
Chapter 37: Simples and Monsters

What was this that was happening, since when was there this huge difference? from the image that I had of being the strongest until now, it has been quickly destroyed in the simplest and easiest way possible, but...what is this feeling...because I am witnessing a level that would be impossible to reach...I feel that I am falling far behind? the truth since before that I was feeling something, a sensation not annoying, but annoying, that even knowing that I was strong and I could face everything that was put in front of me, I could not be like that, because there was someone much stronger than me that can handle better or in the worst cases, to be the only subject that can face a threat that attempts to a great multitude of lives, before a power that can destroy even cities and make the world rumble, only someone with the same level or superior can do against it. ...I...was not ready for this, and now that I am seeing what I have in front of me, it was really making me clench my teeth very hard, I was clenching my fist very hard, I even felt like clenching my heart because of the pressure in my chest that I feel...and there was a very simple answer for this....

『That's what Blaze was referring to...that annoyance and helplessness that you can't do any more when you try...it's really...very humiliating』.

My friend, my compa, that Demon that from the first time I saw him, I knew he wasn't a bad guy at all, he was pure in his way of being, a liar and elegant, humble but also exquisite, full of innocence but also of lust, the one who wanted to convert all that falsehood he lived, in a pure truth... As someone who has for every positive thing, a very notorious defect... I can't imagine being able to face him and be at his level, I feel I would lose if I tried to face him...Friend...at what point did you advance so fast that I didn't even notice...I knew I couldn't get in the middle of this fight, I wouldn't even cause an effect, I wouldn't even stop them, they wouldn't even take me seriously, before their great level they have, turning to see me, someone small, they shouldn't care in the slightest...


Carmis looked somewhat different and changed, besides the calm aura and mana that overflowed from his body and the UltiWorld...seeing his calm and serene gesture...really gave me to understand that he had become someone pure in his own way, not that he had changed his appearance physically, not that he became more handsome or thinner, he was already like that. ...But the fact that his suit was damaged from the damage he suffered, and that it was complemented by that aura...it really hinted that he had shifted into a much more powerful form...

Tatsumaki was excited for the fight, she could feel from her own experience that the guy in front of her was not someone to be taken lightly, one slip up and she could be defeated, just imagining that she could lose, that's why she wanted to start the fight, whether that thought was real, or whether it would be like it always was, to have a victory again from the expectations that continually turned to zero.

Carmis didn't really say anything, he was silent, transmitting tranquility and security, unlike the expression of Tatsumaki, who quickly gathered energy in his fist, he was concentrating it as much as he could, I could notice how all around me seemed to be attracted, the energy that Tatsumaki was collecting and gathering, provoked that everything was being swallowed by its power, if you were also a little careless, you would be devoured by that black hole that he was creating. Quickly the attraction became stronger, it was no longer a simple breeze, the autumn trees wanted to be uprooted, the leaves were easily destroyed at the slightest contact with the black hole. 

This alarmed me a lot, as I knew in what situation we were in, I quickly passed to my God Form and with speed I hurried, Blaze who was on the ground defeated, even though she wanted to keep fighting, her strength had been trampled. Before she could even be pulled in, she was taken into the arms of M, who managed to hold her back from harm. She was not the only one who had to be rescued, quickly of those on the ground nearby, Zeta and Amy, who were being pulled in, were also stopped by the incredible speed of M. They could see that something was approaching from so far away, Rouge and Cream were also defeated and could not resist against the current. Where also the small young man managed to grab them and was doing his best to get away from the...

『!!!!!!!!!!! (What...what is this...the headwind...even though it was simple until a moment ago...now...it's dragging me down too...)』

At that moment I realized something...of course...what Tatsumaki is currently holding is a black hole, and as you may know, it's capable of absorbing even light itself. What was happening right now was that it was swallowing even the wind itself. Just a glance around me... it really made my heart pound with fear. Trees were suddenly being uprooted because they could no longer withstand the force, leaves...even our home, which had great resistance, was being swallowed up little by little without much effort. It was like...it was like...if they restricted your movements all you have to wait for is...to be swallowed...even if I use all my power...even if I release everything...even with ki unblocked...I....

