
Chapter 313: The Little Soldier 2

E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇2͇

The information was coming days after the bombing in that area that was peaceful, but that peace lasted only a few years, many believed that it was a privileged place where war would not fall, bombings and terrorism would perhaps not manage to reach, but all those people who believed in that were wrong, in an era where it seems that there will be wars everywhere in the world, provoked by minerals or raw materials, revolution or slavery, almost no place is saved from the acts or decisions that their rulers put up to their citizens, who are obliged to comply without even opposing, and if they do it surely could be considered treason.

A small camp had been built as a refuge for all the survivors of this terrible bombing, the possible information was collected and everything indicates that this information had been leaked to the enemy forces, they do not know how it was leaked, how they knew which day to attack, how they knew where to attack, how they knew that precisely on that day the Schuman Family would meet, all the adults, The head of the military and armed forces, along with Didiel's parents, Father and Mother Schuman were completely sure and their sources confirmed that they were the target of the bombing, to kill them would have been a great loss to the country and even to the continent, there must still be people who order these attacks who want to get away with it, and do not want someone to spoil their plans and goals. Surely now they are frustrated because it would not take long to get the information that their attack did not end with their goal, indeed, had not even come that day, Robert Schuman was who they wanted to eliminate before their actions and words achieve unify all of Europe. It was to be expected that many leaders at that time were afraid of a union, just last year, in 1949 was created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or simply known as NATO, which many countries joined, in total there were 12, 10 Europeans and the remaining 2 who would be the United States and Canada, in order to become a barrier of containment against the expansion of the Soviet Union, all this happened in the middle of the Cold War.

If the same thing had happened in Europe, no doubt many plans and objectives of conquest in the future would only be a terrible memory for everyone, but if they had succeeded, it would have been more than all a great achievement that they would have liked to remember fondly. The only man or perhaps the only family who could achieve it would be the Schumans, the attack was more than confirmed. In the tent where the meeting was taking place, Father Schuman was more than annoyed and represented it with terrible anguish, he had no strength to stay still knowing that because of him or rather his family, many innocent people just lost their lives, both those who had and helped in the past war and those who did not, while those who survived now have nothing, more than just their own person and if they are still strong, the hope that all this could come to change.

『Mikel, you should eat before it gets cold 』

Didiel was with his friend in a separate tent for them, they had their plate of food together with them, Didiel was suggesting his friend to eat even a little, since these days that passed it seems that the shock of what he lived left him traumatized, it was already like eating was even forgotten, only when the food was already cold and the time of serving had passed, just like remembering himself he was eating without consciousness, he was just feeding, he was no longer enjoying as he was before.

Didiel watched this and did not want his friend to continue being like this, so before he started to eat, he would make Mikel eat spoonful by spoonful, which seems to be working, since Mikel reacted to the care that his friend was giving him, a gesture that Didiel smiled for helping his friend, it seems that he will have to do this more often these days or at least until they finally retire from the temporary place where they are and try together to get further away from the war.

『Hey Mikel, how about if you want to play for a while, but .... we could play here indoors, if we start playing outside we'll only make the adults worry more』.

『I don't want to, I don't want to play anything...if it's not in my home.... I don't want to play anything』

Didiel would try in a way to revive his friend, but the ideas he thought were not the most useful to say, they would only get in the way and that is less what he wants to do, at his words Mikel had responded, it is not the first time he says it, days before when they were taking them to the new temporary shelter, Mikel only whispered the word "Home" that he wanted to go home and be happy again, to play and enjoy life just that, being happy. Didiel did not know how to act in front of his friend, he knew just by looking at him that he was avoiding the reality that he had just lived, to tell him that he had just lost everything and now he would start from scratch, it was too cruel for a child, it could not be said that he was lucky, no, the one who was lucky was him, Didiel and all his family managed to save themselves, but of course it was not because of experience or that they have many lives, or was it? The butlers and maids were prepared to defend them, they gave their lives for this family to be safe, they gave more importance to the Schumans than to the Ajax, maybe that could be the reason for this end, who becomes or would become important for the future, than just one more life in this world that is not worth much. Also while they were retreating from the place, they could observe that the bombardment leaves the earth with craters, some deeper and longer, but it was evident that they had left cracks or opened the earth with that bombardment.

