
Chapter 317: The Little Soldier 6

E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇6͇

Since the start of their special training, the friends both Fari and Ann have been working hard these days, being chosen to be in the shadow training camp, they noticed something totally different from what they typically did before, the training was much harder and they even put worse ideas in their minds, the speeches they gave were only to justify that the war was right, because to get something you need a means to do it, in a world where now battles can break out for anything, these shadows were like beings that took advantage of this, their goal was simple, they wanted the power of the oil that some time ago they already suspected that that place possessed it, no matter the means, they needed what they longed for no matter the means, if they had to take measures that the rest of the world took, and besides they enjoyed doing it, what was wrong with it, not at all they categorized themselves as the bad guys or villains, it is only for the greater good, humans always seek riches and see it in different materials and even feelings, for them what would bring them the most happiness would be their black gold, no matter how, no matter the measures, as long as their people come out winning in the end, that's all that matters.

『War is just a means for everyone, or do they think that by simply asking for a favor we will get what we want? of course not, fight until you get what you want, it is something so simple that was present in the whole history of humanity!!!! Maybe for many people it is scary, scary? why be afraid of our most primitive instincts, surely the first conflict was solved with blows, surely? it is a fact, animals fight and fight all their lives to survive, or have you ever seen them having a conversation and solving their problems? They are what they are for a reason, and we who are at the top, humans are the same, we have the intelligence to plan ideas, create inventions, we think of the best action to benefit, and everything to get our own way, you too, right? Arnicania a proud people that only see for yourselves, you thought you were the best thing without leaving your territory, but in front of a bigger and unknown threat in reality you are weaker than you ever thought, you are very closed minded, you reproach war and want to be far away from it, here we will teach you that blood and sweat, death for a goal of glory, is the best thing you can do in life, as all hierarchy now you are under our command, as long as you listen to us we will let you live as it is now, train hard, change your mentality and serve life itself, serve us your lives, if you do the right thing you will get the best of ends, don't forget young men of Arnicania, on you depends the future of your people, so don't do anything foolish』.

The place was completely an enemy military base, they took over the entire port that even seems unrecognizable, in front of a shadow who just gave the speech, while on the other side, there was a group of young people who had been chosen as the most suitable to go to the front to the war, who showed better determination, it has been days since the beginning of this, Listening to all the speeches on a daily basis only made these two youngsters not to surrender to the oppression they were suffering, but they had nothing else to do, if they did not pay attention everything would be over, the training had started again, it was more rigorous and hard, it could even be said that it was inhuman what they made them do, but what can you do, for the shadows to demand someone is when you get the most out of it. At that time another shadow approached the one who gave the speech and whispered in his ear.

『In a couple of days it will be ready, we can start with the first test subjects』.

『What good news, let's just see how many of the young people here can stand it, I'm already looking forward to our success 』.

His smile was too obvious from the shadows, it was the most remarkable thing about these beings that this was how the people of Arnicania saw it, what they were talking about was that they would already have a prototype of an object ready that would allow them to do experiments on humans, using conventional methods of influencing them would take a long time, time must always be beaten, the sooner the better for the objective of their goals, this also served the shadows, to have guinea pigs and take advantage of everything about them as if they were a brainless animal, feeling superior and doing what they wanted gave them a sense of power that they enjoyed.

『We will take advantage of everything we have at hand, we will spare nothing, our people are the only ones who can come out on top』.

While on the other hand, on that same day a child from the orphanage had fallen ill with fever and Vie had gone out to the streets to be able to do something, cure him was her goal, for that she needed honey, the problem is where she would get it, right now she was walking the streets that mostly still remained destroyed by the invasion, there was no one repairing them or working on them, most likely they would use the same young people to raise our infrastructure for their enjoyment.

『(Now where can I get honey, the forest that is near Arnicania right now the shadows are cutting it down, and after the forest there is only the desolate place....I have to get honey in one of these houses, surely someone will have it)』.

