
Chapter 295: Planting Seeds

P͇l͇a͇n͇t͇a͇r͇ ͇S͇e͇m͇i͇l͇l͇a͇s͇

In the congress most of the important politicians of the country had already gathered inside, just today they were about to petition for a new law, a law that has truthfulness and reach for all, a law where they will be able to protect the weakest and the neediest. All of them were aware of the attack of the Madness of the Great Tree, to them so much peace had also blinded them that they did not plan a countermeasure or at least a support to this type of events, because after all, they all lived in a country where there was no need for these rules or laws, it has been a long time since something like this has happened, something on a huge scale that has so much influence. The most they managed to look at, were armed robberies or even from their own experiences, some individual attacks on themselves by people who always reject them, obviously they did not take advantage of their power to benefit or have better than the population, as long as they are in the lead and are the most seen, it is like raising their hand or their head, so that all the attacks come only to you, they served as a kind of shield to be the fixed point of these people who were wrong in the head, because they know it very well, everyone who has control over the masses, or rather, everyone who has control over people, knows very well what they hide, what they want to show. The variety of events occurred in your country are many and even little seen, little imagined to happen, to give examples would be superfluous. That is why they thought to themselves, what are they doing wrong so that there are people who think and act that way? Perhaps with all that they were taught, love, respect, helping others, it does not work? But you know that whipping someone who is learning, someone who is afraid of the outside and does not want to leave their comfort, which is the majority of the population, would not be the right thing to do, good education and teaching, with love and care, that is what you need to exterminate with whatever is in the shadows of your country.

Maybe all those people who did horrible things, had a bad upbringing or a social circle that made them fall down the wrong path. But those political people are not special than the others, they cannot see for all the people individually, that is impossible, the only thing they can do and that is why they make their decisions, is for the population in general, although they know that not everybody will always think it is right, that is why there are people who hate them and try against them.

Politically important people are both good and bad, trying to find a balance between what is right and what is good, there are always 2 sides in everything that has power, the one that agrees and the one that opposes, this is how this world always works, all for the good of the people. Although this itself can be interpreted differently by everyone.

『Today we are going to apply for the new law against those affected in traumatic scenarios right? .....I'm a little worried about how this will end up.... with all the turmoil that has happened lately, I hope we are doing the right thing』.

『We are doing the right thing, have no doubt, although I'm sure you're not the only one who thinks we're in this because of the social pressure all these people and their marches are putting on us, that we don't see for them? sometimes I'd like to contradict your words but .... that would make me the fixed point of many, more than what we already have』-『I hope that the majority will approve the new law, although we would demand both the government and the economy in general and other state agencies, it would require many people involved, it would be an expense of materials, resources and values.... but we have to do it for our people, we have no other way, but hopefully today they will approve the new law or rather support measure』.

Several important political people were talking among themselves in the central hall of the congress, the other politicians were still to come to start the meeting, what they were talking about was a new law to support in a way, economically, psychologically, to repair any kind of damage caused, to those people who were victims of horrible events. It would be the prototype of what they have in mind in the new proposal that they are going to launch today, they have the majority in favor with other politicians since they were told about this in advance, so they are sure that it can be accepted today. They do not want the people who went through these bad things, to feel without support or lonely, everyone who suffered and got hurt, everyone who is innocent, needs to be helped, if they do not have anyone, there will be these people who will support them with all the ideas they thought of later so that it does not happen again. It is not that they no longer have had rules or laws to help those in need, yes there are, even the people who are in prisons, they are treated humanely to their standards so to speak, it was always present to treat with respect and kindness to others, a support, because that is their society and culture now, that is what it was long ago and will continue to be, not for nothing are the countries of the first world, both for quality, education, progress and increasing positive way of thinking. But this is different, it is wrong to pamper who asks, but for this ocation, to calm who complains, it is better to give him what he wants.

『The Prime Minister is already late to arrive, without him we can't start the meeting, please come quickly, our work is in here, not outside』.

Although these politicians were talking, dressed positively and elegantly, their faces reflected the opposite, as they all thought something bad might happen right now. Never before had something like this happened, the security is tighter than time before, marches were almost rare to see, but what has them more worried, is that another attack could happen but with a much worse scale than they imagine, they did not find the culprit or culprits of The Big Tree Madness, this would be a chance for them to appear, this was also the reason for the tight security, the policemen were waiting this time ready for these special people to show up and stop their plans, whatever it is, they will stop their chaos.