『(If I had not told my father to save the Ajax, Mikel for sure would not be with me now, because...because for people I am important...don't they see that for me the others and everyone is at the same level, we are not equal...? I give trust so that they trust me and vice versa, why don't they comply, I didn't want my friends who raised me all these years to give their lives for me, but for sure they were happy to do it, I trusted them and they trusted me to be ok...but anyway...look for you too...you are of equal importance)』

Didiel couldn't help but be conflicted with himself, right now he can't find an answer to his doubts he has, the why of this, the why of the other, he is constantly using his head to finally find the words to make all this stop, but stopping the war with words is surely something impossible, speech is just a means, if you really want to achieve something in this world, Didiel would walk outside the tent and look at the sky, it was a light gray because of the explosions that happened, the blue sky of days ago had completely disappeared, he would raise his hand slowly as if he doubted if he could do it one day or if someone would appear who could do it.

『(Physical power, economic power, political power, influential power in all media, the good use of speech .... all that is what I have been learning all these years, perhaps it will be for some time in my life, it must be, otherwise I would consider it all a waste of time, I managed to survive, my family survived and my friend Mikel survived, if this had to happen, I can no longer go back in time, but what can I do at this time, what would my grandfather do at this time)』

Didiel could not help but look around and realize that everything is now a mess for the people, many are anxious about their future, others are afraid that like Mikel they do not want to leave the tent, many others are upset and want to enlist everything they have to avenge what they lost, there are many reactions of all kinds but mostly they are primitive feelings, which Didiel did not suffer, rather he took it as the moment, he accepted it easily, of course he got sad but it was only momentary, life has to go on with what you have, while you are still standing you still have a life ahead of you and in which you and only you can walk.

『Mikel, it's time to say it』.

Didiel turned to look at Mikel from the entrance of the tent, slowly and unintentionally Mikel would turn his head to look at his friend, Didiel's look was completely serious and it seems what all would come out of his mouth would not be pretty, before he speaks, Mikel could finally vocalize again.

『I don't like this place, it's small, it's cold at night, my toys and my bed are gone...my mom and dad are gone...the food is horrible....this place is not my home....let's go back home Didiel, it's comfortable, quiet and we can play all we want....let's go together, when we get back I'll teach you everything I learned, ok? let's go back home』.

Mikel was trying to reason with himself and his friend, he still can't believe that this really happened, he didn't understand why he was now in another place far away from his home, he didn't understand why the food they served him was ugly and every day was the same, he didn't understand why he doesn't have his room, his toys, why now he is no longer happy, for Mikel it was simple, as he was always raised and kept locked in that little sphere that his parents kept him, his home is the only thing that would make him become him again, that child who doesn't want and doesn't know anything about the outside.

『Your parents died Mikel, your home was destroyed, your toys, your bed, the food, the place where you ran, the place where you hid, the grass and the blue sky you looked at before, they no longer exist my friend, don't try to turn a blind eye as if it didn't happen, fooling yourself is the least that brings us closer to being the way we are』.

Didiel's words were direct telling the truth to his friend, who Mikel upon hearing it this one was even more dumbfounded, he did not want to hear it, he did not want his friend to say it, because he was wondering a thousand times, so this one without further ado as if he was stubborn in the face of reality, he still denied the facts.

『What are you saying, if everything is still fine as before, my house is fine, dad and mom are fine, my toys for sure are either in the yard or in my room, my bed warm and the bedding on the table, eating all together while laughing, everything is fine, if I go back home I know everything will be as I remember, I don't want to be here anymore』.