Seeing her running through the city was even worrying, she was just a little girl who needed to be accompanied so she wouldn't get lost, but of course, now no family member was alive, you could see it on Vie's face, she was scared, with sweat on her forehead and running with her mouth open because she was so agitated, just thinking about that sick child who was begging for her mother, made her heart beat, she had more than one reason to do this even if she was exposed to danger. He looked in other houses where more children had stayed, he knocked on the door but only some of them opened the door, when he asked if they had honey and asked them to give him some, many of them sadly said they had none, others denied him since they had little and considered it a luxury, but others just stared at him wondering why he was outside and worse without any bandana. At that time she touched another house where luckily at the same time a grandfather was leaving the place, the coincidence played badly for Vie, as she ended up hitting the door falling to the ground, the grandfather quickly worried about this and went to help her.

『Girl what are you doing, what are you doing outside? do you want bad things to happen to you? this is bad, if any shadow sees you .....』

He would quickly try to carry her with his arms, but in that he realized that Vie was not wearing a bandana, his intention was to take her inside his house so that she would be safe, but this simple fact made everything turn the opposite.

『I need honey, a child in my orphanage is sick, do you have any...could you give me some?』

『Infamous....but what an infamous....HOW CAN YOU GO OUT WITHOUT YOUR BANDANA!!!! that's already an offense to us!!! we have our pride, without the bandana those people humiliate us and have no respect for us, but even when I go out wearing it, just hearing their words and laughter that I better die already, the as simple act of contempt. ..makes me lose all my strength....si they already do that to us with the bandana on, I don't want to imagine not having it on, you girl you don't appreciate the pride as a citizen of Arnicania, if you want to hit rock bottom do it yourself, we don't want to join you or your orphanage!!!』

POM!!! The old man who was about to leave closed the door with utmost hatred and indignation, hearing this from Vie had brought him a shock, now what matters is not to fall lower than they already are, for a people who never received the opinion of others, their reaction to this was always negative, but before a greater force that is above them and finally recognize their other side of the coin, they just want to be away from all this, as the few who are left alive are understanding, that they can not stand the negative part of the rest of the world. Vie to this was not giving up so he would try to look in more places, luckily now most of the shadows are scattered, one group went to cut down the forest, another group is safely supervising the platoon that is fighting for the oil, while most were either training the Arnicania youths in the plaza, or in the training camp for their own purposes.

But for the concern she felt that the adult shadows would not see her, that she must hurry to get the honey, she had not noticed another type of smaller being that she has and wanders the streets, for by their word, this city now belongs to them, the little shadows their smile was more characteristic as well as those eyes that also laughed, they followed Vie from behind to see what she was doing, they liked this very much, since the only ones who were brave enough to go out were children, this would be the first time they saw a little girl brave enough to be able to go out, they were just waiting for the right moment to do their thing.

『This is....』

Vie had arrived at the city square, he quickly hid in the walls, from the corner of his eye he could see how the young people were training under the supervision of the shadow in charge, in that quickly Vie thought of something, he knows that Fari is also here by obligation, maybe if he asks for help they can do something both, for a child's mind it was something that simple in just asking for help from someone he trusted, but quickly trying to look for him with his eyes, he realized that he was not among the training ranks, this was strange to him since for months that was typical, no matter where he put his eyes, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find Fari anywhere.

『Where did that kid go, but whatever he's doing, I hope he's okay, I don't see his friend Ann either, did they...did they take them both to the platoon?』

Vie already knew that Ann was early on in the military platoon fighting for the oil, maybe also Fari joined such platoon and now they are in the middle of the war, Vie imagined the worst thing that can happen so she quickly got very worried and would turn back to go to such fighting place, but in the middle of what she was running, she stopped, she started to doubt what to do, on one hand she had to get the honey, but on the other hand she wanted to confirm if Fari is in the war, seeing her how she was looking back and forth, her feet how they were also turning as well as her gaze, made Vie have an internal struggle on what to do.

『(I must get the honey....but if Fari is in combat...I need to get him out of there....but if I go and don't get the honey, he may get sicker worse and...no!!!! Fari can die at any moment...and I don't want to lose anyone again....but if I go....the fever can spread and infect everyone in the orphanage....take care of everyone....lose everyone....) I don't want....I don't want....I don't want....what do I have to decide....』

Vie was having a strong decision to make for her, she is worried about both her friend Fari and the children of the orphanage, if it were up to her she would help both but it is something she can't do, she just wants to help and that is very present, she started to remember her friend Fari and how he has a hard and strong personality, that somehow he always has a grudge that makes him come back home somehow, it always seems that he will not make it, but there he is, either very late at night or almost in the early morning, Fari was coming back home.