『(I can't do anything...I...can't advance any further....)』

I really felt like it was all over here... I was still resisting in fear of not believing what was happening, but as I turned my gaze back to the place where all this great power was concentrated. I was surprised to find that...Carmis...had no problem being inches away from Tatsumaki...he didn't even flinch at this, I who am fighting with everything for the simple fact of not being attracted, Carmis...was in the most serene mood in all this...

『This is a bit of a surprise, at this distance you should have already been destroyed by the pressure and attraction I caused, but you're standing there as if this is nothing to you, there are few S-Rankers who show an accomplishment like you, and that makes me even more interested!!!』

Tatsumaki released and concentrated more power at that moment, hoping to provoke something in Carmis, but that Demon was still as serene as possible. Tatsumaki wants to gather more power, he already has enough to destroy half or an entire city if he wants but...he feels that this will not be enough to defeat Carmis Develot Arge. From the next move Tatsumaki was going to make, the Demon moved his lips, he was going to say something at this moment, where the dwarf was interested in what his words were going to be, contempt? Weakness? Strength? Minimize? Contradict? What... what was going to come out of this guy who is now really powerful.

『You are wrong Miss Tatsumaki, don't think that what you are doing has no effect on me, on the contrary since long before I have been struggling not to fall to the bottom...』

These were the sincere words of Carmis Develot Arge, who had her eyes lowered and if she felt that at any moment she was going to fall to her knees, even her arms were reacting by holding herself back to resist a little longer. At this Tatsumaki scoffed, commenting that this was the way things were.

『That explains a lot, I was saying that there is someone so strong in this world, if you are having a hard time resisting in front of me, then don't hold back, understand your limits, you are also someone weak *proud*』.

!!!!!!...Tatsumaki's words, at that moment hit Carmis Develot Arge like never before, and this only provoked him...with all the discomfort and regret in the world, into having to agree with her. At last the Demon was with his arms trembling, his body was shaking, his calm countenance that he had, was he decayed not to see him in the state he was in? Eh?...He just let out a little cry? That tear that just fell delicately to her floor...This couldn't mean anything, but Tatsumaki being a Heroine who has to be attentive to everything, that simple shedding of a tear....

『(Eh? That drop of tear, it wasn't attracted to me, it fell as if in the Carmis area, nothing is happening...This guy...but what did he just say....-----------)』

『I understand, I agree with you Miss Tatsumaki, for this time, I have sinned again, I have once again fallen to the lowest of what I think is right...I hope I will be forgiven for my evil deeds...but...I don't regret for doing it, not at this time, in the future if fate wills and I become happy, any sin must be paid for...』

『...(What is this guy saying...)』

『I'll be honest Miss Tatsumaki, since the first time I saw you, I've been attracted to you in a way that can't be said simply, if I say it I'll just fall even more for the thought I had...but you're also to blame, when you reveal all your power...you...you...*decided* Become more attractive!!!!!』

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... But...but...what did Incubus just said? That now Tatsumaki has become more attractive? in what sense? in the sense of...oh...I see...yes, there is no need to say it since we all understand it in the same way. Carmis Develot Arge was calm, even though this speech should be embarrassing and not to be taken seriously, because of the resolute and calm way he says it, it is all pure truth in his words. Tatsumaki's countenance was drooping, and he was further enhancing his attack. M who was struggling with this, quickly from what he was doing his best not to be swallowed, could not take it anymore and was being imbued with all his friends to the centre of the black hole. But...

『Eh?...I don't feel a big pressure anymore...』

When I least expected it, in the small area where I was, there was no indication of the enormous power happening outside. All my friends were quietly being protected by what seemed to be a pure shield around us. It was easy to guess who helped us. Now I could see more closely the centre of all this immense power. 

Carmis Develot Arge first touched her chest, symbolising her elegance and not hiding anything.

