
Chapter 352: The First

Tomeo was more than ready and determined to find answers to the many doubts he had. In all the journey he was making, his mind became clearer and clearer, the insufferable headache was now nothing more than a simple headache that he did not even take importance. It is as if someone did not want other people of important stature to know what really happened behind everything that has to do with that character Na, he can understand that even for being the leader of Asia, there will be people who can go after him, so he prefers that no one knows, but Tomeo can not understand that perhaps he is not the only one deceived behind this lie, there is a whole organization behind his back, there are thousands of men in the field, even the people who knew the story. As it was said and commented in that forum, that unknown person affirmed that with the passing of time everyone will end up forgetting that event, although more than forgetting it will surely cease to be relevant because that is simply the way the world is. That person let ignorance do its work and if there are those who oppose it, it is not so difficult to imagine that the same person will do the work for him.

With every step he took he remembered it more clearly, the old family man, Nakagawa Yuudai had a record too terrible for his age, it was as if he had a penchant for abusing others or feeling superior to others and he would show it with terrible actions. If someone stressed to him that it was wrong, as if there was no other method to fix things, the first Na would take out all his anger on his victims not by killing them, but by leaving them seriously injured and even on the verge of death. But also that...the same people who were his victims, have also forgotten the same fact? 

You could tell he was starting to puff up because he wanted to find an answer to the new doubts he had, but now that he remembered, he was starting to put 2 cases together in one. Na was known mainly for having killed his entire family, but at that same time there was a case of an unknown, a hooded man who even killed civilians unnoticed, if you were unlucky enough to pass through an alley, at the wrong time and day, you could find a corpse that was probably alive recently, and it was not only that, whoever it was not only seemed to mess with people, he also did it with some animals as there were reported cases where citizens came across it.

These cases only happened in a respective area of the whole country and city, a case like this for the local community was alarming, but for those who did not experience it firsthand it was just bad news that it would never happen to them and would only remain as water under the bridge. 

And if that was his plan, he ended up getting it. But at the same moment that Na was captured for his terrible and unforgivable crime, the attacks of the other case also stopped happening and only remained as if it would never happen again. This made Tomeo think at the time, maybe Na and that other case of the hooded man are related to each other? Maybe even the same guy in both cases is that old father of a family. But... why would he do all those things, why did he want to demigrate himself in such a way, did he want to stop being human? What was it that encouraged him or went through his mind to think that what he was doing was right?

Tomeo was already walking around the prison where the first Na was, the guards were waving at him while Tomeo was waving back and even asked a few of them to guide him where the said prisoner Na was. Even their faces of confusion were present on the guards, it was like they didn't know they had the said prisoner and even wondered if they knew the said old man. Tomeo noticed this too, the guards or workers who had been working with him the longest were the ones who were confused about this, just like him it was like they wanted to remember but were simply denied or couldn't.

『I can take you』.

Instead there was their counterpart, the new officers seemed to have no such problem and knew of the prisoner Tomeo referred to. A young guard was leading his leader to the prisoner known mostly as Na, something that even became curious to the young guard since it was said and talked about that how can 2 people have the same nickname in different times. Referring to both the old man and the guy on his heels. While Tomeo guided him, he was anxious because he wanted to meet the old man to be clearer than ever, but at the same time he asked the guard what he knew about the subject, where he would answer him.

『Well, I understand that he is in prison with a sentence that even as a young man he would not get out alive, this Nakagawa Yuudai that you are talking about is the one who committed child abuse, right? I want to be informed of why each one of the prisoners is here, there is one who is in prison for 5 years for having committed armed robbery, there is a duo of men who have 35 years in prison for having committed a rape of a woman, you know the one from The Madness of the Great Tree, as well as there are others who committed homicides and it is preferable that they get the death penalty than a huge sentence. Speaking of those who are not considered monsters of course, but that is where we are going respectively, I thought that the same case would be of that old man, if so many years will be in prison that it seems many sentences, the most likely is that he has done something terrible no? But upon review, he wasn't at all...』 -『Enseriously he can stay in prison that long for what he did? I don't want to minimize him or anything but I even know it makes me feel weird that they closed the case like that』.