Mikel gave a cry of despair, this time he didn't want to hear anything that didn't please him, being denied something or given the opposite only indicated that he was wrong and everything he says is wrong, but it's not like that, everything Mikel says since he was raised was right, if he said something his parents gave him the right and congratulated him, when he was with Didiel in those days, likewise he was congratulated by the older boy, his parents never laid a hand on him, they never gave him a hard time, they literally painted his world that everything will be fine, Didiel was just now realizing it, that the way he was raised by the Ajax family was wrong, not that it was cruel to hide the truth from him, rather it can be considered a nice gesture in the face of the war they live in, but to such a degree to even tell him that the wrong doesn't exist, is definitely insensitive.

『I see, with you being mom and dad's little boy, that explains everything, I should have realized it before and started to educate you as it should』-『Things are already done Mikel, life is not written nor is it as you imagine it, at this moment and in many more years the war will be present, we have to live with it and adapt if we want to move forward, someone spoiled like you who does not know how to fend for himself, will not even be able to go on living for tomorrow』.

『That's not true, when I see mom and dad again they'll...』

『They're not there anymore Mikel, understand, if they cared so much about you now they would be here with you and this discussion wouldn't be happening, they overprotected you and as a result they raised a helpless, weak child, with fragile and impossible dreams, I understand that they didn't send you to study either, to sum up, they raised an incompetent for the times we live in, and that they had the possibility to raise you as they should, but they also wanted to turn a blind eye』

Didiel was telling him a lot of direct things and without hiding anything, right now he was showing himself as the other person he is, as it was said before this little acts like a child of his age and more like an adult, this was how he was raised, as someone who will be more relevant in the future, Mikel was confused even more, this really was the same child who played with him... he is totally changed, his way of talking and the tone he uses is completely different, he is no longer funny, he is no longer funny, the kindness and friendship he showed before he could no longer recognize them. This scared Mikel who wanted to shed some tears and start crying because of all this, he had never dealt with an adult as such before, this would also be his first time.

『But...I just....wanted to keep living like I always lived...wanted to play forever...wanted to eat mom's food forever...wanted to keep playing with you forever....wanted to stay a little boy forever....I don't want to grow up if it means losing everything I love and know....give me back my home...I want my home....my family please give it to me....』

Mikel would cry in front of his friend, the adults passing by, the military and the army would turn to look at the tent where they could hear the child crying, they would just turn their eyes and continue on their way, listening to people crying was also typical in their line of work. Mikel was still crying without even trying to wipe his tears away, at that Didiel would give a sigh as he would reach over to stroke his friend's head.

『Walk me God, if you are a little spoiled and that's not bad at all』.

At Didiel's words, Mikel didn't know how to react, his friend just did something he didn't expect, but something familiar he saw in him, both the tone and the gesture he made brought him a lot of nostalgia, it was the same person he spent his times with in the days before the ugly event, before he says anything, or rather, he couldn't vocalize anything, Didiel would speak directly to him.

『At no time I said that everything you are is wrong, on the contrary, an illusioned child, innocent, who only thinks that everything can be fine, brings me more confidence that the world can improve, there is still a small light that people like me can save us, I the truth at this time I was having a somewhat bad time, I completely understood in what situation we were, I knew the reality and the outside and with that same sense I was raised, I put my effort to know many more things, but on the way I was losing myself, If I got to the end of all this, I would have been lost years ago and I doubt I will ever get it back, but you Mikel, since I met you I only knew one thing, with your way of being, your desire to learn and play, the fact that you invited me that day I will never forget, you saved me without you realizing it Mikel, thank you, really thank you very much』-『The world where we live in reality is horrible, but we have no choice, it is the time where we were born, the time where we will live, but it will not be the time where we will die, we have our own way and our own strength to get ahead』-『I know I told you that your home no longer exists, but that doesn't mean you can't get it back, the years will pass where you still remain firm to how you are, you will achieve many things Mikel, both you and me, I would be very happy to go hand in hand my friend, when you grow up you lose things along the way, so you must compensate with new things that will make you happy, never forget who you are if it makes you happy, never forget that you are a child who likes to play and see that everything can be like what you lived, your parents raised you in a great way to what they thought was best, they never raised you up, they never scolded you, they only wanted the best for you, you had all the attention from your parents what I, let's say our parents see us in a different way, but I would really like the way they taught you to still conform and mold it to what you need, we will make it one day, I promise you Mikel, we will grow up and even though you are an old man I will be able to recognize you with my eyes, we will see with our own eyes how the world changes, preserving the children we were one day』.

