
Chapter 323: The Little Soldier 12

E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇1͇2͇

Time kept moving forward for everyone, with each passing day one had to keep striving in their own way, according to what they have and according to what they were capable of doing, while in Arnicania children, young people as well as the elderly were doing it, outside there were also people who kept striving to get ahead, it could even be said that it was a completely opposite world or path, but not impossible to replace roles. The years were passing, a little boy who is in his teens continued his quiet days inside a huge home, because of the situation that was being lived by the Cold War, it was inevitable that that child also wanted to intervene in many of these aspects, not being in the middle of the war, but if he was being more able to start putting together plans, projects, and even policies between several countries, leave out many differences and start what was actually the goal of his whole family, a real Union.

『(It has been 4 years since what happened, since I lost my father, since I saw how in front of my eyes a respectable family died, and how because of my own incompetence my friend moved away, what must have motivated him after much thought, must have been my own words, I told him to rebuild his family, his home, and so he embarked back to his old home, I remember him perfectly that day, how he cried, how he was weak, how I comforted him, and how I saw that because of his own innocence he went in search of my words) I still had more to learn years ago, if I had chosen the right words to say to a child, Mikel would be recovering right now and having another chance, where I would help him to get ahead』.

Didiel was more grown up, actually in these 4 years that passed he would be 15, he has to wait another couple of years more to be able to forge himself for what he has been preparing for, for what his father prepared him for all his life, the duty of a leader, the one who is at the top of everyone, guiding and solving problems in the best way. Didiel after receiving the help of his grandfather Robert, the little boy has been working harder than ever in his studies, his hours dedicated in that time was pure knowledge of politics, economics, future disasters and how to solve them, at the end of each day, of each class, he was given a problem to solve, many of these could only be fictitious, but to begin to test him, in some of these tests he was given real actual problems. The depletion of supplies, the declining flow of the economy, problems of how the same war is destroying nature in different areas, regimes that could be good or can harm, Didiel watched carefully and in less than 10 minutes he made a plan of how to stop these problems, his reasoning and his actions were too fast and even efficient, he had some gaps or problems that he could not solve, but mostly Didiel was looking for a way how these solutions can help thousands instead of just one person, even important as it may be.

His personal tutor after reviewing the problems he had on sheet, could not believe how good and how Mr. Didiel was growing, he could not be amazed and ingenuity of how this child managed to find a great solution to different problems, some were direct and easy to solve, but there were some that took more time, months and even years to materialize, but the result was more than satisfactory.

『With that being the problem, besides the wars that bring many losses not only monetary, goods and above all pacifism, people will start to stay without a home where to live, this was already lived in the First World War, with what I have studied it would not be difficult to reach a conclusion that in the future or end the Cold War, many people survivors there will be, and not all of them will be able to return home, for x reasons they will always end up in a different place without return, those who can not return home may be a high percentage, especially those who went abroad, many people lost everything and have no one, if we want everyone to start getting along, a union, first we have to start with us, France must become the first and the pillar, here started the Schuman plan and here we will give the example, it will take years but all the refugees who come to our country, with time all those external people will become our people and trust, even those who are in worse situations, we can give them a support, but we can also give them the option to come, we will take care of them and give them another chance in our land, gather all people from Europe in one place, we should be the first ones, in many districts we are recovering and can live decently, also with the previous plans of my grandfather, sharing different resources will bring sustenance for the majority, in short this plan that I am saying, will make us grow in number in the future, people who did not trust us before, will stand up for our country without hesitation, gain followers, gain trust, a man with power without the support of his real people, only earns the hatred of all, is a solution I can give, I would like to put it into plan when I get older, but I just have to wait until I can go back outside, although I am already 15 years old, I have had in mind to visit many places in the country, I want to see with my own eyes the truth of everything, then I will visit others and others, many more far away, so my solutions will be more effective and beneficial to all』.

