
Chapter 273: Arm of Words

B͇r͇a͇z͇o͇ ͇d͇e͇͇ ͇l͇a͇s͇͇ ͇P͇a͇l͇a͇b͇r͇a͇s͇

He is not very good at solving problems, or rather, he is not very good at making quick decisions nor of subjects he is unfamiliar with. It is a simple thing, not knowing anything with something you are not familiar with, as it is easier to know what to do in a situation you spend most of your time to a situation you never imagined being in, on his back now he has many problems he has to take care of and solve, a group of children who trust him, a boy who urgently needs to be treated in a hospital and now the misplacement of an acquaintance's son. He can't think it's the right thing to do, besides he's not at his best either, he's beaten and he will have the strength for one last effort, fighting? he could solve everything, but with that he would only prove to be someone superior to others, Cliston doesn't want to look down on anyone, he prefers to have the same resemblances as normal people.

『Hey Frenton! if you're so worried about the brat, I've already found him』.

Konomi loudly warned Cliston, who upon hearing that one of his problems was solved, couldn't help but feel relieved, but where was this brat? Returning when Konomi left Jiro behind, he was helped by the adults who were now acting responsibly, first they checked him to see if he was okay, to their surprise he was unharmed, he had traces of crying a lot, but otherwise he was fine. He was the only child they could find and reunite him, so they did not know very well what to do with him, the right thing to do would be to take him to a safe place, but there is the fear that the Knife Crazy may appear, and may attack the few 2 or 3 adults who guard Jiro, with a danger that is roaming around the mall, it is better that they walk in a group, it would be the best safe place for him, he would be in the middle of the crowd so he would be more protected. The adults thought he would be afraid to experience a traumatic event, but were surprised to hear that Jiro, was upset with Konomi.

『That I'm a nuisance....I've been scolded by people before, but the way you treat me....I've never experienced it before...where....where's my Dad....DADDDDDDD!!!! ARIGHGSHKSJGS!!!!! HELP ME DADDDDDDDDDD!!!!!』

Jiro did what he always does, the one to start crying when something doesn't like him or goes wrong, this one started rolling on the floor while kicking and swinging his arms wildly, again he was making an embarrassing fuss about his craftyness. Whenever something like this happens to him, he always turns to his father, who is the person who treats him well and pampers him as much as possible, he is the person who loves him the most and knows that he is capable of fulfilling all his expectations, as he has always done. The adults tried to calm the boy, but he did not pay attention at all, they had already started the plan to corner them, the crowd warned that they should go to the Big Tree, they called everyone, so the adults who were with Jiro wanted to take him to safety, but this boy simply did not pay attention. At that moment, a man appeared to him, and with only his presence and his shadow, he covered Jiro's small body, he was the foreign officer.

『Ya ándale chamaco, I know you don't like what is happening, neither do I, but what can you do, there are situations in which we must be involved, I'll take care of him, I'll protect you until he shows up, yes?』-『(I think this is the son of the fatty who helped me before)』

The foreign officer had also joined in the organization of what the masked people were doing, this one was being treated at the pharmacy when suddenly people had appeared to help him, they told him about the plan and what was happening, this was strange to him, especially why this sudden change in the actions of these people, he did not avoid doubting, feeling confused, they bandaged the wounds they had and told him that we have to meet with the other people, so without hesitation he asked them.

『Why are you helping me now, if you were insulting me and beating me a while ago, or have you forgotten? How you all believed what that liar was saying?』

It was normal to feel indignant for everything that these people did, where this at the beginning he did not want to accompany them, but anyway he would do it if it was true that there is a madman walking around, the people who helped him looked at each other, they did not know what to answer, some just scratched their heads, others looked away, they did not know what to say, this only worsened the decision of the foreign officer.


Was the answer of one of the masked adults, he sounded sorry and as if forced to answer that, this the foreign officer was even more annoyed and reproached that he was lying, that they are really not sorry at all nor forgive him, that at that moment he saw the worst part of people, the insults, blows and hatred were real, he even emphasized them again that they still still hate him.

『Don't come to me with nonsense!!! Tell me why are you helping me!!!』

The foreign officer with a strong attitude this shouted for them to give him an answer, his voice alone intimidated some people, where others felt annoyed and helpless, you could notice how they clenched their fists, where the officer saw it clearly and could confirm that they still hate him because of those lies, so finally one person decided to speak the truth.