『I know he always comes back...that he tries to act like an adult.... but I can't help but see him as I knew him...a little boy....』

Fari and Vie were neighbors before all this happened, the Fari of before was like any other, he was playful and even smiling in many occasions, to see him running through the streets of Arnicania together with other children was typical, he was not the heart of the group of children, but his presence was remarkable for his way of being, he always shared his toys, when he had money in many occasions he bought candies to the others, together with his friend Ann too, they were 2 boys that only looked for a quiet life forever. But now, as a result of the war, it seems that Fari was left behind and now he is only looking for a way to complete his goal. Vie stood still with his arms trembling, he wanted to cry because of the decision he was going to make, but whether it was because of how he was or personally, he had already decided what to choose.

『Well, I choose to take care of what I cherish 』.

But before she took her next step, some small shadows but taller than Vie had made an appearance, this worried the little girl who quickly started to look around, there were only 3 little shadows that approached her without saying anything, Vie would try to reason with them as she knew that they are likewise children like her.

『Can you please let me pass, I need to hurry to.....』

She tried to dialogue then try to escape, but quickly like a spiral, the little shadow stretched her arm and caught Vie, the force she applied made Vie have to endure the pain, without saying anything the little shadows communicated with each other, the smile on their faces didn't disappear, but it seems they agreed on something, there was an alley near the place, so without further ado they dragged Vie to that place, she would experience first hand what they had been talking about for a long time, the humiliation that the children of Arnicania receive, a humiliation worse than what it already is.

『Where...where will Vie be....VIE!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!! ANSWER PLEASE!!!!』

Mikel was running through the streets of Arnicania, he was worried about his friend from bad things happening to her, he was shouting as he didn't care about anything anymore, the other houses where other children were living with either old people or grandmothers, many from the windows were looking sideways at Mikel, always with a frightened look, always afraid that something might happen to them, while Mikel was still shouting his friend's name, he heard something nearby, he looked up and it was a boy who had been staring at him, but he quickly realized this and closed the windows.


Mikel shouted without further ado around the place, while inside the homes were the children whispering that how can someone go outside and on top of that shout without the fear that they can humiliate you, just receiving the negative made the people of Arnicania back off, at that a child again tried to look out the window, he pulled aside the curtain to observe, to his doubts he could not see Mikel anymore, he was not in the streets nor shouting, this made him open the curtains to see better.

『Hey buddy!!!! Do you know where Vie is?』

Mikel appeared right in front of the window, which made the boy get scared and scream, he quickly closed the curtains so he wouldn't know anything else from the outside, when he screamed so much and saw that no one was going to help him, this was making Mikel sad and even more angry because of the frustration of finding his friend, he would scream even louder.


『Ya shut up kid!!!!』

Before his shout, an old man had come out of his home to shut him up, quickly without wasting time, Mikel approached him saying if he knows where his friend Vie is, quickly the old man deduced that it must be the girl with whom he met before, they had a little chat, of course, the old man was always afraid that some shadow would appear, but Mikel was the opposite, he was more concerned about where his friend was, but in the end the conversation ended as follows.

『You better go back where you came from, your friend will surely be punished and humiliated, besides the shadows there are the little shadows that roam around here, those brats have no respect for anyone, once while I was returning home I ran into one of them, even though I had my bandana on, They told me everything, old, bald, that my wife must be dead, to prove that they were stronger, they started to hit me and because of my condition they didn't hold back, after that they told me that I am worthless and that my life is now a mockery for them. ...I...I don't want to fall more than I already am...I still want to keep what I am...the good thing is that they never saw me lying on the ground, as long as that doesn't happen, I can go on living』.

What the old man just told was his own experience and now it has become a trauma that always happens when he has to go out to get supplies on his own, the ones who get the sustenance in the home now are the old people and grandparents, first because they are the only elders in the village who are still alive and second, the shadows like to see the weak people who are trying to get ahead, literally they are the mockery of Arnicania now, since to get sustenance they go to the elite shadows that stayed with the luxuries to ask them for food, they literally beg to be able to eat, but with that of course they don't manage to sustain several people, the ones that really get the goods are the young people that are as soldiers or serving the shadows, if they do a good job they give them enough to resist another time more.

『By the way you speak, you are not from Arnicania nor do I see you as a shadow, where are you from?』

『Where am I from? I am from my home』.

