
Chapter 307: Cheese


We finished studying where I was already lying down to get enough sleep, I find myself right now worried, just thinking that there are people who are looking for me or have hatred for me, I thought that would only stay in my country, but I see that it expanded even to here, although I am also to blame for saying such things, I do not know why I am surprised but there is no other expression, already suffered because of me friends and family, in this place where I am now living, where I am meeting new and good people, I do not want to harm them too, I did not know that this was a dangerous place, for me it was like another place, a nice one, a quiet one, there was no danger of being assaulted or something bad happening, if it was like that before, the image I have of this place is totally the opposite, it is recovering and that makes me very happy, just like Mikel, I would not want there to be another event where many people would suffer.

『This time I would like to receive everyone's hatred so that others don't suffer』.

Cliston would go to sleep with the task of starting his new mission tomorrow, while Mikel would go back to his room, he is thinking about the current situation that could happen, since in the reports that have reached him and he has been reading, he realized that since weeks ago, more immigrants are coming to Europe from the middle east, that is from the places where Cliston was, and obviously those people do not all have good intentions how to get ahead in the best way, many have surely left to avoid being defeated by that guy, they will be somewhere planning something, but what will be, it was too obvious, terrorism in the cities could happen again but on a larger scale, especially in this place where it is the heart of Jihadism, Mikel knew perfectly well that more and more people are coming here to live, nothing is happening for now, it must be because of Acel's action, he welcomes them with open arms and gives them a home, this is his refuge from these people, this is where they will resurface, this is where they can have another second chance. In the other countries also nothing is happening for now, that is a good thing, but the fact that nothing is happening only also foreshadows that at some point something may happen, really in Europe migration is seen in a good way? not only in Europe, migration in all places is seen in bad ways, because there will always be all kinds of people that tarnish the reputation of those who want to live product of sweat and effort, with values and teachings, there are all kinds of communities product of these migrations, they are very centered in each country, and they are not at all small, if someone does something against the other, if you manage to do something that looks bad seen, the just discrimination comes to happen, even a country that claims to accept everyone, they will get up from their seats, they will go out to the street, and they themselves will destroy the home where they live, they will put the chest so that it is not and remain so, they will hate with all their soul to those people who committed such an act.

『Sometimes I think that if we really understand the true meaning of accepting everyone, but that is far from happening, since before the old continent, it was who sought to expand, provoking wars and hatred among all, just as we brought new knowledge to other civilizations, we also brought the worst part of us』.

Who doesn't like that people talk nice about their history, obviously that they highlight your good deeds to be able to please you better, the human being is a social being by nature, how do you think to socialize if you don't show the best of you? but you can be good and even a God's bread because yes, for sure there is somewhere in the world, but lies are also something essential of humans and only we have such capacity, or do you expect your pet to lie to you to prove that it is not true? Lying in history is a common thing for every nation, because if they find out all the bad things they did, especially in this full age where relationships are important, you will only end up looking like the worst thing that could have been, even alone in this world, only with your lies.

『It's too obvious your intentions Acel, but if so, I still don't understand what you're waiting for or what your goal is』-『The kindness towards the children to gain their trust, helping the citizens of the area, showing yourself as someone religious when you really aren't, over time you made yourself an image that one can't meddle』.

Mikel knew perfectly well what Acel was up to, this was thanks to his ability to be able to read people and solve their problems, knowing that Acel is lying and that everything is an act, it was more than clear, since he came just as he said he met him at the orphanage, he has 2 purposes coming here, the first was to meet Mikel and be able to make another friendship, and the second is to be able to adopt the children, but for what? For nothing special, Acel takes care of the children and even sends them to established homes where they are welcomed, with a mom and dad who will raise and love them, he does nothing wrong, he really brought security and trust to this place, he is nice, he is good, he is everything you can imagine, but deep down he has bad intentions, that is not what I understand Acel, if his malice is so obvious, why doesn't he do something to give it away, but that is why he doesn't do it, what prevents Acel from doing something is that Mikel is here. When he came to this place he did not think that the EU itself would have Mikel as a prisoner in this place, that in the heart of Jihadism is also the leader of Europe, it only prevents his plans from coming to fruition, and needless to say that Acel also knows what MIkel thinks about him.