『The truth is that we do not know very well what happened, at that moment when they were accusing you, if I hated you, I came to hate you with all my soul to know that you did all that, I also fell for the words of the voice, even with the evidence, at that moment it became difficult for me not to think that it was real, even when you declared that it said pure lies, seeing your desperation, that was not the gesture that would put a real murderer, someone who is willing to kill for real, doesn't hesitate and just does it, even if he says he's sorry, in his face you can see that he doesn't feel guilty』-『It may be true everything we heard from you and the other officers, but we jumped to conclusions, I felt guilty somewhere in me, so now I ask you, do you really swear you didn't kill anyone? 』

The masked adults felt guilty deep down, although in that moment of hatred and indignation, they know that they were influenced by the voice, they doubted it at the beginning, all this can be true? they thought about it, but as the voice was so clear and credible, and also accompanied by evidence such as photos and documents, they only lived the moment and in a chain reaction, if one hates another, another will change, they were manipulated even their emotions, everything started slowly, because as the disease had no effect, they began to analyze the supposed evidence they had in hand, when they analyzed it well, they saw that the photos were edited, as well as the documents, they were edited just like the documents that were not genuinely original, they cannot analyze the audio of the first officer, and when they went to look for all the establishments, they found all the officers one by one, except for the woman, the only female officer, seeing that they were false, they thought that then the accusations were also false, they could be false, they do not know, the doubt of distrust they have. But then, there is still no concrete answer as to why they now help them, just like Ozuru, they felt guilty of their actions and now wanted to help just for the sake of balancing the scales.

『So now they are playing nice because they have done something wrong? You have to be shameless really, I'm getting angry...but...better this way than to be treated badly, and to your answer, no, I didn't kill anyone, everything else is true, I stole many times with my bare hands, I went to a reform school, and when I got out I tried hard to become a policeman because I realized that I want to repair my mistake, just like you, I also want to do good things, in the end we agree a lot』

The conversation became more of a personal issue than anything else, feeling bad after doing something wrong is characteristic of those who did not fall into despair, different sides are able to unite with each other on different occasions, and here that should never have come up. They would trust each other as they had already processed all the chaos and finally talked clearly with each other, different groups of masked people talked to the 3 officers, who upon hearing and being able to converse, would shake hands in symbol that this would not be repeated.

『We are officers, if you still doubt us, let's ask our bosses to show our records, so that you can see for yourselves what we did before, ha! I want to see your faces when you see that we are innocent』.

Back to now, the foreign officer was taking Jiro in his arm, but he kept crying and kicking like never before, where as a measure to make him finally stop, the officer started to cuddle him in his arms while wiggling him from one place to another slowly and softly. Which was enough to make him feel calmer and that he was really well now. But when he arrived at the Big Tree on the second floor, from above the first thing he saw was how all the people started to beat Ozuru and Cliston, this seemed wrong to him, but he could hear how the people, their excuse was that this boy was watching more for his own sake than for the sake of others, that he had no values or respect for other people. Again the foreigner thought that these people if they are really shameless, so he would try to help by wanting to get down as quickly as possible.


He heard how a person was screaming, when the officer turned to look, he saw that it was a girl stained with blood escaping quickly through the different places, is she for real? she has a knife and is stained with blood, so it must be her, many of us get carried away by the first thing we hear and feel, so the officer needed and knew he had to stop this supposed crazy woman, but how will he do it, he has a child in his arms, who Jiro when he saw that Konomi was running, this one quickly got rid of the officer and was running after Konomi, he didn't say anything, he just turned his crying as he went after sister Nanase, for sure he wants her to take care of him or not to go away from her, but Konomi when she saw Jiro, this one quickly took another way to lose him, and among the crowd that was chasing Konomi, Jiro had also joined the crowd.

This escalated so much that when Jiro opened his eyes again, he realized that he was in the middle of the crowd, unprotected by anyone, he could only see how a girl with mask glasses was finishing with all the people, Jiro scared would fall backwards to the ground, he wanted to cry, seeing how that person in a rough way was finishing with all the people, and with thinking that he could be the next one, this again would call who he trusts the most.


Jiro shouted at the top of his lungs, the adults who had cornered the youngsters, were backing away as they saw that this person was finishing them all off, so he quickly felt a shadow again, someone had stepped in front of him, it was a person with a little weight on him, he was only wearing pants and a shirt.

『Don't worry son, daddy already came to your help』.

