitting on a swing seat alone in the park. It's dark now, only the street lamp helps the scene visible For anyone else at least. But to Nelia, it's not dark at all. It's never. Night is brighter than day for her. She even sees the footprints the children made on the sandbox. The receipt stuck in the grass. And can tell how long the lollipop has been on the road.

Without even her knowing, her feet start to draw someone's face.

It's Sensei… with a question mark? It looks like him but Nelia is not much of an artist. Or maybe the rough sand is not a good canvas.

"Aw…." She sighs a long one.

"I've failed to tell him again. Come on Nelia, when will you come clean? After all…"

She puts her bag on her lap, unzips it, and pulls out a shoujo manga titled: Sweet Lesson. You guessed it, it's a story of a relationship between a teacher and a student.

She bites her lip, "After all, only an honest girl would win in the end."

She sighs again. Feeling like a failure. "It's all right, I got to be closer to him today." She is talking about her becoming the co-president of Sensei's club. 'I will have a lot of chance to tell him, the real me."

Nelia smiles confidently.

She hops out of the swing and stretches her back.

"Let's eat some meat today."

One fact about Nelia: SHE LOVES MEAT!

The full moon beams at her as she walks in the mouth of darkness.

Her nose twitches.

"Huh… She does smell a little bit familiar," Her dark eyes glance up to search for something in her memories. Have I met the president somewhere else before?

She shrugs. It must have been a long time ago.

A long time ago?


Clank. Clank.

Bright screen.

There are at least thirty cans of coke on the floor everywhere. And at least ten cups of instant noodles, empty for god knows how long. Or maybe even gods wouldn't know. This apartment room is forsaken!

A soft cough.

In front of a small laptop is a girl with a short white hair. Her red eyes staring at the white screen. Her small hands on top of the green mouse, saddle it to right and left.

She coughs again. She has been sick… 

For three months already.

That's abnormal? You wouldn't believe what you'd find if you opened her fridge…

It's 8:00 P.M. and as usual, IO opens her twit'er to look up something new. Something new to emotionally destroy. That's her hobbies. She loves to fight retard people on twit'er with words.

Her most famous line is: go outside and touch boobs.

But she didn't get to scroll far when her screen was glued to one big post.

School's teacher teaching alien language while naked!

She watches the whole three minutes of video.


Played again.

And again.

And… her mouth pumped out her energy drink to the ceiling. It splat on her white face few seconds later.

She wipes her face and stares at the window again.

'School's teacher teaching alien language while naked!'

This is bullshit!

That's not an alien language.

She replies to the tweet because she has her own opinion. Her finger dances on her keyboard and if you look close enough, her fingers are blinking in an out of existence.  As if she's not real.

IO.Drac tweeted:

"THAT'S OUR LANGUAGE! MWAHAHA.… JUST WAIT @Earth @Human We will devour you all!

| 'School's teacher teaching alien language while naked!'



5.20 P.M.

Tennis Court of Pigeon All-girls High School.

A tall girl with long dark hair is sitting on a bench. An umbrella opened over her though it's not raining. Despite that, everyone looks at it as a charm. Not to mention, the umbrella is almost looks expensive as a BMW car. Or maybe more.  The other girls are all around her chatting with each other, trying to get her attention. It's as if she has bodyguards. But that's not the case, in fact, it's the opposite.

She has a big reputation in this school. All the students would call her the Great Egret of the pigeon high school. That's what she gets after punching a thousand evil, perverted men.

"R--Riolu-sama." One of the girls is brave enough to walk in. Brave, maybe not so. She can taste the little trembling from them.

Riolu sighs, "Please don't call me sama. I'm not worthy. What do you want?"

The girl gulps, "I--I just want to say thank you for last night. If not for you… the boys might have done something… not appropriate to me."

She wants to say something but there's a certain sound... that stops her from thinking anything else.

Her face turns sharply to the sound…

The girls gasp.

"W--We are sorry!"

Riolu stares at each of them… she is certain it comes from them.

One of the girls nudges the middle girl, "I told you to quiet it down. Don't you know Riolu-sama hates the phone?"

The middle girl bows deeply, "I'm sorry!"

"No," Riolu says. She beckons the middle girl. "Come and let me see what is it."

The girls look at each other before the middle girl slowly walks in.

She hands out the phone.

'School's teacher teaching alien language while naked!'

She plays the video…

Watches the whole video…

And smile.

She gets up, towering over all the other girls.

Then she did the most unexpected thing.

She bows to everyone.

The girls are sent to panic.

But Riolu gets up, calming everyone. "I'm very sorry, all of you, it seems my service here has come to an end."


"I've been called," Riolu explains, "and that means I can't stay with her any longer."

With that, the Great Egret walks out…

The girls try to figure out what she meant. And one of them figured it out and shouts, "Ri--Riolu-sama is going to transfer school!"



Inside a mansion that mirrors richness, laughs one girl in a black dress and a mask. Her white pony-tail hair swinging around as she struts on the golden floor.

Her butler follows her from behind. "Ojou-sama."

The Ojou turns around sharply, "SHUT UP, JEFFRY! Don't you see I'm in the middle of my laugh. The laugh from the great Acadasia hero!"

The butler nods apologetically, "I do. But you have to stop being the… bat girl now."

"Haa? You're insane! Super retard! Everyone loves me! Except for the bad guys because I'd just eat them. That's what they get, not in my city." She looks at Jeff, "They need THE bat girl!"

"Ojou-sama…" Jeff never raises his voice but now he's doing it. It's scaring the Ojou for a bit. "Ojou-sama…. Someone important needs you right now."

"Important? THAN ME? JEFF, I will have you punished for saying that! It's a blasphemous of my name! And you call yourself a butler?"

Jeff only sighs and gently pulls out a laptop.

He taps one time to play a video.

The Ojou-same ears get bigger with each second of the video playing.

When it ended, she held up her hand. Disbelief and shock.


Jeff replied, "It has been a thousand years, Ojou-sama."

She steps back, "No, No, No. Lies! I-- I don't wan to go. I want to keep being the bat girl!"

Jeff shakes his head, "That's a no, Ojou-sama. It's my responsibility to make sure you become a proper vampire. So I have prepared a seat at the school for Ojou-sama."


She runs up the stairs....

Still running up…


She stops. Her whole body is drenched in sweat. Know she realized, the mansion has an elevator (which she always uses) and the stair--the never ending stair….


And so, the whole world sees the video. And the vassals hear the call of their queen.

It's time to change the world.


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