
Chapter 327: The Little Soldier 16

  E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇1͇6͇

The situation was different but at the same time so much the same, and that same child was seeing it, how again in front of his eyes someone had lost his life, a being who considered him his family, a person who made an effort so that the weight would not fall on them, gave his best so that they could all manage to live as comfortably as possible, did everything possible so that they could enjoy a little more of their childhood. Mikel was devastated, Fari was already lifeless lying on the floor, he could not move, he did not have enough strength to even get up, only the impact of what he had just lived, the only thing he has now is the will to talk, but he knows that this will not solve anything. 

Vie, who was crying all this time because of the trauma of almost dying, had also realized what had happened, she saw Mikel who did not do anything either, he was just lying on the floor without strength, when Vie looked at the door, it was as if she had already told him herself, As soon as she realized this she didn't want to look, she lowered her gaze because she already knew who was lifeless, she was regretting it, instead of getting even sadder she was complaining inside, she clenched her fist while holding back her tears, once again it was happening, once again they were seeing how a relative gave all of them for their good.

『I did it!!!....I really did it!!!!!』

『No...why did I do it.... I didn't want to do it....』

『Daddy!!!! Look at me!!!! I just killed a person!!!!!』

『I don't want anyone to look at me....yo....I don't know why...I don't need praise...this was wrong...but....Ahhhhh.....』

A different contrast could be seen in this same scene, in the first one you could see the actuality of the moment, how a boy who was seen as a Sombrita was proud and happy to have ended a life, he was looking forward to it so much that his father would stand up and congratulate him for his achievement, there was no regret, just a desire to be recognized. While for the second he saw himself as a boy who had no other choice but to go to the front lines and force himself to be in a war he did not want, in the process his mind has been corrupted and distorted, he did not know what was right, who he had to believe, if anyone would really help him, he just wanted to get away from all this. But in the end he ended up shooting against an innocent and he regretted a lot of how it is what he is going to become, not being able to identify between good or bad, that was what that young man was afraid of.

『Come on!!!! Dad get up!!!! Come on come on congratulate me!!!!!』

『Do I have to tell Malin? no....I don't want to....I don't want her to know that I killed someone....no!!!! why....he was going to help us...he reached out to us...but my insecurities played a trick on me....what is it...fear...doubts...I must calm down...but how...』

『I am very happy!!!! I didn't know ending someone's life could be so easy!!!! That boy you hate him, then as your son I hate him too!!!!! I hate!!! I hate everyone in this town!!!! For me let them all die!!!!』

『Nobody else has to die...neither those outside nor those inside...why we humans kill each other when we are equal...I don't understand...who we should kill is what threatens us...what deceives us...when we find we have no other way out, that's when we have no other alternative but to kill...Fari you understand?...why don't I...!!!!....that's not fair what I just did?』

『These people are worthless!!! we are superior!!! they are our toys and our burritos!!!! we tell them something and they do it!! that's their role in their lives!!! We can't consider ourselves like them, if those are humans, then we will be stronger, supermen! incredible people! i don't care if they call us monsters or shadows!!! as long as we are superior that's enough for me!!!』

『We are just simple people...we don't have incredible strength, we are not very smart, we are not cunning and little can we get away with, privileged or prodigies...nothing..... we are just us, we get ahead and prosper as we really are, that alone was enough for us to be happy, it was true that sometimes we were afraid of the outside, because we didn't know how to treat them or behave, how strange isn't it? not knowing how to act to someone who is just like us...』-『I am very sorry for everything I did....』

『I am very proud of what I did!!!!! Being a soldier to end many lives, must feel satisfying, come on!!!! Get up father!!!! you have to get up and see what I did!!!!』