It was Tomeo who turned to look at his son in tears, when Jiro noticed from the glasses that it was his father, he became very happy that showed it in crying and snot, Tomeo had also been recruited into the people's plan, if there is someone who is doing bad things, then it is his duty to finish him off, His childhood motto would never leave him aside, when he saw that there was a person who was defeating everyone without warning, when he arrived quickly because of his son's cry, the first thing he did was to protect him and end the threat that this person with glasses was making. Let's say that he was very excited, it was the perfect scenario, he appeared when his son called him and now he must finish with who is doing evil.

Yushi was too fast and agile for Tomeo, so hitting different parts of his body was easy, but the only thing that had him confused, was why this guy with glasses did not fall down. The answer was easy, Tomeo would not allow for any reason to stay passed out in front of his son. Right now he must be seeing him as a hero, so he wants to stay that way until the end. Konomi who was watching all this, smiled and warned Cliston that Jiro was safe.

『That's a relief, but I have to bring him with us anyway, where are they?』

Cliston was asking Konomi, who she was pointing her finger at the place of the fight. Cliston could see how these two were having a fight, or rather fight more like an endurance competition, since it was difficult for Tomeo to give a blow to Yushi, Cliston looked with Chinese eyes to observe better, so quickly without hesitation he would run to stop these two, when he arrived in the middle of the fight, he would shout for them to stop at once, which Yushi upon hearing, would quickly stop, where Tomeo would see the opportunity to hit her, and would prepare his blow, but in that Jiro would finally realize who it was, he recognized well the dress of the person who was wearing the glasses.

『Don't hit my girlfriend!!!』

Tomeo at the last moment of almost giving his blow, stopped at the request of his son, he took a good look at the little person in front of him, and doing a little memory, it was Cliston's little sister, he was very surprised and then turned to see Cliston who was annoyed with the look. It was time for the explanations of why they were fighting if they knew each other, then Yushi would simply answer that since his mission was to attack everyone, then he was just doing his job, he could recognize that this big belly was the man he knew before, but seeing that he did not faint he decided to continue insisting. While Tomeo at first could not recognize Yushi, but looking at the clothes this one started to doubt if she was Cliston's sister, and would also confess that he wanted to look good in front of his son.

『You two....well, at least no one got hurt』

『The ones I defeated yes』

『Except for them Yushi』.

Literally both Yushi and Tomeo started fighting because they got caught up in the moment, yeah they look like kids.... At that Jiro was crying, which Tomeo quickly felt, he would quickly give him a hug, where Jiro in tears would repeat many times the word "daddy" where Tomeo would hug his son very affectionately and that he was glad that he was well, even he was crying too, From the second level, the foreign officer could observe how Jiro and Tomeo had finally met again, giving to understand that he would not have to do anything more, the crowd also that at the beginning was attacking the young people, seeing that there is a superior force, they escaped leaving everything free at last. At that time someone tired and worried could be heard running towards Jiro, it was Konomi who was also about to cry.

『At last I find you Jiro-chan! You had me very worried, when we were sheltered in the pharmacy, we were warned that there was a knife madman, so we went out, but in the middle of the crowd I lost Jiro's hand, I was looking for him all the time, even before arriving at the pharmacy, we were attacked by bad people, they wanted to hurt the boy, so I had to make use of my skills to help him, but I am very glad, that you are well, really, really, really, really was very worried about you 』(⋟﹏⋞)

Konomi at the end of all her testimony, although Cliston and Yushi noticed something strange about her, normally she is not like that, is she acting...it seems to me that she is, because talking with that delicate tone, worried and even wanting to cry and being blushing, is not something she would do in a situation like this or any other. Sister Nanase also stopped by to hug Jiro while telling him that she is very happy that he is doing very well. This Tomeo recognized Konomi and was very glad as well.

『Oh! You are the young lady from before, thank you for taking care of my son all this time, I really don't know what I would have done without you, I really care about this a lot, let me repay you somehow』.

『No no no, don't worry, this innocent child's life is not something that can be paid with anything, him being well for me is enough』-『Although...*smile* Receiving an award I think would be nice *tehe*』(ノ≧ڡ≦).

『Now I don't have a gift, but please be content with this, it's not much for helping my son, I promise that if I see you again, I will repay you in a better way』.

