
Chapter 334: Hot


An expected day had arrived without me noticing it, since I was little I always liked everything related to soccer, although I try to give the best of me in that sport, always for some reason I end up falling to the ground, either wanting to maneuver the ball, since many times it happened to me that by carelessness I step on it or when making a pass I end up falling. Yes... I'm not the best in that sport, but they always put me in the lead for sure because of my build, although I already told my friends that I'm not El Gordito, I really wonder where did that nickname come from. Every time I think of soccer I only think of Rojito, he really works hard in every game but rarely gets to score a goal or even win a game. XD I still remember that Sports Festival where Rojito missed that penalty kick and ended up leaving the sports area in a huff. Did he grow up? Is he still small? Well, if Botan could grow up, then I see why Rojito wouldn't? Ah! Botan is Brayan and at the same time we call him Tilin. Surely if Rojito knew about this, he would be envious of my luck (Cliston doesn't remember that he visited Rojito when he was looking for an answer to his doubts).

『I'm going to take some pictures or maybe I'd better start recording the whole game, although that will take up a lot of space』.

Cliston was in a large soccer stadium, you could feel and hear how the people in the stands were aware and energetic about the game that was going to be played today. It was incredible how that sport makes the hearts of many people beat strongly, to see people with their favorite jerseys, many with the painted faces of their favorite team, the screams, you can notice that there are many foreigners. Many people are so loyal to soccer and their national team that they are able to travel so many miles and be lucky enough to see them succeed against another team. Cliston was watching the game with everyone, he was currently in Spain, Madrid. After finishing the tasks he had as he was now Mikel's representative in an important meeting, this meeting ended faster than expected as normally meetings like this last a long time. When Cliston found out that it was over so quickly, he was confused and asked the others why it was so fast. Now being here, just by looking to the side, he can see the same people from that meeting cheering with joy and enthusiasm for their favorite team.

『The capacity that I have is more than you can imagine, a simple video of how long a game lasts will not mean anything in my memory capacity, if you want to record the whole game go ahead, also from the video you can take pictures, I have integrated a zoom x 10000 so you will not lose quality, also enhance the audio you want to hear as well as remove the audio you want to delete, go ahead, just press the Play button to start recording』.

The Loquendo had spoken when he heard Cliston's doubts, he suggested him to use it and make the most of it. Who the Fatty was happy for this showing it with a smile, so he followed his word and quickly began to record the beginning of the game. At the same time people were getting excited, as the players were coming out onto the soccer field, everyone was happy, everyone was shouting and cheering. Cliston was also happy, but what pleased him the most was that he will be able to share this experience with his other friends when he returns, now that he hasn't seen them for a while and still has a while to go, he would like to play ball with them again.

After almost 2 hours, the match was finally over, the euphoric people were celebrating for their winning team, while it could be noticed that the people who supported the other team were sad about the results. Nothing can be done, they may have played better or worse, they were more astute or not, luck was with them this time or maybe not. Better not to think about that and just remember that this was a game where everyone had only one goal, to enjoy the game to the fullest. 

All the people were leaving the stadiums, you could see some people picking up their garbage in bags that they brought with them, but at the same time you could see people who simply retired from the good experience they had, leaving their stands completely dirty where now the cleaning team will have to get down to work. It was a nice experience, it was the first time he was in a stadium and was able to witness a game of such a high level as the European League, he was happy, very happy, but the left arm with which he held the phone, was begging to rest. He was from the beginning to the end recording the best he could, after putting it away his arm fell like spaghetti on the floor, he felt a pain that he could not describe, he did not think that this would be one of the ways in which both arms would be completely unusable.

A politician who accompanied him to the meeting, after cleaning up his trash and a little bit of the area, upon seeing that Cliston was still here, decided to approach him to cordially say goodbye to him for the second time. He congratulated him and thanked him for all he was doing for them and finally wanted to end with a handshake. Cliston thanked him but did not have the strength to even raise his hand, he really wanted to do it but could not, so simply because there was no other way, he would end up bowing to thank him, quickly the politician understood this, Cliston is from Japan so it is normal to greet or say goodbye that way, or at least he understood, the politician from Spain also bowed and ended up saying a word in Japanese.