La Sombrita was encouraging her father Colonel who was still lying on the ground, encouraging him to wake up and see his achievement. While on the other side, there were those children who were regretting what had happened, their faces said it all, Vie was restraining herself not to show weakness anymore, Mikel was in trauma for what he just saw, while Ann as if she was next to them, was equally regretful to see how someone enjoyed killing as if it was something easy. Mikel wanted to go to his family's side, he wanted to hold their hand, he wanted to say goodbye properly this time to someone who loved him and loved him as much as his father and mother. Mikel approached, he had enough strength to walk and see Fari's body, he would take his hand where he noticed he was losing warmth, he was afraid, he wanted to cry, his legs wouldn't stop shaking, it was like his drowning could kill him. But at least he has him in front of him, he has a way to be able to tell him something, unlike before when he lost everything and there was nothing left.

『Fari....yo....thank you!!!....Thank you for giving me a home. Thank you for considering me your family. Thank you for being one of the first to talk to me when I got here. Thank you for preparing the food. Thank you for going out of your way for us. Thank you for putting me to bed. Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for helping me train. Thank you for even though you were tired, you did your best to keep me from worrying. Thank you for being my family!!!! Before I couldn't say it, time ago I couldn't say it, but late is better than never...Thank you so much for everything, I hope you too will wait for me together with my family someday, to be reunited all of us *smiles*.... I love you』

Mikel couldn't resist anymore he ended up shedding tears on Fari's hand while holding him tightly, this really wasn't the time, he should have said it when he was still by his side and with a smile. But things are already done, the good thing is that he was able to say it and he hopes that it has reached him wherever he is. Really the little boy instead of getting angry was saying goodbye to his friend the way he thinks he grew up, bursting with anger won't help anything, crying without doing anything won't help either, from blows you learn and if that has to happen, it was time, there was no other way.

『I wish...to be able to change the moment...』

!....Mikel could feel something strange for a few seconds, it was fast but he looked up, he felt like something touched his head, a small touch, Mikel struggled to see what was happening. Maybe his sight of being able to see through everything would help him, but of course, this only worked with the living, someone who is not on this earthly plane does not have any contact, or does he? 

Mikel could not see him, but Fari was already in front of him caressing Mikel's head, he could see the gesture of his family, he was confused, with his eyes trying hard to look at him, but he could not, it was impossible. Next to Fari was also Ann who turned to look at her partner, just with her eyes she was telling him that his sacrifice was in vain if he also died. But Fari stopped caressing Mikel to tell her.

『I was able to save my family, Ann, you saved my family』.

Hearing what Fari commented, Ann did not know how to respond, he was first surprised by the words of his friend, then resisting his crying and finally smiling satisfied that all his effort served to be able to return even a small fragment of all that he caused these years. Quickly from the spiritual figures that they were, it was seen how they lost their shape and appearance to become simple lights that no one else could see, and a few seconds later they also faded away to resume the path that everyone will have to choose in their lives. 

But on the other side, the Sombrita who did not stop to revive his father, this finally managed to come to his senses, from what was lying on the floor, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was his son with extreme joy, with the arm that lifted him up told him to look at his achievement that he had just done. Colonel Sombra had a headache, the last thing he remembered was that Fari appeared at the last moment and was the one who kicked him. He managed to get up completely but he didn't say a word, only the voice of Shadow who flooded everything.

『Come on!!!! Look look Father!!! You'll be happy for what I did!!!! He was the person who you hate and destroyed everything!!!! Well guess who just killed him *smiles*』

He pointed his finger at the dead body of Fari, Colonel Sombra when he looked more closely, he realized how the body of the young man from Arnicania was left, his arms were pierced, part of the ear and neck were torn off, a wound in the shoulder as well as in the legs, and above all the most characteristic thing that put an end to his life. It was the terrible hole in his head.

『An elite gave me his gun! It's my first time shooting, but I hit him right in the skull! I think I have skill with the gun, just like in your youth Father!!!』

Colonel Sombra could not believe it, his rival who he himself decided to end his life, the one who caused all this damage to his empire, the same young man who defeated him minutes ago, now was already lifeless and with no way for him to get up again and resume his duel. He turned to see his son who was smiling with red cheeks, he was waiting for his father's congratulations. But quickly ....POM!