Tomeo quickly took out his wallet and gave a large sum of money to Konomi, who was ashamed and even guilty accepted it, it seems that all his performance went as he wanted, Cliston and Yushi did not say anything, either by the threatening look of Konomi or because they are already used to this girl being a freeloader, in that Tomeo bent his forehead to the ground to ask for all the possible thanks, where he also asked Jiro to do the same, but the boy simply did not do it and kept looking at Konomi, who first looked at him realistically, that is, in a cold way, as if telling him not to tell him the truth, but quickly Jiro turned to look at his father and comment that he saved him when some bad guys were going to beat him, and that he liked that last hug very much.

『Seriously? how nice, ahaha I think my son likes you』.

『Well, I don't....』

『Did you say something?』

『Well, anyway it was curious and I hope it's the last time』.

Konomi who was talking with Tomeo, happened to look at Jiro and to give him a simple touch of head with his hand, as thanking him for not having accused him, and the terms because yes, Konomi cared and helped Jiro in various circumstances, so it would be a job well done and even a good pay too, although the only thing Tomeo wondered is why his son is with other different clothes, Konomi would explain that as he peed of fear, he went to change his clothes. When Tomeo heard this, he was even more glad to see that he saw in everything for his son, where the mustached took something out of his pocket, which was a gold nugget that he had found in some of his missions and gave it to Konomi, who she gladly received it, but there was another doubt that the adult had, and it was why Konomi was carrying a knife in his hand and why it was full of blood.

『Ah? this? I took it from a madman who was walking around but I already knocked him down』.

Tomeo stared at Konomi, seeming to doubt more at this answer which was the most genuine and honest. At that the moans of Ozuru, who was with the group of children, were heard again, quickly Cliston would ask for help to treat him, that he is unwell and needs to go to a hospital. But it seems that the situation had not yet calmed down, because when he finished his words, the red dust returned with more force, but this time only to flood the first level, the place where the Great Tree was located. Where again the masked people gathered again, they were not few and they were not so many, but they were different, seeing the posture and not saying anything, made them look strange, they were the special people who had organized all this. Quickly it was heard that someone had pressed a button, and the red beep that was soft and faint, now took a little more strength as well as its glow became stronger.

『Don't tell me...that's a bomb』.

Tomeo already from experience, could recognize the classic sound of a counter, Cliston was also doing memory and the only red light that had not been detonated was the one on the Big Tree, so that was the only one different from the others. The children began to scream for help, seeing the red dust and the masked men again brought them a strong fear, who, being covered by their faces, were going to shoot at the children with their guns. Yushi would quickly go to stop the masked one who managed to do it just in time, deflecting the shot, which were still made of paint.

『I can't see well because of the dust....』

Yushi commented, all the dust concentrated on the place where they were, it was hard for her to spot the masked ones, she can recognize them if they make any noise, but these ones have something characteristic, they don't make any sound when they step or move, you could only recognize them by the shadow reflected to them by the same dust.

『Hey you big belly, is it true you said about a bomb?』

Konomi pointed with her voice to Tomeo, who this scared affirmed that yes, that sound you are hearing now is from a bomb counter, Konomi to this snapped her mouth seeing that this she didn't see it coming, then she quickly came up with an idea, if there really was a bomb, then these people who appeared must be the culprits, they are the only ones who act different from everyone else, Konomi could notice by the shadow that a special people were coming from behind to shoot her closely, where she would quickly feel it and dodge with speed, perceiving it with the little vision they had, she managed to take him by the collar of his clothes and knock him to the ground with a powerful blow, it is better to be safe than sorry, then quickly Konomi would ask him where is the bomb that was planted in the mall, which the special people said nothing and tried to fight, as there is no time to lose, Konomi would use her aura to threaten to kill him, this was enough to scare him and finally tell the truth.

『The bomb is in the subway storage of the Midori no Happa, it's planted right in one of the columns of the Big Tree』-『But even if they know it what are they going to do? are they going to destroy it? they'll just make it explode earlier than planned, you're not going to tell me that you know how to defuse bombs? wua how scary 』.

That's right, even if they know where the bomb is implanted, neither she nor any of them know how to defuse one. In that Tomeo will be given the task of taking over, with his head held high he would say that he does know how to defuse one, he remembers, he still remembers his missions in many cases he had to defuse bombs, he only failed once in all the times he did it, and it was the most painful one for him. Just thinking that he could lose someone else in his family, Tomeo would not allow it. This one would look at his son who wanted to cry because of the fear he had, a special people would come to shoot from close where Tomeo managed to react by putting his arm as a shield to his son, and with a powerful blow he would manage to take one down.