『さよなら - Sayonara』-Word which meant goodbye-.

The Politician from Spain was a bit worried about this, he thinks if he said it right or maybe this was an offense to Cliston, since he ended up getting used to the several times because Cliston spoke his language perfectly, this thanks to the glasses translating to all language his words. Cliston was happy to hear this and smiled, he slowly gave the order to deactivate the translation of the glasses and with what he learned, in his own words he would say. 

『Hasta luego *smiles*』

Cliston did not want to be left behind and was trying to learn the basics of each language, how to say "hello" or "goodbye" or "see you later" as was the case here. The Spanish politician, upon hearing this, was glad to hear that I was laughing because I had just made his day just by making an effort to speak like him. After a few minutes, that adult would walk away waving his hand on the way leaving Cliston alone in the stadium, although he was not alone, there were also the cleaners doing their job. But this little exchange of words just like that, he felt that it brought him a little happiness of surprise. Again he proceeded to give the order to activate the translation of the glasses, but instantly he was interrupted without completing the order, he could hear through the headphones how Mikel was already contacting him.

『Good job Giovane Cliston, tell me, did you have a lot of fun?』

『It was incredible Mikel! I could tell you a lot like the people in the happy stand or the players themselves who gave their all on the soccer field, it made me want to play too but I know it would be embarrassing xd』

『*smile*I'm happy for you Giovane Cliston, always in every job one does one has to give oneself some time to enjoy life, one of the most present diseases in the world is obligation and seriousness, just relax, enjoy, release the child inside you, because for me living your life in an obligatory way is one of the worst mistakes one can make』-『There is still time before it's lunch time, in Romania we have a problem to solve, can you go and take care Giovane Cliston? 』

『Yes, I'll be right there』

Cliston would pass to his God Form where he was going to take flight in the stadium, but before leaving, he saw how the cleaning people would have to clean all the mess left by those people who did not clean their stands, to leave just like that after living a nice experience here would be bad for him, so El Gordito smiled and was going to give them a hand. Suddenly the cleaning crew that was with their masks, white clothes and cap, could feel a light breeze in them, where from what they were sweeping the garbage, this same garbage was being elevated to the skies. They could not believe what they were seeing, all the workers saw at the center of the stadium, a small spherical whirlwind had been generated and under that whirlwind was Cliston with whose powers was helping the employees to pick up the garbage. After having all the garbage and doing a quick check with his eyes, Cliston would look at the sphere and wonder what he would do with this garbage, where could he put it? if he leaves it where it is he will end up dirtying the soccer field. 

『What if he destroyed it?』

Cliston was creating a sphere of energy to eliminate it !!!!!!!! The closest cleaning employees to hear and see Cliston's action were alarmed by this, quickly one approached him to explain that he should not do it, that always in all the garbage there may be objects or gadgets that people have carelessly forgotten and often come to pick it up or return it to them. If he destroys them it can no longer be so, with a lot of please and asking him not to do it, Cliston did not understand well, but he could deduce that they do not want him to destroy them. So the same cleaning people told him where to put the garbage, at the end he was calmer, they thanked him for having helped him in all his work, again a representative of them decided to give Cliston a hand, but the Fatty still had weakened arms. He had no choice but to thank them.

『Buen trabajo, sigan así 』.

Where he again bowed because he was unable to shake hands, the Spanish politician was repeated, the employees made the same bow and thanked Cliston for helping them. Here Cliston realized that he had not activated the translation of the glasses, so he gave the order to do so, he just hoped he had said it well in that language. Perhaps they did not expect this, that the strongest boy in the world would address them and even give them such affection, they felt for a small moment that there was no difference with him or with anyone else.


Cliston after a short trip could reach Romania, from the height he was you could see the difference that there was, you could see that the area of pure forest and mountains, but you could also witness well as an area was running out of trees, everything was being cut down, if from the ground is ugly picture, from the sky was even much worse.

You could see how Romania was also with other people in the area dressed for the occasion, it was a peasant area of a small village as they were on the border of Romania with Bulgaria. As Cliston descended he could see how that group including Romania was replanting the deforested area, making small holes with the shovels they had and placing small trees to grow in the future, although for sure they will not be there by the time they are completely huge.