『No...what should I tell you where you were born 』

『Where was I born? I was born at home』

This conversation was not going to last long, so quickly because of the constant fear, the old man was saying that he was already going to close his door advising Mikel to go back to where he came from if he doesn't want to end up like him, but quickly the boy was telling him that he doesn't plan to return home until he finds Vie, Mikel's constant screams before, and that still despite the warnings he told him he still doesn't understand, this provoked something in the old man who didn't hold back.

『I'm telling you to go home!!!! Don't you care about what happens to you? don't you think about yourself or what might happen to you? don't you have the brains to think what is right or what is wrong? aren't you afraid of being humiliated, being torn apart, being stepped on?.... aren't you afraid of feeling that you can't take it anymore?....』

The old man was more than conflicted and even venting with just children, he even looked like he was going to cry at some point, he really looked so weakened that if you touched him with a single push, he would fall to the ground, but Mikel just kept thinking about something and he doesn't plan to change at all.

『I'm going back home with Vie, I know that bad things happen when I go out, I haven't seen it, but I wouldn't like to see Vie sad, that's all I know』.

At Mikel's answer, the old man saw that he will not be able to convince him, he closed his door without saying anything else whispering that that is what he dislikes about those who are not from Arnicania, that they do not understand what matters to them, he stayed by the door since he did not have the strength to walk, but at that Mikel shouted again accompanied by a comment that will leave him with another mentality.

『Thank you very much!!!! But I didn't understand what he meant by the last one』

And without further ado Mikel was running through the streets again, this the old man heard and he could deduce something, that Mikel doesn't know what humiliation is or the simple act of someone hating you or reproaching you for what you are, his mind is something simple either because he is a child, for Mikel, Vie is his friend and he only wants one thing, to be with her because he cares, Mikel is an outsider, he knows that very well, that someone from outside cares so much about someone from Arnicania, now it even seems like a bad joke too.

『That kid...he doesn't know what's waiting for him here』.

Mikel would continue to scream and run through the streets of Arnicania as he searched for his friend and for both of them to return home. While Vie was still still being harassed by the 3 little shadows in the alley, she was trying to escape but it was like a hard barrier to break through, they were pushing her and cornering her until she touches wall, Vie was afraid of this, but she would try not to be intimidated anyway.

『Please leave me, I'm too busy now, I have to save my friends, you don't want to see what I'm capable of....』

『Do? come on, you're just a kid, you should be playing with your dolls and playing house right now, you sure do that all the time, and save your friends? my dad eliminated every single one of them, you have no friends, the only ones left are us, let's have fun together, we're tired of annoying the kids』.

One of the little shadows commented on this, the more she spoke the more she could see how the other little shadows approached Vie, but quickly with a push she pushed them away from them, this was not seen as bad at all, if not this one laughed at how weak Vie was, they made fun of this it seems that the little girl was going to take advantage of it, but quickly they were going to show her how it's done.

『If you're going to push someone, do it hard!』

Pam!!! They pushed him from the chest that made him back hard against the wall, you could see how Vie this if caused him a lot of damage, but quickly the shadow saw his hand and kind of was not satiated. While another shadow seeing that they could have even more fun, was agreeing on an idea.

『My mother always says that long hair is the most appreciated thing in a woman, how about when she doesn't listen to us about something, we cut it off』.

『That's a good idea, she'll cry for sure, and maybe she'll even look like a man if we cut it off, so she'll be as strong as we are』.

They enjoyed being able to abuse others, but quickly Vie was saying that no matter what they do to her, let them cut all her hair if possible, she was being rude, but quickly one of the shadows took out a textile cutting scissors from her pocket, when she saw this Vie could see how worried she was, but anyway she was telling her that if she is going to cut her hair, let her do it but on one condition.

『If you are going to cut my hair, then leave me alone』.

『Of course (as if we were going to leave our new toy alone)』.

They were going to start cutting her hair, but quickly before they do it simply, the other shadow who had been quiet at the beginning, took the scissors away from his friend, this obviously annoyed the other but quickly told him to fall down, this was weird, it seems that being at each other's throats was typical of these shadows, but quickly Vie felt a touch by her arm that made her turn cold-skinned.