"He told me with all his thoughts and sincerity not to hold back, to understand my limits and that I am weak, and I proudly accept his words』-『As an honourable member of the Develot Arge Family, it is my duty to accept all affection and feelings towards myself, and never to dishonour my family, my duty is to accept all affection and feelings towards myself, and never to disgrace my family, not to humiliate myself nor to have debts』-『From now on I will not hold back, I will fight to my limits, and yes, I am weak for setting my limits. ...I am someone weak for having fixed these eyes on another woman and thinking of horrible acts...』

『!!!!!!!!!Ahh!!!!!!! Carmis!!!! You're still a fucking pervert!!!!!!!』

At that moment Carmis Develot Arge was kneeling down in all his speech, where Tatsumaki as he couldn't stand all this anymore, he quickly finished concentrating all his power into that mighty attack and was going all out to hit the Demon who as if it was a consecration of a knight by a queen. These...had simply vanished from one moment to the next...the only thing that was left in the place was their centre of both, that the earth and grass where they were standing had not suffered any damage or chaos, in comparison to their surroundings which had simply been destroyed by the expulsion and gathering of power....

『...These 2...are true Monsters...』

I couldn't say more, what I just witnessed, there's no explanation, now...even getting angry or frustrated didn't help, they made it clear to me that this place is not suitable for the fight that these two guys are going to have. The fact that they understood that we are nothing right now...I really just stayed on my knees going back to my Human Form and...I didn't feel like anything, I was down, just remembering everything from the beginning and the fact that now I still can't do anything...that just...filled me with more frustration...

『!!!!!!!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Why!!! Why!!! Why!!! You weren't supposed to...you weren't supposed to get in the way of my fight...and now...and now...!!!!!!!!!!! I want to win! I want to win! I want to fight! I want to fight! I am also strong!!!! I also want to fight and become stronger for what I believe in!!!!!!』

I really started to take it out on my surroundings, going on to screaming and even wanting to curse at those 2 guys. I really felt like they were humiliating me without me even being their fixed point...What I was taking it all out on them at that moment...I...I could hear someone say....

『Then let's fight M』-『If it bothers and annoys you so much, if you feel so humiliated, then there's only one way, become strong by destroying what's in front of you』.

That voice was from...as I turned to my back, it was Blaze who...was now fully restored...come to think of it, I too, from how exhausted I was fighting the pull, am as good as new. That barrier that Carmis put up for us, it wasn't just a shield. I looked seriously and even annoyed at Blaze, who didn't say anything else after those words, then Zeta stood up, then Rouge, followed by Cream, and finally Amy. They were all looking at me...now I understood it too, at the beginning they didn't have something decided nor a side to take, now all their doubts were cleared, they all have the same thought, that now the best thing for me, is that they defeat me and I leave as soon as possible from here. Which... with a smile that would scare you for how silly it was, I....

『That's what I'll do, I'm sorry but I'm going to take it out on you, I have to prove that I'm strong and I deserve to be in my home, with my whole family...』

『And as I told you M, I'm going to fight to destroy all your thinking』.

Blaze without hesitation answered me, which I, because of the state I was in, I really don't know how they took it, but it wasn't a joke at all what I said and everything I feel, I'm really not going to hold back in this fight. This was what I wanted to avoid from the beginning, a direct conflict with my family and now...they leave me no choice but to...At that moment Blaze's gaze softened and he said calmly to me....

『Yes you're in your Rebel stage Hairy Dog *smiles*』

Hearing her say that, I couldn't help but smile back at her. And from one moment to the next, I too unleashed all my power, the ki I unlocked, from the start I wasn't going to hold back. And when I least expected it, all my rivals were around me to defeat me at any cost. 

The fight was finally on. If they thought that the first thing I was going to do in the face of such a surprise and sudden joint attack was to defend myself or dodge, well then....

『Very slow!!!』

Quickly with great speed I went to attack each one as if it was a zic zac or a rebound attack. What surprised me was that... they all somehow managed to defend themselves from my attack, which annoyed me a lot. Next to me was Blaze coming to attack me with her fire fists, the fact that she wasn't using her Unleashed Form only made me force her to use it. I quickly went all out with a powerful attack, where upon seeing Blaze's movements that changed to a reflexive one I...Quickly knowing that I was going to redirect it, I changed my fist instantly to a tail attack that went for his stomach. Where it clearly...