Didiel was more than convinced that all this can get better, Mikel was still dumbfounded by this, he really now seems like the friend he used to play with, that funny boy who taught him a lot of things, who followed him with his games and hopes that we can always live like this for the rest of the days. Didiel was hugging him right now, promising him many things, but finally Mikel had found the courage to say a few words.

『I...I can really still be the same.... I can still have the life I had....』

『You will become the best version of yourself』-『You were claiming for your home, you are going to have it Mikel, with your own hands you are going to rebuild your new home and who you are going to appreciate, I would gladly give you a hand friend』.

Mikel at the words of his friend he regained his usual smile, which was congratulated by his friend who was happy to have been able to be of help at this time. They had left their little discussion they had, while on the other hand, the adults were in their own tent having another meeting, they had made the call days before for reinforcements to come and help evacuate the civilians who were in the temporary shelter. The transport could arrive tomorrow morning from the east, this put all the adults a little more at ease as it would be a great weight off their shoulders.

At night already the important people of the place and civilians were sleeping, each one in his tent while the soldiers were watching and taking turns to take care of the area, but in that Mikel woke up because he felt like urinating, he still felt sleepy but he had to do it anyway, but before he could leave the tent, Didiel who was sleeping in the same tent as him had realized what had happened.

『Where are you going Mikel?』

『I feel like peeing...but....it's too dark and there are strangers outside...could you ....』

『You're staggering, come on, I'll go with you』.

The friends would leave the tent in the middle of the darkness in order to relieve themselves, as there were no toilets implemented, the normal thing was to urinate in the middle of the ground or area where they were, so Mikel would normally relieve himself while Didiel was on guard waiting for his friend, again he would raise his head so he could look at the sky, and although it is night little was the moonlight coming through the clouds of powder, either by the sound or he also drank a lot of water, Didiel also felt like peeing, so he would accompany his friend who this would finish doing his needs, Mikel would comment that he would wait for him until he finished, but Didiel seeing that his friend was dying of sleep better suggested something else.

『It is not necessary, go back to the tent, you have to sleep to recover your strength』.

With the suggestion that Didiel gave him, Mikel withdrew to the tent, where in the darkness he could see how he could hear footsteps, they were the military who ran as fast as they could, Mikel did not understand why this was happening, he walked quietly to his tent staggering, but what made him wake up completely, it was a military man who seems to have just arrived with wounds all over his body, He had to go to his tent but he quickly went to see what was happening and where they were taking the soldier, if the same thing happened again it would be terrible for everyone.

They took the wounded soldier in the main tent where the meetings are held, in there he was still awake the adults who had things to talk about, in the same way they were alarmed to see one of their men in such a state, the military leader said to treat him quickly before he loses his life, but quickly the wounded man refused since he had a much more important thing to notify.

『It is not necessary...anyway I think this is as far as it goes...I made all this effort to say that enemy forces are approaching from the west....while scouting the area we were attacked by them themselves in the middle of the day...they are going with vehicles and at the latest they would arrive here tomorrow in the middle of the day....』

The wounded man was giving the news of this, this quickly put everyone listening in a fix, especially the leader who was upset giving a loud bang on the table there, quickly Father Schuman who was also in the tent was saying that they have nothing to worry about, if what the wounded military man says is true, then by the time they arrive there will be no one here.