Colonel Shadow without hesitation would give him a strong blow in his son's face, it was so powerful that he fell with force, the boy did not understand, he started to bleed his nose and tried to cover it, he was still on the floor, he did not understand why, he just killed his father's enemy, isn't that what he wanted? he proved to be worth more than everyone and this is how he pays him? La Sombrita was about to complain to his father about the blow but before he could say anything the same words of the Shadow Colonel would stop him.


The Shadow Colonel was more than annoyed by how things ended, to see who defeated him without the opportunity to have another duel, it hurt him more than anything else, he like any other shadow that was already completely consumed, his desire to fight and have a real fight was great. On the battlefield he defeated many and that made him feel superior, if he lost he just had to have another fight where he won, that is the nature when you are consumed by the ashes, the desire to show that inhuman side that each one has. He was so upset that even the shadows that enveloped him seemed to distort and become bigger, his face was disfigured in such a way that it became more terrible and scary. While his son who witnessed all this, could see him closely and something strange happened at the same time, he was also wrapped in shadows, it was as if they disappeared from his body and instead of seeing a shadow, he could see a young boy of almost the same age as Mikel, he was afraid, he was crying, his face said he did not want to be here, his whole world seemed to be falling down.

『But father...I...I....just wanted your acknowledgement...』

『My recognition...you never aroused interest in me, just like your mother I just saw you were there and that was it, I never had hopes in you, I never trusted you, I never cared or was happy for you, your little achievements were of no use to me...you learning to walk or read what? that everyone does, if you want to stand out you have to do something worthwhile, and among all the things you decided to do was to disappoint me, it's amazing how one doesn't expect anything from anyone and yet look at you, you are the symbol of disappointment』-『Don't ever call me father again, I don't have a family』.

...This came as a shock to the Colonel's son, who could not believe that all his lifelong effort to be recognized by his family had not ended in the best way. All those mornings, all those hours of study, all those hours of training, of learning, of becoming better every day, in the end they were useless if the person destined to reject them from the beginning, since you were born for him you were worth nothing. A cry was heard, Colonel Sombra looked down and saw how his son was crying without holding back anything, as if he were a small child shed tears without saying anything else, upset he turned around to look at the corpse of Fari, he raised his head and yes, his gesture was that he was no longer among us. He was upset, his fighter dead, 2 children who were making an annoying noise in the orphanage, why does one have to go through such a humiliating stage in his life? A stage where you don't know anything, where the right thing you think is the most harmful, where your mischief only hurts everyone, the stage where you think life is simple without knowing what awaits you ahead, of course depending on how your dad or mom love you, since they are the ones who make you have that stage of life that many consider the most beautiful of their lives.

『AY!!! YA SHUT UP!!!!』

From what she was holding Fari's head, hearing how her son was crying and Vie was also holding back, she got so angry that she threw Fari's head against the ground. But of course this wouldn't make any of them stop, the children were still crying, he was going to hit his son to make him calm down, but quickly someone stopped him.

『No, if they want to cry let them cry, they are within their rights to release how they feel』.

Colonel Shadow turned to look to his side, and when he looked down he realized that there was a boy there, it was Mikel who was the only one of the 3 who did not cry, it was not because he lacked tears or because he was not sad, rather it was because he was the one who accepted things better than others. Mikel was going to tell him something, for sure he was going to tell him that hitting would not solve anything. POM!!!! Quickly, Colonel Shadow did not hesitate to hit Mikel in the face, who bounced off the ground and fell on his back. He just wanted to let off steam with what he has in front of him, right now he is not in his place, what he wanted at this moment is gone, how to calm down will be very difficult, the only way a shadow can calm down is by releasing all his rage, instead the way to calm down a person, in the best circumstances is by talking.

