
Chapter 325: The Little Soldier 14

E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇1͇4͇

In the coastal area of Arnicania, something was happening that had never been seen coming by the shadows, who had for all these years total domination of the inhabitants, the total control and destruction of its people, even served them for their tastes and goals, as well as previous years these same shadows were who ended with the many lives of Arnicania, the roles have been reversed tonight, the coastal place where most of the shadows lived, product of the explosions many died instantly, those who were on surveillance did not even have time to react, The explosion happened in their operations center where they had part of their equipment stored, the debris also flew abruptly through the skies, see fireballs as they splashed and fell sharply on top of the houses, that only indicated that more shadows were dying either by the bad luck of being crushed, or because the houses caught fire easily because of the material they were made of, many were trapped and had no way out, their only option was death and what many will surely regret is that it was not on the battlefield, not knowing who caused all this.

『Enseriously this is happening...everything I've built and achieved these years, everything is falling apart...I'm losing everything....shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!!! Ann!!!!! You're shit!!!!!』

Colonel Shadow was more than upset about the situation he was living, he was very upset, just in his sight everywhere he looked, there was only destruction, houses were burning, his soldiers some were going out in flames and running desperate for help, others managed to get free but were badly hurt, many were confused, they were looking for the responsible of this among the crowd, that as if there was no truce anymore or if they showed their personal feelings, they started to look at each other in a bad way one against the other, they would start judging each other in order to find the responsible.

『It was him!!! I'm sure, he's been telling me things to do for a long time, I'm not your servant for you to go around asking me for things!!』『It was also this other one!!!! The other day he started acting better than me, saying he's stronger and if we were to face each other one on one he'd come out on top, what the fuck do you take me for!!!』『For me it was this duo, they always walk together at all times, are they faggots to always go in company? That makes them weak too!』『The one responsible was this one!』『No no no it was this other idiot!!!』『Lies!!!! You just want to throw your shit at me!!!! It was him actually!!!! His trauma from the war is eating him up!!!!! We all know that here one would be willing to bring chaos in order to continue fighting!!!!』

It was useless, trying to reason with these people was impossible, seeing how they blamed themselves for the tragedy and even already released as they are, they didn't care to judge others for how they are or their way of acting, if something bothered them about them they said it, it was the perfect opportunity to vent that they had repressed so much, they didn't throw it to the inhabitants of Arnicania, now their own bullet was hitting themselves and they didn't hesitate to respond in the same way.

『And if it was the inhabitants of Arnicania themselves?』『Hey hey hey hey, besides sleeping with your bear teddy bear that already makes me well joto, are you an imbecile? Like the citizens of Arnicania did all this, that don't you see that they were always less than us! That they were always under our feet! We implanted so much fear and our ideas in them so that they would reveal themselves to us? They are children all, tell better jokes for next time, those good for nothing wouldn't be able to do something like that to us!!』『I'm not too sure with that, in recent times have we really kept treating them like that? I as I remember some shadows started to see our labor that built our homes in a better way, besides we have always treated a different inhabitant since the beginning, that kid named Mikel, have we really implanted our ideology well?』『There is also the case of Ann, since he became Colonel Shadow's favorite, he received a better treatment than most, since what time we have started to change...』

The conversation that the shadows had while the debris was still falling, many of them, seeing that they were coming towards them, went to take refuge between the walls and walls, the dark night that had always been, was now illuminated by the flames that consumed everything. But they could not stop thinking about the last thing, is it true that they have changed? They always acted that way, they saw themselves that they are superior and to the others who are not like them, they had to receive the treatment they deserve, humiliation and fear, being here and living with these people managed to change something in them.

『Come on come on come on, what are you guys saying? What is this about treating better, what is this about favoritism, ideology? A different child? They made me laugh at what I was happy』.