That attack should have hit, but Blaze quickly used his fire stroke to dodge me. I've seen that technique a thousand times before, predicting where you're going, your fire gives you away!!!! I quickly switched my other fist to the other side where I knew Blaze would be, but ....POMMM!!!!!!!!!

My fist ended up hitting someone with incredible brute force, when I realised, Amy was hitting against my fist. I was surprised that it was the pink one, and just seeing her mocking gesture that I didn't expect it, made me so fed up that...I used more strength to beat her, where the pink one couldn't fight me anymore and...POMM!!!!!!!!!

The one who went flying was supposed to be Amy, but in the end it turned out to be me. Because of the extra effort I gave, I ended up crashing and destroying what was left of the Autumn forest with my fist. At the last moment Amy pushed my fist aside, simply redirecting it to the front as she went to the side. At this I was very annoyed at what was happening, but I couldn't overthink it. Once again I could feel someone coming, this air current that I could feel from far away was from... I quickly gathered 2 energy spheres in my hand and within a few milliseconds I was able to counter....


An explosion that was quickly dispersed, it was Rouge who was coming with all her blades, where I used both energy spheres as a counter to her great attack, she had been thrown through the sky, where I quickly saw my chance and gave a powerful jump with an attack to defeat her...but....

In this case the Sucubo will most likely use her wings to defend herself, so I'm not going to hold back in this attack, I don't care if I pierce her to hit her, I...I...I...I don't have to hesitate in what I defend and protect her...!!!!! I was going all out at that moment, but Rouge at that moment of what she was wanting by covering herself with her wings, it looked more like she was hiding something...and from one moment to the next she turned her face to me and fully spread her wings, where I....


............. I stood still without being able to strike, because what I ended up finding in front of me, what was hiding Rouge's wings, was Cream who...was just as determined to win this fight. But I...I wasn't supposed to hesitate in this fight, but I couldn't help but undo my attack and just stand in front of her and look at her as if I didn't want to fight her, but...

『I'm sorry M, it hurts a lot...but we have to do it!!!』


He finished kicking me really hard at that moment, I wasn't expecting this from Cream, where it didn't end like that, as he proceeded to follow up with a combo of kicks and punches with his ears all over my body. I couldn't really defend myself against her attacks, I only received them because...While we were fighting in the sky, I was able to grab Cream's ear, the little one got scared and tried to hit me with her other ear, but I also managed to grab it, now she was going to attack me with her paws, where with my tail I managed to hold her and....

『You're right Cream, it hurts a lot, but we have no choice but to fight, thank you *smiles*』

From what the little rabbit made me open my eyes, I really thanked her, where Cream was equally happy about this. As if she were a snake, my tail coiled around her little body until she was totally enclosed in it, I quickly took propulsion towards the ground to slam her down with force. But at that moment I noticed a light, a flash from the ground, when I least expected it, Zeta was attacking me with concentrated lightning attacks that if I wasn't someone strong, would easily go through me like butter. I quickly redirected myself to dodge his attacks, this was really difficult because of a personal issue I have, but closing my eyes was forbidden. I finally stopped attacking with all Zeta, where I thought it would be my time to attack, but....

Zeta seemed to have changed the shape of his arms and united them into a kind of unique weapon and... With a powerful power and energy that at first I couldn't see, but I could feel something coming. I could see as if a field of electricity was travelling to where I was, I couldn't do anything, I just covered myself with my arms and...Now that I look around me, Zeta's concentrated attacks...they were suspended in the air and...

『I copy your technique son, though I'm sure you copied it too *grin*』

Yeah...now all the attacks would be redirected at me like the time we fought before...I was getting attacks coming from all sides, if it wasn't for my speed, it would really be impossible for me to dodge them all, it's a miracle I didn't get hit by any of them so far. But I was so focused on dodging in the sky. On the ground Blaze came walking calmly and seeing that he had the perfect stage, he charged a powerful flame attack that would impact the sky and ....

『(Wait...what was that attack from Zeta earlier, it's like...it released a field of electricity and....)』


There were many explosions in the electric field where I was in the sky. I couldn't defend myself, even if I did, I would still be damaged. Where the ones that were left together in the team, had gathered while the explosions did not stop in the sky. It's really like they were just blasting a specific area of the sky. 