The young guardian who was guiding Tomeo seems to tell him a bit about what is going on here and his experience. And just as he thought about the situation and could deduce. There are officials who don't even know that Nakagawa Yuudai is in prison, while the few who do know are unhappy about the reasons why he is in prison, even thought that it makes no sense that he is here because being here in person, he was not at all what the documents of his person said, they literally pointed him out as the worst person ever born in the world. But the moment I saw him, it looked like he had only been suffering for all these years.

『You will find out when you see him, you will draw your own conclusions if it is right for him to be locked up here』.

With that sentence, the end of the road was reached. It is normal for ordinary prisoners to share cells, but this was not the case. For a really dangerous subject the simple fact of putting him together with lesser people, so to speak, would only end in one thing, that he would end up killing them or even taking over everything. For these really dangerous people it is best that they are alone in personal cells so that they can't accomplish anything, terrible criminals who lost their minds were in that special section of the prison. There was more than one could imagine, here in this space is literally what Tomeo does not want people to know about his country. One may think that in an orderly and beautiful country like Japan nothing bad can happen, the truth is that it does and this is the other side of the coin. Terrible murderers who committed massacres, people who looked normal but committed serious crimes without thinking about it, even serial killers who tricked their victims in order to commit their crimes. The worst of the worst could be found here and what they all had in common was that, they had a screw out of tune, they were sick in the head because even the crimes they committed they don't know why they did it, or they just had a duty to do it and that's it, there was nothing else. Either he could not get an answer or the answer was even to laugh at instead of crying.

『Prisoner 553 has a sentence of 189 years, motive, jealousy, he only saw his partner with another person, without asking her or thinking about it carefully, the first thing he did was to torture and kill her, he did this with the 5 partners he had』. - 『Prisoner 263 really liked the games where you were in control of everything, so one day he just decided to play in real life, 200-year sentence, reason, mental derangement』 - 『Prisoner 356 if he is a terrible psychopath, he got to kill 15 women in total, all the ones he killed had something in motive, they were ugly according to him and they were old, sentence of 350 years, motive, mentally ill』-『And to already leave you alone Tomeo, prisoner 153 got to kill 5 foreigners, either among blondes, blue eyes, different color, or just speaking another language, sentence of 150 years, motive, racism』

Tomeo did not flinch at what he was told by that new officer who seemed to have studied everything about his job as a guard. But what was even more frightening was the calmness with which he said it, either because he got used to it or because he no longer considers such cases as the most terrible thing in the world, perhaps he has understood that in this world, not everything can be a bed of roses.

『That's why Tomeo told him, compared to the ones I mentioned, that this old man is considered one of them, I find it hard to understand』- 『Hey Nakagawa-san, you have a visitor』.

The young guardian was making the call to the incarcerated person in front of them, it seems that he was sleeping since the only thing that could be seen was his back lying on the bed there. Tomeo dislikes this cell or especially how prisoners live in his country and even in others. Does someone who did not hesitate to end the life of another person really deserve to live with so many privileges? Having people that this is surely a dream and miracle for many, still remember how even today there are still people who commit petty crimes in order to go to prison and literally live comfortably for a while. He would like to be able to change that fact because if all these sick people are going to live comfortably until the last day of their lives, then it is not a punishment at all. He was talking to the Prime Minister to change the treatment of prisoners, but since the Prime Minister has passed away he will have to wait a while longer to change the rules.

『I wish I could know about politics like Mikel』-『(We World leaders have influence in many powers of the state, but just that, influence, we can't do whatever we want with it, if they see that our proposition unbalances the state they will quickly deny it, there are things that just like everyone, no matter how important we are, we are not the best suited for all jobs, that reminds me of Mr. Lord one day commenting that he would like his country to generate more money, so that way there won't be any poor anymore)』-『(Would Mr. Lord actually want his country to generate more money, so that there won't be any poor anymore? Lord one day commented that he would like his country to generate more money, so that so there would no longer be any poor people)』-『(Would that really want Mr.Lord?)』

From what Tomeo was thinking, as if he was some kind of turtle that prisoner upon hearing the young guard's call, kind of reacted and even turned around slowly to see who was the person who was visiting him, something rare for him since this would be the first time in a long time that someone paid him such a visit. He didn't expect a relative, he didn't expect a friend, he didn't expect anyone from his social circle, only when he looked that it was Tomeo that one sighed tiredly.