Didiel gave his thoughts to his personal tutor, the room was huge, in the center of everything with his big desk was the boy, well groomed, well dressed, always with a posture and an air of being someone important, and he was, is and will continue to be as time goes by, his gaze was always straight ahead, looking you straight in the eye, telling you what he really thinks without mincing words, the little boy who was looking for the best for everyone, little by little is becoming the Future Leader of Europe. His tutor who came out to check in his personal office, Didiel was able to solve many more problems, he could not believe the effectiveness they had and would have and it came out just as he said, just imagining it was crazy, this child was certainly something remarkable among the others. His teacher was trembling for having been teaching for years to the same boy, if as a child he was already relentless, when he becomes quite an adult what problems he will not solve will be the doubt of many.

『Didiel doesn't look like a child, he is a true leader』.

His tutor had no other words, he was impressed with his student, while in the large personal room where Didiel received classes, he was alone, he put on music to finish, it was a classical sound, a record player of the time, listening to classical music relaxed him, Didiel closed his eyes while he sat in the same place, everything was calm, everything was quiet, the servants who passed by the place, they listened to classical music and out of curiosity or rather to see what a great example Didiel was, they stayed a while to look at him, they took advantage if the door was ajar to snoop around for a while, they saw him, they looked at him, listened to classical music and out of curiosity or rather to see what a great example Didiel was, they stayed a while to look at him, they took advantage if the door was ajar to snoop for a while, they saw what everyone imagined, a boy with an impeccable bearing, everything about him said not to interrupt him, not to even talk to him if it is not something important, if it is a conversation that does not help everyone, then Didiel does not want anything, that was how everyone saw him.

『Lord Didiel is quite a gentleman』『He came out just like his father, a respectable and serious man』『He is also becoming someone beautiful, how lucky will the woman who ends up staying with Lord Didiel』『Do you imagine him with a family? Not me on the contrary, his whole life is dedicated to becoming the Leader of Europe, just like his grandfather and father who are always busy and looking out for everyone, Master Didiel will be the same, there will be no more in his mind to bring a better world for everyone, even if he has to sacrifice many things, it is certainly a position that not everyone can have』.

The servants were talking among themselves while looking at Master Didiel from afar, they wanted to continue watching, but before they called his attention, they had no choice but to leave the place and wait for another time when the opportunity arose. Didiel who was still listening to his music and see that no one appeared, neither his tutor nor any butler, as that of the good demeanor he had, with a weak and even tired sigh, it was like all his perfection that he had, he relaxed to feel with in truth is.

『You think I don't listen to you? it makes me happy that you think all those things about me, that means I'm doing a good job, but at the same time it makes me sad because no one is able to see how I really am, in this world many things happen and I need to see them all, in one of them there will be someone who is able to see through people? if so I would like to meet him, he would solve the problems fast, he would not have to make a lot of effort to do it, his plans and everything he wants to do he would do it without problems, he would gain everyone's trust, he would defeat his enemies easily knowing their weaknesses, a superhero... no, I still say no, the world does not need such a person, I would only suffer more and I would know the worst and the truth of this world, someone normal is not made for such a level, I was just prepared, different things between privileged and natural talent, if I would have to say a name, someone who understands what you really are and brings it out naturally *smiles* That would definitely be my friend Mikel, with him I played and had a good time, he didn't care how I behaved, at that time I was just trying to act like a kid my age, Mikel taught me to be a real one. .. The most probable studies as well as my deduction, if there was another chance, would be that Mikel is in Arnicania, that place that was taken by the shadows or at least they earned that nickname, I can not reveal what country they are from, it would only harm the plans and ideas, if we attack now it would not work, we have to know the truth to continue advancing, with lies nothing is solved, I have to talk to that colonel, but communication is scarce and besides that I already rejected him the few times we did it, with that they want the oil. ...is that really what they want? or is there something else that I am not seeing...』

Didiel although he tries to act like a little boy again, his simple way of being what he is now is forbidden to him, as he always instinctively looks for a bearing in any place he is, he had planned to relax but he cannot leave what he is now, appearances matter, the way people see you matters for them to trust you, the older he gets, the more his father's words make more sense. There was a knock on the door who Didiel gave the safe pass, it was his tutor who came with the problems already solved and with the score ready, he was excited and happy, since again Didiel managed to excel in many problems, not only the ones he will be involved in, problems like mathematics or algebra, were also easily solved by Didiel.