『The vehicles will arrive tomorrow morning, by the time they come no one will be here, we still have time, so please don't be alarmed, we will all manage to escape』.

『Those bastards!!!! Besides bombing our home, now they surely want to verify that no one is alive, they have the nerve to invade us after what they did.... they are rats』.

Those were the words of the military leader who in that place lived many of his men who wanted to withdraw from the war but due to the same circumstances could not. This was supposed to be secret and they were thankful that it was at night, the civilian people if they heard it right now would enter a panic all over the shelter, but the only one who was awake and managed to hear all this was Mikel, quickly this one was very worried, that when the military said home, Mikel imagined his home and the place where he lived, quickly brought him a fear and that they would destroy his home again, he did not want.

『(My home...my home....no....I don't want them to destroy it...)』

Didiel's previous words now made him believe something else, Mikel has only one home and it's the one he still believe exists, still even with everything they told him, he still have faith that everything is ok, his father and mother still he can do something for them, the place where he wants to be his forever home again will be trampled by everyone destroying all the memories he made, he didn't like at all the idea of strange people who did horrible things coming to his home.

『(Mom....dad....I'm coming....I'm coming to rescue them....)』

Mikel without further ado would undertake a journey taking advantage of the military are more concerned about his partner and the new news just given, without realizing it and taking advantage of the darkness that was, Mikel would leave the shelter in the direction where he came, this certainly was afraid that everything they have told him does not exist again, while running there was still the illusion of an innocent child, maybe it was all like him, a bad dream, he saw wrong even, if he does not check again with his own eyes the same landscape, his father and mother must be waiting for him at home, only he is missing to complete the family.

『Yes I drank a lot, good night Mikel』.

Didiel upon entering his tent realized or with the surprise that his friend was not in his improvised bed, this alarmed Didiel a lot who rushed out of the tent to scream for his friend, not caring if this manages to wake up the other people, but quickly before the screams he made, his father would come out to tell him not to make such a fuss, he quickly gave him the news that his friend has just disappeared.

『What? no, he's surely somewhere in the shelter, I'll look for him, rather go back to lie down and.....』

The father's words stopped when he saw that the other people in the tents were waking up to know what was going on, this was seen badly by the father as it would only complicate things more, he quickly told his son to enter the tent and go to sleep at once, Didiel to this the normal thing would be to pay attention, but his friend who he cares a lot was not there, so without further ado this would disobey the words of his father and start looking all over the shelter shouting his name.

『Mikel!!!! Mikel!!! Where are you!!! Mikel!!!!』

More people were starting to come out of their tent where the father had no choice but to run for his son so he wouldn't make a fuss, taking him in his arms where Didiel would start doing a mañosera, shaking his whole body, arms and legs especially.

『But what's wrong with you Didiel, you're not like that』.

『I just want to know where my friend is! Mikel!!!! Where are you!!!』

This was actually getting bad for the Schuman's at the shelter, people were starting to ask what was going on, they had to get a handle on this where without further ado the perfect plan had been initiated so Mikel can leave without anyone noticing, this worried ran as far as he can, he was a good few meters away from the camp, he was heading home so he could rescue what he believes is still intact.

『Dad Mom, I'm coming』


In the very early morning, in the end for all the fuss Didiel made, his father had no choice but to punish him, making him shut up that same night with a slap across the cheek, an action that made Didiel confused, he had become accustomed to being corrected when he does something wrong or does not solve a problem, but they were only calls of attention, this would be the first time that they put a hard hand on little Didiel.

『The transport is here, hurry everyone!!! Get in!!!』

Several transports had come for everyone to take it and get out of here as quickly as possible, but Didiel by the action of his father, this accepted it but would not accept having to keep looking for his friend, that same night Didiel went through the whole shelter looking for his friend in silence, this with the escort that his father said so he would not get lost, see how Didiel when looking back or turn around, see that there are always people who care more about his life than theirs, no doubt began to displease him from the beginning.