『You're a girl, for some reason when I pushed you in the chest, I felt something that became curious to me, my mother has them bigger but I was never interested in them the truth, but yours....』

The way he ran his bare hand over Vie's arm and clothes was too subtle and even soft, quickly Vie felt worse a fear than before, you could tell how her arm was trembling and wanted to escape, but as if he was well concentrated, the little shadow who was doing this, told Vie to calm down, that he won't do anything bad to her. He began to touch her hand and noticed that it was soft and even warm.

『It feels good...caress my face』.

『Hey!!! but what are you asking her to do!!! we're supposed to tease her and have fun!!!』

His other shadowy friends were complaining about this, but that shadowy one was like engulfed by this new discovery, seeing that Vie didn't pay attention to him, this one himself used the little girl's hand to caress his face and even his head, this simple act made Vie want to no longer do it and if possible somehow escape, she wanted to hit him even if it put her in a worse situation, she was clenching her fist to deliver the blow, but the same words stopped her.

『If you object, I'll tell my dad to destroy the orphanage, so stay idle, I think I'm discovering something I'll like』.

Again the threat to her own, made Vie make a decision too obvious, she would calm her fist but not the tremors, with her eyes lowered this one stopped resisting for this little shadow to do whatever she wants with her, in turn this shadow looked at her other friends to do the same.

『Hey, you guys better come with me, this feels really good』.

『And this one what's up with him? we don't hang out with girls!!!! and if we do it's not to treat them nicely like you!!!!』

『Besides you look really weird, stop what you're doing and cut her hair so she'll start crying, we can also cut her other things, her nails too they care, her eyelashes----』

『The clothes, good thinking, let's cut off his clothes, I want to see what's covered in all this dirty and disgusting cloth, surely I can still salvage something from it』.

Before the proposals of the other shadows, that other shadow was only in his mind to do other things with Vie, to hear the last, his other friends were more than dissatisfied with this, they did not like what his friend was doing, because for them what they enjoy most is to feel superior and see the decay of others, followed the 3 shadows together for a few minutes, they were insisting that they already start to make her cry, but nothing that the last one paid attention, until.

『We'd better go, it's already gone to waste』.

『Let's find another kid or grandpa to have fun with, hey don't forget to give me back my scissors, and at least put them to good use, otherwise why did you take them from me』.

『Yeah, I'll put them to good use, don't you worry』.

The 2 little shadows were leaving the alley while the one who stayed, gave a sigh and felt weird somehow, this one looked at his hands and since a long time ago his face was not a smiling one, it was one of not knowing what he just found out, it was like he doesn't know what he has to do now, the only thing he knows is that he has to find out by himself.

『I feel calmer now that they're gone, we're the 2 of us alone now, like we're going to do something bad *smiles* I heard nights ago that my dad plans to do the same with the Arnicania boys, he said he's going to psych them up, open up the body, he's going to strip them of everything they know to make them his and make them obey his orders, he was happy to just want to do it, I didn't understand it before, but now that I met you, I also have the desire to strip you of everything and make you just mine, please girl, help me experiment until my curiosity is satisfied』.

The shadow again showed that smile that characterizes them, listening to his way of speaking was no longer that of a child, if not someone whose heart is pure stained with oil or black gold, Vie was very scared, she wanted to scream but could not, if she does not listen to what this shadow says, what will happen to the children of the orphanage or Fari, the thought that something bad could happen to them because of her, made her get strength where there is none.

『VIE!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! VIE!!!!!!!!』-『VIE ANSWER ME IF YOU HEAR ME!!!!』-『VIE!!!!! TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!』-『VIE!!!!!!!!!!』-『VIE-『VIE!!!!!』-『VIE!!!!!』『VIE!!!!!』-『VIE!!!!!!!!!!』-『VIE!!!!!!!!!!』-『VIE『VIE!!!!!』-『VIE!!!!!』-『VIE!!!!!』-!!!!!』』-『VIE』

Mikel was shouting all over the place, he even reached the square from another direction, you could notice how the shadows that managed to hear him, turned towards the direction of the shout, Mikel looked sideways and realized that many were alert to his shouts, Mikel remembered that Fari is training in the square on a daily basis, so without fear he entered the square to shout for Fari, again his shouts flooded the whole place, taking all the attention of those who were there.

『Excuse me, did anyone here see Fari? I need you to help me』.

『A Fari you said kid? (this who is he, he's not from Arnicania by the way he's talking, where did he come from)』.