『(As Mikel told me during the trip, more than a problem I just came to help, they want to replant the area that because of the company from Bulgaria , has damaged this village area with respect to the flora and fauna, there would be no problem if he replanted the area that was given to him himself, but since he doesn't do it, the same people of the village and even Romania have to do it by themselves)』

『You see, as I told you Giovane Cliston, this is a problem, whether it is a country at war or a country suffering from bad economy, also helping in these problems is important, there are people who care and lament what is going on in our world but neither do anything about it, if you want to help others just do it! What's stopping you from doing it!』

『You say it like everyone can do it Mikel』

『Of course everyone can do it, everyone has hands, feet, head, mouth, the internet unites us all no matter where we are in the world, what many of us lack is just the will to want to do it』

『Oh! I didn't expect to see you here Cliston, thank you for coming to help us』.

Romania had approached Cliston when he saw that he had arrived, greeted him properly and gave him to understand the situation that had been going on here. As it turned out, the Bulgarian company based in Romania did not reduce and minimize its production, but continued to cut down more and more trees as it pleased. Even the area that had been offered to him, he ended up ignoring him and continued his route without caring, Romania seeing that he did not fulfill his deal to replant the area, this got angry with him, but despite the several times they talked about it, there was no solution to this, saying that he already gave a percentage of his profits to him, but what mattered most to Romania was that he does not destroy his area, that this remote village does not mean that it does not matter and can take advantage of them.

『Since Bulgaria doesn't do anything, someone has to do it, I asked the villagers for help and they gladly accepted, now we only took 10% of the area to replant, but we still lack people, doing this will take time, that Bulgaria...do you also care more about profits than a good relationship』.

One could also see and hear wood being collected, the people of the village also besides replanting the green area, were collecting pieces of dry wood that have been abandoned here after cutting down the trees, they were scattered and if no one removes them it could also be a problem in the future. Romania gave the order to gather them in one place, since this wood that at least serves for the town, either as fuel or in other utilities.

『It's so hot here...』

『It's currently 39ºC』

Loquendo was giving the information to Cliston, since he arrived just like how he felt in Switzerland, it was hotter than usual. When observing everyone again, they were wearing hats and light clothes from the area, Romania himself commented that the temperature had been starting to increase these last months, telling that when this forest had its trees, its leaves gave shadows and it was much calmer to be here.

『Trees do a lot for all living things on the planet in exchange for nothing, so our only duty is not to get in their way, and yet some people decide to cut them down』-『When there is no longer any natural resource, at that time many will regret it』

Romania was winnowing a hat to Cliston so that he could also withstand this ugly heat that for just one more would reach 40 degrees, it was certainly a bad time of year for such a country. Cliston was taught by Rumania himself how to plant the trees, to see how with the small shovel he would dig in the soil and carefully place the trees. After seeing it Cliston would try to do it by himself, it was to embed, make force to remove the soil and carefully place the tree, then with the same soil bury the hollow parts and only the stem and leaves remain on the outside.

『Well done Cliston, simple, isn't it?』

『Yes, besides being simple, knowing that I'm here and seeing everything, it kind of makes me understand more how beautiful the forest is』.

『*smile*Yes, I wish everyone is here and I understand how beautiful the real world is』.

They continued planting the trees where each person did the best they could, one group planted the trees, while others picked up the pieces of wood that the same company discarded for not being perfect. The sound of the insects could hardly be heard, the animals were not there either, the nests of different animals that were in the trees, surely they retired to another place to be safe. But what was present now was the intermittent sun, which made the work harder, everyone was sweating and asking for water to continue working, but for Cliston it was much more difficult, because although he had rested a little, his left arm was still sore.

『(It still hurts...but I have to continue, I could use my powers to do the job but...)』

Cliston with difficulty repeated the processor, embed the shovel, force to remove the soil, then carefully place the small trees and at the end with the same removed soil fill the holes. Cliston was so tired with this that he ended up sitting on the ground, he was agitated, he does not remember at what time this started, but surely with what happened it was a lot, when he looked to the sides, people were still doing their work, this made him happy to know that he is not the only one, he was tired but happy, but some words were going to take away his smile.

『Well, with your help we have already replanted 25% of the area』.