『Look at yourself Didiel, besides you disobey me now you look haggard, quickly get dressed up, we should always be presentable and formal』.

Didiel was with dirty clothes and face also with dust, he had looked for his friend even outside the shelter but nothing he could find, Didiel wanted to look further outside with the possibility that his friend is there, but the military guarding him forbade him, quickly Father Schuman said they better go to help the civilians to take the transport.

『Father, tell me one thing, why do people care so much about me or why should I care about how people see me』.

『Because we are im---』

『Important I know that』

『If you know because you ask me the question, people start looking at us, quick fix yourself』.

『But also the other people are important, so I ask you the same question, why me, why we have a different treatment than the others』.

Didiel seemed to be facing his father who his father was more concerned about the civilians getting on the aid transports, but he seems not to have to flee at his son's words, rather than a family conversation, more like they were debating a duel of words.

『That's right Didiel, everyone is important, you learned well, civilians are important because they are the pillar and sustenance of everything, without them there is nothing, they are our people and we must support them as much as we can, but we are more important than them, without someone to tell them anything or help them, those people are nothing, they can't use their strength without someone who commands them, we have power, we know how to make decisions, with what we are we can turn all this into something much bigger, that's why people want our head, they are the pillar and we are the ones at the top, watching, guiding, making the best decisions so that nothing collapses, or if you want me to put it simple, we are at the next step up, we are one step higher than them, we are special, we had the fortune to be from people of cradle, with history and already a glorious reputation, what is the use of having power if you do not use it in others, let it be clear Didiel, we are important and we use that power to maintain the balance of the pyramid, even if you do not like it, that is how we live and that is how society is, important people are different from the rest, whether with clothes or physical, we must look good and be healthy, we are an example for many to follow, we inspire many people, the least we do has a significant value, no one would follow a current, you have the example, do not forget it, although surely you also already knew all this』.

Father Schuman just gave him a little review of what they are and what they matter a lot, they are all important figures who have great power in various categories, obviously they are much more important than a peasant or a nobody who went by obligation to war, everything that was achieved so far are because of those people with history, wealth and power. Didiel also knew it, he asked him to know if he would hear another answer, but it seems that it is not so, the boy was silent to his father's words and again he was telling him to fix himself, but Didiel did not decide to keep quiet.

『Power, lead everyone, be at the top, just for that very reason I was raised, if we are capable of everything for who we are, then we will also be able to change the way it is handled』.

『Change it? do you want everything to be destroyed?』

『No father, I will make everything better, just as my grandfather looks for the best solution, I will also follow in his footsteps, a unification where everyone helps each other, where everyone is important no matter how small, every life is worth in this world, you said it yourself but you don't want to say it as such, if those people we are nothing, they would not be influential, it is simpler than you think father, to be able to know and know how to solve the real problem, is just to know and talk about it, look them in the eyes and trust, you trust the people so they trust you too, trust that they care about you and that you will fulfill their words, if you ignore them you would only become a liar or as you would not like to say it, you would lower yourself to stop being special if you are not able to fulfill what you worked so hard for, your people and people would reject you』

Didiel was more than anything else declaring before his father that he will achieve a change in the world where he lives, following in the footsteps of his grandfather who will be pronounced within a month, father Schuman was convinced of his son, he knew that he could do it because he is an important person, if he achieves that change of a unification, maybe everything if it comes to fruition as he wants. But also besides being proud of his son, he just told him things to his face, he just told him the truth, just like Didiel, he also grew up with this purpose, if he is not able to save what is important for people, what is it then, what would it be for his son who also instilled the same thing in him.

