
Chapter 29: Motives

The sun was rising like any other day, yep, another day of life for all the inhabitants of this world, it seems that in all this year that has passed, the Parasite has become familiar with what it takes into account to live as a simple human being, although it is not such that it possesses but well, at the beginning he didn't know anything about anything, not even the basic needs that are necessary to live, after all, being a Parasite, he doesn't need to eat, sleep, do his needs, rest, drink water, feel well, feel good health, protection, affection, communicate, leisure, among other things, From his base he doesn't need any of those things, he only needs to be focused on completing his mission, which is to be able to possess the successor that was assigned to him, which for his situation was M, he doesn't know if he had good or bad luck, it could be said that it was bad luck because so far he couldn't fulfill his purpose, But at the same time, he feels that if he had been prevented from doing so, he would not be experiencing other things thanks to that denial, if he had possessed M from the beginning, like the other parasite, surely he would not have aspired to more and would only have been satisfied with it, hoping that someday his father would come with him. ...

But everything he has learnt so far, has been very productive, since he has possessed someone, even if it is an animal, they have their own sense of life, their own needs and purposes to fulfil, everything...absolutely everything in the world, has a fixed purpose to fulfil, whether it is good or bad but...in reality we catalogue it ourselves, so in reality what one does, it is not written in stone from the beginning that is what we must do or we will be punished. ...that's an idea that they want to put in front of us from a young age but .... that's exactly why we grow up with it, if we see something as normal from the beginning, with the passing of time it won't affect us in the slightest and it will be our everyday life, in comparison to other people who see it as the most horrible thing in the world. ...that is where the disputes begin, it is not whether it is right or wrong, it is only to defend our thinking and ideals in a logic that we ourselves raise and...everything depends on us and our surroundings, if we base ourselves on this, it is normal that the world is so different and there is a great variety of people, and as a consequence of how it has evolved and acquired these customs, now the good is considered good, and the bad is considered bad, but we must not forget something present, at one point in history, the good could be considered bad,and the bad could be considered good, and that will be repeated until the extinction of every living being, even for the greatest beings, that thought brings them many problems.

The Parasite inside Zeta's body has been learning from its surroundings, it had knowledge of those it manages to possess and... just to be able to dig into their heads and minds, it was really amazing to him that they have all that knowledge, from the simplest and how they came to forge the way they are now, this is self-will, this is being yourself, this is really being able to find yourself in the world, no matter what you become or are, if you are a successful man or a failed man, everything you lived for, everything you fought for, everything you did, you were, are and will be, you had a clear purpose and the Parasite respects and admires that very much, because you were simply alive and lived a life as you wanted it, which for the Parasite is a total enigma, it can't even reach the point of being a failure or lazy, because even for that, you need to have a clear idea of how you really are.

Every morning he always got out of bed and as Zeta was used to, he looked out of the window, if he saw dust somewhere, it was as simple as taking out a handkerchief and cleaning that dirty part, everything was a simple imitation, but that is what learning is based on, to be able to try it on your own until it comes out as natural and easy as possible because...that implies that you already know everything about him. 

Zeta Parasito since he learnt and got to know more things, he has always been smiling and with that happy look on his face, because this type of life that he has led until now, this imitation and learning from everyone, really if this type of life is what the majority of living beings aspire to, it is not bad at all, it is calm, it is relaxing, there are no worries or regrets, it is as many would say, to be satisfied and a life without complications. The Parasite in this year that passed, learned about the basic needs of a human being, and above all, that you only need to look for the simplest things to be closer to being fulfilled.