『WE ARE ALMOST THERE GUYS!!!!! Let's keep on walking firmly and with our heads held high until those people who ignore us listen to us and give us the rights we deserve!!!!! TODAY WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!!!!!!』

Yuu speaks with a shout of encouragement to the entire march that was behind him, these same responded energetically and positively. The congress, the only and important in the country, was at the bottom of its own theme park, this park was extremely large, well maintained and detailed, the roads you took through this park also served as shortcuts to get from one street to another street quickly, even by nature or rather vegetation that is carried, such as trees and different flowers, it even looked like a small paved forest as a center of attraction. Yuu and the march fearlessly entered the huge park to go straight to the congress which was at the end of it all, Yuu's confident smile for feeling someone superior was blinding him from reality.

『(If those important people come to accept our claims, that would mean that I am more important than them, of course, they can't against the voice of the people, they can't against the people for whom they work and strive so hard!!!! Accept what I say? are you bowing your head to me? you have your eyes on the floor? and me looking down on you from above how can I even subdue the strong, no, those people are not strong, they are weak as I always thought!!!!! God!!! I hope I can restrain myself from giving those people a hard punch, though for sure.....will feel great)』

Nothing stopped them, neither the march nor the thinking of Yuu, who, motivated by his blindness, or rather, his trauma that he lived through because of the attack, led him to this point in his life. There were different entrances to the park of the congress, where also other different marches made their entrance, since they agreed to meet at the gates of the congress, and in all these different marches, there were the main protagonists of the attack that he had to organize and commit it himself. Raiko was just entering the park while looking carefully at all the surroundings, seeming to be impressed by the art and elegance that the place conveyed.

『I'm already inside guys, remember that we have only 15 minutes to commit with the attack, so I just have to tell you something, try hard and good luck to succeed, you have shown me with the previous mission and all the work in the company that you are reliable and hardworking people, if everything goes well, we will go out to drink at night』.

Raiko was communicating with his other colleagues spread around the city giving him their respects and encouragement, where each of the actors who were involved, were even more happy and motivated by hearing Raiko's words, no doubt they thought that having among their ranks an optimistic young man and with the energies that they already lost, gives them all the strength to be able to carry out their mission.


Raiko would be the first to plant the seeds for the moment of detonation to come, this one right now was in hand awkwardly raising a marching sign, but he could tell it was having a hard time holding it as it was swaying back and forth. Quickly so that it would not fall, the same guy who supported him to join the march would come to his aid by stopping the sign at the last moment.

『Hey, be more careful, you're going to drop it』.

『I'm sorry....is that I don't have very good eyesight, even though I wear these glasses I can't see well, I've been wearing them for a long time and they're not what they used to be』.

『And why don't you buy new ones?』

『Well, me and my family are financially strapped, although it could be said that I was to blame this time, since I failed several courses, I have to make up for it and then I have to take summer classes to catch up. .... I still remember what they said "Without studies you will be nobody in life" I don't know if it was because I was frustrated, but I quickly thought if it is necessary to study or become one more of society to be someone....』.

The gesture that Raiko put as well as his tone of voice, was of someone tired since he was very young because of the short life he was going through, he touched on very common issues in what happens to young students in this country, that would be the student and social pressure they feel. Raiko thought from the beginning if he is going to play a student, then let it be the student that everyone ignores and they themselves hide, really such a young boy must already have so much to carry on their backs? And it is stronger for those who have few resources, working part time, studying day and night, helping in the housework, if you get bad grades or fail, it is a very low blow, since being good in the study matters a lot to today's society, you are nobody if you are not smart, you can be good at many things, but without intelligence you are nobody for society. The guy was looking at Raiko and quickly noticed him depressed and alarmed said.

『Stop!!!! don't do it!!!!』

『¿? Do what?』

『Well....(this student I feel he will come to have that kind of thoughts if he continues with that kind of life....he surely thought that when he saw this park that looks like a forest....damn, because of this society we have lost many of our people just to be to their standards. ...damn people...damn government.... damn life system.... damn society....I work 12 hours a day in front of a computer....I feel empty and frustrated....I work so hard and I work so hard to get good grades just for that? ....that's not what I wanted to become....I wanted to do other things...but this country....what I live is no longer life....and this kid is about to lose it..... )』-『Listen student, today you are in luck, today we will change the way of thinking of all those people because of what many of us suffer, just by looking at you I see that you don't enjoy your life, and that's wrong, if you feel pressured, then free yourself! for sure you have a lot of accumulated stress, you feel like screaming or even hitting, you can do it today! We no longer have to be ruled by what those above impose on us, it's our life and we have to live it as we want, that's why we are here, that's why Yuu is here, to give us what we deserve, you're not the only one tired of this unfair monotomy, we are all the same *smiles*』

That guy had sympathized and even familiar with Raiko, who did not hesitate to give him his support in the point of view that he has, he wanted to help him however he could, it is always better to receive help from who lived the experience or made the mistake that he should not, these people are good people but they are blinded, he wants to help Raiko in his own way so that he does not end up like him, people claim to see for everyone but it is not so. The student Raiko smiled even from the depression he felt and positively said.