『You are really amazing Master Didiel, I am always surprised every day and every year, no matter how much time passes, you are my best student ever, eh? why aren't you happy Master Didiel, aren't the problems I gave you worthy of you? ah!!!! I get it! these problems are insignificant for what you plan to do, the leader of Europe is capable of more! I'm sorry for my emotion, I couldn't resist it Master Didiel, you excuse me』

『Don't worry, rather it makes me happy that you express how you feel, that means I'm doing everything right, to me the happiness of others is no offense *smiles*』

『Mr. Didiel.... You are certainly a respectful person!』

Didiel liked it when a person showed himself as he was leaving aside the bearing and how society or your rank should see you, that facet of how people are is something that Didiel appreciated very much, the young man looked at his grades and always had good ones, you could even say that he would be the envy of many students if he went to a normal school like everyone else, which Didiel would have liked very much to go, it would be lying if he said he never dreamed of studying with other children his age, play at recess, have teachers of which many know.

『(It would have been nice, but I know very well, before if it made me happy to get good grades, like everyone in their first time, when I could show them to my father, but now getting good grades are not something that make me smile, being an important person and having everything doesn't make you happy, with time I realized something, what really makes you happy is what you want to achieve at that moment, in my childhood what made me happy was to make an effort for my father, to stroke my head, also playing with Didiel made me happy because I wanted to feel what it was like to be a real child, now what would make me happy would be to solve everyone's problems, to see that everyone is well, to see that a child who was going to lose everything will be able to go on with his life until he becomes someone old, but what would make me happier would be, to spend time with those people to whom I spent so much time)』

He couldn't help it, Didiel was looking at his hands and making some strange movements, as if he was rolling something, as if he was turning something around, his tutor who was still in the room, was looking at Didiel how he was moving his hands, he didn't understand why he was doing that many times, not now if not since long before, is it some problem? But no, his tutor can't tell him it's a problem, Didiel knows what he does so contradicting him or even asking him about his actions is wrong, you can't judge anything to an important person, his tutor was silent, they studied for a while longer where he was retiring, the study day was over, Didiel could not do anything else, walking in the garden would be fine, but walking without company is boring, going to the kitchen to see how they make the food, would be fine, but with just her presence is like putting pressure on the cooks to present a good job, so no, walking around her big home? It's much bigger than her previous home, if she were to run now, will the servants say anything to her? will they call her attention to her or will they carry on as if nothing happened.

『Okay, there's a group of maids passing by, I'm going to do it』.

Didiel was hiding for just the right moment to run out in front of the maids and butlers, see how the young man ran without any qualms, without keeping any composure, when Didiel finished he would pass by to look behind him and how those who saw him were shocked by it, their expressions were of astonishment, until he heard an applause, it was not one, but from several, the servants applauded him and congratulated him for his movement and how fast he was, Didiel only limited himself to say thank you, until he heard a comment.

『You are very fast Master Didiel, but aren't you too old to run like a little boy? you have to keep your posture and firmness, we won't tell anyone about your mischief, but next time be more cautious, without further ado we will leave』.

『Thank you, see you later, Fredd, Mary, Guilda and Luke』

『!!!! *smiles* You honor us with your words Master Didiel, see you later』

『I see....con I can't do that anymore....』

He couldn't help but compare the first time he ran in front of his servants, when he was a child, he could see the expression they had, they were extremely happy that Didiel is behaving like a little boy, but the reaction of those present was different, they didn't say it with malice or anything, but just hearing that he shouldn't do it anymore, made him think things a little better of how one is losing what was once considered normal. From the expression Didiel had, she quickly felt a touch on her head as well as a familiar voice, it was her grandfather Robert who could finally return home, when Didiel saw her grandfather, her smile got bigger and bigger until she blushed, her grandfather was the only person with whom she could behave as she really is. They went to Didiel's room where he had his bed and personal things, it's the only place where he can unwind.

『You see grandpa, yesterday in the garden I managed to see a caterpillar, I followed it with my eyes until it stayed still, I'm sure it will wrap itself in its cocoon to later become a butterfly and fly! from the earth that was holding it back it will be able to fly through the skies, if I could fly too, I would go everywhere I don't know and start all over again, what do you think grandpa』.