As usual, he has to make breakfast for everyone, also the first time he cooked, it was something incredible for him, how objects in the world could be put together to create something even more incredible and above all delicious, every time he prepared the food, he felt fulfilled and still could not believe that it was he who did it... But at the same time he felt sad again, because he really did it? Did the Parasite do all these things on his own? The answer was simple, he doesn't know, he could say no, but he is not in objection to say it either, if he wants to find himself, first he has to be firm to himself and his decisions, if he has to do something on his own, if he wants to achieve something on his own, then he has to strive for it, something unknown to him and something unknown to the one he owns, that would be the only way where he has finally achieved something by his own means but .... Is that a bit difficult, how does a living being make himself known by learning something new? there are many examples, but...he can't really realise or feel happy about the things he does because...thanks to the hive mind he has with all the parasites, the information that travels through them, they really already know and have it all...learning to ride a bicycle from 0, he couldn't because it would be as easy as digging through the hive and he will know how to do it on the first try, it's not his own merit, and that makes him take off his happy face for a few moments. ...The Parasite wants something that only he has achieved and not another, something that he appreciates with all his heart and on the other hand, that which he achieved, he also feels the same, but .... how can you achieve something like that...even...what is there in the world that only you have present and you can achieve...but at that moment something came to the Parasite's mind and ....

She changed her airs and quickly carried the tray of food in her hands, happily climbing the stairs to take the food up to the room of someone very dear to everyone, that was.... The Parasite has just understood something very present in every living being, something that only you can get and really appreciate for your effort, he had not paid much attention before, since it was only imitation, but if he really wants to achieve his goal, he does not need an imitation at all, he must be 100% faithful to him, no matter that he still does not understand its meaning and why he is here, surely there will be someone who accepts him as he is and ... maybe form a unique bond between him and another being ... that would be something and is something that we all get for our own effort and .... Zeta Parasite was happy about this, so from now on, she will stop imitating, she believes that she already has what it takes to venture into her own goal, she has finally found it, she doesn't have to learn any more, because being someone who doesn't know about the world, is also a purpose in life and that makes you unique. Cheerful Zeta Parasite, he didn't notice because of his excitement, that without knocking on the door, he entered M's room in order to have breakfast, continue with the sewing lessons, and then... that they both learn even more as he told her one day, that she refers to him, really makes him feel that feeling of joy inside him now...

But....As he entered M's room, he finally realised that he was not in his room at all, he quickly said nothing, only his happy face was left aside and now there was only a face without any expression, he walked slowly to the table and left the tray of food that.... This time even though he wasn't expressing anything? I was starting to feel something, the food that the Parasite always prepares inside Zeta's body, they were always tasty and good looking, but now the tray of food today, it looked totally different, I could even say that it doesn't look appetizing, it's like the Parasite really cooked by himself without resorting to anything or anyone and...I really wanted that boy to taste his food and be honest with him, that his food was bad and learn together how to cook....

This now, for some reason, was making Zeta Parasite furious, she didn't understand why, but she felt a sensation that she must do something with this or .... her arms were shaking and clenching her fist, she looked at her fist and wondered what this sensation was...she didn't know at the moment but...this emotion she feels, does it come from her or from the being she possesses? Whoever it is...it really is a pain that he doesn't know why it hurts so much despite how small and insignificant it is....

Quickly in the forest, there were beings that were on the move after a long time, you couldn't even see who they were, the way they were moving was almost imperceptible to simple eyes, but the way the air seemed to be raging, the way someone was passing through the trees without knocking them down but showing the strength it has...and a lightning run that just by the screeching it made, you could tell it was experiencing sensations or emotions it didn't know it had. His target was fixed, he had already located it, he only had to retrieve it and try again, if he failed and left again... maybe he had done something wrong...

『Until they finally realised, yes you were relaxing a lot Parasite』.

Blaze had appeared waiting in the middle of the forest for the Parasite and company to finally show up, the cat seemed confident and even mocking in her tone of voice, with her arms crossed and sitting down she implied that she had been on guard all night for them to show up.

Zeta Parasito was not upset at the sight of her, but with those words she said, she also realised that she was not on their side. They all just stared at Blaze who was standing up and began to flex her body to regain mobility.