!!!! ..... The Shadow Colonel was surprised that Mikel got up again but with difficulty, this made him a little interested in the boy who again to recompose himself stared at him without anything else, there was no combat pose, he did not prepare his fist, he did not seem to have a strategy, there was only Mikel in front of the Shadow Colonel.

『(And this kid who, got up after my hit, he is one of the kids that Fari protected, right now I feel a lot of rage, I don't want to know anything but feel good, and for that I have to kill someone, I want to enjoy it, but this kid is so badly wounded that I won't be able to have fun, spend my fists on him...instead that asshole who won't stop crying is fine, maybe he will resist my hits, well, I will finish this quickly)』

Colonel Sombra took his gun and pointed it at Mikel, his expression told him that he would kill him and he would feel nothing, no joy, no anger, no sadness, he would just kill him to get out of the way. Mikel knew what he was in for, he can't have a decent fight, he only has the strength for a single blow with all his strength, but he doubts that it will defeat Colonel Sombra, Vie is on his back and still doesn't seem to recover, Margarette also still doesn't wake up, the only one here that can do something is him, Fari is gone, no other child is, neither dad or mom, everything falls in his hands and if life wants it, he can do something.

『What are your words Colonel Sombra』

『My words? You mean my last words? I should be the one to tell you that child, the one with a gun pointing at you about to die is you, there are no traps, you have no strength, you are weak, I don't feel another one who can help you, there is only you in my way, you won't achieve anything in me, no one achieves anything in me, no one in this world is able to feel what I really want』.

『...That must be sad, that no one knows how you feel, it's too cruel』.

『!!!!! Don't feel sorry for me kid!!!』

『That means you have no friends, you have no family, you have no one in the world if no one understands you, a life with no one to love you is a world that I can't imagine』

『You got it wrong because for me that's a compliment, having friends? what for? they died in the war, they were wimps, family? I should never have had them in the first place, they're just a hindrance, I have no one in the world who understands me? so much the better, that means I'm unique and special, something that only I possess and the only one capable of doing it! it's not sad! it's a privilege! while a world where no one loves me, I stopped being a child a long time ago』

They were having a conversation between Mikel and Colonel Sombra, where they exchanged words to know about each other, Colonel Sombra commented according to what he thinks and what he believes is right, but at no time did he remove his weapon to kill Mikel, the little boy who in all this time did not take his eyes off Colonel Sombra, now he understood him, he could see both the child life, youth life and adult life, current life of Colonel Sombra, he could see how this was yes, different and unique among the other children, but even with that difference his parents loved him and gave him all the support possible, they only wanted the best for their son because they loved him very much, there was no more science, but at one point in his life everything went wrong and there was no turning back, that thought that he had since he was a child he wanted to realize if or if, that nobody understood him because his real dream seems fantasy, was what made him get to this path and he will not stop until he gets it, he is sure that someday because it is inevitable, there will be more like him and that will be the moment where he will finally be understood.

『I know what you really want, Alfred』

『....¿? How do you know my name....』

『The New World that you want is ---------------------------』

Mikel began to speak as if they had known Colonel Shadow Alfred all their lives, who this one did not stop listening and as his appearance changed radically, from the shadow that distorted around him became fainter, he calmed down as did his expression, he could not believe it that everything that child in front of him said he understood him as well as if he were himself. He lowered his gun and for only minutes he stayed to listen to Mikel, he did not complain, his hatred was gone, this feeling of being able to talk about what you loved so much with another person, he did not know how good it felt. But unlike his son, Colonel Shadow Alfred never stopped being shrouded in shadows.

While the little boy and Colonel Shadow were talking, the Colonel's son kept crying remembering everything his father told him, literally his life now had no meaning, without dad and mom, he has nothing left, one is dead while the other rejects him completely, it is a pain that he can never recover, perhaps generating such a hatred towards everyone, with the purpose now of not being one more of the pile in this world. POM!!!!! A rumble was heard, the Colonel's son was scared, covering himself because he thought his father was going to hit him again, but he opened his eyes to see that there was nothing, but anyway he had heard something, but he only saw his father and Mikel talking, he was not interested in what they were talking about, right now as a defense measure he must feel good, he must please himself, he must find a way to satiate this feeling he has.