The Giant Shadow had appeared, always being twice the size of a normal shadow, his muscles were well toned and that smile that was also much different than the others, it was an expression that if he enjoyed the moment. The shadows that were there understood it, the Giant Shadow is the leader of the squadron that was at the front of battle when they had to defend their home country, always battle-hardened and with a spirit that should never be repeated, when The Giant Shadow and his men went out it was only to see a genocide, the battlefield was only to shed blood of their enemies, they enjoyed it very much, their smile caressed the death of their enemies, they did not seek victory, they only wanted to keep fighting forever, to feel this emotion they acquired in the war, the joy of fighting to the death and taking lives.

『You are not wrong at all, the one who said that the inhabitants were the ones who provoked all this is right, Ann turned out to be a double agent all this time, it was easy to guess, tell me, some of you who went to the battlefield saw it? Did you see with your own eyes that he was killing his enemies? No, I never saw him, and that only made me even more excited, all those nights that he was still finished going to fight with me and my men in El Pozo, seeing his expression, seeing his body falling apart but still fighting, it excited me a lot, that was a warrior I would have liked to kill with my own hands, this would be the perfect excuse, but he decided to take his own life before, I hope his little friend helps to please me tonight』.

His way of talking about the Giant Shadow differed from the others, he truly was consumed by war just like his squadron who managed to survive because they accepted the way they are now, they saw how terrible humans can be in one of their worst times in their history, they were present and instead of resisting, they embraced with affection the first symptoms of those ashes.

『I already received the orders from Colonel Sombra, we know who provoked all this and as a result we have to respond, it is in what is done in a war, you kill or they kill you, and I prefer to have a fight that is worthwhile』.

『But you're not going to tell us who caused all this, so we'll quickly get it over with』.

『Quickly end it all? You really don't understand, your enemies now are all those who hid for years, those who couldn't see, those who looked at you with hatred and in their minds there was only one thing, revenge for everything we did to them』.

『Wait...don't tell me that...』

『Kill all the grandfathers, young men and children of Arnicania, they are our enemies, you said they started to change, don't include us all in your sack, me and my men have no doubt what we are now』.

The Giant Shadow was walking calmly through the rubble of the city that houses were being destroyed, while the shadows that heard this were confused, they know they are bad people and enjoy doing evil, but they all have a limit to their satisfaction, they like to humiliate people and oppress them, if they have the same condition and are even, then the best wins, but the idea of killing those who are not even rivals for them, more than dislike the idea, they hated it. They still remember perfectly the day they finished with the adults of Arnicania, they enjoyed it, feeling stronger and tougher, an equal fight in many occasions, but when they turned to see the Giant Shadow squadron, the difference was bestial, they finished with a single shot, blow, cut their enemies, their expressions and eyes were pure white, their smile of finishing and being in the war excited them all, that squadron was who killed more citizens of Arnicania than any other shadow soldier.

POM!!!! Quickly they could hear shots coming from further ahead, from the central part and away from the coastal area, it was already starting, the Giant Shadow squadron had dispersed and attacked without mercy to all homes that had children in their interiors, they could also hear other shots against them, surely they were the young people who took their weapons and went out to defend their home and family from those who only enjoy the war.

That group of shadows that managed to survive the explosion did not know what to do, they did not want to stop them, indeed they could not, but they had no intention of joining them, they just stood there quietly, until one of them spoke.

『We can't do more, I thought I was crazy in the head but I can't join them, there are still more shadows that are getting trapped because of the explosion, I don't know what you will do, I will go to help them and if some of them follow the Giant Shadow, I won't hate him but I will start to see them in a different way』.

That shadow was retreating in the opposite direction towards the catastrophe in order to stop him and help his compatriots, quickly many if not all went to his back, this when he saw the shadow who was the first to take the step, he felt something strange, it was like a different feeling in his being that with the passage of time he had forgotten, that no matter where you are in or your way of thinking, that there will always be another way of doing things.