『What's wrong? Aren't you going to ask me how I am myself? Right, for some strange reason you're not able to vocalise any words, are you afraid maybe? are you not brave enough to speak? Or is it that you just realised what you really mean you filthy Parasite』-『You are someone alien to life and everyone, you don't deserve to be here, all your actions are something that should never have happened and you only disturb the naturalness of things, you should never have appeared here, you should never have attacked us, you should never have possessed my friends, you should never have put us through this falsehood, just like all the time you did and struggled to learn, that should never have happened, you are just someone who should never have even existed or been born, if you are just going to complicate our lives, we might as well kill you, you fucking mistake』.

Blaze went back to his old ways of treating badly the one he hates, he didn't hold anything back to tell all this to the Parasite, who upon hearing it all, was calmly staring at Blaze, but the others possessed by their parts, you could tell they were upset, maybe they are not originally from any world and have no right to be here but...they are living beings as such, they have the right to live like others, all the effort they did...doesn't deserve anyone to reproach them for that....

『It's your life after all, so let me make one thing clear to you from the first time I heard about you, your life as a Parasite is nothing』.

For Blaze who lived with everyone since 1 year ago, to be together with them, it was really horrible and disgusting, to see them just trying to imitate their friends' personality and think they are them...I really hated it, no one has the right to control you and decide for you, that's not living your own life, that's just locking you up and acting as it suits you, it's like a prison. ..at the beginning it was silent, it was really easy to identify who was a Parasite, but as the year went on, it really filled him with anger that these things with no life or purpose, believe that they actually achieved a goal and could be fulfilled with it.

Blaze wanted to make his resentment and hatred of the Parasite clear to the Parasite, but he also wanted something else, for him to focus only on her in order to buy her time and not bother his friends.

Quickly Amy Parasite was the first to go against Blaze, in an incredibly fast way she went against her friend, who Blaze was so confident, she quickly would not be, the previous fight she lost for that very reason, for believing too much and not seeing what her opponents were capable of. From what Amy was about to throw a strong punch, flames were quickly expelled with force and anger, enveloping and spreading throughout the forest. There was no escape from this, everyone had to protect themselves in their own way so as not to get hurt but... it was strange, even though Amy was more in front, she managed to defend herself with her arms and they received the burns from the flames, but looking around her, she could easily start a fire, but the trees, leaves, flowers, grass and even animals trapped by the flames, none felt pain, heat or even burned. The violent expulsion of flames had stopped abruptly, where Amy could feel her arms burning with heat. Rouge protected Cream with her wings, while Zeta was as simple as putting on an electric shield and clearing everything with explosions, while at the front Blaze could be seen in his Unleashed Form, now if he wasn't going to play around or trust the fight, he was going to go all out from the start.

『This time I won't hesitate to hurt you, because if I do, it means losing more friends that I love very much, and that's something that scares me....』-『Today I will have my revenge against you, my friends! Today I'm going to save you!!!』

Blaze was determined with this, where she couldn't help but scream to impose even more. The other Parasites were really annoyed by this, but the one who changed his expression was the main one, Zeta Parasite, when he heard that Blaze would fight to save her friends...that only made him think that it's a good reason why he's been waiting for this moment all this year. To fight to the end for those who matter...it seems to be something that every living thing has in common...

Quickly, Blaze appeared in front of Amy Parasite, who was confused with what happened, the appearance was so sudden that she had almost no time to react Pom!!!!. There was a loud bang of fists on the spot, I could dodge at that moment Amy, but after hearing everything Blaze said, I really want to shut him up and show him how wrong he is. In a simple way Blaze could tell that in terms of strength, Amy was much stronger than her, so with an effort, she ended up pushing her backwards, where in front of the cat, Rouge appeared with a simple speed, she traced with her wind a simple cube, she ended up locking Blaze in a cube of wind, she could not escape, when she collided with a wall of wind, she was quickly redirected with force in that direction. Quickly she could feel it, someone was coming from above with a strong kick. POMM! It was Cream who wanted to take advantage of the opening, but now that Rouge thought about it, she ended up enclosing Blaze in a cube of wind, where at the slightest touch and movement... Blaze was already spinning in the direction of the wind that was created in the cube, it was moving at high speed. Zeta was approaching to strike the final blow and defeat it at last, but at that moment Rouge's traces of wind quickly became engulfed in flames, like a container containing an explosion, like a teapot, the wind cube would be destroyed. BOOMM!!!!