『That's why he always encourages me to leave here, when I was going to pick up Cliston, he asked me the same thing, if I was leaving, I told him I was going back quickly for some business, not to start without me, that threat I see it worked, but anyway I have my security ready in case something happens』-『I know Acel is a time bomb, as soon as he is not here I know he will start to move, is that why they left me here? non, I can see at a glance that the countries that reject me do it out of pure hatred towards me, I'm nervous, I could catch him and bring him to confess everything, but that will only cause chaos among the people and the country because it would be considered an act of R...He made himself with a good image so I can't mess with him, use the people I care about against me, you made a good move Acel, so Giovane Cliston, I hope your words will influence my situations a lot』.

Just as Mikel said before, it was too obvious that Acel was not the good person he appeared to be, to the leader of Europe, rather he sees him as a cancer that is going unnoticed while he is getting bigger and bigger and no one else notices, he simply cannot believe that Cliston did not realize who he was referring to.

『Are you an idiot or is it done?』

Better to get some sleep, since tomorrow there will be work that he would have always liked to do, but somehow Mikel is grateful for this, because if it were not for the rejection of the countries, he would not have stayed here in this place, he would not have been able to meet Acel and his intentions, it was simply the moment that had to happen and so it was, and in those moments it is better to take advantage than to regret.


Cliston right now was traveling in his God Form through the sky, he was flying over the lands that he could see, he was not entirely happy to resume his work, he was rather worried about this, still what Mikel told him was going around in his head.

Before leaving, very early in the morning Mikel received what he had asked for, and as he imagined it was the hearing aid he had used before as well as a new pair of glasses for Fatty. It was about 9 am, the De Vos Brothers must be studying, the children had their breakfast, the director had left to do some paperwork, the only ones who were in the orphanage as usual were the younger children as well as old Vie, who was always dressed as a maid watching and worrying about the care of everyone.

『Well, with the earphones you will be able to hear me perfectly, while with the glasses I asked for, you will be able to see all the information you need about the problem to solve, and it will also serve as a camera for me, so I can observe what you see, these tools are very useful, we are not much in contact, but I am very grateful to Oceania for everything she does』.

He was showing him the tools to use for the missions, Cliston was still worried, you could see in his expression that he was not sure about leaving, since if the danger is here, then it is better to solve it then, he is here, his worry was going so much that Mikel had to forcibly reassure him.

『I already told you not to worry, as long as I am here and he knows, he won't do anything wrong, besides what image do you have of me? I am a leader of the World, I can solve these problems too, I have my age already advanced, but the mentality I don't lose it yet』.

『But you can see the bones in your hands and you are wrinkled Mikel, you need someone strong and young like me to stop these cases』.

『That sounded very cocky Giovane Cliston and I kind of have it wrinkled?』

POM!!!! For such words, Mikel ended up giving another slap to Cliston's forehead to make him forget his arrogance, this made him move a little because of the pain, but anyway he was not at all cheerful, seeing that nothing was working, Vie who was in the same room as the two of them, Mikel made a signal where Vie quickly opened the door and several children who were browsing the place quickly entered, Mikel quickly put away the tools so that they would not be ruined by the children, but this was not what they were looking for, they quickly went after Cliston and started to do everything to him, they started to climb on him, they started to pull him, they even started to hit him to check his strength, seeing them how they were hitting him made Mikel smile, but not for Cliston who was worried.

『No kids wait, don't climb on me, my arms and legs.... Ahhh!!!! Right now I feel tremors in them....Stop crawling on me, ahh.....it's okay, I don't know what they want but I'll let them do what they want, maybe』

『Cliston a dit, ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent et le faire sourire』

『Eh? Now what did you say to them Mikel?』

Quickly all the children turned to look at Cliston's face and they could tell that he was not as usual, besides what Mikel said was "Do whatever you want, and manage to get a smile out of him" Quickly the children started talking saying that they will cheer him up, that they will play, that they will even start doing lots of funny things, that they will bring their toys and the whole thing. This also brought a smile to Vie who was watching everything.