Rumania approached him to offer him a bottle of water, Cliston upon hearing this did not avoid being surprised and scared, Rumania was looking to the front where Cliston decided to turn his gaze to the other side, where he could see all the devastated area, compared to what they had just replanted, it was nothing compared to all the desolation they had in front of them. Cliston's astonishment was evident, he didn't know how to feel, whether sad, angry or that this is difficult to impossible, he couldn't find an exact emotion to reflect it.

『It's frustrating, take it as an example of life, for those of us who are small this is the landscape we get to see』.

Romania was giving his words for the occasion, frustrating will be the word Cliston wanted to find...he doesn't know, right now after his return to his world, he still knows he is not the same as before and maybe he can never be the same again. But yes, he was a little sad to see the reality, like from the strength he had, seeing that they did almost nothing this discouraged him a little, you could see how the shovel wanted to fall out of his hand.

『But even so we keep moving forward, taking small steps with people who care and support us, do not look that the end is far away Cliston, think better of everything that will happen and will happen in that journey, fill those holes, let the branches sprout to see and with affection all that you lived and passed 』

Romania again blurted out other words, surely as his own experience of his life, hearing that Romania told him that, Cliston was curious to know how the life of this person next to him must have been, he is an adult entering old age, what was his path, what was his goal, how were those gaps to be filled, Cliston was curious about all this.

『You are a mess Cliston, go collect the wood that is in the area, on the way to where to leave them we pass through a path of trees that protect us from the sun, there is also a rest area, give yourself time to regain strength 』.

He said all this Romania seeing Cliston all sweaty in the face, Cliston would take him at his word and go on to collect trees in the area, again here it would be much easier to use his powers, especially this wind thing that he liked very much, he doesn't know how he got it, but since the Midori No Happa was present and he wants to keep it. But no, Cliston was still picking up branches making a great effort that none of them will fall off him.

『Could you use your wind as a breeze to refresh all the villagers who are helping』.

『!! That's right Loquendo, I hadn't thought of that, then after I pick up this wood and put it with the others I'll do that』.

The phone gave him a suggestion that Cliston did not hesitate to take it, right now he was more encouraged as he wanted to go back to be able to help all the people, just as Rumania said, the way to leave the wood was refreshing and above all beautiful, maybe that's why he suggested him to do it, to see this part of the forest that had not been touched was beautiful, the trees were very tall, the branches blocked the sun's rays and did not hit so much, you could hear not only insects but also different animal nests, birds, squirrels and even rabbit burrows. This was certainly something Cliston wanted to remember not only himself, but also with his friends.

『Coming back I will take some pictures』.

Cliston was able to get to the area where they leave the dry wood, you could see a pile of these same, and around it stones, it really was big, Cliston just threw it away and proceeded to sit on wooden benches that the same people had made, just sitting down was like his little reward for the work he was doing. He couldn't take it anymore he took out his phone and started taking several pictures of where he was, he wants his friends and family to see what he was doing.

『And to think that this destroyed him before』.

Cliston remembering again his past when he was possessed by a parasite, truly that stage didn't matter at all, it was just about destroying and destroying, beautiful landscapes like this one were eradicated just for fun or annoyance. Now that that is over, he is very pleased that he can apologize to all the forests he devastated in his life before. After resting for a few minutes and remembering the past, Cliston returned to the replanting area, but you could see in the background how not all the leaves covered the sunlight, you could clearly see how a beam of light was hitting directly to the pieces of wood and generating small ashes from them.

You could hear only flashes of the pictures Cliston was taking, he liked this, not the photography, but framing these moments that he considered beautiful to show them to others. In the area where all the people were, they were already tired but they were doing their best not to slow down, they were really sweating like chicken soup, but at that moment they could feel a breeze. They all felt refreshed and satisfied by the wind that gently touched their bodies, Rumania felt this and turned to the side, then she saw Cliston not in his full God form, but she could notice how only his hands and a tail had appeared on him.