And without wasting any time, thanks to the explosion and the way it broke free, a fireball was heading towards Cream Pomm!!!!!. The power was too much that it ended up flying all over the forest, the sphere seemed to redirect now towards Rouge, who quickly used her wings to protect herself, but it was only a feint, the real one she was going for was Amy, who was receiving it again with a fist. They were both making forces to see if this time Blaze could win. Where... thanks to the strength of the Spin, this time he was able to beat Amy in terms of strength, pushing her backwards, and not to waste this moment, he was quickly attacking her from all sides without having a second of rest, it was a multiple Spin Attack. Amy was still unable to react as she tried to fall to the ground, where Blaze appeared in front of her in full body, and was going to finish her off with a powerful blow .....

Pommmmm!!!!! The one who ended up stopping the blow was Cream, who appeared at the last moment to save her partner, but this was not going to be enough, because even though she had stopped the blow, she still didn't have the necessary strength or the body to do so. But before she could land her blow, she ended up hitting nothingness itself, and when she could see in front of her, she realised that Rouge had intervened to protect her two friends. Again the 3 of them were recovering indicating that the fight wasn't over, Blaze was also going to continue the fight, but now that he noticed and started to count.....

『(1,2,3...where is Zeta??)』

He looked around and couldn't see Zeta anywhere, so he quickly became worried about this, he thought that his provocation had served to get all the attention of the parasites and especially Zeta Parasite, but it wasn't like that, he took advantage of the sudden fight to sneak away and accomplish his mission as it always should be, to possess M. 

Zeta Parasite knew the perfect location of M, it seems that he is hiding somewhere in the huge forest of the island, he moved like lightning through the whole area in search of the boy, but even though he ignored Blaze's words, he really couldn't stop thinking about it, really someone like him, doesn't he deserve to exist? doesn't he deserve to have a chance? And whoever called him a mistake, he certainly doesn't understand it at all, if he is considered a mistake, then he still has the right to live on his own.

『Stop it!!!!!!!』

Blaze was annoyed and worried as she ran like a streak of fire through the forest, while on the way she had to put up with the parasites who do everything to hinder her. Cream from the sky was attacking her with his kicks, which Blaze easily dodged, and Amy was trying to stop her with her fists, but it was impossible for her to catch her. Blaze was close to Zeta who was moving like lightning, he wanted to stop her no matter what.

『Didn't you listen to me? Or are you just going to be a nobody who just follows the first thing that comes his way? !!!! Following others without thinking about it yourself, that just makes you disposable!!!!』

Blaze was screaming and taunting him to notice her, but the electricity just wouldn't stop coursing through the forest. Blaze was getting worried about this, so she would try even harder, forcing her speed and the strokes she had, getting closer and having Zeta centimetres closer to her.

『What do you really want!!!!』

Blaze shouted in Zeta Parasite's ears at that moment, where the latter didn't avoid keeping it in mind...He was about to hit her with his fists to deflect it, as he could notice that the speed at which the lightning was going slowed down. But ... A strong current ended up overtopping it and at the slightest contact, it redirected it with force again for all the distance it had travelled. It was Rouge who with her winds formed a loop that at the slightest touch, directed you in the direction she was going. Blaze was worried as she watched the lightning continue to move forward to make her friends her own. Where this to Blaze...the very thought of M also becoming a fake, only filled her with even more anger.