A shadow, the same one who trained those in the square approached Mikel to know, he explained to him that he is looking for his friend Vie and that a friend was sick with fever, he was telling him that if he please in turn asked him for some honey or if he can help to find his friend. This the shadow of how confused he was, to gain her trust he would show his smile.

『You're not from here, are you? I don't care how you got here, but if you are brave to look for your friend, that deserves some congratulations, I'm sorry, but the honey I can't give it to you, now it's a limited resource, and about your friend, for sure she is somewhere in the city, we haven't seen her here, but you better hurry, our children are also around here and they are very playful, if I were you I would hurry to find her before they have more fun and leave you aside, our children have the habit of making people cry, you don't want to see your friend cry, do you? same by your idiotes it is seen that you don't know anything, Hey everyone!!! let's let this child free for today, let him find out by himself what it is not knowing anything about what is going on』

『Seriously? I heard that you guys are bad, but you stopping smiling just tells me that you are good people, thank you very much, then I will hurry to find my friend』.

『Yes yes, take as much time as you need, but about Fari, if you got to know him as he was before, you better keep him, he will become someone very strong, useful and valuable to us *smiles*』

『Seriously? awesome, I'm very happy for Fari, see you later and thank you for the kindness』.

Mikel was leaving the square with all the approval of the shadows that watched this, you could quickly feel how everyone laughed and the young people who were in the square training were more than helpless, they were afraid of all this and that it would end at some point, while all agreed with something, that how can there be someone here who does not know so much about the subject. Mikel kept searching through the streets shouting the name of his friend, he even reached the same street where Vie passed by, when he shouted through the place there was no answer, but.

『Eh? I think I saw something there』.

Mikel saw something in an alley that by running he did not see it well, so he went back and shouted the name of his friend, here he managed to see 2 things, a small shadow and what seemed to be a girl, the shadow with the scissors in hand with blood turned to look at Mikel, still the little boy did not understand what was happening, until he could see better and managed to see his friend who was shedding tears.

『Mikel what are you doing out there....』


Mikel screamed so loud that the first thing he did was to run to his friend to help her, quickly he pushed aside the shadow and managed to see how his friend was, she was with her clothes full of cuts as well as many parts of her body received cuts but not deep, her hair was intact, Mikel wanted to see how she was, to take her by the hand to escape, but quickly Vie refused.

『No!!! Don't touch me now....I don't feel good....I'm...I'm so scared....』

Vie shouted at her before she came too close, this for Mikel was too shocking he could quickly recognize in his friend's eyes that she was sad, she was crying and she just wanted to be in peace, for some reason this made him remember her way of behaving before, when she was offered something and even sometimes she refused, those eyes could not be seen before because there was no mirror, but for sure those same eyes Mikel made when he realized that his life from now on will be different.

『No no no no Vie, everything is going to be fine, I know you're scared but you have to resist, it's over now, I'm with you now, it must hurt a lot, but you have to resist, I'm here and I'll do my best for both of us to go back home, come, give me your hand, I don't plan to leave if it's not with you』.

Those were the words of Mikel who could only think about that, hearing how that little boy was comforting her, a boy 2 years younger than her was telling her that, although she shouldn't, she was getting happy about that situation, since the boy who all month was always depressed and of little speaking, who only reacted when they played together, now for some reason seeing her in this situation, seeks to support her. Vie was raising her hand to take Mikel's.

『(I'm sure this would have made Didiel, would I have done it right?)』

『Hey you, what do you think you're doing?』

The little shadow that had been pushed aside, quickly grabbed Mikel's shoulder so that they were facing each other, and without him expecting it, he received a strong blow to his stomach, this blow was so much, he was the first one to experience something like this, that he couldn't stand it anymore he started to touch his stomach and with the intention of falling to the ground.

『Why are you hitting me...it hurts....it hurts a lot...I didn't do anything to you...』

POMMM!!!! Without expecting it, he received another punch in the face that made Mikel fall to the ground quickly, the little shadow was very upset because his experiment was interrupted, but then Mikel reacted again, but this time he was crying on the ground and wondering why this was happening.