He got up and walked into the large room, and quickly found the answer. Vie had gotten up and gathered strength to do things the right way this time, she didn't want to cry anymore, she didn't want to continue crying and without what to do when everyone was suffering, in her mind she thought that if only she had done it from the beginning or if only she hadn't come back, we wouldn't have had this ending. She threw a mattress to the second floor from the big hole to use it as a cushion, she would pick up Margarette to carry her on her back and so they would go together, she also needed Mikel to go with them, she did not think this time she had any more doubts, Vie had Mikel's yo-yo in her hands and wanted to give it back to him, but when she went to turn to Mikel she noticed that he was not there, but another boy who did not stop staring at her.

『Ahhh....ahhh....Vie.... you are Vie....at last...just what I needed to feel good....this is where you were, why didn't you tell me before Vie, don't you see I've been alone all this time...I need to be hugged...hug me Vie.....』

The Colonel's son was lost, he was only looking for consolation from someone at this moment, when he saw that Vie was here, he didn't hesitate to go to her to feel good, even though his appearance was not the best, his nose was still bleeding as well as the product of the blow, it was messed up. Vie was scared and didn't even say a word to him, she wanted to dodge him but she feels that if she does, that boy will throw himself at her at any moment.

『Ah...my name is Rick, your name is Vie, what a beautiful name, Vie means life, so does that mean that you are my life? that you will give me back my life? you are the one who will give meaning to mine? Hey Vie, this place sucks, all people suck, everyone in this world must die, but not you and me *smiles* we are special, I am special and you are special because I chose you, my nose hurts...I'm cold...I told you to hug me.... why don't you hug me....』

Rick was approaching Vie who was scared but wanted to act, but it was something strange, it was a strange fear this time, he feels that if he moves that child will not hit him, but he will do something worse, he still remembers his first interaction with this child, how he explored his being to find something that caught his attention, the way he touched him and passed him the scissors, that feeling that every second that passes, he is losing something that he will not be able to recover, but this time it is different, if he does something he does not want Rick, he will do something no matter who is here.

『HUG ME!!!!! aahhhh...why do you make me scream...why do you make me angry...come on...it's not that hard, you just have to come and hug me, no...you just have to come closer and let me do everything..... women are only good for that, to make a man feel good, my mother understood that and that's why she took advantage of my father to have a life of luxury, she knew it, she knew he was a decoration and a whore, but you Vie, you are different, you are not my father's, you are mine, I will give you a better deal, you always wanted jewelry? I will give it to you, you want better clothes? I will give them to you, if you want love and affection, I will also give them to you....』

When she commented the last thing you could see something clearly that something else woke up, Vie seeing this was very alarmed and wanted to forcefully get out of here, she saw the right moment as the crotch part was raised. She had Margarette with her, she could escape by jumping to the second floor, but she did not want to leave without Mikel who seemed far away at the moment. While when she turned to look at Rick, he was with lost eyes, he was ecstatic to be able to feel good in his whole life.

『Will you let me touch your chest again? it's gotten bigger from what I see, what could it be, why did it get bigger, I have to know, knives and tweezers, I need to embed, excarve to know the meaning of why I feel this way every time I see you, you've gotten prettier, even though your skin is not as good as mine, I can make an exemption, yes, there are operations and all that, I can make you get better for me, you'll thank me, you'll stop being a child and become with me someone grown up, being a child sucks, they don't listen to you, they force you to do things, but when I'm free, I'll do whatever I want, no matter if I want to cause chaos I will, what will make me happy is that you're by my side Vie *smiles* Come, choose me, praise me, flatter me, I'm the man you should have. ..』

『Mikel!!!! Please help me!!!』

Already Rick had gotten too close to Vie, he had him face to face inches away, he couldn't take it anymore the little girl ended up screaming for her friend, quickly when Rick turned to look behind him, there was Mikel coming running with all his might, but at that quickly Rick's face changed to an annoyed one preparing his fists to put an end to this.