『Enough is enough!!!!!!』

She hit a strong burst of fire that, due to the sudden heat, ended up undoing the wind that was pushing her. Blaze had no other choice, her 3 opponents appeared around her to stop her, Blaze was annoyed by this, because even though she said it would be her revenge against them, the parasites had another plan, to stop her and let Zeta Parasite have a free pass.

Zeta still continued on his way around the island but... it seems that the cat's words did have an effect on him, because from what he was going at speed, little by little he was slowing down to the point where he started to first run, then jog, and then just walk the rest of the way.

Being told that you didn't deserve to exist was the first time he had ever been told that, and really, whether it's his situation or not, being told that, it really does take a toll on you. He could feel it at that moment, that energy that he has become familiar with, that is the pure energy that he can lose, he must move on, he must hurry, it seems that the child is learning to conjure it up and .....

Zeta went about her business, she started to walk slowly to a place where she could just relax, and... she just sat down and started to observe everything around her, and she started to ask herself the same question she was told but to everything she saw, that tree, did it deserve to exist? that insect, did it deserve to exist? those birds flying around, did they deserve to exist? The people with whom he had a relationship, did they deserve to exist? What does it take to have the right to deserve to exist in this life, because it seems that simply being alive doesn't do it. ....

So he simply did what many people do, is that also considered imitation? Zeta Parasite closed his eyes, and among all the doubts he had, he really started to think about his goals in life, was it really necessary to get hold of M? This anger he felt and why he is doing all this, is it because he wants to possess M? The answer was obvious, in this year that he ended up learning and concluded this morning that, well, it's just that, he must be himself, he decided to be himself in this world or wherever he is. They just told him if that's what he really wants.... what he wants to do now, what he wants to do later, what he wants to do tomorrow or in the future, it's something he doesn't know and that's what he wants, and that's why he's living right now... all the time he has to live, he will use it to be able to learn things for himself, what he wants to learn, what he wants to do, whether he can refuse this or not, what he wants and doesn't want, this successors are important for his father and he knows it...but he feels that what he wants to do is also very important....

『Let's learn together *smiles*』

Again he remembered M's words, which may be the reason why he was upset from the beginning, as he felt that when he left, it was as if he had broken those words ...., although it could also be said that he did wrong, in order to learn how to learn, one must first be free in every aspect. At that moment, the parasite had an idea in his mind, maybe the reason of all parasites is not to get to be with the successors, but that their real goal in life is to get along with them and to learn from them, to become an independent being with sense, duty, thinking and with his own pride. From how calm Zeta Parasite was, as well as he saw and knew that M was looking out of the window, he was implying that he wants to be free, perhaps it is for this very reason, to be able to teach the Parasite, how calm and relaxing the simple things in life are.

『But what are you doing....』

Blaze appeared at that moment in front of Zeta Parasite, the tone of her voice...it was as if she was upset, the cat appeared at that moment extremely exhausted and with blows received in her body, her Unleashed Form was half-formed... It looked like she had a hard time, with worries and fear, unlike Zeta Parasite, who was calm and relaxed having figured out what she really wants to do.

『*screams* But what are you doing!!!!! Why the hell did you stop!!!!!!!』

Blaze burst out in anger at that moment yelling with all his might at the Parasite, who this upon knowing that he was being addressed, he didn't know why he was yelling at him, but not that moments ago he told him to stop, this shouldn't have made him happy? But looking at her face again, it seems that her decision didn't make him happy at all.

『I've been ignoring my opponents and only set my sights on catching up with you thinking that you would do my friends any harm.... and I find you sitting here as if you don't care about anything anymore!!!!!』

Blaze was really outraged with what was going on, but as angry as Blaze was, it seemed that the Parasite wanted to correct her in her words, she was saying no while waving her hand and face at the same time, she didn't know how to make her understand, so she simply pointed at herself, which ....