『It hurts so much...why are you hitting me...I only came to get Vie to go home together, to get away from danger, is that bad?』

『OF COURSE IT'S BAD"COPY00 Besides who are you??? where do you know this girl from??? but that doesn't matter anymore, since long before I decided that this girl will now be mine, I will do whatever I want with her until I find happiness, I need to touch her more, cut her clothes more, I need what is it that makes me so anxious, how can I let you take her away when I'm like this???? You're no one to tell me what to do, you're already crying over a mere 2 strokes!!! get up if you're such a little man!!!』

An argument had started, the little shadow was more than annoyed that he had been interrupted, while Mikel was still crying on the floor not understanding what was going on.

『Who cares what you guys do, who cares about you!!!! I'm the one everyone should care about, my daddy is the Colonel here!!!! this whole rotten city is my playground, I can do whatever I want because it's my gift!!!! I own everyone, you and that little girl named Vie, on top of that she has a nice name, I already want to take her to my room to continue doing it, while you what, your home you lost, your parents died, you are nobody in life and you never will be, you were only born to be despised by everyone and nobody will change that, you are a rat who doesn't even know what studying is, a little bit of racio even if it is to understand that interrupting me was wrong!!!!! You are an idiot imbecile that deserves the worst!!!! from now on understand your place you damn goblin, or what? are you still crying? are you waiting for someone to come to help you? YOU ARE ALONE!!!!! And people like you are only there to serve us and be our mockery!!! maybe if I take you just for fun, you will be my donkey, I bet you don't even know how much 2+2 is.』

『2+2?.... isn't that 6?...』

『KILL YOURSELF BETTER IF YOU DON'T KNOW SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!!!! Idiot, and someone like you wanted to help Vie???? please, everyone in this town is an imbecile, good thing we are going to take over this land and let them live as our slaves, maybe this way what is good will rub off on him, you better get rid of him and never show up before me again, you heard right donkey ears??』

Mikel managed to stand up at the last minute when he finished the speech of the little shadow, but even with everything he said, Mikel had only one thing to say.

『No, I don't care about the rest, I only know one thing, I came here for Vie and I will go back to her, the rest doesn't matter to me, being called a donkey or not studying, there are many things I don't know, your words make me feel sad, but it makes me sadder to see Vie cry, so please walk away and let us go』.


POM!!!! With another punch in the face he knocked Mikel to the ground, and with his foot he was stepping on his face while he was telling him everything, Mikel tried to remove his foot but it was simply impossible, the little shadow was much stronger than him.

『If you don't know what humiliation is, then I'll let you know very well!!!! I'm going to record it for you no matter how long it lasts, but you're going to learn that you're nobody and you're alone in the world!!!! 』-『You're a rat』-『Your parents will never come back』-『A kid like you will never achieve great things』-『Did you think that begging please could solve everything? Of course not you idiot!!!』-『And why aren't you made of shit like the other kids!!!! did you live well all your life????? Well that's going to change, I'll stain you with the color you should have』-『You're going to understand that here you're just everybody's donkey, you're a fool, you don't know how to add up, you don't know the obvious, who goes screaming knowing that you put yourself in danger!!! maybe you look like this because you received love and affection where you lived before, but now it's gone, that love and affection now will turn to hate and resentment!!!!! Hate me all you want, everyone here does!!! but they can't do anything because they are under our feet!!!!! pride? look how I step on your pride!!! no one here is able to raise my hand, does it hurt? tell me what hurts』

『It hurts!!! please stop it!!!』

『ESO!!! That's what you should learn!!! that there are things one shouldn't do because bad things happen to you!!!! that's fear!!!!!! You came here for Vie and now look at how she watches you!!!! You showed him your worst face he can see! Now he will look at you with different eyes!!!!! That's humiliation!!!!! 』

『Vie....help me....hurt him...tell him to stop...please...』

『Are you asking for help from the one you were going to help? I'll have a lot of fun with you these days』』.

Mikel was crying while his face was pouring snot and tears, while Vie seeing her friend who was having a hard time, shouted for him to stop, to stop hitting the poor boy, at that the little shadow who was excited, looked at Vie and suggested something.

『I'm going to propose something to you 2, Vie first you will lift your skirt to let me see everything you have there, while your donkey, go out naked in the street with a sign saying "I don't know how to add 2+2" so everyone can see what an idiot you are, if you do that, I'll let you go (just for today)』.

Mikel quickly refused, which quickly annoyed the little shadow, so he asked him why he wasn't going to do it, but quickly Mikel had already learned something new.