『(These kids are more energetic than Raku and Jomei, if I can barely handle 2, I don't think I can handle a whole battalion, these are younger than them, what do I have to do, play? but don't we have a mission to do? Mikel there are times that I don't understand your methods of doing things)』

They started to pull him that Cliston stopped putting strength and let himself go, bad mistake, since by a stumble that he suffered as usual in him, this was falling where quickly the children in front of him moved aside, Pam, at the fair Cliston was able to catch himself with his left arm and cushion the fall, but as he said he was having small tremors, he quickly fell complete to the ground but with his arm in recovery assalvo.

『(This is funny in its own way that I don't understand what to do, but that's exactly why I want to solve the problems here, if they ever mess with these kids, I'll...)』

Suddenly he felt a weight on the back of his neck, a child had climbed on top of him, who was Étienne, he began to talk to him saying that if they put their strength together, even a God could not be able to defeat them, Cliston did not understand this so he only forced his laughter, but he quickly felt a slight touch on his head, Étienne was wearing the Box Stamina that Cliston had previously given him, the Fatty did his best to look up, as the child seemed to have something else to say.

『You're about to go on a mission? awesome! it must feel good to be able to be a hero, flying through the sky saving people, ending evil, although I haven't seen any of that in you for now, I would be really happy to see you doing it at some point, you know, since you train I see you every afternoon, they say you are strong, but in training you look weak and you seem to have a hard time, I didn't think a hero would be as normal as me *smiles* I hope you are lucky in this mission and keep saving more lives, I'll be supporting you from here 』.

It was what Étienne said, the one who translated at the moment was Mikel, this made Cliston think things a little better which brought out a smile, quickly this one would stand up but in the course he would pass to his God Form, this made Étienne excited and happy, the other children were equally surprised by the transformation they were seeing, after all it is the first time they see him in person, Étienne was surprised he could not say anything, he was frozen by the emotion, where Cliston raised his free fist and would collide it with the boy's boxing glove.

『I'm really glad you like the effort I give *smiles* and thanks for the luck, the truth if I need it a lot 』.

Cliston said where a few seconds later Mikel translated it, this made Étienne happy who couldn't believe it, quickly the other children went on to check Cliston's whole body, it was like repeating the same situation as before, they started to climb his body, they touched his legs, even the little tail he had they started to touch him as if nothing, while Étienne played with Cliston's ears taking advantage of being on top of him.

『At this time you wondered how to get along with children, and it's simple, you just did, just let yourself be carried away by the moment and above all be sincere, children usually lie a lot, if you really want to have total trust with them, always tell the truth, so that they will also be sincere with you 』

『With them if I can tell the truth, they are already doing a lot for me』.

Cliston simply let himself be carried away by the moment and as he always likes to tell the truth and be sincere, he took a little time, he sat down on the floor with his legs crossed, where he would casually tell his experiences of primary school, he would tell it with such a spirit and sympathy with everyone, there was no need for them to understand him, He just wanted to share something that was fun with other people, even with the language barrier, with his expressions and dynamics, this made the children not bored, on the contrary, they understood perfectly what Cliston wanted to say, they understood that he was talking to amuse them too. After a few minutes the children were already satisfied by this, they finally left Cliston in peace while one by one they left the place, Mikel was happy because he just improved Cliston's attitude in a short time, now there is not so much fuss he took out the tools again and gave it to Cliston, when he put on his glasses, quickly Étienne had returned finding himself with the surprise of seeing Cliston in this form who also wore glasses.

『Un chat à lunettes, avec son ventre on dirait le voisin du coin』

『(。 >艸<)』

With what the boy said, Mikel held back the urge to laugh, Cliston would ask him what the boy had said, but quickly Étienne would add one more thing.