『What does it mean!!! You!! you what!!! That you care about you????!!!!』

But by saying it as Blaze understood it, that was just what Zeta Parasite meant, but upon thinking it through, it seems that it wasn't the right thing to say, she quickly again denied Blaze's words by shaking her head and hands, this obviously made Blaze even more annoyed, he was going to attack her without hesitation, but at that moment, Zeta Parasite would happen to target Blaze this time.

『¿? Me? Me what? 』

Now Zeta Parasite was pointing in the direction he was heading, towards the direction where M and Carmis were hiding. At this still Blaze didn't know what the Parasite was referring to, how could he tell him that Blaze cares about his friends...but the good thing is that the Parasite learned something thanks to the transmission of information from the hive, at that Zeta Parasite turned back to point at Blaze to then point towards the direction where M and ..... were located.

『I...and then over there?....(He is pointing to where M and Carmis are hiding...does he mean them?)』

『 ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)』

Zeta Parasite in order to tell him that he cares about his friends and why he has a purpose at this time, he made a heart shape with his hands, which Blaze quickly understood, it seemed to take a while, but it seems that he could understand it, in Blaze's way, but the Parasite was able to transmit it.

『 .....*annoyed*.... Don't give me that now!!!!! Don't tell me you learned that too!!!! If you mean that!!! to the heart!!!....I feel that way about one of the 2!!!! I can't tell you that you're wrong.... both those 2 idiots and my friends who you're possessing...they ended up becoming very important people to me, if by heart you mean the reason why I do this, well yes, I'm fighting because I love them all 』.

Blaze was at first embarrassed by what she was saying, but instead of denying it, she accepted it as such, that all this she does, all the little jokes, all the talk, all the help, all the action, everything she is able to do for her friends, is because they are important to her and she loves them with all her heart. This when the Parasite heard this, further reinforcing the reason from just now, he was very surprised by this, especially by the real reason, his purpose of the day to day, his sense of why he has a relationship with others, it was all because he felt love for others...Which this was reflected on the face of the Parasite, he was amazed by his purpose of Blaze, who even, happened to smile again in a cheerful manner as if accepting his reason for fighting.

『(But what's this...I thought the Parasite was only fighting because that was the first impression it gave me...but I see that this year really wasn't a waste for it...it's humanizing this thing....)』

Zeta Parasite stood up and looked at the sky, she was excited if she can also get to know such a sensation, she doesn't know how it feels, she doesn't know how it is, she only knows that it is the reason for living for many, she wants to learn from it, she also wants that unique thing. At that moment the other Parasites finally appeared and managed to catch up with Blaze, the cat got into a fighting pose while the others also, just like Blaze, were exhausted, she gave a good fight alone against the 3 of them. And again at that moment she remembered the words of M, to learn together, in that now she has a more fixed purpose, to be able to know about love together with M, she forced herself somehow, in her own way, to want to possess the successor child.

Zeta quickly moved excitedly back to her Lightning form so that she could go to M, where the Cat was even more confused, saying.

『What's wrong with you!!! First you go running after M, then you stop to reflect, and now you're back on your way again!!!! You're getting to my pin-------』

At that moment Amy would move to attack Blaze, where the cat reflexively redirected her blow to leave her unguarded and ....POOMMM!!!! She would go on to give her friend a good punch. The cat was worried, it seems that this talk rekindled the desire for the Parasite to possess M, she doesn't know what she thinks of Parasite, but for this little being, to be able to find himself, he will find himself with the boy, he will no longer possess him to please his father, but he will simply possess him to be able to learn new things together, he will possess him to be able to fulfil those words. 