『(I have to measure my strength, with all this training and finding my fighting style, I could find a balance in this, I don't fully access my God Form but I can use some of that power for occasions like this where I don't need it all)』-『(Although on that occasion of Midori No Happa, I could use the winds even in my Human Form, I want to do it again)』

The villagers were thankful to Cliston for giving them tremendous gift, you could hear people in their native language how they said that now they can keep planting more trees, others commented that they have energy for one more hour. Hearing this for Cliston really made him happy, Romania looked at him and was happy to have helped them with this, Cliston was smiling and from the wind that was blowing at his back to get here, someone was quickly running for his life, his hat had caught on fire.

The guy quickly took off his hat and Romania stepped on it to put out the fire, this was strange, but quickly all the villagers turned to look at Cliston, and either shouted or pointed fingers at the forest. Everyone was shouting that a fire had broken out in the forest. Cliston quickly turned around and was surprised, there really was a fire in the forest. What had happened was that the beam of light that hit the dry wood ended up catching fire, it ended up spreading and although that area of dry wood had been surrounded by rocks in case this happened, the wind that Cliston was causing ended up making it spread and end up burning the trees and spread even more.

Romania gave the order for everyone to evacuate the area, but quickly managed to see how Cliston entered the forest flying over his winds to find out what had caused this. Cliston knows, for some reason he feels that this is his fault, if he had not made the breeze, if he had not passed to this Form that he discovered, the wind that he caused would not have spread the fire. Cliston could see how the ashes wanted to blind him and the smoke in the area where they left the dry wood. When he reached the epicenter of the forest fire, nothing happened to him because he had a wind shield, but since he did not have this power under control, every time the fire wanted to hit him, the same shield prevented it by redirecting the fire to the trees. Cliston quickly removed his shield and suddenly felt a great heat. He was in the middle of everything, he had to find a way to be able to calm everything down but nothing was coming to his mind, it was the first time this happened to him, so.

『Mikel!!! Mikel answer please!!! I need your help! Tell me what to do!!!』

But Mikel as it was about to be lunch time, he started to cook together with Vie in the kitchen, he could not attend to Cliston right now. The Fatty seeing that there is no answer, this one did not know what to do, he would try by himself to prevent the fire from spreading, luckily only this area near the collected wood is being burned, so every time he sees an expansion, Cliston would try to prevent it with his wind, seeing the first fire that wanted to expand, Cliston would quickly launch a gust of wind, if his goal was to eliminate it he did not do it, the fire was transported to another tree, where Cliston again sent another blizzard to avoid it, but as if it were endless, the same thing was repeated with each fire that wanted to expand. Cliston launched more and more gusts, he didn't know how to put it out, he had no idea, so in a moment of desperation, he would create and enclose all the fire in a big wind shield, if everything was surrounded by wind, no fire would be able to get out or get in and so the forest would be safe, but....

『....What heat to make....』

The wind is always circulating and gaining more and more speed and strength, Cliston if he just let it go and if he doesn't have a perfect way to control the wind, if he undoes the wind shield, the flames will shoot out and spread even more. Before it was just breezes or a weak wind, capable of lifting trash like papers and plastic bags, but now he is nervous, if anything happens it will be his fault.

『This is simple to solve, fire is always generated when there is a combustible material, in this case it would be wood, also oxygen, O2, is necessary for this same, as long as there is the necessary wind with the necessary temperature, this will turn into gas』.


『In other words you are the one who is generating the fire, if you want it to stop you will have to eliminate all oxygen present in this wind shield』.

『AND HOW DO I DO THAT!!!!!!!!』

『Just eliminate it』


『That's the same reason, you have to eliminate the wind, if you are able to generate it, then you are also able to eliminate it, come on, do it』.

Loquendo was giving him some advice on how to eliminate the wind, but faced with the nerves to this new case for Cliston with this new ability, he knew little about it. The place was getting even hotter and the fire was becoming a whirlwind of fire inside. Loquendo seeing that Cliston did not respond or know, would then give him another tip much easier to understand and do.

『Then if you can't do that and you're worried about this one getting blown away, then maneuver this wind shield with the fire inside it and rise as high as you can, at high altitude there's nothing and no fire will fall and everything will be safe, just do it already asshole boy』.


Cliston proceeded to do as Loquendo told him and all the villagers could watch as the wind shield rose to the heavens with the fire inside. Cliston was rising as he thought was right, but Loquendo was insisting him to rise even higher, higher, higher, higher, higher and higher still.