『Your words always have another meaning Didiel, you told me about it before, you want to go out to see the world with your own eyes, don't you?』

『That's right, I want to see the borders, I want to see the situation of other countries, I want to go to the many villages there, I have to know and see with my own eyes the people I am going to help, spend time with them, it's not just helping them for the sake of it, they have to know me and know them, a follower is not compared to a friend』.

『*smile*I guess it's about time, it's been a while and things are getting better little by little, so you tell me, would you like to accompany me these years to the places I have to go...you're getting older and older, time goes by, the world changes, people change, they showed me their notes and your results are impressive, you really help a lot Didiel』

Without him realizing it, the problems Didiel was solving were seen by his grandfather Robert and with some modification or improvement, he was already testing many of these plans for the countries and continent, the solutions he is giving are among the most beneficial possible, moreover with the speech of previous years and the movements now, Didiel was happy to hear his grandfather's words, he did not hesitate to answer yes, his grandfather told him to wait in the living room while Didiel starts to pack everything he needs, since the trip will start now. Robert Schuman was walking through the corridors, but because he was so vigorous with his grandson, suddenly he started to cough, even containing it so that his grandson would not hear him, he covered it with his hand, but when he saw him, he realized that this time it was not simple saliva with mucus, He knew he didn't have much time, so these years that he still has strength, he wants to help Didiel as much as he can.

『In this trip that we will make, I will teach you everything I know, I will transmit you everything about the Schuman family, and with everything I mean what we really are, our family trip will be my last gift, enjoy it very much, because you will not know when you will show yourself again as you are Didiel』.

It was said and even written, this trip that you will make will try to make your grandson have a good time but at the same time understand the responsibility he has, that he will be the different one in the family, far from all rules and to be always an important person with an exemplary countenance, not all leaders have to be serious and hard, that in the new world that they will form, that there are peculiar leaders that even with all their defects, are able to be themselves who will bring peace to all.


In Arnicania still followed the little boy Mikel who was always collecting not only from the beach waste, but also this would begin years ago to collect from the forest, what he got in the forest were the herbs he could collect, this was very useful for Vie, and so he never ran out of medicines as well as other sustenance, however with the beach, to get more things, Mikel with the help of the old man, They managed to repair, build and even create many objects for the children to be happy, the boys who wanted action figures had them, the girls who wanted their dolls got them, the carts made with recycled parts, others with wood, many toys and whatever they wanted over the years they managed to get, and it has even become common to see how Mikel knocked on the door of the old man and he received him with open arms. While building and repairing the objects, the old man was more open and told him about how Arnicania used to be as well as his past life.

『When I was a child, Arnicania was a beautiful place, the coast was clean, we had different fauna and flora, our fishing was our major livelihood, we grew up among the community, it was normal that we all knew each other at that time, I remember perfectly many acquaintances, Martin the Carpenter, Maria the Weaver, Tarma the Restaurant, Escarla the Fisherman, and many more, they were all exemplary people whom I admired, There were times when they fought, but after a few drinks everything was solved, people from abroad who came to Arnicania could not believe that we said many things to our faces, they were afraid that we told our truths, I do not see it that way, we are stubborn people, we have to shout or understand the hard way to understand and begin to have a change, we were free, if I told someone I was an idiot, it was because I was an idiot, if someone told me I was an idiot, I was an idiot, we made an effort so that they would no longer tell us our defects and that is how we improved, our own pride was our strength, the same if someone told us we were good at something, we tried even harder to be the best, Arnicania in its beginnings was a really beautiful town, someday I hope it will be again what it was or at least we will be remembered for our history, a town that despite the oppression still follows its dreams standing and its pride, you Mikel, child that came from outside, for everything you lived and went through, knowing the good, the bad and still not giving up, I consider you a citizen of Arnicania, go always with your head up high for all of us, and if you are afraid, next time come back stronger and tell them in their face all their truths *smile*』

The Elder was more than happy with all these years that passed with the support of Mikel, in the end he ended up liking the child so much that he gave him the citizenship of being from Arnicania, Mikel was more than happy, he felt newer, with more strength, after listening to the story of the old man, he could imagine a place where people were really careful like everyone else, now he is one of them, while they were talking the old man was about to finish another object for other children from other homes, Mikel's orphanage, he could imagine a place where the real people were really careful like everyone else, now he is one of them, while they were talking the old man was already about to finish another object for other children from other homes, Mikel's orphanage as well as the old man's home, had become much better with this help, but Mikel with the years passed, he had a doubt.