Blaze was fighting against the 3 of them, but even though he tried to push them aside, they were so insistent that with their skills they prevented him from getting close. Blaze was filled with anger at that moment, so quickly to end this, he returned to his Spin Attack and by surprise took Amy who was the first to attack, remembering how they fight, then at this moment....tal as he thought, Cream was coming to help Amy, so quickly without him seeing it, instead of going for Amy, with the Spin went to attack Cream, who with his bonds of fire, happened to catch both and began to drag them all over his route. Rouge was next, who quickly dodged Blaze's attack with speed. Who the Cat, in order to prevent the Succubus from breaking her plan...had already started, was locking her in with her wind bows that if she brushed against them, she would be pushed hard, freeing the two she had trapped.

So in a skillful way, it happened to counteract it, the only way to stop it, is when it defends itself, so in a quick way, Blaze again happened to explode flames all over the place, to this Rouge to not be affected, used its wings to protect itself, and when it does it stops to do it. Quickly without hesitation POMM!!! Blaze's Spin attacked Rouge, but the defense of the wings was very strong, attacking her from the front would not work, but like any shield, there is always an opening to enter, taking advantage of its Spin Form, it redirected itself first down and thus entering Rouge for POMM !!!! It ended up hitting her all over her body where Rouge couldn't dodge it, and with that it now had all 3 of them trapped and no chance of escape.

But he could see that they were forcing his tail grip, so he remembered something that M initially does, so he ran all over the place stretching his tail of fire, repeatedly slamming them to the ground, doing so as many times as it took as he ran through the forest to catch Zeta.

『(Now that I've caught all 3 of them, it would be a good time to finish them all off...I'll catch up with you Zeta....)』

The meteorite was now ascending through the skies in its Spin form, it could be seen as if a meteorite was coming out of the island, where after taking a great height, now the meteorite was descending with force and with it, Zeta could see that it was a lightning that was moving with speed through the island, it seemed to go in a straight line, the emotion that Zeta Parasite felt did not make it detect the meteorite that was coming to it.

『(I said I'm going to beat !!!!!)』

At that moment, Blaze propelled himself even harder than before, he was replicating the technique with which they defeated Big Parasite, Zeta Parasite followed his path without noticing the meteorite, and when he turned around and remembered how he was first defeated, he was already close to it, he couldn't dodge it, his happy face changed to a confused one and he was almost unable to do anything about it.....BOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big explosion occurred in the whole island, Zeta without hesitation at the moment of impact that was also going to receive, expelled a large blast of electricity, this not only hurt all the parasites, but Blaze was also very damaged and each one flew in different directions. Even the cat was finally able to leave her Unleashed Form.

She was falling from the heavens to the ground, she couldn't even react to this anymore, she couldn't even hear properly, the explosion left her senses dazed, her body was so weak that even someone really weak could take her in his arms. Pom!!!

『Oh! Am I really that weak?!!!! I wanted to look cool....』

M tried to take Blaze in his arms, but it seems that he still can't stop someone properly. Blaze was like he wanted to faint, the only thing he could feel and see was M, who was smiling and with total kindness, he put her aside so she could rest. I could see Blaze's last attack, he really showed off with it, and as we can feel the presence of living beings thanks to Seikatsu no Basho, this was really over.

『That attack must have left them all very weak, you really did your job Kitten *happy* You defeated them, Carmis must be going one by one to free them right now』-『But me...you are very excited to meet me Parasite, you really are happy *smiles*』

I could see Zeta Parasite in front of me, who despite having suffered from the explosion and attack, was still strong enough to continue fighting, I turned to see Blaze who really gave her all in this fight, she was really capable of winning alone. Continuing with the plan, now that I have finally mastered the pure energy, it is my job to save my friends. She pointed with a smile at Zeta, no...rather at the Parasite so she could tell him.

『Here I am, come and let's conclude this phase for you! 』

I said it with care because really at this point, it's hard for me to look at the Parasite as an enemy to defeat let alone kill, just as I told him, we will learn many more things together, however this turns out, I already have my plans on what to do with him, yes...I will help you how you should live your life from now on.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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