Again he told him to get ready, but quickly the first transport was about to leave as it was about to be filled, quickly frustrated the father and having no other choice, he took his son in his arms and put him on the transport, this he did not understand but it was obvious, he cared about his son and that this is the first in everything, the doors had closed, the military watching from the inside, although Didiel wants to leave to continue looking for his friend, these same prevented him from doing so.

『Quickly open up!!! Let me out!!!』

『You can't, Master Didiel』

『It's an order!!! Let me out!!!!』

Frustrated Didiel shouted saying it was an order, this the military men looked from eye to eye, while the little boy was still still frustrated on how to get out of here, so the military man in front of him, knelt down to be at his level to tell him.

『Odieme if you want to, but Mr. Schuman gave me the order to take him to a safe place, you must understand that it is still a child』.

『Now if you treat me like a child *sigh* but you are right, I am still a child, and as such I have the right to make my crafty!!! open me!!!! Mikel!!!! MIKEL!!!! 』

Didiel would spend the whole transport and trip shouting to be opened, that trip turned out to be annoying and only by the person who everyone considered the most important of all, they heard words from him, they said he was an educated child and that he behaved like an adult, but right now more it seems that everything they said, was just to make themselves important.

While the following transport was filling, the Schuman father was still informed of something new, again their military with help of their visors to be able to analyze the area, they realized something perhaps answered the question of Didiel.

『We have been analyzing the enemy and when they will appear in order to be prepared, but we also managed to locate what appears to be a person moving further away from the shelter and heading west, to the bombed area where the enemy forces will pass』.

『More details』

『You could barely see it in the viewfinder, I think it was a small person』.

At that the father Schuman reminded his son how he did everything to make them look for his friend Mikel, he also remembered how he saved that child in his arms, quickly he was shaking his head saying like everything already failed, he came up with the answer that for sure that person in the distance must be the child Mikel, they still do not know why he is walking there, right now he could give the order to send military to get him, but that would only confront the enemy forces and another battle would be generated and all for a child, the casualties that there would be did not seem to be favorable.

『Give the order for all military personnel to return, we can't risk so much for one life』.

The military did case and moved to their places to report, the father did not know how to react to this, rather he was thinking about what to tell his son or rather how to confront his son who abandoned his friend so that all these people are assaulted and have a second chance, he hopes Didiel understands that it was for the greater good and accepts it, also at that moment he remembered the last moments of Ajax who asked him to save his son, just remembering made him click his teeth because of the frustration he felt.


Mikel had walked all night, early morning and morning to get to what he considers his home, he was completely tired and his legs were exhausted, he felt hungry and wanted to drink water, but he kept the faith, hoping that when he gets home, he will be able to satisfy all his needs and the best, to see his mom and dad who are waiting for him.

『I'm coming home.... just wait for me...dad...mom...I'm coming.... your son is on his way....』

But when he arrived at the place he was taken with a big surprise, the place where he lived before was completely destroyed and nothing was left standing, his impression was so big that quickly his body stopped feeling pain, quickly again his mind made him have a bad time, he could still imagine the place in a good state, the houses everywhere, the blue sky and the shining sun, the streets totally clean. Mikel walked slowly down the street trying to find his home, but as all the houses were destroyed it was different to be able to locate his, he just walked remembering how good it was to live here.

『This is where I hid playing with Didiel....this is where we played hopscotch too.....this is where we used to run....you should remember when we used to play marbles....what a nice time it was...』

Mikel walked confused through the destroyed street, the atmosphere was gloomy, Mikel's mind was doing its best to counteract the reality that the first time he left here he could not observe. Mikel stopped, turned his gaze to the side, he saw a destroyed house, or rather he saw remains of it, the wood, the cement in pieces, piles of things from a home that no longer exist.

『With your own hands you will rebuild your home』.

He recalled Didiel's words the night before, quickly this Mikel took literally, telling himself that he had already decided on his home from the start, he took the remaining pieces, his hand picking and arranging as best appeared.