While in Colonel Sombra's house, he was very upset about how everything was happening, the debris was falling on his house, you could feel the tremors and if they did not escape soon, the flames would finish consuming everything, quickly the wife was the first to react, hysterical and not knowing what to do, she shouted to her husband that he must do something, that he must put out the fire and that all this is his fault.

『You're an idiot! Don't you know how to control your pets!!! Because of you now everything that is ours is being destroyed』- 『My jewelry, my expensive clothes, my luxuries and my comfort...how do you plan to repay me, EH!!!』




The husband and wife were arguing and like all shadows, they were saying everything to each other at a time where they should be united, but of course, these people especially those who are deep in trouble, they are only able to see out of self interest than others, they were saying everything in front of their son who was witnessing with a terrible look, the boy couldn't take it anymore, his arms were shaking, he wanted to stretch his arm but just hearing the screams was like something he had never seen before, these really were his parents? But why does he feel this way, he was always raised this way, if everything he lived through was just a lie, if his parents gave each other love for their own benefit, then the same thing happened to him, everything he lived through until now and why he didn't receive praise from his father is because they were never interested in him. Little Shadow wanted to cry, but her parents were still fighting while little by little the flames on the roof consumed the wood, Little Shadow looked at her father again and even with all this, he only wanted one thing.

『(I want to receive praise from you, even if they are monsters, for once in my life I want to hear praise...)』


Colonel Shadow quickly without hesitation, he searched through his closet where he had many weapons and armaments with him, the bullets were ready, he also quickly changed his clothes to the time when he was a soldier, you could see his uniform full of blood, since he could never take it off, they were so dyed that it only meant how many lives he had taken in his youth, the flames were brushing against him but he didn't care, he was going to end this with his own hands, with a push he pushed aside his wife who was still complaining about the way he treats her, while his son who could say the word "Dad" Colonel Shadow would go on to look him straight in the eyes to tell him.

『If you don't want to be considered useless, show me that you are capable of more, son』.

And with that the home was retreating it wouldn't take minutes for the flames to consume everything, quickly as the roof of the room fell in, the wife quickly pushed her son aside pushing him close to the flames, she didn't care what happens to her family, she quickly went to her room so she could pack everything of value, her jewelry and expensive cloth dresses, She was about to leave but quickly remembered that there were many more valuables in the home that belonged to her husband, taking them would not hurt, so with tremendous greed she took out more suitcases to pack everything, while the little shadow stood up and noticing that the house was falling apart, he did not hesitate, he began to run with a joyful expression on his face. He ran and ran, dodging the fire, while the wife picked up everything expensive from everywhere.

He kept destroying himself, but this didn't stop the boy, he wanted to leave home and go to the outside world where his father is, he was smiling because for the first time he had a purpose in life, it wasn't greed or lust, it was just the recognition that a son should have from his father.

『(My father told me that he expects something from me...)*smiles* My time has come to prove it!!!』

PAMMM!!!!!!!!!!! The little shadow upon reaching the door gave a jump to the outside where just the wood could no longer support more than the house ended up collapsing completely, the little shadow was happy, he wanted to show his father that he is also very capable like him, his smile was pure, the purest so far, he was going to leave his house in search of his father, but quickly a familiar voice called out to him.

『...Son....help me....please.....』

The wife was reaching out through the flames, when the home collapsed she too was about to leave, she had large suitcases carrying by herself, she had her son in front, she was running with him to escape, but instead of telling him to help her carry the suitcases to where the riches are, again envy and personal desire stopped him, she wanted all these luxuries for herself and to share it would be unthinkable. The woman was under burning rubble, she was being roasted in front of her son who looked at her as she begged for help.