『I'll take care of my son again please, I'll go to defuse the bomb』.

Tomeo was running out of the red dust heading for the warehouse which is on a lower level, he won't let a situation like this now make him lose his son, he could have taken him with him, but if he did, he would have the pressure that his son would see him as a Hero, it would happen again like a while ago or those times, where he gets carried away by his fanaticism and makes mistakes. Better that he stays here with the care of someone who already proved that he can protect him.

『(With this red dust it's hard to see the area and besides I was put in charge of the brat again, what a nuisance)』

Ozuru was opening her eyes in the middle of her pain, she can still feel the symptoms, and the worst thing is that they are going to be worse as time goes by. He realized he was with the children, they were the only ones he could see because they were close, this red dust is so concentrated that you can't get a good look at others from far away. Yushi was fighting against the special people, but they had him at bay with the advantage of them having guns, being able to get shot in these conditions was a difficult task for Yushi. He was looking for the kids, but if he yells and the kids respond, then the other special people will know where they are and go to attack them, it's really hard against these guys who don't make any sound except their guns.

『Listen kids!!! Don't make any noise and try to escape from the dust!!!!! Hey you sick kid!!!! I know what I'm asking you is too much, but if you still have strength please take care of them!!!!』

Yushi shouted giving the order, Cliston was also in the dust looking for the children, where unfortunately he also met the special people who came to attack him without him noticing. Konomi saw that this was dangerous, the dust if that is a problem, the best thing would be if it disappeared, so he decided to go to the control and security area to release with the fans all the dust that was there, he had Jiro by his side, who this did not stop crying and being afraid, just as before he was hugged by Konomi, he thought he could do the same, but Sister Nanase denied him by holding his head so that it would not reach him.

『Hey brat, don't you get tired of being a nuisance to others? At least make yourself useful in your life, I'll go and dust, while you may or may not be the hero you want to be』.

Konomi was leaving the place as fast as possible with an incredible speed, in a few seconds he was already out of the dust towards the control and security area, who Tomeo was left alone, where he could only hear sounds of banging and footsteps, but he was more scared, when he noticed that in his hands he had a knife, Konomi should have given it to him before he left, while remembering the last words he said "you may or may not be the hero" What does this mean? That he has to go and help in all this trouble? but how, he is just a kid, a scared and afraid kid, what can they expect from him, what can he expect from himself. But then Jiro remembered that all this time he was just complaining and crying, always asking for help, he was never the one who was in front saving someone. In tears Jiro would run through the dust in search of who to help.

『They're just paint guns, they won't kill anyone, the dwarf and the frenton are there too, besides Jiro already got shot in the head and nothing happened to him, the knife thing, it was about time he did something right』.

But at that time when Jiro was going deeper into the dust, another special people appeared, they were approaching and going fearlessly into the big red dust. Ozuru had an important task now, he is now the oldest of everyone here, it is his responsibility to have to look out for the good of these children, so he has to do it, even if he doesn't really want to. He must do the right thing, this one would start guiding the children, telling them where they have to go, he has to concentrate on every step and sound he hears, otherwise he might make a bad decision, he first thought of looking up, but no, the red dust also scaled a lot, plus his vision is starting to be blurry.

『(My whole body hurts....I'm getting dizzy...I feel like I can't give any more....my body....is suffering that I can't even think....and I'm asked to take care of these children...for me I don't care about them...but....) This way kids, it's safe, walking 』

It's his duty as a good citizen, at that he felt like coughing, but if he did it would make noise and everyone would know where he was, he was complaining about the pain a while ago too, but he has to resist if he doesn't want to attract attention, so without sound this one would cough with effort, looking at his hand, there was more amount of blood, just like his body would turn from pale to yellow little by little, he was trembling, he was afraid, his eye also turned yellow orange, he felt his body twisting, he couldn't take this anymore, just like he was accompanied by all possible hallucinations, his mind made him see things that he never thought to see, for him everything was already threatening.

『(This place is dangerous....I have to help these kids from all the bad guys...what a nuisance....I'm dying and they ask me to help them.... shitty monsters...I won't give them what they want, neither them nor my life, I'm fine, I can handle it all)』

He began to hear whispers in his head, that guided him to where he had to go, he was already lost more and more, he was going according to where the voices guided him, to him it seemed fine, but this would stop when he heard that some footsteps were heard, Ozuru saw something, worse than a monster, worse than a ghost, worse than a shadow being, it was something terrifying, his body began to be cold, what was he seeing for him to have a face that saw the worst in the world, he was getting traumatized product of his same head.