『Et sous sa forme humaine, il ressemble à Erik Björgenskjöld』

The old man couldn't stand it anymore he started laughing out loud about this, Cliston didn't understand what he's laughing about or what he said to make Mikel get like this all of a sudden, it has to do something with the way he is or looks? but what's so weird about looking like this? I mean? he's just a fat purple cat, dressed in just pants and half bare chest, it's not at all unwatchable or is it?


『I still don't understand what Mikel was laughing about.』

『Do you hear me Giovane Cliston? Well, if you follow the direction that the glasses show you, you will arrive in Switzerland in 15 min, there you will have to go to the city of Gruyères, the problem is in the livestock industry, apparently there are complaints from the inhabitants that are dedicated to this business, I want you to go first to see the problem for yourself, talk a little with the affected people and then go to the root of the problem, I will be monitoring you from the orphanage』.

Mikel was in the orphanage, from his room everything was implemented to be able to monitor Cliston, both the screen and other tools such as microphones were present. But Cliston was still worried that he had left the place leaving Mikel alone, this annoyed the old man so much that in one go he made his displeasure clear.

『I'm telling you Giovane Cliston, don't you trust the words of an important person? mon Dieu』

『Ah! I'm sorry』

Mikel would go on to tell you about Switzerland, more specifically about Gruyères, it is a historical city and Swiss commune in the canton of Fribourg, and why did it get such a name? It is due to the Gruyère lake, I would also tell you that in that city there is a castle, the Castle of Gruyères, where throughout history nineteen counts resided in it between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries, now the castle belongs to the state and a museum is established there, there is a foundation that is responsible for the conservation and preservation of the place, you can make a visit where you will be offered a walk through 8 centuries of architecture, history and culture.

At Mikel's words and what he knew, this made Cliston excited, saying that he would like to visit such a place, but at the same time he was sad because now he is doing work. But, didn't you say before that you didn't want to go for a walk or visit because you wanted to have responsibilities? And now you say you want to visit him? He does look like a child.

『Non, when you finish with the missions that you have, you can visit the place that interests you the most, it can be the castle that I just told you, or it can be another emblematic place, it is clear that I will tell you everything about the places where you will go because in that I am good, at the end of everything you will choose where you prefer to go, but that if, do not forget to come to have lunch and to train, in the night we have study, we have to fulfill if or if with our schedules Giovane Cliston』.

This made Cliston even happier, now it's like the mission became more fun if he's going to tell you curiosities like that every time you go to a new place, Cliston's smile was present that seems like it can't be removed, but he would quickly tell you about the problem that would be happening, apparently there are problems with the production of Gruyer Cheese. Gruyer is a Swiss cheese that receives its name from Gruyère, a district of the canton of Fribourg where it is manufactured, the place also became known for the production of this cheese, where tourists even travel to be able to taste it, it is a hard cheese where the ingredient is whole cow's milk, its shape is round. The rind has a hard consistency, a greasy aspect and a golden yellow to brownish color, but it can be easily cut where the inside has an ivory to light yellow color. It is said that to make 1 kg of this cheese, 10 liters of milk are needed, while to make a 35 kg cheese, 400 liters of milk would be needed. The cheese is refined over a period of 5 to 12 months And also another fact, apparently it can be consumed by those who are lactose intolerant.

『They also say that when you get older, you become lactose intolerant, you are already your years old Giovane Cliston, so if you can, try that cheese』.

『I'd better order one to go if the situation arises, I want you and the others to try it even a little』.

『Thank you for your kindness Giovane Cliston』.

Cliston was flying over the grounds and reached a part where he could only manage to see landscapes, mountains and in the background a lake, a blanket of grass that seems to go with the wind, the change of this environment indicated to him that he was in another place, he felt calm and simple somehow, he was already a long time living in the city, seeing this natural landscape and better to be in it, made Cliston feel very calm, just breathing made him feel good. In the distance he could already see the city where it was his destination, this would go down without any problem in the center, the citizens were obviously surprised by this, many took out their phones, especially foreigners who came to visit, many were asking the question that if this was Cliston, quickly the Fatty would return to his Base Form where even more people were surprised.