『If you help me I will buy you whatever you want and we will run away from here, being with your father was a bad decision, let's leave all this and start together...I was not a good mother but I will change, I promise you son...please help me....』

『Will you change? I've been waiting all these years for you to change and you never did, you only looked after yourself and treated me like an object, you never expected anything from me, the little you gave me I never wanted it, your attention as time went by I stopped being interested in you, you are my mother but I never admired you, you only turned out to be a person who expects to be given things and everything to be easy, as my father's son, I hate weak people, I don't plan to stay away from my father, he expects more from me, goodbye mom, I really would have liked to receive your love.... 』

The little shadow was retiring from her home running with joy to fulfill her father's expectations, while the wife was abandoned in her own home without the help of anyone or her family, she could not do more, she was crying but at the same time she was furious, she gave a cry of anger and pain because she was dying in the worst possible way, the easy path she chose in the end did not bring anything of joy for this person.

In the streets of Arnicania a fight was happening everywhere, no matter where you looked, the Giant Shadow squadron did not hesitate to enter the houses to kill everyone, they were always greeted by the youngsters who were trained by them, the shooting in the darkness, many of the youngsters hid the infants so they would not be found, they went out by themselves to fight, they could not even meet, this also took them by surprise in the middle of the night, many of the young men were afraid, wielding their weapon made them tremble, but they had to fight for their family just like all these years, some managed to put up a fight but others at the simple cry of war, were cruelly killed.

『(I have to hurry!!! My family is in danger!!)』

Fari was running back to his orphanage, he was running and seeing how the houses in the coastal area were still burning, the good thing is that his orphanage is at the other end so he will have time before the shadows arrive to attack them, he has to hurry if he doesn't want to live again how he loses his family in front of his eyes.

『(I'm not a weak child anymore, I'm going to protect my family!!!』

In the orphanage the explosions woke up all the children who were still sleeping, they felt it better because they were on the second floor, because of the windows they had, one still sleepy they raised the window and said it was already daylight.

『It's already morning? But I'm still sleepy...』『We'd better go back to sleep』『It's also getting cold and it smells funny in the air, close the window』

『Come on children, move away from the window, if you listen to me tomorrow I'll make you a dessert』.

Vie had appeared to move the children away from the window, quickly she felt a bad omen from all this, looking out the window she could see it clearly, quickly a fear entered her being, her chest froze, the first thing that came to her mind is that she must keep dreaming, it's just as the children said, There was light in the night as if it was already morning, but not only that, if he looked closer some houses were being burned, and if he listened more carefully, he could imagine and hear gunshots fired against the fire, he really could not believe what was happening, in his mind he was the same as everyone, who caused this and why did he do it. Quickly a young man from Arnicania seems to be running in the distance, Vie was staring in fear, the young man seems to want to alert those in this area, he was going to raise his arm to shout.

『(My family....my children...my grandfather....I was supposed to protect them and they protected me...I am a disgrace to Arnicania...at least I have to....) FLEE QUICKLY WE ARE BEING ATTACKED------』

Pom! A shot in the back ended his life of that young man that it seems that his family did the opposite, they gave their lives so he could escape, but their hopes and effort ended up disappearing with everyone. Vie quickly lay in bed in a ball, he was afraid, he could not say anything, only in his mind came memories of that day, where the same thing happened and he lost his family, he was repeating it again, the children seeing Vie's expression also understood it, now more awake they knew the situation they were living.

『We are back in one...』


She had entered the children's room Margarette who was already aware of the situation, it always crossed her mind that something like this could happen, the shadows attacking them again was something possible for those who lost everything. Quickly she had a plan in case this happened, the place where they were, she was going to use it perfectly, first she thought of calming the children and telling them the truth, but seeing that also because of the years they grew up, they did not panic, they were afraid and wanted to pee themselves, but none of them was consumed by fear, this made Margarette happy and she said that everyone should come to her to tell them what they were going to do next.

They were clearly not going to fight, the best option is to escape from here as soon as possible, all these years of humiliating themselves to be together with the shadows must serve for something and this is the time. Right now all the shadows, even those who were guarding the edges will be heading towards the place of the attack, so they have a free pass which was always forbidden. The escape plan was the following, they will escape through the back door the orphanage, I had thought to take the catacombs by the many entrances they knew, but who does not say that the shadows know about this place, but still that would only be a temporary shelter, since they could not escape from the city, the only thing they have is to take advantage of the darkness, what they know to escape to the forest and then go all the miles until they reach the other side.