『Hey old man, what's your name? I always called you old man all this time, I want to know your name 』

『My name? it's been 4 years and you're just asking me? well, anyway I don't think in those first few years I told you, Pal, that's my name Mikel *smiles*』

『Pal, Mr. Pal, Elder Pal, Father Pal, Pal Pal Pal Pal Pal Pal *smiles*』

Mikel was happy to know the name of the elder who repeated it several times, where Pal likewise was happy and hopes that his name will not be forgotten by this child. When he finished with everything he had, he gave Mikel the objects to deliver to other children, where in passing he told him to bring him more things, the ones he had saved were already exhausted, in that Mikel happily thanked and left the place, he was happy with the progress he had, he had fulfilled the desires of many children, but there were 2 to whom still no matter how much time had passed, they still did not have what they wanted.

『But how do I get them to see their family again...』

Mikel was thinking, as the child who wanted to see his parents was still waiting for his gift, while Margarette was crying for her son Rachel wanting with tears for all this to end, Mikel is happy, very happy that the children have what they wanted, but to see that those who did not receive anything, weighs much more the pain that is not calm as it should. After some time it seems that he finally decided to meet them for real, after delivering the gifts to another house, Mikel quickly went carefully so as not to run into the little shadows, now it was no longer typical not only to find Vie at the door waiting for him, but also the child who wanted his wish fulfilled was waiting for Mikel at the door.

『I want you to answer me something for sure, do you want to see your family again』.

『Yes, I want to see Dad and Mom again, I know they are fine』.

『*smile* Well, then wait right here, in a few days I'll bring your family here, I promise』.

He couldn't make the boy wait much longer, Mikel was confident that he could solve this, so quickly first Mikel entered the orphanage for Vie to apply the pain medicine, seeing Mikel's body, he was bruised, meeting the little shadows even if he avoids it, it always ends up happening, and when it happens he always feels 2 things, the fear of not being able to do anything as well as wanting revenge for all these years of abuse.

『Tell me, how is it that you will bring him his family, you know that's impossible Mikel』.

『It is not impossible, I will bring him myself and make the child happy, family can be every person, I used to only consider my father and mother family, but now everyone here is my family, this child must be the same, I am sure there are people outside who consider this child family, who want to see him and love him very much, no matter how long it takes, I will bring him his wish』.

『Don't talk nonsense, it's true that the child has relatives outside but don't you .... intend to go outside to look for him for real?』

『Wait with the child at the door, I don't want him to feel lonely, see you in a few days Víe *smiles*』.

Quickly Mikel managed to dodge Vie who was going to stop her, it's just crazy, in the orphanage a chase was happening where Vie was doing her best to keep her friend from going outside by himself, she can't let him put himself in more danger than he already is, but no matter how much she runs, she couldn't catch up with Mikel, but at that very moment Vie realized something, time ago Mikel was smaller than her and it was obvious, but now Mikel is about to pass her in size, huh? at what time? when did it start to happen? Mikel took a big leap towards the door and went out with strength and a desire to keep his word.

『Wait for me child! I'll make you smile too』.

Mikel was leaving the orphanage while Vie stayed at the door, he was afraid to go out, but if that's what he thinks, if really Mikel thinks to go outside, that means having to go through the oil guerrilla, after that walk a lot of kilometers to the nearest district, Mikel did it before as far as he knows, but now is different, he can't survive a real war, his friend's life is in danger, Vie knows he has to go out, but still his fear of meeting those monsters made his legs tremble.

Mikel slipped through the streets reaching the forest, for the last time he turned to look at the city of Arnicania and as he promised to return to this city, the beginning of the forest was all cut down by the shadows, but if you go deeper there were still some trees and herbs where he could get them and take them to his friend, but when she went out the other end, no, not even out, she could already hear the gunshots as well as the people screaming for all this, hearing the gunshots quickly brought back lost memories she had kept, she could hear it perfectly, the sound of a missile falling to the ground, the sound of the explosion destroying everything. !!!! Mikel from what he was running, he felt a great fear in his being, his mind made him remember how everything was destroyed, an image of his mother lying on the ground, his father who was carrying him in his arms and very badly wounded, he could not take another step forward, he was very afraid, his courage was easily destroyed with just the noise.