『Another child?』

A boy in the group whispered, noticing that the person who approached was Jiro, this was with the knife in front walking slowly, he was also afraid, he wanted to cry, but above all he wanted to help who needs it, especially who is having a hard time, seeing Ozuru's face that they met face to face, he asked him the following.

『Are you sick?』

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This wreaked havoc on Ozuru's head like never before, everything started to spin and an immense dizziness, what will he be seeing, what must have been, Ozuru started vomiting out of nowhere on the floor, Jiro stepped aside along with the other kids because of what they were seeing. Ozuru was vomiting medicines and pills that his stomach could not digest, just like this he started to bleed from his nose, he could not stand what he was living, the voices, the visions, he does not know if this is reality or not. SLASH....You could hear something sharp approaching, these special people were not like the others, you could clearly hear their footsteps, it was from these same people...he was walking with total tranquility after being treated earlier.

『It smells like blood....ah...it's like seeing the path clear....』

It was Manzo who had entered the dust, this was also found by the people, seeing him so badly wounded and in a deplorable state, they did not hesitate to treat him like the other people who were attacked, they thought he was just another victim, not knowing that this was the real Knife Madman, When Manzo regained consciousness, he noticed that he was in a pharmacy, with bandages and with little strength from the nothing he had, he stood up when he saw that there was no one, since all or most of the people had gone to the Big Tree, no matter in what circumstance he was, he had only one objective. He took a sharp piece of broken glass and stepped into the dust.

『No matter how, but today I will make gastronomic history, my unique dish, my unique seasoning....delete everyone...』-『Please....be the one to accompany me to realize this accomplishment!!!!!』

Manzo managed to go with Ozuru and the children thanks to the smell of blood he could sense it, first he was going to attack Ozuru, but he stopped when he looked that he was very weak, vomiting and in a non-quality state. He turned his gaze on the children, who his quality was fresh and with a smile this one would approach with his glass weapon, the children did not know what to do, they were afraid, but to go running from here to there, they do not know which is worse, besides that the fear did not let them move, for all, including for Jiro, who watched everything.

『(A villain.... what should I do...I must stop him...but I'm afraid.... if I do something to him and then he goes after me?.... what will I do then...what do I do...what do I do.... what do I do...ahh...ahh.... I have to be a hero...I have to attack him...surely that's why the helmet girl gave me the knife....but....what should I do....father....brother....what a hero should do...)』

Jiro was lost, his hand was shaking, he wanted to ask for help, but no one could, Ozuru was bleeding and vomiting hopelessly, his condition is delicate, the children are afraid, the villain turned his back on him, it's the only chance he has to do something, he remembered again that he was useless all his life and kept complaining about everything, if it's not now his time to change, then it will never be, in tears, Jiro would take the knife with both hands and rush to stab Manzo.


Shortly before stabbing him, Manzo turned around and with just the crazy look he has, it was enough to stop Jiro, who between snot and succumbed to fear, could not do anything against the villain. Manzo without thinking would turn around and prepare to stab Jiro's head. SLASH!!!PAM!!!! There was a clash of sharp objects!!!!! Ozuru was aware of what was happening, they were going to stab, they were going to kill a child, so he had no choice but to be the good and responsible one, seeing that Jiro failed to stab him, he would quickly take the knife off and using it as a shield clashing with the sharp glass. He managed to stop the attack, but he was so weak, that he dropped the knife at the slightest second, the last thing Ozuru would see, was a madman with a gesture of extreme relaxation about to stab the glass in his head. SLASH!!!!!!! You could see and hear the blood gushing out, Manzo was breathing in excitement as he commented that he finally has it in his hands, while Ozuru, confused by what just happened.

『I told you it would make me responsible....ah...it does hurt a lot...』

It was Cliston who appeared at the last moment and used his arm as a shield to prevent his friend from being dead, but the only bad thing about it is, he defended him with his recovering arm, which his next reaction was.

『Want..... WANT TO LEAVE MY ARM ALONE!!!!!!!!』

He hit a scream so loud that he left everyone with him surprised and confused, the blood was still dripping who the madman with his other free hand took it and drank it without further ado, he was tasting it, yes, with this blood is with which he will achieve the unique dish he wants so much.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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