『Thank you very much, I'm glad I joined this march, you are people who understand me, after listening to you, I'm sure you are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal *smiles*』

『Whatever it takes?....whatever it takes....yes...we are! I'm willing to whatever it takes so that future generations like you are no longer involved in this flawed system!!!! Trust me boy *smiles*』

The conversation had gone better than Raiko expected, you could say he ended up getting what he wanted, which was to plant the seeds, to incite from anonymity the things he planned to do. And as these people are always connected and socializing with each other to help each other, the person who talked to Raiko, quickly communicated to other people about the situation, told Raiko's case to others, many people around Raiko, turned to look at him and with a smile or a sign of my support, they were in favor of Raiko. Just as there were people who could hear them and could not help but sympathize with Raiko, the information spread greatly through the line, on the way to where Raiko was, until he was finally overtaken by Yuu who was in the lead.

『I see, no wonder, our mortality rate was always like this, everyone turned a blind eye but not me, the cause of all this is the people I will have in front, keep supporting the student!!!! Don't let him become a weak person!!!! The one who leaves this world without first having given battle!!!! That only proves that he is a scumbag!!!! That's right!!!! Those powerful people turn us into trash so that we keep believing that they are right!!!! But it's over today!!!! All those who are with me, are strong people who are willing to do whatever it takes, you'll see stupid people』

He gave another speech drawing ideas from what he heard from the information, so did Yuu modifying everything for his benefit and that other people are on his side. They could be heard from afar as they made a roar from the shouting they were doing, Raiko was in the background and she could tell the difference from the march before, which was active and motivated anyway, but now it is on fire and even furious to imply what the students live for. Raiko was confused in his expression, as he could not believe that he really achieved something like that which is to manipulate or make think what you wanted in the masses, as this is something characteristic of his boss Asa and this made him smile with joy.

On the other hand, the left entrance to the park was already being invaded by another march, here was the other actor of the attack, El Enfermo. This one was in the middle of the line with his mask coughing you must from time to time because of the flu he has, this the people who were around him did not avoid worrying about him, because if he was sick, it is better that he goes home, with scarf and gloves they watched him as he slowly advanced along with them.

『Sir, you are sick, you'd better go home, we appreciate your support, but your health comes first』.

『No way!!!!!』

The gesture how The Sick Man reacted was very energetic that it even made those around him recoil, he seemed to be complaining that people had previously told him to go home, but The Sick Man had his own way of thinking.

『I've been sick many times and it never stopped me!!!! Not even when I had to give a final exam, or at work, even when I have to be present at an important event, nothing else stops me from doing what I want to do!!!!』-『I am currently married, but since I got married I don't feel that I am happy.... my wife keeps working all the time she has no time for me, even when I fell sick today, she just told me to stay in bed while she comes back at night.... she didn't even leave me medicine so I had to go out to buy it by myself, when I came back I met the march and I couldn't help but hear her protest.... the truth I don't understand well...but you fight for a better life, don't you?』

He was telling his situation of why he ended up in the march, listening to those around him, they could not help but feel a little sorry for the man, but in all of this I called their attention to everything he said, it was the attitude of his wife, people began to complain about how his wife could have left him in that condition, if he was sick, she should have helped him anyway.

『But what a terrible wife, but .... did your wife have something important to do at work today? a presentation or delivery of important work?』

『Important?....all the work itself for her is important!!!! She is one of those who are workaholics, she works from morning till night, there is not a day when I don't see her working, I hardly see her because when I go back home, she comes home very late and I stay asleep, when I married my wife I thought I would live married life like in the movies, anime or manga as young people say, but quite the opposite!!!!! It's supposed to be common to eat the food that your partner makes you, but since we are married no such thing ever happened!!!! I always have to eat in the street or in the worst cases have instant ramen for dinnero!!!! There were days when I had time and I prepared the dinner, but she never ate it.... At the beginning we had a double bed, but soon after we had single beds because she said that it interrupted her few hours of sleep she had.... When married it is normal to say nice things to each other like I love you or I love you, right? since I got married I never heard anything like that? we never got to have that act that married people have because they don't have time....she became more cold and calculating...more straight and not very tolerant....she was no longer the girl I fell in love with....es como que desde que se vuelve un adulto....se a convertidose en una maquina o ser sin sentimientos....hoy me lo desmostrórandorando cerrando la puerta friamente mientras yo no pude hacer nada....que e hecho mal para merecer algo así....』