『I knew that someday you would visit me...Leader of Asia』

In his prisoner's uniform, sitting on his bed looking out at the young guard and Tomeo, the first Na in the whole story was finally awake. 

When Tomeo looked at him quickly, he felt a strange sensation in his body, as is usual with a murderer or mentally ill person. At first glance he looks like he is atrophied, he knows it himself, he met many assassins and they all had something in common, they were reluctant on several occasions but there were also some who were confused because they were caught.

Looking over the prisoners he saw as he came this far, most had the look of pure hatred, a look of madness or a smile that could confuse someone. Exaggerated expression changes and he would even find them talking incoherent things or otherwise just saying nothing ignoring everything else, but in the case of this old man in front of him, it was like that....

『It's a shame isn't it?』 - 『The tired eyes, the empty stare, his whole body says he can't take it anymore』 -『If you look into his eyes you will notice that even inside he is totally tired, he is a man who doesn't know why he is here, a man confused by what he committed, a person who can't take it anymore and even asked me several times to end his life』.

『This time if you are going to kill me...I...don't want to feel lonely anymore...I want to see my family again if I am allowed to be with them...but...I know it won't be like this...』

Yuudai was talking and talking to who seems to be the only person who was keeping him company all this while and had some conversation so he can't get bored, since if there is no one then he prefers not to talk to anyone. Most of the time he spends most of the time sleeping and even in many occasions the only thing you could hear from him were regretful cries. 

『I met him several times crying when I came to see him, and all those times』.

The guard commented that when he met him at that very moment, the old man would talk to him about what it was that he dreamed of, how he was with his family and they were all having a good time, eating all together at the table or else stroll in a field of flowers. Commenting on how much he loved both his wife and his little daughter. 

『This time I couldn't dream anything...I always try to sleep as much as I can so I can feel content, so I can remember that I was very happy in the past...I have to...I must...I.... because if I don't think about my family who is my only support...I know that thing will come back and torment me until I can't anymore...even now if I turned to the right, I know it would be there, I don't want to look at it...I don't want to listen to it...please...let's talk about anything but don't leave me with this thing alone...』

It even hurt to listen to him according to the young guard, it was like he was also transmitting his suffering and regret, everything he said before about the old man was true, compared to all the others, the only one different was that old man. He felt very sorry for Yuudai who was commenting to the boss to please be careful with him, I know he is someone bad but at least, have compassion with this poor old man, Tomeo was staring at Yuudai where he would turn to look at the young guard.

『Don't worry, I just came to get some questions answered』- 『You must have work to do, you can retire officer, good job』.

He said it sincerely that that answer reassured the young guard and with a salute between soldiers, that officer was retiring with the tranquility that nothing happened to the only one who considers that he still preserves his humanity among all these monsters. But we all know here that Tomeo's words are not true at all. 

He waited for him to withdraw to be completely alone with the old man, and when they were finally completely alone, Tomeo calmly having the access to the prisons, did not hesitate and opened the cell slowly which left Yuudai confused and surprised, he looked with fear to Tomeo who told him that he was afraid.

『You can go』

He did not add or say anything, he spoke without any emotion, he was really leaving the cell open for the old man to escape. But Yuudai didn't even flinch at this and from sitting on his bed, he would do nothing, his gaze shifted to the floor and sadly said.