『This is my only home, I will rebuild it and we will live together Didiel, thanks for encouraging me that we can start from scratch, you will see, I can also do great things』.

The pieces he placed them one on top of the other as he saw fit, he took the destroyed and burned wood, every time he took a piece, he could imagine what his new life would be like when it was all over, his dad and mom laughing with him, again he could invite Didiel to his house to play, their parents getting along, everything was going perfectly, which made Mikel very happy.

『This will be my future that I will create with my own hands!!!!』

....Quickly the pile he was putting together crumbled in his eyes, just like everything he imagined was destroyed in seconds, his eyes were completely blind, opaque, lifeless, he himself knew he was fooling himself, he just wanted to keep believing, he wanted to keep believing that everything was fine, that the words of his friend Didiel were true, but quickly from Mikel's dumbfounded face, he would turn to be upset and hit with his own fists what ended up crumbling.


He was hitting it with everything he could, he himself was screaming with nothing else to say, pieces were flying back and forth, charcoal and ashes were smeared on his clothes and face, while a little boy was angry that what he thought and what was instilled in him was not true.

But quickly the screams he was making, also alerted other people who arrived at the place, these were in uniform and with their weapons ready to attack, had finally arrived the enemy forces to this place, being guided by the screams of a frustrated child.

『Mommy and daddy are not here!!!!! My bed is gone!!!! My house is gone!!!!!! Didiel you are a liar!!!! How can you say all that without even following through!!!! I WANT IT NOW!!!!! GIVE ME BACK WHAT I LOST!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!』

Mikel was screaming as much as he could continuing to hit or rather destroying whatever he could, but in the middle of his rage, he managed to find in the middle of the debris, what seems to be a yoyo, the first thing Mikel did was to be surprised by this, slowly taking the toy, it was completely intact luckily, Mikel saw it and out of nowhere this one started to cry, you would not know if it was a cry of sadness or happiness, but he was just crying, hugging the yoyo like never before.

『Mom...daddy....sorry....sorry for not being able to help you.....Didiel....find the yoyo....do a trick to make me feel better....please.....』

In the middle of his words, the military of the enemy forces had arrived at the place, Mikel turned in tears to look at them, there was no change of words in them, they just stared at each other, at that one of the military started to point his gun at Mikel, the boy did nothing, he did not say anything.

『Put the gun down, you guys, the war is starting to wreak havoc in your heads, remember that not everyone is our enemy, especially those who don't even know what's going on here』.

A military man who seems to be the chief was telling his men, quickly this one would lower his gun and the military chief would ask Mikel if the place where he is was his home, which the boy would answer yes, the chief before the boy's answer, with all the sorrow in the world would say.

『I'm sorry』

He apologized to the boy, he did not want to know anything else, he did not want to know how he survived, he did not want to know why he is here, why he is alone and what he would do, quickly everyone began to take their weapons and aim at the military chief, the reason, Mikel went with him to hit him with all his strength legs and stomach, everything he could he managed to hit him. The military chief was sad and with great sorrow, he quickly again gave the order for everyone to lower their weapons, he would bend down to be at Mikel's level, this boy has no strength, rather he used it all before, his hands who were with blood, stained the military chief's uniform.

『(I'm already tired of this, I'm already tired of destroying families and futures of those who neither learn to know about the world, although surely no one wants to know what is happening in this cursed world, your child took everything from you with the attack of previous days, I don't know how you survived but surely the people who cared most about you gave their lives for you, the least I can do now is)』-『We have to put this child safely out of the war, his eyes tell me that he has been living a fantasy until now, when we leave you child you will be alone, there you will show how important you are in life』.

The military chief noticed that Mikel was tired and about to faint, so without further ado before he fell backwards, he would take him in his arms and carry him, giving the order for his men to follow the fixed target while he would be in charge of bringing this child to safety, Mikel was lucky that in the middle of the war there are still people who appreciate the lives of others no matter what.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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