The Sick Man told of his marital situation with his wife, revealing his displeasure with the decision he had made, it was not what he had originally believed. It was so much his frustration that he ended up releasing a few tears at the end, he clutched his chest as he could not walk anymore, he stood still as the march went on.

『What did I do wrong.....I promised her that day that I would make her happy and that she would make me happy as well.....but I'm not happy at all....and I'm sure she doesn't even feel it and understand....what happened...for her to become this robotic with me....』

Before crying harder and even falling to the ground, The Sick Man felt a touch on his shoulder, and not just from one, but from several hand touches on his shoulder, these hands that helped him not to fall, before he collapsed they gave him a slight lift, they were all the people who were worried about him that he is sick, by understanding and listening to his situation, these same people did not avoid also crying and in feeling sympathy for The Sick Man.

『I understand you...I understand you.....Because of work I could no longer see my father when I was little....I wanted to tell him about my days..... but he always came home very late.... and the days when I met him.... his words were so monotonous....he wouldn't even talk to me, he would just make gestures and then go back to work....I...I could not spend time with my father....』.

『It's the same with me....my boyfriend also suffers from workaholism....even though we are in high school....he takes several part-time jobs throughout the week....we are almost never together....neither at the exit nor inside the school....as he stops studying inside, he stops all the time in the library, when I try to talk to him he tells me that it would be better another time...but what other time if there is not!!! Not even when it's a day off...he prefers to be working to have more money so he can live better in the future.... but I don't want the future!!!! I want to spend the time with him now that we can!!!! Why doesn't he understand that....I'm afraid he'll turn cold to me』

There were comments equal or similar to what El Enfermo said, people of all ages reproaching and commenting on the change of attitude of the people they appreciate the most, and all because of work, society in which we live where again it was related where you have to try harder, leave everything your youth to supposedly live better in the future, but....if they try so hard in their youth, why do they think it won't be the same in the future? The Sick One commented, his married life is totally horrible, with the above revelation of the boyfriend going into becoming a machine, isn't he about to get to that future too? That is no longer caring for the future, that is addiction and abuse for work, that is what this country wants you to do, to work and work for others, to leave nails and dirt according to the dream that you will be able to enjoy the rest of your life, but for what, you wasted your youth studying like crazy, you wasted your adultes working like crazy, and then what? You will have everything when you are old? and the energy? the desire and optimism that you had at the beginning? where are they? they disappeared with time, at the end you will feel that you invested your time badly and that is not considered life.


They made their protests and shouts heard, quickly this whole row was aware of the situation and even released themselves their own experiences regarding this, El Enfermo anyway was also dumbfounded, as he can't believe that really all the acting he did has influenced so much, around him if he has people who lived what he commented, where El Enfermo couldn't help but think of.

『(The truth is that if I get along well with my wife, we both work of course, but we always make time to spend time together and live couple experiences, I like the work, but also the reward of the effort, it is very contrary to what I said to these people, but I also want to change the world, because it scares me just thinking that what I work so hard for, will disappear from one day to the next)』

Everyone is connected, even this march that was separate from Yuu's, anyway he got the information of what was happening in that other row, as a person came running to tell him. Yuu also drew his own conclusions and experiences.

『Yes, it is the most common, and the worst thing is that I was involved in that, working in that office for more than 12 hours, it was driving me crazy, having to act kind and respectful with my colleagues, it made my blood boil, so several times when I left work, I went straight to clandestine fights to let off steam from all that environment that was flooding me, turn me into a machine? that's what society wants, to turn us into beings without reasoning and cold, this is the easiest way to manipulate others too, you use their ambition to take control of them, and then we are the manipulators of the masses? HA!!! LISTEN!!!! WHAT THEY MAKE US IS NOT HUMAN!!!! IF YOU ARE YOUNG TAKE ADVANTAGE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT!!!!! WHEN YOU ARE AN ADULT!!!! YOU ONLY GET TO LIVE THE WORST PART OF YOUR LIFE!!!!! LET'S END THAT CYCLE OF LIFE NOW!!!!』

Yuu couldn't help but remember when he was an office worker at his job, every day at that place for 6 days a week, almost no vacation and a salary that doesn't justify his working hours, no doubt he felt used and like a fool, but now it's not like that. With this new motivation, many felt identified and raised their voice against the country's society. Again more seeds had been harvested, the fuse was slowly being lit.