『You're not going to take away the last thing I have!!!! I'm going to kill you too Mikel!!!!』

Rick gave a blow but that was easily dodged by Mikel, as if Fari was at his side, this same was projected as his older brother, Mikel copied the movements and everything he learned from Fari to manage to dodge several punches and kicks, the style was incredible, even if this weakened against an opponent of the same level you could tell the difference there was. Mikel managed to get so close that he was going to prepare his blow to Rick's face that he covered it to resist the damage.

But that was not Mikel's target to hit, since he went to see Rick, there was a part of his body that screamed to hit him. POMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mikel gave an upward right to Rick's crotch, the blow was so powerful that it sent him flying and he fell straight into the hole on the second floor, PAM!!!! Hearing a loud bang even with the mattress on the floor, you could see how Rick was writhing in pain, not only received a blow from his father, but also from who always humiliated him all his life, he had no strength to move, to even get up, life just showed him that he hates him a lot. While on the second floor was Mikel in front of Vie who, seeing how the fight ended, quickly Vie could not but went to hug his friend who also hugged him with all his strength.

『Mikel!!! Mikel! Mikel! Mikel!....Mikel!!!!』

『Vie...I...I was able to protect you...I was able to protect my family』.

Mikel also couldn't resist any more than he ended up crying on his friend's shoulder, who this likewise did so to release all the fear he had as well as the joy. While Colonel Shadow Alfred walked to the edge of the hole and watched his son as he was easily defeated, there was no expression on him, only a gesture of utter disappointment.

『You won the war, you really are useless 』.

Alfred ended up spitting in his son's face implying that from now on he is no longer a member of his family. The confrontation at the orphanage was over, Alfred had no intention of killing anyone else, the conversation he had with Mikel helped him to calm down and see that his real dream is not as far away as he thinks. He was leaving the place but with the following days will be more decisive, on the way he met the Giant Shadow who was also upset that he lost, see how he hit hard against the ground or decorations, count nothing to feel satisfied.

『Where is he!!!! Where is that damn Fari!!! I'm going to kill him myself!!!』

『He's dead, there's no point in being furious anymore.』

『Dead?!!!! What do you mean dead!!! Don't tell me you killed him, if so then get ready for combat』

『No, it wasn't me or one of your elite men, the one who killed him is the biggest disappointment in the world』-『I'm going to give the order to stop with the massacre, those who survived in good time, and those who didn't, let them be forgotten or remembered, there are only those 2 ways in war, you also warn your men, there are some who don't pay attention to me, I'm sleepy, where will my sleeping cap be, and my house, will you let me sleep in yours? 』

Colonel Shadow Alfred was retreating from the combat site, the fire was still going on but to a lesser extent, it seems that the shadows managed to control the spread of the fire. But the Giant Shadow when he heard that this was over, and to see how everything ended up turning out, he was more upset and it showed in his veins that seemed to explode, he did not like this result at all, he could not have fun at all, what sense does it make to provoke all this if in the end he was the only one who lost out. He was outside the orphanage and at that he wondered.

『And what happened to the children who ran away?』

But quickly he would have his answer in his eyes, he saw how a small platoon of French soldiers had appeared in Arnicania, they were armed and with intentions of coming to fight. When the children of the orphanage managed to escape from Arnicania, as Margarette told them they must walk a few kilometers to reach the combat zone, the children saw for the second time how is the panorama of an area desolated by war, see the trenches, the ammunition, and the corpses that will always be in this one. The chaos of the airship caused everyone to retreat to Arnicania and they had a free pass.