『It's just like you said Amy, M is just attacking and not being creative 』.

『I've faced him thousands of times in various fights, I know very well that he can get out of many, his ingenuity and creativity gave him a huge advantage to his win counter, but lately he's in conflict with himself, he's fighting for temporary comfort and he knows it, he knows very well what little he knows will end up in a pit stop...That's why I came up with this plan, we must defeat him before he manages to surprise us all』.

Zeta and Amy were having a conversation about the plan they talked about earlier, and it seems to be working, if they keep using M's doubts and thinking to their advantage, then they can win this fight. Blaze kept looking up at the sky, and all he could think about was how M must be doing in all of this, his struggle and his experience of what is right for him, led him here.

『That year of imprisonment certainly affected him a lot 』.

『That's one factor, but let's also not forget that he's becoming a young man, he's 15 years old and at that age young people believe that everything they do and think is right, they don't see beyond a simple momentary satisfaction, and when they become adults, many fail to overcome that problem and decide to stay locked in their room or in many cases, they grow up with a totally different way of thinking than they were before』.

Blaze and Rouge were also giving their opinions on this, where each one was right, there are many factors as to why M is like this, so if he ends up winning and they spoil him for that victory, there will be no turning back. It is the opportune and unique moment where a child has to be denied and forced to leave everything behind for a better future. Everyone knows this very well and... Rouge was worried about Cream, that she would also be on the receiving end of the explosions, but Amy refused to do this, because...

『Don't worry, right now M must be protecting him without letting go of his tail, I even think I can imagine what he thinks, how can we stoop so low to resort to defending ourselves with our own family that he knows we care about, he wouldn't fight like that, he will win fair and square on his own merit, he won't resort to anything beyond his imagination, that's why I say we must beat him fast, before he shines an idea on him』.

Amy was worried that this would take a bad turn for them, she knows very well that M can win even in this difficulty, she knows it very well...Amy what she is worried about is...if he will continue his winning streak or again M will keep the lead on the counter with one more victory...To this the explosions continued, but Blaze could notice something, something strange was happening in the sky. Where quickly Zeta's electric field seems to have turbulence, and the explosions...something was in the middle of it all and...from one moment to the next, with a great speed as if it was heading straight for them, even Blaze had to warn Zeta that something was coming. Quickly M shot out with force to get away from the explosions and energy field. But then Zeta moulded the energy field and concentrated it on the place where M would hit....


M was in a state...the explosions did hurt him, he had bruises and traces of ash on his body, he was even exhaling rapidly. M thought about making his next move, but he didn't realise that he took with him the electric field that now surrounded him and that meant he was concentrating on him and .....

There was a loud spark at that moment, there was again a small explosion from the fire residue he had, but yes...Now M was back with the Electric Fever effect, which ....

『What is this...seriously what is this...I don't think I've ever seen you guys fight as a team before until this moment...really someone weak wouldn't stand a chance with you guys, but I'm different, I'm strong, even with your cowardly strategies, I'm going to win by myself!!!! I'm not going to lose ever again...』

M was determined in this, although he had all the possible disadvantages in him, he has the conviction and strength that he can win this fight. While his rivals who are his family, at this they were all in fighting pose, but...Blaze at that moment could understand it and...seeing M now, hearing him say all that, really brought back memories of his own past and...with a defiant smile again he said....

『Well, you're going to lose again, many times, better get used to it from the start, so that you won't suffer in the future 』.

He said it with complete certainty that...at that moment he gave a loud exhale again and...it seems like that's where his agitation stopped, where he decisively turned to look at Blaze, and he was likewise glaring back at him.

『I've already lost many times, that's why I don't want to lose again!』

『That's your past, I mean you have to learn to lose in this life!!!』-『Only then you can find a harmony with both phases!!!! M!!!!!』

Quickly Blaze was going all out to M, who was just as enthusiastic about the fight, where we will be left with the same image of how this fight between falsehood and reality started.