『(It's true, the soldiers from France must have managed to see that outburst, although not as clear as us but even if it's something...there must be a few resting, if we manage to get to them we'll be safe, it's our only chance)』

Margarette had it, it was their only hope now, she was telling everyone while telling them that they should wrap up warm to be able to resist the cold, carrying supplies is foolish, it would only hurt their weight, besides their goal is to reach the French army and not the nearest district.

The children were wrapped in black sheets so as not to attract too much attention, while Margarette saw that the children were helping themselves and coordinating, she had to pretend that they were still in the orphanage, she saw what she could take as pillows or objects that could give shape of children, finally they managed to finish, the children were already on the second floor without making noise or turn on the lights, Margarette saw the room, she managed to arrange them to make it look like there are children sleeping in them, but for this plan to work someone has to bring them here.

『(Where will Fari be, there's no way to warn him...but...wherever you are come quickly before ....)』

Margarette was already on the second floor helping the kids to escape through the back door, everyone was scared especially Vie who couldn't handle her traumas, seeing only her empty look meant that she couldn't handle this, Margarette was waiting for Fari to come back so she could also escape with them, but quickly someone knocked on the door....

¡!!! When Margarette heard it, a fear quickly entered her being, she whispered that the children should not get upset and escape without attracting attention, that she will open the door, but quickly the children whispered not to do so, that they should all escape, even other children came to the conclusion that that shadow who is knocking is an idiot, because if he was going to kill and attack he would have forced his way in.

『Yes, you guys are right, don't worry, the one who knocked on the door is Fari because he came back home, you guys keep moving forward until you reach the soldiers from France, we will soon catch up with you *smiles*』.

Margarette now that they said it, it is strange that someone knocks on the door, again they did it again, is it Fari? This generated her many doubts, but again she insisted that the children start to leave, quickly in line and in silence, the children left the big orphanage to go slipping through the darkness to the forest, while Vie seemed to be lifeless and only pay attention to what they tell her. Margarette, seeing that all the children had already left, took confidence and security, she would be in front of the door who kept knocking carefully this time, she was nervous, she was sweating, in a part of her being she said that hopefully it was Fari, that it was that child who managed to change for the better and that everyone was happy with his company, Margarette stretched her arm to open the door handle and when she did it....

『I was already tired of knocking, it's the first house I'm going to, Fari lives here, right? How long do you think it will take for him to come? *smiles*』

It was the Giant Shadow who was knocking on the door with care all this time, Margarette when she saw him the size was obvious, he was twice her size, the shadows that wrapped him were darker than the others, his smile and the change of expressions was disturbing, how someone who just stands there smiling can have different expressions, it only generates fear in people.

『Did you know? Fari was the one who did all this, he was the one who caused the explosion to our airship that we were going to use to kill all the French soldiers, but I didn't like that idea at all, killing them with a bomb, what's so funny about that, nuclear bombs that kill everything, it's a beautiful moment, but it doesn't give me any satisfaction, war is a one vs. all, the one who is left standing is the winner, fighting for your country is fine, but so far I haven't fought with someone who really wants to fight, someone who hates me with all his strength, someone who is willing to kill me personally out of pure hatred, a fight like this, I thought it would happen when I killed the parents of the children of this city, but all that hatred was oppressed by the Colonel's orders and his foolish desire, now there is someone who can give us a fight, and to feel that hatred again I have to repeat what I did years ago, so I ask you please old lady, let me kill you and all the children so I can fight with Fari as it should be? Please? *smiles*』

The Giant Shadow was being transparent with Margarette, he just wanted to fight and he did all this to have a real fight with someone who hates him a lot, for him that's the way who really has a real fight, fights to the death are the best. The old woman did not flinch at the Giant Shadow's words and request so she said to him.