『There is a target moving in the shadows!!!! 』『Confirm what it is, enemies or something else』『But even if they are our enemies they are still the Arnicania juniors, we can't kill our patriots』『No, in all this time it has become easier to distinguish them, they always send the Arnicania juniors to the front, while the ones in the back mostly for the enemy, I don't know if I'm the only one, although they are human like us, I'm starting to see them differently, I feel that if they move around in the dark. ..we won't be able to locate them』

『They are smaller than we know and they seem to be covered with something』『Also I still wonder what was that explosion we saw in the distance』『Throw the flares!!!!』

They launched the flares to light up the dark sky, when they did so quickly the soldiers who were guarding got into position with their guns ready to aim and fire, but that's how fast they were aiming, quickly they were also confused by the situation.  They came across a group of children who were covered by blankets in the darkness, they were not armed and there seemed to be no other intentions, quickly the one in charge gave the order to rescue them and put them in safety. More men could be seen throwing more flares to see if this was not a trap.

Quickly already in their facilities they were asalvo, to see which children managed to escape from Arnicania, this made the soldiers happy even some of them let out tears that they are well and how brave they were.

『The children are fine!!! what a joy!!! what a joy....ahhhh!!!! *cries*』『Why do you have to go through this...I hate wars...you are very brave children!』

『Leaving that aside!』

『Leaving that aside? huh?....』

The children told them about the situation that was happening in Arnicania, where the French soldiers could not believe that it was really happening, the airship that was going to finish everything, that was going to kill them tomorrow and more men was terribly destroyed, you could hear how the soldiers were swallowing saliva and talking among themselves because of the catastrophe they were saved from. That now Arnicania is a fighting field where the shadows are wiping out all the inhabitants, all the young people, grandparents and children of Arnicania.

『Please!!! Help our family!!!!』

They were asking the children to the French soldiers, but these ones thinking better about the situation, they thought to plan things better, they know the terrible things, they imagine it is happening, but right now they don't have enough men to go to stop all the catastrophe, it is to go to the enemy base where there are many enemy soldiers, with their platoons they have here guarding they don't think it is enough to stop them.

『(If we take into account how many men we are, we don't even reach half of what we are in the morning, if we go maybe we can do something, but they would end up killing us, but the inhabitants of Arnicania again....but we....don't know how many they really are, all these years we have fought with our own people, if we reduce those numbers it will show us the true amount of the enemy, besides the explosion will also have finished off a few enemies...but....) Alright, we will go a few platoons to help, we will try to rescue the citizens that are on the edge of Arnicania, but no promises that we will bring peace to your city tonight』.

That was the decision of the soldiers' manager, this upon hearing the children were happy a lot because they were able to call for help. They were happy and hope that more children who managed to escape will also have another chance like them. And that's how the Giant Shadow at the time of leaving the Orphanage, ran in front with a group of French soldiers who were armed, the difference was obvious, the French outnumbered him, but this instead of annoying or upsetting the Giant Shadow, rather excited him about the situation.

『A bonus? For me?!!!! I'll take it!!!! I'm not armed but it will be enough to defeat them!!!! If a brat could defeat someone armed, then if I do it, that will mean I'll get close to their level!!!! COME AND GET ME!!!!』

The Giant Shadow launched itself with all its might against the French soldiers who did not hesitate to fire their weapons and put an end to this once and for all. And with the sound of the first shot, the night was over, the French soldiers were leaving the place, some more wounded and unfortunately some lost their lives, but they are satisfied that more inhabitants of Arnicania managed to escape and are now safe with people who will not do anything to them. While the morning arrived in the coastal area, the sun's rays illuminated the city, illuminated the destroyed houses, the fire that was already extinguished, the debris and above all, the corpses of many inhabitants of Arnicania that could not be saved from this one.

Mikel opened the door of the Orphanage with total tranquility, he was determined to go to the destination where he should be, but Vie quickly took him by the hand and told him not to go, but Mikel with a simple smile said.

