
In the Zone

Aldrich watched as the sonic beam from the banshee head on his arm continued to bear down on Shrimp. Remarkably, Shrimp withstood this attack and ever so slowly stepped against the force of the soundwaves, moving forwards almost like he was in slow motion.

There were cracks all over the Locus's shell armor, but none too deep. The injuries came from Shrimp's orifices. His gouged-out eyes squirted blood, as did his nose and his open cuts where the sonic waves hit the hardest.

And yet despite all that, Shrimp continued not backwards, not sideways to try and evade the beam, but forwards.

Forwards to try and hunt down Aldrich.

In response to this aggression from the strongest foe that Aldrich had ever faced, all Aldrich did was…smile.

Aldrich smiled under his helm of dark metal and bone and blood, so nobody could see that uncharacteristic expression. He was never an expressive person, but whenever he got into what he called the 'zone', he could not help but feel pure thrill.

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