At the entrance to the right of the park, there was also another row, where the Elder was walking quietly in the march and crowd, but so far shows no signs of doing anything, he walked slowly but steadily, he received the help of the people around him, where he kindly asked for thanks. But this one was to the back of the march, the one who was in the middle of the march, was El Ruco who was the one who took more relief and voice, the other 2 more took the strategy of counting a small group to then expand, be discreet and that they themselves viralicen it, but El Ruco was different, this one was with the sign and energetically shouted, protested with enthusiasm.


Dressed outlandishly, as if he thought he was a young man and following internet fashions, El Ruco made his presence known, plus he was taller than normal, he was even more colorful, an upturned cap, with a rhythmic way of walking as well as moving his head, If you got a little closer, you could hear the eighties music playing through his headphones, the people around him preferred to avoid him as he didn't go with them, it was, how to say, somewhat uncomfortable to be with people who look young when they are not.

『NO MORE!!!!!! !!! AYHYAAHHAYA my hip.....』

El Ruco in his rhythm that he was going, ended up failing him the age that his hip suffered, he quickly fell down kneeling on the floor, and trying to resist the pain, the people that were around him were confused and worried, more than anything because this kind of people become stubborn, if you tell them that they are old, they will quickly tell you the opposite and try to understand the vibe that the kids have nowadays. But El Ruco was all different and that made me pay attention to them.

『I see I'm no longer a young man like I used to be....』-『...Damn...』 I guess I can't be anymore, acting energetic and liberal like I used to be....』-『...Damn...』

Quickly El Ruco from what he was kneeling looked helpless and weak, there just now the people who were next to him, asked him if he was okay, they went to help him to get up, again came the idea that he would act like a young man again, but again El Ruco was sincere.

『I see my distant days where I was the one who helped the old people.... thank you very much for helping me, it was fun but I see that I can't do it anymore.... acting this way I get tired very fast, I guess being dressed like this and my way of talking, I bothered them, right? sorry...I thought I was doing the right thing.... well, at least I had my little mischief...ah!!! it's going to be half day! I have to go back home to make lunch for my mother!!!』

He sounded sorry and sad, because it brought him moments of happiness when he was young and did many things, right now if he tries to do the same, he would surely look like an idiot, he looked at his toy watch that works, and realized that he still had in hand the purchases he made for lunch, he wanted to turn around and walk against it, but he realized it would be impossible, he would try to speak to ask permission, but the words just wouldn't come out.

『This....yo....I'm going to...ahh....please....give me permission....ahh....this.....』

In the end he could not speak well he had no choice but to keep walking along with the march, on his face he looked worried and confused, as if regretting his act of mischief, the people who looked at this from him, addressed him to draw conversation out of him.

『Your mother? making lunch for your mother?』

『Eh?...yes, she is already at an advanced age so I take care of her, I left work and took the opportunity to buy for lunch and dinner, but I couldn't help seeing the energetic march in being able to unwind a little believing I was doing the right thing, but I see it's not so...now I can't go back home because...ahh...permission.... please....ahhh....』

The Ruco told his situation, he would eventually become shy and afraid to socialize with others, the simple fact of asking for a favor being as he really is, scared him, the march went on and on, where the people who accompanied him, wanted to help him, but asking for a favor in all this march, on top of being almost at the beginning of it, would be something difficult. So they would propose something.

『You can take some time, but when we get to the congress, there are other exits there, so you can take one of them to go home』.

『Seriously? Thank you very much and sorry for worrying you, I guess that's the best option not to interrupt anyone, I got carried away with all this hahaha.... I hope I don't mess up my shopping I'm carrying...ah...mother...sorry but it'll take me a while to get home....』

The Ruco looked just the way he really was, shy and even scared, but you could tell he had manners, he was polite and respectful to everyone. The guy who cared about him started to look at him differently, before he felt a bit of rejection, but now looking at him he just sees that he is a person trapped in time.

『You could call his mother and let her know he'll be late』.

『Oh, that's right』

So much was it that he stayed in time, that the guy saw how El Ruco took out an old phone from his pocket, listening to him talking to his mother with kindness and affection, no longer made him look like a stranger or someone who wants attention, but like he really is, and not at all unpleasant anymore, when he least imagined it, this guy received a candy from El Ruco, as a thank you for having helped him in his problem.