In an archipelago far away from the one we all know, it was a perfect day, it was really quiet at this moment, you could feel the natural life of the whole world, both maritime, aerial and terrestrial, yes...there was no sighting of humans or other thinking beings coming to this land of the planet, it is a pure place where it would be a nice place to live, away from everything, disconnection from the world, something that everyone needs and when you understand it, that value of just being here increases even more. But if you don't understand it at all, then you won't care what happens to this place. ....

It was sudden what happened, from the calmness of it all, a powerful attack came out of nowhere, that ended up wiping out a large area of the archipelagos, the islands in its path were literally destroyed in seconds, the ocean itself seems to have been split in half as the legends say. Such an achievement can only be defined as true monsters.

Carmis Develot Arge was in the sky, he had in his possession the UltiWorld which...it seems that the appearance of the Magic Book changed, right now it is in a pure state reflecting Carmis' soul. He gave himself an increase of power with the help of that artifact, no doubt as he said, its capabilities are infinite depending on who the user is. The Demon turned to look at his surroundings and the damage caused by Tatsumaki's attack, just seeing it all....

『I'm sorry for my damage I caused, but on the battlefield one can't hold back against their opponent, if we don't give it our all we end up losing more lives, using all our power we saved millions, billions of living beings in the world, you too don't hold back Carmis, you don't have to worry about problems that don't concern us』.

Tatsumaki was levitating thanks to his powers on par with Carmis Develot Arge, who the Demon went from staring at the disaster to staring at Tatsumaki and...really now with all that he demonstrated, looking at other worldly things is difficult...hearing his reasons, seeing his gesture of superiority, it really provoked another kind of feeling...

『You would be an amazing woman if ....no, I take back what I was going to say, you are perfect the way you are, because if you didn't have that devotion of your right thinking, you wouldn't get to where you are, people like you are who give meaning to life for many, that is important for who has the title of Hero, but for that very reason I will be honest Miss Tatsumaki, you also provoke with your way of being, other kind of negative thoughts that cannot be tolerated 』

Carmis to this made it clear that he was opposed to Tatsumaki's thinking, where the Heroine was giving him the old news, that he already knew that many don't agree with his way of acting, but he still has the freedom to do so, because....

『I am the only one in the world who can face the impossible and infinite』.

『So Miss Tatsumaki, I ask you this, what would you do if what you consider impossible and infinite, you can't beat it? or if someone comes along who surpasses your thinking, you, what would you do? someone who destroys the established rules in one blow...』

...The talk of Carmis Develot Arge...really left Tatsumaki speechless, as he feels that somewhere in his life, he was able to see and experience with his own eyes, those words of the Demon. The very thought of it, of what seemed to start the fight, the Heroine...

『If that were to happen, then be without a doubt a true and unique Hero...』

It is an answer...that the Demon did not expect it, considering her thinking, personality and being of herself, for her to consider and give her the honor of calling someone a true and unique Hero, carries more weight than usual....At this Carmis Develot Arge, a smile was framed on her warm face and....

『She was saved by that Hero, right? *smiles*』

And when Carmis Develot Arge least expected it, the fight had already started, he had quickly been hit invisibly by Tatsumaki's powers without noticing, the speed at which he was going was incredible and it would be hard for anyone to follow him, of course, except for the one who was fighting. Quickly Tatsumaki appeared in front of him and summoning his Spiral attack around him, he was planning to attack the Demon with all his might, who simply waved his hand and created a slight shield, and when it hit Tatsumaki's attack, it sort of....

『(Is it...absorbing my attack?...)』

Now the Demon was not in that place, and when they least expected it, both subjects quickly found themselves in another part of the ocean. And Carmis Develot Arge from the heights, summoned great booms of energy that tinged the calm sky to a completely dark one. Tatsumaki did his best to dodge the attacks, and with his Spiral he managed to swallow the attacks that he could not dodge and... When he finally managed to be face to face with the Demon again, he used his gravity pressure and used his gravity pressure to dodge the attacks. He used his gravity pressure and with his fist he tried to compress Carmis Develot Arge, who could feel all the pressure of his body and ....Parece couldn't stand it any longer and ended up being squeezed and with a mass of energy, he was completely wiped out all over the oil tree. Tatsumaki didn't just stand there, he attacked with his powers and in the end he ended up encountering a set of Spirals that....