『I...long ago I stopped wanting to continue living...if I go outside what will be waiting for me outside?.... everything I knew and loved is gone...starting from scratch...at my age that's something that can't happen...although if I were someone young...I wouldn't do it anyway...anymore...there's no point in even being here anymore...why...why instead of giving me grief death...you leave me alive suffering all this time...why...』

The old man claimed, no...he simply wants to know the fact why Yuudai is not allowed to die. The answer was too simple, Tomeo is not the one who gives everyone the death penalty, it is not that, but he dictates the consequences depending on what would make a person suffer the most. For those who are reluctant and those who want to continue living, which is the majority, he does not hesitate to kill them. But for those who find that death is not a punishment for them, then he decides to take other measures, that they remain alive without doing anything or being anything, that they perish in a desolate place until the last day of their lives. In response to Tomeo's answer as to why they are all imprisoned here, Yuudai did not even have the strength to get angry, he did not want to get angry, he did not want to feel something negative.

『So I deserve to suffer for what I did...yes...I think so too.... to get to have peace for me is your job not to give it to me...I tried everything...either eating...not drinking water...choking...repeatedly hitting my head or causing a serious injury...I tried everything to get out of here...but...I can't do it...every time I do I remember my family how I enjoyed eating...drinking water.... never until that day I raised my hand to my family...remembering all that when we were happy, makes me want to continue living by myself.... I still want to remember them...I still want to love them...I know they would be very angry if I take my life for them...even if I see them again and I would be happy...I don't think I can bear their claims on me...I...can't take my life for myself...please...you do it...there are terrible killers around me, release them and let them kill me...please...I beg of you...』

Yuudai was really sad that it was easy to see him coming to the verge of tears, he was asking weakly and tired of the one who wants his life to meet the end he wants so much. It was something contradictory and Tomeo could notice it, he longs for death, but he can't do it himself, he can't commit suicide, it seems that he hasn't tried again since that time he was caught. He himself now wants someone else to kill him, he doesn't want to feel guilty, or rather he doesn't want to make his family feel bad for having resorted to something so low as to escape from your problems without confronting them, but... what could he confront now?

Tomeo heard him say nothing, just staring at the open grille was all he had to say. Yuudai realized this and quickly looked at Tomeo, with just a look he was telling him that he can go out to get what he wants. That he himself seek his death, but again Yuudai having the chance to go out for the second time, this one simply became depressed again commenting that.

『No...you are not so generous to allow that...if I try to escape, you will quickly avoid it』.

Yes...Yuudai could imagine that at the slightest attempt to cross the cell, he will quickly be hit hard by Tomeo, maybe that hit will be painful and even take his breath away for several seconds. It's something he deserves, to feel a different punishment instead of feeling nothing, it's something that would be nice for a change. 

『I'll try family...』

Quickly Yuudai stealthily as if he was previously an expert assassin would try to escape through the open cell. Tomeo to this did nothing as he did not expect that an old man can be so agile at the time. But from what he was calm and could see Yuudai as he came straight towards him, quickly as if he had lost sight of him or a blurred image of him, he was simply gone. Suddenly he found himself with an incredible agility that fluttered endlessly inside the prison. Tomeo to this was confused and tried to follow him with his eyes, while the other prisoners were cheering or rather were getting excited about what was happening.

『It's faster than I thought...(What's the matter, are old people agile nowadays?)』

The goal is that Yuudai manages to get out of the cell, quickly thinking about it Tomeo went to try to block it with his body, or even better, close it and thus no longer have any problem. It would be a fatal mistake for a World leader to let a prisoner escape. Quickly Tomeo with his belly in motion tried to close it, but as if he was some kind of animal or killer without control. Yuudai, who was jumping and fluttering around the cell, quickly got on top of Tomeo, and as if he was a bug or a spider, he was walking over him. Tomeo tried to grab it with his hands but he was simply too slow and his reaction was not that fast. Yuudai, upon seeing Tomeo's belly, quickly rolled into a ball and was once again bouncing around the cell until in a moment he managed to trick him. He propelled himself with Tomeo's belly and headed straight out of the cell. He had literally just managed to escape, but at the moment he was crossing the cell, he quickly felt a strong electric shock run through his body. That left him static, receiving the full damage. At that moment only one thing could pass through the old man's mind.