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the sky we could see how an expansion of wind and fire appeared, just as Cliston said, not only the wind, but the fire also came out strongly in the surroundings, but since there was nothing it could not burn anything, and at the moment of falling it would end up disappearing. Cliston was in the middle of everything in the sky, he looked tired, very sweaty, not only his arms, but also his legs were very exhausted. But he could do it, he could get rid of the fire of the forest that was going to burn everything, so without further ado he fell backwards from the sky because he could do no more. Romania and other villagers who saw this, went to where he would fall, where they surely wanted to be his support in the fall, but Cliston at the last minute regained his strength and with a wind that he could not handle, he ended up causing a strong breeze that made the trees and leaves flutter.

Cliston could not take it anymore, he was very tired, the heat seemed to make him very dizzy and he ended up seeing the people who were worried about him, asking in his head if they were well, this made him happy that no one had been hurt, and without being able to keep his composure, he ended up falling to the ground from dizziness.

It was already late afternoon, in Romania the sun was setting and hiding between the mountains, Cliston woke up and found himself in Romania's house where he saw that he reacted, the adult would offer him water, Cliston would drink it all at once and thanked him for his kindness.

『What caused the fire was the wood we collected, probably because of the heat that caused the wood to catch fire, although we put stones around it to avoid this, it seems that it was not enough』.

『I'm sorry, I was to blame, if I hadn't used my wind the fire wouldn't have spread or burned that part of the forest, I'm really...I'm really sorry』.

Cliston was very sorry and sad about the event, Rumania told him that it was not his fault, it was all a coincidence, but Cliston was very sure that his wind was what caused this. He only wanted to help, he came to help, but he ended up generating a problem, he does not know if this will affect him, but he knows that he must not make another mistake. But Romania saw Cliston blaming himself and even said things that would have even killed people.

『I was again going to cause people to die because of me, innocent people who were just there going about their lives...I...I don't want to go through that again...』-『I don't want to get my hands dirty again...I wouldn't even be able to look them in the face, I would turn around and ignore the things that my body does...』

『But if you hadn't been there who knows what would have happened, I don't know for sure if we would have been able to control the fire or if it would have spread, the only thing I knew at the time the fire started, is that you could help us and that's how you did it, on behalf of everyone in the village and myself, Romania thanks you』.

Those were Romania's words for stopping the fire, Cliston watched this and didn't know how to feel, is this really right? He did the right thing...if he had done what he did this would not have happened, but things were already done, you can't go back, Romania was thanking him and for sure he didn't expect a response. Cliston didn't know how to find himself, sad, upset, disgusted, helpless, frustrated, he didn't know for sure, but one thing he did know clearly that was what he didn't feel at that moment, and that was happiness and gratitude.

『Thank you *smiles*』

Cliston smiled as if he was happy for having done this good deed, Romania saw it that way, that the young man accepted that he had done something good. That night would end without further ado, you could already hear Mikel's claims as a grandfather worried about Cliston's return, the Fatty was flying back in his God Form, now it was cold, if in the morning it was so cold that you sweated, right now it was so cold that it could even tense your body.


It was days after that and Cliston told Mikel everything that happened with Romania, when Cliston found out what happened he thanked Mikel for helping him, but the moment he saw Cliston smile, he knew it clearly, he could see through him that this was not how he felt, he could not find a clear answer, he was not sad or depressed, Mikel is only able to see through the person according to what he is, if this person does not even know what he wants, then Mikel will not know it either. He only gave Cliston one piece of advice that day.

『Relax Giovane Cliston, not everything that happens in the world is your fault, come on, just go ahead with encouragement *smile*』.

Cliston will know if he will keep or even hear those words that day from old Mikel. Again Cliston was out of Bulgaria, this one playing Mikel's role in the other countries as his representative, the old man himself wanted Cliston to get rid of those ideas that it was his fault, if he thinks like that, in the future he may come to think that every misfortune is his fault. Mikel was thinking about something until he remembered something, Cliston was in Amsterdam right now, the capital of the Netherlands, and there was a place there that would make Cliston think about something else.