『Hey, why is everyone staring at me? Is it so weird to do this?』

But quickly Cliston moved on to look around him and in looking at the infrastructure and how you can look at the mountains, the grass clearly where he is, he was so surprised that he took out his phone to take pictures, it was a bit weird this, Cliston was taking pictures of his surroundings while people were taking pictures of him, even recording him, this until one person turned to him.

『Вы Клестон? Вы тоже пришли в гости?』

『(Eh? what? what? what did he say?)』

Now that he thinks about it, Cliston is going to be going back and forth, going through different cultures and traditions, obviously languages too, how is he going to solve the problems if he doesn't understand what others are saying nor can he communicate, this worried Cliston a bit but Mikel was confident about this, he even told him to wait a few seconds, quickly on the glasses Cliston is wearing, you could see how on one side, it said the word verifying and processing language, and from one moment to another, Cliston heard the translation through his earphone, it said.

『Are you Cliston? you also came to visit?』

He was so surprised that he was left with his eyes open, apparently these tools he has will help him to be able to communicate without any problem with everyone, this was more than a salvation for Cliston, he would have liked to learn the languages by himself, but the truth was that it gave him a tremendous laziness.

『Yes, I'm going to solve a problem and then see if I can get some cheese from the place』.

Cliston was talking and the lens was translating it into a different language, the person who was talking to him was happy to have met Cliston, he even asked him if they could take a picture, Cliston did not refuse, so he took his first picture with a person he just met, he looked happy and left the place, finally he told him that if they meet again and if he has any money left, He was not the only one who approached Cliston, especially the foreigners went to ask to take pictures of the Fatty, where for his kindness and to see that this was a nice souvenir, he accepted everyone's request. But just as there were people who approached Cliston, there were others who did not, rather they were confused about this, you could easily differentiate these people, as I said, this is a migratory continent.

『Are we done? *sigh* well, I feel tired already, but I don't understand your desire to take a picture with me, am I someone who deserves attention?』

『You're just saying that you're being stuck up, aren't you? In my whole life, even though I became the leader of Europe, I've never had people come up to me and ask to take a picture with me, I've made up my mind! Today's training will be rougher!』

They would walk around the place while both of them were complaining about the problem, seeing Cliston noticed how different the world can be, just walking here he feels that he does not deserve it, but going to the problem to solve, Cliston looked and walked, like there were stalls that were closed, thanks to the translation of the glasses, he could tell that these closed stalls were from the cheeses, there were few that were open and the demand was strong, all people wanted to have their wheel of cheese despite it cost.

『€760.00!!!!! I understand that's a lot』

『We are talking about a 24 months old wheel of Parmesan and Parmigiano Reggiano Reggiano weighing 39kg, I don't remember exactly now, but the wheel of Gruyer cheese should cost more...or cost less...I think even if I want to I forget some data』.

『I still think that's too much, if I have the chance I'd better buy just one cut and share it between all of us (and the person from before said he was going to buy a wheel from me...)』

Walking they reached the end of their road, without realizing they were now in pure meadow, money is still something that still leaves us all amazed, more than money, the price that certain objects or products come to have. They were going to return to the city but they realized that the stores that were open, were already closing since they ran out of their products, they could clearly see how after the customers, the owner of the store came out to close his stall and worried he headed towards the direction where Cliston was.

『Ask him about the problem Giovane Cliston』.

『Excuse me, you look very worried, is there something wrong?』

The store owner almost left in a hurry, where the latter reacted to Cliston's question, he would go on to tell him that if there was a problem lately with the cattle, as it seems that a problem is arising that they do not understand, and it is all due to the cows in the field, apparently their milk production has dropped considerably since a month ago, Even when the milk is produced, it does not have the same flavor or consistency that it should have, the farmers were the first to realize that their quality had dropped, and without milk they cannot produce cheese, and if it is made with this milk, the quality would drop as well. They didn't know the problem, the cows were sick? what they eat has something in it? everything seems to indicate no, they did everything they could think of, but the problem seems to continue.