『No, you're welcome, let's hurry to get to the end sooner』.

『Ah...I don't think my hip will let me....I think I bought more candy....ahh....who wants candy....I'm not going to do anything wrong...just ....is that....this....ahhh.....』

The guy who saw El Ruco, it was innocent the way he was acting, that he would raise his voice so he could help El Ruco deliver the candy to all the people who were around him or those he reached, this was also seen by the people who were close to him, who began to get him to talk about his days, a way for him to lose that fear of socializing with others.

For the moment everything is going well as Raiko and Na had planned, they were already sowing the seeds and little by little they were approaching the congress, they still need to do their performances El Ruco and El Anciano, but that will be for later, but for the moment they already did what they wanted in the beginning, take care and firmly establish their image, if at any moment they are accused, these same people with whom they sympathized will throw themselves to help them. They used the most basic thing to have the support of the people, the pity and feeling related to something, if you get to expose that with a few more feelings, then yes or yes you will have the support of the people and look like innocent, Na knows very well in hiding your true self.

But it was not the only place they had fixed, several marches but smaller, they had the task of rioting so to speak also another kind of people who think they are superior just because of the job they have, that of being officers, these are also to blame for not doing anything for them.

『Are they already grabbing me by their mule or what?』

Maya was once again at the city police agency, again doing the job of accepting people's complaints, as I said before, normally here is not the place to be, but there is no other way since all the police forces have priority to go to the congress to stop the attack that they are sure will happen.

『Hoygan, I have an idea, I can also go with you, you need all the support you can get, right?』

『Yes, but they already gave the orders and who should go, disobeying the general would be wrong』.

『*tsch* The general is not here, he is also at the congress planning everything in person, no one will notice, but besides, they told the 3 of us to stay and guard the police agency, you guys are really tough faces 』

『Ehhh....is that it's boring here....plus everything is focused on the congress, I doubt very much that they will come here』

Maya could not believe the tough faces that were her colleagues who stayed with her to guard the police agency, these 2 male officers wanted to leave as they wanted to feel useful in a big mission, Maya also felt the same, everyone here wanted to leave, so they had no choice but to leave it to fate, the 3 of them got together to play the typical Yan Ken Po and the one who came out lost would stay to guard the agency alone. Maya confidently with her smile, she rolled up her sleeves to show that she will not lose in this, but in the end....

『....How is it possible that.....』

He ended up losing the game, you could see his frustration, while his 2 teammates were already preparing to leave for the congress and support their friends, They said goodbye and said better luck next time for Maya, there was nothing else to do, if they said so it had to be fulfilled.

『Oho..... if I had been an expired I wouldn't have done so badly....pero....I think I'd better close the agency for the moment and I'll go too....because the truth is that staying alone is boring....I wish I had a companion for these occasions to hang out with』

Maya had the keys and the insurance of the agency, the problem if someone comes, is that they destroy the agency or make a chaos, nothing would happen because they would not have access, but also people may come to make complaints.... so....Maya after thinking about it so much better decided not to back out and plan to close the agency, she was at the door and could no longer see her companions, surely they took their motorcycles, in there Maya thought that she would also like to know how to drive one.

『A motorcycle is easier than driving a car? well, it's like a bicycle, isn't it?』

『WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! Are you planning to close the agency? Can't you see we are here? EH???!!!! 』 』

Maya wanted to close the main door from the inside, and then leave through another exit, but at that moment she was interrupted by the appearance out of nowhere of the same loud and arrogant guy from last time, the same guy who didn't know how to file a complaint, and he wasn't alone, a small group of people had also come with him.

『Ah....usted.... sorry but we are closed, besides I told him not to come back until he knows how to make a complaint, or something like that was? I don't remember, the thing is that he is leaving, I don't intend to waste my time』.



That shouting guy, he looked much more daring and arrogant than the last time he came, where Maya didn't avoid looking at him with confusion and idiocy, besides something else was happening in the guy's look, his way of looking at Maya was a little bit ...., he even had the nerve to stick out his tongue and his saliva fell to the floor. Maya didn't want to receive this guy, but if she thought he was an idiot before, right now he was even more of an idiot, plus pape him for the second time would be fun.


But on the other hand at the congress, the marches had already arrived at the end of the park, Yuu looked very confident about everything that is about to say and happen, that confidence of being able to do everything and that stress, everything wants to release it.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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