It was already night in Amsterdam, again he had to go to a conference as Mikel's representative, we know what this means, a meeting of important people to talk or deal with a common interest. It was funny to see that they were all politicians or people with experience in the field, and on one side was Cliston sitting there with a lot of the press with their eyes on him. Whenever he needed to give his opinion, he would just say things like.

『Maybe...Maybe.... I guess.... what the other one says...ah...can I go to the bathroom?』

It was obvious that he did not know how to deal with this and especially he is an outsider, normally Mikel helps him in this by telling him what to say, but on this occasion he did not help him and left him to his own devices so to speak. But to the press and others who were at the conference with him, they took it somewhat more realistically, as they remembered that Cliston is just a kid in the background who came home.

『Mikel why didn't you help me this time? I didn't know what to say and I think I looked like an idiot...』

『¿? That's what you're studying for, to be able to defend yourself, we already had many lectures and meetings where I helped you, I literally was your trap, today's just proves that you're still a fool Giovane Cliston』

『But I don't know anything about economics, politics or business, I can barely handle the problems that Brother De Vos gives me in mathematics, what do you want me to do in a subject I don't know about?』-『Besides I am your representative, isn't the image I give supposed to be your image too?』

『That's what I'm teaching you for *sigh* and yes, you are my representative and you are my figurehead outside, but do you really think that people see you as me? Of course not, you are you Cliston, people look at you as you really are, if you do something good they will congratulate you, if you do something bad you will get the criticism, if they tell you that you are dumb, I gladly accept those words too 』

『So if you are dumb Mikel?』

『Of course not, the only dumb one is you Giovane Cliston』

『...I don't understand...』

『You'll understand someday Giovane Cliston』.

『(This old man is already a nutcase)』.

Cliston seeing that it was night, really this conference lasted for hours and hours, wanted to return to the orphanage and have dinner in company, but Mikel quickly interrupted him to take a walk around the area, not to forget that he is in Amsterdam and here you can find many interesting and beautiful things. It was Cliston's first time here so he is also curious to explore the area, as he looked around just a little, he realized he was on a bridge, the houses lit up and the night with the stars shining bright, the whole atmosphere gave him the answer.

『All right, I'll take a little walk 』.

Mikel was happy about this so quickly as if resuming his previous job, he guided Cliston through the city of Amsterdam, they walked through the city at night where Cliston did not stop marveling, accompanied by the great experience that Mikel has, this made an experience that he hopes to remember a lot, Cliston also took out his phone and took pictures of what he liked, it was normal to see him taking pictures everywhere he went, while they were walking, Mikel offered him to buy an alcoholic drink, which Cliston refused.

『(You refuse? you'll see later) Well thought Giovane Cliston, here it's forbidden to drink alcohol in public places 』-『So if you don't want to drink, how about a coffee? 』

『A coffee? Yes, but with milk and sugar please』

Cliston searched the streets to find a coffee stand, where Mikel laughed and could even be heard through his earphone, Cliston didn't understand so he told him what was so funny. They were walking along normally where Mikel was telling him that it was a few blocks to a coffee shop, but Cliston turned to the side and noticed an eye-catching sign.

『Ah! It says Cafe, Cafeee Shop? why does it have 3 e's on it?』

Cliston was in doubt of this, there it said cafe store according to him, Mikel understood this perfectly so he hid his laughter, then he suggested Cliston to go in there to see if he could find cafe, but when he took a step Mikel kept laughing.

『But why so much laughter, old man?』

When they came in they left a few minutes late, but they did take their time, Cliston did not have any coffee in hand nor did he manage to drink anything there, he was rather interested in this, no, curious about what he had just found, he looked at the sign again and it did say "Cafeee Shop".

『Well, if I'm not interested in alcohol, I'll be even less interested in this coffee, now let's go get a coffee with milk and sugar!』

Mikel was surprised that what was in the store in general did not hit him so hard, these stores in this capital, is not to sell coffee, if not to know everything about the cannabis culture, Cliston managed to see one and they even offered it to him, but of course, he did not consume it or anything, but he did not think to see one or take it with his own hands even one leaf, for being so unexpected and to satisfy his curiosity he was satisfied. Now if with a coffee in hand he drank it and warmed his body, so far everything seemed nice and interesting, but Mikel seeing that this did not work out, then let the main course come.