『I don't want to...I don't want to feel this again....it feels ugly...』

『Exactly, you're learning well burrito』-『You got me good burrito, so I'll let them go for today if you Vie do what I said, do you think you can do it? you know the consequences』.

At the words of the little shadow, Vie seeing that Mikel can't even get up from the ground anymore, as the eldest and the one who protects everyone, Vie would say to come closer, which made the little shadow blush, where in the process she kicked Mikel in the stomach again, as if she was waiting for him, the little shadow got on her knees and stared at Vie's skirt, where she with all her strength refused, her arms were trembling, she was holding her skirt, she was trembling, she wanted to cry while Mikel did not stop. Until, Mikel could not stand it anymore and started to cry loudly, it could be heard many meters away, but this did not matter to the little shadow that was waiting.

『Do it』

Vie with as much denial as possible, slowly lifted her skirt that was with cut, the little shadow that was waiting to see what's underneath, was getting even more anxious, until.

『You don't have to listen to him Vie, if you don't want to do it don't do it, I'll take it from now on』.

Vie could recognize that voice quickly, in the alley the Arnicania's Military Chief was present, this was already the second time he was interrupted to the little shadow who went to face the Military Chief very annoyed.


『I come to ask you to change your plans, I'm willing to do whatever you want as long as you let these two children go home, how about that』.


Arnicania's Military Chief appeared to protect the 2 children, who this one would do everything possible to defend them, when the little shadow said she doesn't want anything from him, the Military Chief would do everything possible to make her accept the request, so much was his insistence that it was annoying, the anger and discomfort made her craving disappear and now she only seeks to take it out on someone, seeing that she still has the scissors an idea came to her.

『*smile*Okay, if you let me write on your stomach whatever I want, I'll leave these kids alone』.


Quickly the Military Chief took off his uniform and showed his worked body, this annoyed the little shadow and before writing anything he asked him a question, he asked the same question of 2+2 , which the Military Chief answered.


『I already have the perfect nickname for you too』.

He took his minutes, but with the scissors he managed to write to him that the Military Chief "I am a Donkey and I will die being an idiot" you could see how the blood spilled down his body and when he finished, quickly the Military Chief said that they are leaving now, this was strange for the little shadow because he wanted to have some more fun, quickly the Military Chief picked up Mikel's body and realized that it was the same boy he brought here, his face of sorrow was more than evident.

『Do you want me to carry you Vie too?』

『No...for now...no』

Everyone was retreating but this made the little shadow annoyed, that after so much movement they would leave just like that just because this adult suggested something, while they were passing by her, this to the little shadow an idea came to her, as she wanted to satiate her first experience.

『We always come out ahead!!!』

In one swift move, the little shadow ran up to Vie and lifted her skirt from behind, managing to see only as far as her eyes would allow, while Vie screamed at the bad timing, the little shadow thought she had gotten away with it, but quickly before she managed to escape, the Arnicania Military Chief left Mikel leaning against the wall and took the little shadow in his hand, looked for a place to sit and settled the little shadow on his knees.

『Hey no!!! wait!!! what are you going to do to me! !!!! 』

『If your parents don't scold you properly, then I'll do it so you'll learn that some things are not to be done!!! spoiled brat!!!』

PAM!!!! He gave a strong lapo in the buttocks to the little shadow, quickly you could notice the pain gesture of the shadow, they were blows after blows, the Military chief of Arnicania was scaring him the necessary so that he learns that what he just did, is something that should never be done.


He whipped him so much that when he finished it was very obvious, the shadow was more than annoyed, the only thing red on his whole shadowy body was his butt that was swollen and red as tomato, while the Arnicania Military Chief just said something.

『Surely this is as far as it goes』.

He turned to look at the children and as Vie was observing Mikel who was with his clothes and face all beaten up from the abuse he received, at this Mikel turned to look at his friend and observing her that she was fine, the little boy said.

『You are safe now.... let's go back home Vie.... I want to go back now....』

『....Yes...let's go back home Mikel *smiles*』

Vie knew he had to soothe the pain his friend was feeling, but the very feeling of wanting to touch him for this moment made him feel bad, while the Arnicania Military Chief knowing what will happen to him, will use these minutes he has to be able to advise him as best he can to these children and how to help them.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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