『No....Dad...Mom....where are they...』-『I...I....have to help you!!!』

Just imagining how his parents could be having a hard time, the fear was the very thing that drove him to keep going, when he managed to go a little further in the hope of helping them and becoming a family again. Mikel was shocked to see what he was seeing, from what the forest was green, the field where the war was being generated was all violent, it was a dull gray, the trenches that were made, it was not even the end of the side of the shadows, the strong war was even more to the front, where their home was, where the oil was, where many people died. But if just by seeing this extreme where it is supposed to be the safest place, Mikel is already helpless, what will happen when he moves even further, will he be able to move? will he be able to think? will he even be able to see the reality where he is?

Mikel could see how a duo of soldiers was returning, they were young men who one was helping the other since he had been shot in the leg, it was obvious that he wanted to retreat, but then quickly a shadow that was watching how the war was going, called their attention and told them to return to the front, see how with his smile and shouts he told them that they had to return, this marked a sad face for the young soldiers, who pay attention for the consequences that they themselves know, in that the shadow realized Mikel, like everyone else, did not tell him to return, if not even encouraged him to do whatever he wanted.

『What are you doing here child?』

『I...I...come to get my mom and dad....are there...out front...I have to help them...』

『I see, if that's what you want to do *smiles* then go and tell me if they're alive』.

Hearing the word that whether or not his parents might be alive, this was what motivated Mikel again, like going back in the past, what moved his body again was the fear and hope that everything is alright. Mikel began to run in a hurry through the guerrilla in the eyes of all the young people who were protecting or defending others, they wanted to stop him and even a few did, but Mikel quickly dodged them saying that he has to save his family. Every time he ran the place was more suffocating, it was like he was losing his breath, every step was like a no return, the sky was gray, his vision was getting cloudy, but there he was, running and running through the guerrilla, trying to get to where his family is, where the main course of the war is. But ....

!!!!!!!!!! Something fast passed by Mikel that ended up crashing him and throwing him to the ground by force, it hurt him to simply fall, he was destroyed, but what made him get up was how he began to hear screams not only from the young soldiers, but also from the soldiers of France, the shots in a crazy way, the young people asking him to stop, as well as in the middle of all this, what was most present was a laughter implying that he was enjoying it.



It was Ann who had come to the war field, this one with a great speed and with his weapon as well as with his knife, he left out of combat many of the soldiers, he shot where he had to shoot, he subdued when he had to subdue, his way of dodging the bullets that sometimes had the intention of hitting him, were dodged by Ann, while this one with his laughter gave to understand that he enjoyed it at all, Mikel was watching him, he saw in the front row how one can be ruthless and how war can change you to how you were before, Ann was with bags under his eyes, he was emaciated, he had many wounds on his body, his hand with scars, he was in a horrible state, but he was still there, giving his all to enjoy what he is now, a monster just like the shadows.

『What happened to that boy...he wasn't like that before....his look...everything about him....da very scary....』

『You made it this far, you're reckless kid *smiles* That one's name is Ann, after many experiments and a test years ago, he's slowly becoming one like us, in another time he'll be embued in shadows like us and become the strongest and most helpful, I'm already looking forward to our new compatriot』.

The same shadow had appeared to explain to him what was happening, he simply cannot believe how a normal person can turn into a monster, no, yes they can, he himself saw how one changed his way of being, but how is that possible, the fear, the traumas, why would someone be able to become something he is not, the experiments or what could have happened, if Mikel had met him before he was sure he would have helped him in everything, but even with everything he was seeing, still being the most horrible thing he had ever witnessed, he did not see it the same way, Ann was not shrouded in shadows, he was still a person to which he did not lose everything.

『That boy...every time I see him...my head hurts...it gives me chills...I feel like I'm losing something I had....』

Mikel couldn't help but keep looking at how Ann was still doing her thing in the war, his head was hurting that he was touching it to be able to resist, but in the middle of him looking up, he managed to see how Ann was staring at him, the young man had blood on his clothes, the clothes made a mess, and with a twisted look accompanied by a smile, the eyes especially, those eyes seemed to see beyond the normal, then it was where it happened.... !!!!!!!!!!!! It was like an impact to Mikel's mind, he felt a great shock in his body that was about to fall down collapsed, his eyes were getting worse and worse than before, his ears could not listen anymore, Ann continued with her war while the Shadow saw how Mikel seemed to have a convulsion next to him, he did not help him, he did not do anything, he just looked at him as if waiting for it to end.