『I have to go, don't worry, I will return home *smile*』.

Mikel softly put his hand and was leaving the place, while Vie was afraid that something will happen to his friend, but quickly Margarette stopped him, she knew that was the right thing to do, right now Mikel is no longer a child who needs help, he is now also someone who is able to protect others. Mikel realized something and looked back, he went back to see what he found, he did not understand, he did not find a shadow, but a person who was a giant, with a uniform full of awards as well as full of blood, his face was like saying so....

『Even after you died, you still have that smile』.

The Giant Person was smiling because he was able to die in combat in a fight that he could not win from the beginning, a few meters ahead, you could see how there were also French soldiers who lost their lives, for sure the Giant Person made them retreat. Walking through the city this time was different, it was not like before, he was no longer running, he was just walking, either because he was tired or because he simply did not want to do it, seeing the surroundings everything was destruction, it was the first day after the massacre, of course there were bodies everywhere, human bodies in the streets, he did not want to enter the houses, because he knew he would find a scene that he could not forget, he could not with sensitive things. But quickly on his walk he came across a person who was sweeping the debris, that one did look different, it was like a person but had traces of shadow, as if....

『Mikel, I see you survived, I...we have no words to say to you, I cannot forgive nor do I feel sorry, I could not contradict them nor support them....yo....this is the path that awaits me in my life?』

It was a shadow that seemed to look more human, you could see his face and he looked confused, but not sad, doubtful but not sorry, but if something was clear in his eyes, that something in him was going to change just like many shadows that did not know what to do that night. 

『You are going to see Colonel Alfred? keep walking 2 blocks and turn left, the door with an x on it, that's where you should go』.

『Thank you』

『..... don't thank me....』

The human soldier was still sweeping all the debris that had been generated, while Mikel heeded his words walking straight, at last this one could reach the place he told him, just as he told him, there was an x on the door, this was not Colonel Alfred's house, but it was the house where the Giant Human lived, Mikel knocked on the door and quickly Alfred would open the door for him, this one had his sleeping cap on.

『It's morning already? I couldn't sleep at all, well anyway, we have to talk about your future Mikel』.

What surprised Mikel the most, was that Alfred still looked like a shadow, that only meant that this man would never manage to change, or maybe this was the destiny that this man had to take. Colonel Alfred made him sit down and they spent hours and hours talking again, he told him about the plan he has from now on and that everything must go perfectly, about what they talked about last night, that Mikel knows his true dream, he wants the little boy to help him achieve it and for that.

『We need him to contact us again for a talk, in the end I'm going to end up turning to him...we lost many men, as many mine as yours, hopefully we survived in the oil war for another year, but by force I need him to contact me again....el is in charge of solving the problems to words ¿? just like you did last night Mikel, we can surrender now, but that doesn't guarantee us anything that my goal will be accomplished *sigh* So this is what it feels like when cornered.... 』-『I still have to follow what I am, I am in this war and I started it, my pride forbids me to surrender, I will fight to the end this lost battle, and you will help me Mikel, in this year we have, you will become a soldier and you will be on the front line defending, no longer even defending, fighting against anyone who comes in front of you, I will be watching you so that you do your job well, if you survive good time, but the important thing is that you manage to transmit what I want, that ability that you have, if I had known that you have that power, I would have used you in a better way, but kill my diamond in the rough, you are still a child and that can help you, the soldiers will hesitate to kill you but you will not hesitate to kill them, kill kill kill kill and keep killing, transmit the message, this will be my only collaboration that I will have with the one who once made me lose everything』-『You are 10 years old, right? *laughs* You're a Soldadito 』-『I hope Didiel Schuman will give us a hand...』


Alfred talked it over at length with Mikel to make his last move, he will turn Mikel into a Soldadito so that at least he will manage to commit his plan, it is now the only thing he has in life, a dream that he will never be able to see it.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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