『(I'm sorry family...today will not be the day...)』

The shock seems to be over and you could even see smoke coming out of the old man's body, he was left lying on the floor without the strength to get up. Tomeo had already foreseen this, a maximum security prison where the most dangerous people in the country are kept could not be just an ordinary cell, in addition to the electric shock of the cell, there are still many more challenges that will have to pass who dares to escape from the prison. 

The old man could not move and would not be able to move for a long time. He could quickly feel someone grabbing his foot with terrible anger and force. Tomeo who pulled himself together would not hesitate to slam him against the wall of the cell.


A loud bang was heard in the cell and this ended the fight. The other prisoners who were cheered by the fight, seeing that Yuudai ended up losing, only stayed with their own again waiting for their chance to escape as well. 

『Now that you've calmed down, will you answer all the questions I have?』

With hatred and pressure towards him. Tomeo had no pity towards the person who was in front of him, in reality he knew the truth of all this and from the beginning he knew how dangerous it was. This just confirmed it completely, that way of moving is certainly not of someone normal, Yuudai nodded his head saying yes, that he will not try anything again and even thanked him for having given him a small chance. The answers to many questions we didn't even know were about to be answered.

Tomeo closed the cell so that nothing would happen again like the previous time, seeing that the old man really could not move because of the shock, he quickly sat him down next to him while Tomeo was ready with each of the questions he had. The first one wanted to know the reason why he was here.

『You killed your whole family and that's the real reason why you are here』.

『That's right...that night I couldn't stand it anymore...that thing that was talking to me even in my dreams was telling me to do it...I really didn't want to...I didn't even have the strength to do it...he was just an old man who loved his family very much...I had decided...I wasn't going to listen to him...I ignored his words and I just wanted to get over all this...we had dinner together...we talked together...we had a good time together...at that moment I thought "I can get over it". we talked together...we had a good time together...that moment I thought "I can overcome this" But when I opened my eyes again I realized something...that thing that only I could see was in my living room...in front of my family...even they could see it...I didn't understand what was happening...only I was able to see it because it was a product of my mind...but...that thing was there and .... "If you don't do it, I will" It said that and quickly what happened next when I realized...I...with a knife I had killed my own family...they were lying on the floor with their throats slit completely...I had the knife in my hand and when I start to remember...I....yo was the person my family was seeing...my daughter even commented "Why are you crying?" I....was smiling while I couldn't stop crying for what I was going to do...Before what I did I knew that everything was over and soon it would be the end for me...I could feel the cops coming...I know I should run away too...take the same knife and end my life but.... "Write...." That thing spoke to me again and with the same blood of my family I was writing what that thing told me...I was resisting...I didn't want to...I wanted to get out of its control...when the police appeared where you were you also surely remember it for the simple fact that you came to visit me.... the first thing I did when I felt released from his control, either out of desperation or fear...I tried to take my own life...it was the first and last time I didn't feel him next to me or hear him...and since then, I've been in this cell regretting what I did...』

The same old man told us what really happened that night of the massacre to his family. This now was more consistent with Tomeo's recollection, it was also too weird...because until that moment they didn't know or suspect anything about Yuudai, as if it was a perfect coordination, at that moment they received a call that Yuudai had just killed his family. So they quickly went to check it out and found that it was true, they never knew who the caller was again.

『With that being the absolute truth, in the reports the reason why you are imprisoned with your conviction is because you were linked to the other case, the hooded man』.

『What?...but...that's the reason? it's not because of my family?...even though that report is correct .... those minor murders of a hooded man years ago...it was me...』

Also Tomeo managed to confirm one more case that also had no fixed answer when it was closed. As it was said 5 or 6 years ago, there were a series of small murders by a hooded man, his victims were mostly in alleys, they tried to find his whereabouts or who he was, but he always escaped them, it was like he was always one step ahead of them.

『That thing also told me to kill you must from time to time...I guess I unconsciously did it since the last thing I remembered was being in an alley with a corpse in front of me...the only thing I did when I realized it was to escape from the place asking for forgiveness for what I did...』

『I understand...(he seems to be suffering from a mental illness, he calls it a thing but it sure is another personality that resides in his mind and you must when it takes possession of him) In any case, you are the hooded man of that series of murders and the one who killed the Nakagawa family』.