『(What is this...my head....my mind hurts...ahhh!!!!....enough already...please stop....it's too much for me....I just...I wanted my family back....please...help me....I don't know what's wrong with me....dad...mom....Didiel....someone...please....save me.....)』


As desperate as Mikel was, Vie had appeared who managed to lift him up to help him, he could see how his friend was drooling saliva from his mouth as he could not handle the pressure that was going on in his mind, it was as if he was getting or acquiring something that he could not bear. Vie at the end of it all if she was worried about her friend she ended up following him all the way, making it through the end and getting here, Mikel was moving but he was listening to Vie's words, to help him and they would go back home.


Vie was very worried, the shadow that was watching all this didn't understand what this girl was doing, Mikel has the order not to do anything, but this girl has all the permission to do whatever she wants, for the shadow it was easy, who is already dying without even fighting, then so be it, she doesn't need anyone's help, Who does not fight deserves to die, who suffers for not being strong, he was going to take her to leave Mikel alone and see how he dies without being prepared, his smile was marked but at the moment he felt a great pressure in his body, when he turned around he realized that it was Ann who was staring at him with hatred, it was just a clash of looks, but it was as if she was telling him.

『You lay a hand on them and you'll be the second one I'll kill』.

He managed to understand it, the shadow upon hearing Ann's threat, he stopped his hand and let Vie go with his strength to Mikel from the war, he really looked at him as a waste, no doubt he is someone very easy to discard.

Arriving at the orphanage with much effort and tiredness, Vie was screaming for help, all the children came to the entrance and saw how Mikel was convulsing on their foreheads, no child could do anything, but still they were trying to help him, Vie was tired from carrying him but he had to treat him the fastest way, but he quickly heard someone raised his voice.

『Everyone step aside, I will treat the boy』.

It was Margarette who had come out because of the noise in her room, seeing the child she did not avoid helping him, she took him in her arms and carried him up to the second floor in her room, she quickly laid him down and told Vie to bring all the medicines she has in her repertoire, in a quick way the little girl did it, the children who were outside the door of the room with intentions to enter, quickly Margarette called out to them.

『You'd better go to the living room to play or do something else, you wait quietly, Mikel will be back with you』.

With those words Vie quickly returned with everything she had as she told him to close the door, it closed leaving the children outside, they were told to go play, but seeing Mikel in that state, everyone was worried about how the member of their family who did so much for them would be. Margarette also had many remedies in her room, she applied as appropriate, she saw Mikel's eyes and they were lost, she has to first calm him down, they used herbs to make him stabilize, now he could not take any medicine to help him by himself, quickly the old woman took the remedy and gave it mouth to mouth to Mikel, just like with the same evil, she noticed that Mikel's body was bruised, she would go on to address Vie.

『You knew what Mikel was getting into, why didn't you stop him』.

『I tried, many times, but he wouldn't listen, he was sacrificing himself so he could make the children happy....yo...I couldn't contradict his actions....』

『He sacrificed himself, what I do is not enough...this is not what an innocent child like him has to go through, I will have to.....』

Margarette was about to forbid Mikel to leave the orphanage by force, but after stabilizing him she realized something, she looked at Mikel's eyes and could understand, quickly the old woman of what she was going to implement her punishment, it was like quickly her decision changed and.

『No, he now has a more important role than mine or yours Vie, we can't stop him, if we do that we will only limit his capabilities, that's the worst thing a mother can do, it will be hard, but let him go on with his thing, this child Mikel acquired the ability to see through people, we have to support him in everything, he is someone important』.

Margarette could know, she knows about the ability of the people of Arnicania, and Mikel just got something that only his people are supposed to be able to do, this was a strange and rare occurrence, you could even say that it is the work of fate, can't stop Mikel, no one can, let him use all of himself to do what he wants and what he places, that desire is to help everyone.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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