『If I offer you my life, will it be enough?』

『No, of course not old lady, I have to kill your whole family if I want him to really kill me, I can make you the last to die *smile*』.

『...I wonder how was the way you were raised for you to end up like this...I want to see my children one last time...please come with me....』

『The old ladies are very kind, although there are also the aggressive ones, if you had been the aggressive type, I would have killed her at the slightest misunderstanding *smiles*』

Margarette was making the Giant Shadow enter the home to the orphanage, who she calmly in her maid outfit, with an impeccable pose walked calmly guiding the giant man to the second floor. While in the center of the city, the elite squad was savagely killing the youth of Arnicania, some who survived a fatal shot, were congratulated by these same, where they would happen to play with them and while the cries of suffering were present, those elite shadows were with a smile.

『Well, now it's the children's turn』.

They left the young man from Arnicania lying there who fought with all his strength but it was not enough, he was on the street receiving the heat of the flames nearby, the only thing he could do was to look aside and try to stretch his arm, always wanting to help his family who did not manage to escape and were hiding in different places of their home.

『Please.... don't do anything to them...I can still fight...children...I'm sorry...I'm too weak...』

He would go on to shed some tears, he was crying like never before, he was begging, begging, begging, begging that nothing happens to them and that they are safe, but he quickly heard a cry that discouraged him.


When he heard that the elite shadow shouted that, he wanted to get up to continue fighting, but quickly his eyes and ears were covered by darkness, they were black hands that covered everything, including his mouth so that he would not scream anything. What the young man lived in those minutes was nothing, he could not hear anything, he could not hear anything, he could not express himself, what could be happening? He does not feel anything because everything is over? Everything is fine now? The shadows that were there to cover his senses, they felt strongly his emotions, they were not smiling, they were not happy, they just did not want that young man to see what was really happening.


The elite shadow came out of the home and saw how the shadows were covering the young man who could not move, when they finished everything they withdrew and when they saw the face of the young man who was already lifeless, it was something strange, he did not have a venting face, he did not have a face of anger, it was an expression that everything was over and that in his circumstances he went the way that made him suffer the least. The shadows did not support or stop them but it was clear the position they were in, they did not want to know anything about this.

『Where is my father, does anyone know』.

A little shadow had appeared on the spot, he was asking for his father Colonel Shadow, who the Shadow Elite managed to recognize him and replied that his father was heading all the way to the other end of the city, that he was very upset, carrying his gun with him.

『He is also going to join the party, but will he be able to take down a young man from Arnicania? Yes that really some give fight, they learned well from us, maybe even he can't, that would be really humiliating』.

『He wants to kill them? If I kill one, do you think he will congratulate me?』

The little shadow would ask the Elite Shadow a question, who would gladly and with a smile tell him that this is what would make him very happy, happy happy happy but very happy. All the while his smile did not fade at all. This encouraged the little shadow who happened to look at Arnicania's young man who was on the floor, but he had already lost his life.

『You'll have to hurry to kill someone, my companions are killing most of them』.

He commented to her since he was really generating something that should never be done, in this the Sombrita withdrew the place running in search of his father, since he had something in mind, it is not the same to tell him that he killed someone to do it in his face, if he wants to receive his real praise, then he has to be with him, in front of him, to see his feat and finally have his recognition. La Sombrita happily left on her way to the orphanage where Mikel lived.

While all this was going back to the orphanage, Margarette perfectly guided the Giant Shadow to the second floor, they both entered the huge room where all the children were sleeping, but quickly the Giant Shadow realized that she was laughing.

『I've been in many wars and I know perfectly well when there is someone alive and when there isn't, thank you Elder, if your plan was for all the children to escape while you distracted me, there is a brave one who decided to stay』.

『Eh? I don't know what you mean, all the children here retreated』.

『Does your senses fail you? well, let me show you who's hiding here』.