『Yes...that's right...you're right...I was the one who did it...I...*cry* I did it...I have no one to blame...I did it...I was there...I finished off those people and even dogs and cats...*cry* I finished off my wife and daughter *cry* I wish it wasn't real.... that at least it was someone else who did it...but that would be denying it...as an adult and an exemplary father to his daughter...I must teach her that one must always take responsibility for one's actions...I...your daddy has no forgiveness from God *cries*』

Yuudai was crying like never before as the tears fell on the ground. They didn't seem to stop at any time and at that moment forgetting everything else, in truth this man she had next to her had long since been broken both inside and out. What could it have been, but Tomeo offered him a handkerchief with which to give it to him and wipe himself with it. Seeing Tomeo's kindness this for Yuudai, it was even to cry for others but he was simply thanking the leader of Asia.

『Thank you Leader of Asia』

She wiped her tears and even the snot, but now that she thinks about it Tomeo, she also said it when they first saw each other. As someone who only and should be an ordinary person, he seems to know so much. The fact that he knows that Tomeo is the leader of Asia this just gave more of a hint that this man knows more than he appears...Or the one who knows more would be his counterpart, which he refers to as that thing.

『I used to be a calm and tolerant person...I used to not get very angry with whatever happened to me...I was good...respectful...humble too...I wanted my daughter to learn well from her father...but when someone did something I didn't like...or said something I didn't like.... or just have something happen that wasn't intended...like that thing that I don't remember from what time it appeared next to me...would get angry and start yelling and insulting...I couldn't do anything since it was a product of my mind...but when I realize it too...』

『It was you who was getting angry』

『That's right...everything I felt that thing somehow was projected onto myself and I made it understood to others and surroundings』-『I always spent it scared...depressed...unsure of what might happen or do...even my coworkers at work noticed that I was different from before...which made them right...but I tried to resist...hold on as long as I can to quit this habit..... the only thing that helped me to calm down and be ok with myself was my family...talking...playing...cooking together...congratulating my daughter and wife...coming home and being welcomed...the simple fact that there are people I love very much and they are waiting for me to return home safely...was what made me the happiest...if something happened to them I would lose control of everything for sure.... my family is everything to me...』

『I understand you, I would also do anything to make sure that my children are safe and sound』.

『They must be great and amazing children, how old are they?

『The oldest one named Hiroto, is 15 years old, while the youngest one named Jiro, is 10 years old』.

『10 years old...I would have liked your son Jiro to befriend my daughter Reina...do you think I would have attended her birthday?....』

Yuudai felt like crying even more, he was really about to turn into a waterfall of tears again. His fist was shaking from the fear he felt at that moment. Tomeo only looking straight ahead was telling him.

『Yes, they would have eaten cake and had a good time』.

『*smile*I'm so glad....』

Yuudai would go on to smile while he was crying anyway, just imagining how his daughter would have grown up to be such an age nowadays. To have watched her grow up, make friends, forge her life, this for Yuudai would have been the best gift she could have been given. The time was getting longer and longer, Tomeo could be talking a lot more with Yuudai, but he didn't have to forget something, he didn't come here to talk about family issues or what might have happened, he came here to get answers.

『You already told me most of what I wanted to hear, I only have 2 questions now, what was it that you wanted to write on the wall』.

『I...don't know the meaning of what I was going to write...I know I only got to write Na but...when I was writing it I could feel how that dark thing on my side...it got excited and made excited every time I made the stroke...If it helps I will tell you the meaning of each letter "N" seems to be an original name that someone was going to have...that thing repeated it fondly and even seemed to masturbate in the same place...while "A" seems to be a reaction from someone. ..when someone is confused or doesn't know what to say, the reaction seems to be simply "A"...that's all I know at the moment...I was going to write more...I don't know the meaning of the other letters but I'll tell you the word in full...I was going to write ------------------------------------』

The old man was talking about it in total secrecy to us, but when Tomeo heard it, he simply could not make sense of it being the complete word. Surely as Yuudai said, those other letters must have a meaning, but if the meaning of the previous ones seems to be anything even childish, trying to decipher the missing ones is an impossible task. But here would come the last question and perhaps the one we mostly all want to know.