『The cows? uhmm...this problem I already remember, I quickly thought that it could be that someone is spoiling the cattle and agriculture, food or breeding, but they are honest villagers who use traditional methods such as free grazing taking advantage of the place where they live, the water? neither, I can't think of a solution to this, I would have to go if or if to discover it, thanks to you Giovane Cliston, we will finally solve this problem』.

The owner knowing Cliston's intentions in wanting to help him, took him to the outskirts of the city, in a field where you could see a large wooden house, a well-built farm and everything for the production of cheese, Cliston could see the cows and these seem to be fine, they eat in a calm way, no discomfort, rather they seem to be enjoying their life. He took them inside the farm where the owner was showing them the batches of cheese that he had previously prepared, these were not yet at the point of refinement, normally he would have more in preparation, but he lacked resources such as milk and the quality of these.

『I understand, the farm and other farms we saw, are far away from the city, connected more with nature, everything here is natural, no pollution, no disease, the climate even if it gets worse I don't think it's the problem, it's too obvious now that I see it, Giovane Cliston, ask him to show you how the cheese production is』.

Mikel was watching everything and seeing what could be the problem, as he was told, Cliston was watching how the owner would normally go about his day, but he seems to have a helper, he made a call to him who was bringing the cows back to the farm, he proceeded to do what had to be done, at the time of expressing the milk, At the beginning it came out abundantly with the right movement and force, but after a few minutes that abundant milk became scarce and even nothing came out, they proceeded with the coagulation of the cheese, you could see how the owner added ferments, and that was all, it is very short but it is a work where you have to have a lot of waiting. Mikel watched this and asked Cliston for his opinion.

『Well, the problem is with the cows, maybe?』

『Say it for sure, yes, the problem is in the cows, the owner showed us a small example, it all revolves around what they eat or someone is doing to the cows』.

Again they went out to the field at Mikel's request, where Mikel commented to Cliston to take a good look at all the people, quickly Cliston watched the helper as he did his job on the cattle, either with the straw or also squeezing the milk.

『Before we go ask him when that helper came, for this job you have to be very hands on』.

The owner who was also going out to the field, was asked by Cliston, where the answer he was given was that that helper came about a month and so, and since then he gave him a hand, he gave him both a roof to sleep under and the teaching to work in the field, but as he told him, the problem has been coming for a month, the problem of the cows is happening, before leaving the owner invited them a slice of cheese, where he was kindly received by Cliston. Quickly they had to visit other farms to have more references, he doubts very much that this is the only way. Visiting most of the farms, they showed him as an example and the state of their cattle, there was no problem in any of them, even most of these people were very kind to strangers, their kindness and how they offered them their hospitality was too much, where Cliston always returned them with a respective thank you and a smile. There is still time left, it is not even close to noon, the problem can be solved this very day, the solution...that will have to wait until the cows recover.

『Did you notice Giovane Cliston, no farm was doing anything different from what we mostly saw, but in most of them all they had many helpers, it is nothing unusual, this is a laborious work where hands are missing, did you notice something different in those helpers Giovane Cliston?』

『Well, others that a few of them didn't seem to know what to do, like they were frozen or forgot what they were going to do next』

『That just indicates that many of those helpers are not familiar or used in this job, it's normal but I have to speculate』.

They were going to go to the next farm, but as soon as they knocked on the door, the owner said that he did not want to receive them, which was strange because so far no such case had happened, Cliston insisted a little to solve his problem, but the owner refused and said that his way of making cheese no one else would have it, with that last thing they did not hear anything more. They thought it might be just for this one occasion, but as if it was a chain reaction, more and more owners of other farms making the cheese prevented Cliston from coming in to take a look.

『Well, I would also deny a stranger to come into my home 』.