『Look, this street is full of red lights, just like in your country Giovane Cliston, red means Valentine's Day, love and friendship, go for a walk here and tell me if you like the sweets and chocolates there, I will go and prepare dinner』.

『Really? with what chocolate? they celebrate Valentine's Day here in August?』

Cliston was entering a street full of life that the most characteristic thing was the red color because of the several lights that were there, innocent and with his cafe con leche this one was entering without knowing what he would find around there, Cliston was looking and walking around looking at the surroundings, there were big windows with red cloths covering them, there seemed to be nothing there, Cliston was walking while wondering that there are many chocolate stores, how will those chocolates taste like? Cliston this time brought money from the region so he would like to try one.

『(I'll also see if I can buy some for the children at the orphanage)』.

Cliston was approaching one of these restrooms, it seems he entered one where he is alone, there was no other person, again when he was inside he saw a red curtain behind a glass, yes they really like this mechanic. A woman who was free was covered with a coat, when Cliston saw her he approached her and asked her if she was the one who was attending here.

『(A child? They're getting more and more curious, no! This is...) You came here to get a service from me?』

『That's right, it's my first time in a long time to come to a place like this, I'm a little nervous, ah...how much do they charge here?』

『20 euros, it would be more if you would like something much more interesting and satisafe』.

『Something more interesting? (That's something bigger right? but...remembering with the cheese wheel because....) No, I'll stick with the Chocolate 20 euro one.』

『Chocolate? *laughs* It's the first time I've heard someone say it like that, it's okay, for being an important person and coming all the way here, what's more I didn't think you like these places, with it being your first time in a long time, then it was true that you were an adult in a child's body, well, I will give you the best service *smiles*』

『Thank you (That woman sure is pretty, I'm sure El Perro would like to be served by her)』

The corresponding payment was made where the woman told him to sit down until she came back, Cliston thanked her for this, in front of him there was again the huge glass with the red curtain covering it, he still doesn't understand this, what is it for? isn't this where the sweets they prepare are supposed to go? Cliston was waiting normally with his coffee with milk, until at one moment the curtains opened, and when they opened Cliston stood still holding his drink in his hand. What he had in front of him was the same woman but in her underwear, she was doing all kinds of eroticism in front of him, she was touching parts that Cliston could not imagine, for some reason he kept looking at her for some time, he did not take his eyes off her, but he was really amazed, and as if it was programmed, the Loquendo would speak.

『Prostitution in Amsterdam is legal, anyone who wants to sell his body can do it only in this street that is called The Red Light District, Red lights mean that they are women, while the blue ones can be either transvestites or transsexuals, there are also lights for those who are older people. The showcases are paid by the one who offers the services, it is like a rent, between 75 euros to 300 euros can be found. How did this originate, since Amsterdam is a fishing village, since ancient times the fishermen either for weeks or months, return to their homes and they want to receive affection, affection, love. Prostitutes were offered in their homes, but then permits and an area were given for such activity. And if they earn well? it could be said that yes, they can support themselves comfortably, if you want to know more research it on your own, I do not because I already have it』.

Loquendo was giving some context to this, while Cliston probably didn't hear him looking at her, there are different services and Cliston took the Theater, where there can be just one person or a couple making love to each other. Cliston was embarrassed and blushed at this, while Mikel was probably wondering if he could stand this kind of heat. The woman seeing that Cliston didn't look away, smiled because now she planned to undress completely, she would touch her bra and slowly lift it up, Cliston didn't seem to move, so without further ado she would lift it up. !!!!!!!!.....

『(¿? Where is it?)』

When he looked in front of him there was no one, the only thing on the floor was the coffee with milk that Cliston dropped. Quickly Cliston was walking away from the Red Light District and would pass his God Form to go to the orphanage, he didn't say anything, not even with the cold he couldn't get rid of this heat he felt, he was completely ashamed, now he feels guilty for seeing something that maybe he shouldn't have seen yet, he was coming back but he still doesn't know why he left, he wanted to see it, for something he stayed, but in the end something stopped him, he still doesn't know what came to his mind to leave the place.

『(That...That was yummy...but it was wrong....)』

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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