『Yuu, what is that thing you're referring to』

『I...I...don't know...』

Tomeo is finally saying what is perhaps a mystery to many. But the old man just thinking about it...he didn't even doubt it...he was really being honest with himself and with the Leader of Asia, he didn't know what was that thing that has always been accompanying him and inciting him to commit all those sins.

『Isn't it a personality that you have it in store?』

『Eh?...not at all...it just appeared one day...it's not a problem I have from birth or when I was a student...can a condition like that appear at my age already as an old man?...I rather think that...it was implanted in me...』

!!!!!! Upon hearing this Tomeo quickly became alarmed, since he had not thought of that option before, it was not that it was a problem of this person, could have intervened another person for this old man to be a kind of his toy or doll to commit what he wants so much...but...what does he want?...what does he gain by doing this? .... But if it is the case that there is a third party in all this...that someone is implanting things that one does not want then....

At that moment Tomeo felt something close to him, quickly he would turn to his right and what he would find was some kind of thing stuck to him, it was like something dark and filthy but very small, it was expelling ashes from it. He seemed to be the only one who managed to see it and either by discovering something that was secret, with a simple wipe to his right shoulder, that dark thing disappeared completely. And in doing so it was more than clear to him, everything...absolutely everything...was clear.

『(They implanted...and if I couldn't remember it was because someone tried to implant something or modify me into something...now that that thing is gone...I no longer feel doubts or pain in my head...I even feel that I am no longer so severe...that anger and remorse...is not so strong...)』

Tomeo managed to free himself completely from that thing he had on him, he is not very clear about what he is doing but since it is the only thing he has, he is going to take it as a fact. The old man kept talking about it.

『It's a big dark thing, it has no shape and it's filthy...it's always by my side, even if it's not there I know it's there...it appears when it's wanted...it talks to me about things that one should never do...like killing everyone...changing the world...I...really don't want any of that...just being at peace with my family was the only thing I wanted in the world...』-『I talked to it about doing attacks and so forth.... change politics and get money...I...I just...I just individually killed people to see if it would calm him down....』

『(So the bigger it is...the more influence it will bring on you...mine being small maybe it could only modify certain things in my mind...but to Yuudai...it literally changed who he is....)』

『I...thanks to the young guard I know what's going on outside...just in case...just in case...whoever is behind all the misfortunes happening in the country...please...I beg of you...suspect the most calm and sane possible...I have a hunch that tells me...that he too and his loved ones...are in danger』.

The greatest advice Tomeo could have received so far in this arc. Yuudai told him with tears while holding his hand, he doesn't know at what moment he did it but he only had one thing to ask and tell him. Coming from someone who has gone through and lived through the same thing, he wishes with all his heart, for him and his family, that he manages to stop the most innocent of all, because for sure, he is the most dangerous of all.

Tomeo with his hand would take Yuudai's weak and full of bones hand and firmly said to him.

『I promise you, we will catch the cause of all this』.

『*smile* Thank you very much Tomeo』

He smiled as he could never imagine, this was his true comforting and warm smile that his family could enjoy for many years before the tragedy. They said goodbye and as if already even though he is a criminal, it could not be said that he trusts him, because after all there are reasons why he is here among the most dangerous in the country. But I will take him at his word. He left the cell and closed it again with total tranquility. With a smile on his face, Yuudai lay back down on the bed with his back to Tomeo.

『I hope my help...is really useful...Queen...your dad helped someone important...I want to cry...』

He was going back to sleep and felt satisfied for the good deed he did.While Tomeo listening to the latter, seeing that weak figure and the appearance he wore, it was true what the young guard said.

『You are not a monster, you were made one』.

And with all the answers he wanted to have, Tomeo now more than determined was throwing himself into power this time to employ everything he has to be able to catch whoever is behind all this. That person who is also going through the same thing, must be caught...no...must be saved as soon as possible.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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