Giant Shadow was confident in his fighting instincts, while the old woman had worries, how come there is someone here...someone stayed and didn't pay attention to him...that's possible...if when he was preparing the plan he fixed that everyone pays attention, or not...at that moment the only one he was worried about missing was Fari. The Giant Shadow placed himself in front of a bed that seemed a little more bulky and without hesitation uncovered the bed to see who he really was.

『What are you doing here kid!!!!』

『*Smile*But how brave you are, no matter the size or the difference between individuals, if someone seeks to give me a fight with all his determination, my duty is to answer him properly!!!!』

『You giant monster!!! I will not let you destroy my family and my home!!!!! I will protect my home at all costs!!!!! I am no longer ignorant of reality, I won't cry anymore, right now I can fight!!!』

It was Mikel who had appeared while uncovering the sheets, that child was on top of the mattress and even then he can't match the size of the Shadow who was happy about this, Margarette didn't know what to say because she was also surprised, she had never been upset with Mikel before because everything he did was always for the good of others, but this was different, really the old woman was so upset that she yelled at him that he was an idiot child and that he should have escaped with everyone.

『You are a foolish child Mikel! You should have run away with the others, hopefully they are already coming to the forest!!!! Why are you always someone who does what he wants!!!』

『Because what I do, I do it for the happiness of others, that's my engine, and I don't want them to destroy my second home that I managed to form with my own effort, if I lose everything I got back, I wouldn't know what to do, I don't want them to continue suffering! I don't want them to continue crying! I don't want them to lose everything again!!! I want them to have a better future! I promised them! Mikel from Arnicania promised you !!!!』

Mikel shouted with all his might at the end of it all, he was completely determined that he will be able to defend his family this time from whatever comes next, running away is no longer an option for him, that's no use, if he had faced his fear that time that day, maybe he could have changed something, maybe...who knows...Mikel with his spirits up clenching his fist and jumping in place, this one was going to fight for real.

『You don't hold back either, because I will defend my family with all my strength!!!! AAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!』

POMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From what Mikel had launched himself to give a blow to the Giant Shadow, this without hesitation when he saw that the child was coming towards him, he prepared his fist to hit Mikel who hit him with everything, even the momentum was so much that he ended up destroying the wooden wall going to the other room, Margarette's concern did not wait, she was going to help the child but quickly Mikel with all his face swollen and with blood from his nose, he managed to get up from the debris to say.

『I can still fight!!!!!』

『Mikel stop it!!!』

『I like that!!! with you're Mikel, if I kill you for sure Fari will seriously fight with me!!!』

Mikel got into a fighting stance again, while the Giant Shadow true to his word this one demonstrated his fighting pose as well, as Mikel was stationary that he can defend his family, this one was with the faith that even without strength as long as he has the support of everyone, he can always get what he wants, he will always come out victorious, because the people is who gives him strength, and as long as he keeps it up he will be able to solve every problem. Mikel and Giant Shadow were pouncing to have a fight where only one will be the winner.

『(I will win, I will see my family again and we will always be together-----)』

Without expecting it, Mikel had been taken by a giant hand all over his face. while in the outskirts of Arnicania, the children were already arriving to the forest, just as Margarette said, there were no soldiers guarding the area, they were all in the center of the city to stop all this, the children even as warm as they were felt a little cold. So what they did was to support each other with each other, between couples they shared their blankets to be warmer, while Vie was still unable to think of anything other than what she already lived before, she really didn't want again, to lose everything, to lose her family, the thought of being alone didn't please her.

『Vie, are you all right?』

A boy approached her, which was the wish child, he supported his blanket with Vie so that she would no longer be cold, but when he spoke to her the little girl did not respond, her mind was lost, then the boy began to talk about this was something that was going to happen.