From the spirals came out all kinds of combination of powers that pierced the defence of Carmis Develot Arge, who could do nothing but spit blood, all attempts to protect himself or counterattack, were avoided by Tatsumaki who...As if it wasn't enough, Carmis managed to survive the attack, he was really damaged in the middle and fell into the ocean, where when he looked up, he found a giant amalgam of green energy and .... It was thrown at him with everything.

The Demon tried to counter with an impressive force field, but the field that was easily destroyed by the Psychic, who, with a gesture of total euphoria, added more force to the attack and...

The same incredible attack slowed down as it hit Carmis, it seemed to be a calm place in the ocean, that nothing was going to happen, but... Suddenly the same attack resounded thousands of times like spirals in its interior of great sizes that destroyed everything around it. Ending in the end with a reverse explosion that left a huge crater of thousands of metres in the ocean, as if time had stopped. Even seeing the depth of the ocean was possible....

『*tsch* In the end it couldn't do anything against me』

But at that moment Tatsumaki felt something strange in his body, as if...his strength for some reason had been snatched away...this must have used up some of his power...but the wear and tear he made must not have been that much...From the huge crater in the ocean, from the time it was frozen, a powerful light had re-emerged, covering the entire hole. And from it you could see how a being that was half dead, managed to regenerate, to heal itself. The silhouette was Carmis Develot Arge, who returned to normal all that Tatsumaki had caused.

『I see, with this being the kind of power he uses, the worlds are incredible, each with their own rules, being able to rise from the dead, is something impossible for many, but for my world, for me, for the UltiWorld, it is something possible』.

Carmis Develot Arge had risen again, not that he had died and come back to life, but the stamina and regeneration he had, was definitely on another level. Tatsumaki was shocked at this, how despite having thrown all those powerful attacks at him and him being as if nothing had happened, this only provoked....

But before she could feel her being, Tatsumaki managed to feel something strange around her, as if her world in front of her was completely distorted and...when she least expected it. Once again he found himself in another part of the world, but this time because he did not have a quicker reaction than just protecting himself, he would now be the one to receive the attacks of Carmis Develot Arge. 

First of all he could notice how a gigantic monster came out of the ground where he was, only its mouth could be seen, although trying to escape was impossible, being swallowed at the moment. Tatsumaki would try to free himself, but again he was transported as if reality was distorted and...POOMMMM!!!!!!! She ended up receiving a powerful blow of energy from the Demon, again the rift opened transporting her to another part of the world, even though she was now in a desert. With the sun above her and the heat intense, thousands of spikes emerged from the same area in an attempt to pierce it, Tatsumaki dodged and flew through the skies, but it didn't matter because ....

She was directly hit by the immense sea that was dragging her into the depths of the sea. She could not stay like that, she could quickly see again that monsters were going to attack her, with her powers she was able to kill and destroy them all. Where she was going to expand her power to free herself from all this, she quickly ended up hitting the depths that she realised was the very sky and city of this world she was falling into. He could not believe what was happening, where the citizens could only watch as the ocean itself was about to fall and impact with their only city and...

Tatsumaki, no longer able to stand this, being treated like a sack of Box, quickly released a great amount of power that destroyed everything that had to be destroyed, the monsters and the ocean disappeared from the whole place. Only a green glow could be seen in the sky, as a green glow just saved them all...

Tatsumaki at this point was in a state she did not think she had ever been in, she was agitated, tired and exhaling, she had even lost her composure and...

『Incredible Miss Tatsumaki, with what I witnessed from both sides, we certainly broke the rules of this world 』.

Carmis appeared with a white glow in the sky, where anyone could mistake him for a being of immense power. Where Tatsumaki was so agitated, she resumed her stance, controlled her breathing and....

『You're right, the one who wins this match, without a doubt is a real monster 』.

Both of them were looking at each other face to face in this fight, where neither of them gave their arm or their being to torser. This fight can be won by anyone, maybe Tatsumaki found an opponent who can give him a fight, but no doubt...with Carmis is not what really fills him up...This kind of surreal fight is not his favourite kind of fight at all....

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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