『Quickly! Start running to the farthest farm!!!』

For Cliston this reaction seemed normal to him, but quickly Mikel gave him a new action, he quickly started running towards the farthest farm that his eyes could see, when he arrived Cliston was very tired, but by insistence Mikel told him to look up, quickly they could see how a person who seems to be the assistant of that owner, was talking to him about something, quickly Cliston would approach and try to talk, but the owner in a single faced him.

『I already noticed that you go from farm to farm, I don't want to be suspicious but I better make sure, I'm sorry but I won't let you enter mine and you won't look at anything, I know you want to help our problem, but, what can someone who only has strength on his side do, I'm sorry but that's not what I need for now』.

After those words he was going back into his farm together with his assistant, Cliston stayed still in his same place, he didn't know what to say or feel since that last one was true, quickly Mikel would ask him what he has noticed all this time, he repeated those words that he has to take a good look at his surroundings, that he has to look deeper and not to stay with the first thing he has.

『The only thing that stayed with me is that the owners are in trouble and the cheese is expensive』.

『Not that, although the cheese is expensive, I mean the people we saw, the appearance and features distinguish one from the other, that is something we were born with and wherever we are it will always be present』.

『Oh! Chuta I didn't see it, it looked so familiar that I didn't even notice xd, the owners and the inhabitants here are very characteristic, the helpers are somewhat different? maybe?』

『They are foreign to the country Giovane Cliston, in other words they are immigrants, this I would not see it wrong, I said it before, Europe, migration, hand in hand, but what makes me close is that there are traits that many of the helpers matched, assuming that the others also came a month ago like the first one, then this only indicates one thing』

『So these people.....』

『Say it for sure』.

『These people are the ones who escaped from me and settled here? maybe』

『That's a guess, but more than settled, I'd say they are a few, a dozen or so, this is a quiet place far from the war, maybe they came here to have a change in their lives, you may have run into people who preferred to do other things, but because of the moment they ended up in those terrorist groups, many may have decamped and even hidden taking advantage of the fear you caused to such groups, this may be those people, and which I suspect more because of their backgrounds』

Mikel was thinking about it, it was not clear to me as this is just an assumption, really these people who migrated to Switzerland are the ones responsible for the cows? Mikel doesn't like to do this kind of thing or even say it, because just coming to the conclusion of this where his basis is that they are from somewhere else, would only bring more problems, but he had no choice, it's the only thing he has, maybe all those people organized to spoil the cows and that they no longer produce milk like before, but why would they do this? Mikel was racking his brain.

『(There's no other way, these immigrants taken in by these people are responsible, but I need more proof, something to give them away, we'll have to go back very night and keep an eye on them)』

『You suspect the helpers? But why? I just see that they are working and giving the best effort in themselves to get ahead, that they are nervous and worried I see it normal or that they don't know anything about a new culture, they are new to this land, it's not your home or a place you know, everything is new to you that in an ugly situation where you had nothing planned, it's normal to be afraid, I think these people are fine, if they had the chance to have a second chance, I'm happy for them』.

While Mikel was assuming that the immigrants were the center of the problem, Cliston was the opposite, he from his own experience and what he wants to believe and knows, he feels that these people are not doing anything wrong and another is the problem, he did not notice until Mikel said it, for him there was no difference, there was no reason to compare, he did not have to see one as good or bad, Cliston will take the first thing he sees until someone says it or sees otherwise.

『I'm sure the problem is something else, but isn't it too hot in here? Since I arrived I felt it sharply, it's summer, I'm sweating, though I also felt like eating Matsutake seeing that I'm in pure mountains 』

『(Heat? how hot is it?)That mushroom also grows in Europe, here...uhmm...I'd have to look for』

『Enseriously there are some here too? I hope to find some for lunch』.

Cliston was already thinking about eating something from his country, now that you think about it Mikel, this place is not forested except for some parts, rather this is all grassland, the cows are mostly free grazing, it's true that it's hotter than usual, this weather thing is getting worse, remember Antarctica gave a report of it, but now that I talk about fungus, there wouldn't be one that has grown around here and is the problem, would there? If the problem is a local fungus, Mikel will want to slap himself for having those assumptions.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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