『Surely because of how tragic the first war was we didn't think another one would happen, but it did and we are doing our best to escape, whoever caused this will have done it for some reason, I'm sure it wasn't just one person, doing it by yourself is impossible unless you are someone incredible, we just have to seize and take this chance, we have no choice, we are children and we can't fight, we would just end up dead before even thinking about it』-『Life is very cruel to us, it will be a test, many say it's a test. ...if we overcome them we would consider ourselves someone strong...I say I don't know..... there are situations that you overcome something just because, even if you don't do anything or have done anything, there it is...to overcome would not be the word, to continue, being there would be more correct, we are still alive, to boast that you overcame the worst is too much, to go ahead taking into account what happened to you, that would be a reason to overcome... I didn't do anything, I didn't help anything, rather I was the one who helped me and gave me things, fulfilled my egoisms...and I'm still here...I know that even as my life was, mom and dad would be very proud of me...I just realized what kind of person I am, I'm a lucky person for knowing people who care about me a lot, someday I hope I can return the favor...』

The wish child opened up to Vie when he saw that she was having a hard time, he told her how he felt and what he wants to do from now on, stop receiving to start producing joy, just like Mikel did with him. Vie listened perfectly to this, unlike the Wish Child, Vie did many things, she helped everyone, she somehow overcame that loss, that now those traumas came back, but even so she also considers herself a lucky girl, because as her friend said, she is still here and that is very much appreciated. But who, who was that person who helped her to overcome, who was that person who helped all the children to start growing up, in that only something came to Vie's mind, to that child from the outside, who since she saved her, always smiling and with encouragement to help everyone, shared the weight she had with that child without even realizing it, Vie's eyes quickly began to shine as always, where she had the clear answer.

『Mikel...the one for sure....』

Quickly Vie blushing and with tears in her eyes, she was going the opposite way, all the children were confused by this, they wanted to stop her, that they had to, but they just didn't, why they don't know, but maybe they wanted to respect her feelings. The children, as if they were all adults, continued on their way into the forest where they were already safe, there was no shadow anywhere, they only hoped to reach their destination to ask for reinforcements. Meanwhile....

『Hey kid, I appreciate your determination, but you won't get anywhere with it』.

Mikel was still getting up from the ground where he was, his body said it all, he was bruised, he was bleeding, his face was swollen, he was even missing teeth, his body was shaking but he was still there, eager to defend his family. Margarette begged the Giant Shadow not to go on anymore, but he paid no attention to her and always pushed her aside pushing her away.

『I don't even know how many times it's been already, it's like hitting butter, but surely you're about to kick the bucket, well, come on kid, I'll use you as a trigger for Fari to fight for real』.

『Fight with Fari? Fight with who taught me to fight? that's for sure, my master would never lose, I know that even with a broken arm, broken leg, broken hand, he will keep fighting until he wins, I will do the same, you better give up now, I want to see my family now...』

Mikel had not yet lost his life, he was still fighting with everything he had, but not even so he managed to give a blow to the Giant Shadow, this was certainly an abuse, but quickly as not wanting to continue listening to his opponent and wanting to move to the main course, the Giant Shadow quickly with a loaded fist, he planned to blow Mikel's head off with a single blow, at that moment Mikel was smiling, his face changed quickly, he became afraid because he knew that here he was going to die.

POMMMM!!!!!!!!! His blow destroyed the wooden wall where they were fighting, but quickly the Giant Shadow looked at his arm with which he gave the blow, and there was a bruise that had sunk it, this smiling looked away and was more than excited.

『Till you finally come!!!! FARI!!!!』

He shouted and everyone could see it, a shadow had saved Mikel who had seen his life pass in front of his eyes, he was confused, like Fari had saved him, even Margarette who was on the spot couldn't believe it, the shadow let Mikel lay down on a bed to rest while telling him.

『You did well Mikel, now rest, I wouldn't forgive a member of my family to die, leave everything to your Big Brother』.

Fari stood in front of the Giant Shadow and as if he had control of his shadows, Fari cleared the shadows from his face to show his own, it was something extremely rare, it was like he was wrapped in shadows his body, as if he had control of those ashes that inhabit the whole world and stories, a fight between shadows was about to start.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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